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The results show clearly an inverse proportional relationship between the MTU size and the amount of the consumed energy. The results are promising and can be merged with the existing work to get the optimal solution to reduce the energy consumption in IoT and wireless networks.Digital fraud has immensely affected ordinary consumers and the finance industry. Our dependence on internet banking has made digital fraud a substantial problem. Financial institutions across the globe are trying to improve their digital fraud detection and deterrence capabilities. Fraud detection is a reactive process, and it usually incurs a cost to save the system from an ongoing malicious activity. Fraud deterrence is the capability of a system to withstand any fraudulent attempts. Fraud deterrence is a challenging task and researchers across the globe are proposing new solutions to improve deterrence capabilities. In this work, we focus on the very important problem of fraud deterrence. Our proposed work uses an Intimation Rule Based (IRB) alert generation algorithm. These IRB alerts are classified based on severity levels. Our proposed solution uses a richer domain knowledge base and rule-based reasoning. In this work, we propose an ontology-based financial fraud detection and deterrence model.

Preferences for music can be represented through music features. The widespread prevalence of music streaming has allowed for music feature information to be consolidated by service providers like Spotify. In this paper, we demonstrate that machine learning classification on cultural market membership (Taiwanese, Japanese, American) by music features reveals variations in popular music across these markets.

We present an exploratory analysis of 1.08 million songs centred on Taiwanese, Japanese and American markets. We use both multiclass classification models (Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)), and binary classification models, and interpret their results using variable importance measures and Partial Dependence Plots. To ensure the reliability of our interpretations, we conducted a follow-up study comparing Top-50 playlists from Taiwan, Japan, and the US on identified variables of importance.

The multiclass models achieved moderate classification accuracy (GBDT = 0 different. While this paper is limited to Spotify data, it underscores the potential contribution of machine learning in exploratory approaches to research on cultural differences.Seed purity directly affects the quality of seed breeding and subsequent processing products. Seed sorting based on machine vision provides an effective solution to this problem. The deep learning technology, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have exhibited impressive performance in image recognition and classification, and have been proven applicable in seed sorting. However the huge computational complexity and massive storage requirements make it a great challenge to deploy them in real-time applications, especially on devices with limited resources. In this study, a rapid and highly efficient lightweight CNN based on visual attention, namely SeedSortNet, is proposed for seed sorting. First, a dual-branch lightweight feature extraction module Shield-block is elaborately designed by performing identity mapping, spatial transformation at higher dimensions and different receptive field modeling, and thus it can alleviate information loss and effectively characterize the multi-scale feature while utilizing fewer parameters and lower computational complexity. In the down-sampling layer, the traditional MaxPool is replaced as MaxBlurPool to improve the shift-invariant of the network. Also, an extremely lightweight sub-feature space attention module (SFSAM) is presented to selectively emphasize fine-grained features and suppress the interference of complex backgrounds. Experimental results show that SeedSortNet achieves the accuracy rates of 97.33% and 99.56% on the maize seed dataset and sunflower seed dataset, respectively, and outperforms the mainstream lightweight networks (MobileNetv2, ShuffleNetv2, etc.) at similar computational costs, with only 0.400M parameters (vs. 4.06M, 5.40M).Database systems play a central role in modern data-centered applications. Their performance is thus a key factor in the efficiency of data processing pipelines. Modern database systems expose several parameters that users and database administrators can configure to tailor the database settings to the specific application considered. Panobinostat price While this task has traditionally been performed manually, in the last years several methods have been proposed to automatically find the best parameter configuration for a database. Many of these methods, however, use statistical models that require high amounts of data and fail to represent all the factors that impact the performance of a database, or implement complex algorithmic solutions. In this work we study the potential of a simple model-free general-purpose configuration tool to automatically find the best parameter configuration of a database. We use the irace configurator to automatically find the best parameter configuration for the Cassandra NoSQL database using the YCBS benchmark under different scenarios. We establish a reliable experimental setup and obtain speedups of up to 30% over the default configuration in terms of throughput, and we provide an analysis of the configurations obtained.Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Coronavirus-2 or SARS-CoV-2), which came into existence in 2019, is a viral pandemic that caused coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) illnesses and death. Research showed that relentless efforts had been made to improve key performance indicators for detection, isolation, and early treatment. This paper used Deep Transfer Learning Model (DTL) for the classification of a real-life COVID-19 dataset of chest X-ray images in both binary (COVID-19 or Normal) and three-class (COVID-19, Viral-Pneumonia or Normal) classification scenarios. Four experiments were performed where fine-tuned VGG-16 and VGG-19 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with DTL were trained on both binary and three-class datasets that contain X-ray images. The system was trained with an X-ray image dataset for the detection of COVID-19. The fine-tuned VGG-16 and VGG-19 DTL were modelled by employing a batch size of 10 in 40 epochs, Adam optimizer for weight updates, and categorical cross-entrthe VGG-19 DTL model. This result is in agreement with the trend observed in the MCC metric. Hence, it was discovered that the VGG-16 based DTL model classified COVID-19 better than the VGG-19 based DTL model. Using the best performing fine-tuned VGG-16 DTL model, tests were carried out on 470 unlabeled image dataset, which was not used in the model training and validation processes. The test accuracy obtained for the model was 98%. The proposed models provided accurate diagnostics for both the binary and multiclass classifications, outperforming other existing models in the literature in terms of accuracy, as shown in this work.This study determines one of the most relevant quality factors of apps for people with disabilities utilizing the abductive approach to the generation of an explanatory theory. First, the abductive approach was concerned with the results' description, established by the apps' quality assessment, using the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) tool. However, because of the restrictions of MARS outputs, the identification of critical quality factors could not be established, requiring the search for an answer for a new rule. Finally, the explanation of the case (the last component of the abductive approach) to test the rule's new hypothesis. This problem was solved by applying a new quantitative model, compounding data mining techniques, which identified MARS' most relevant quality items. Hence, this research defines a much-needed theoretical and practical tool for academics and also practitioners. Academics can experiment utilizing the abduction reasoning procedure as an alternative to achieve positivism in research. This study is a first attempt to improve the MARS tool, aiming to provide specialists relevant data, reducing noise effects, accomplishing better predictive results to enhance their investigations. Furthermore, it offers a concise quality assessment of disability-related apps.Question classification is one of the essential tasks for automatic question answering implementation in natural language processing (NLP). Recently, there have been several text-mining issues such as text classification, document categorization, web mining, sentiment analysis, and spam filtering that have been successfully achieved by deep learning approaches. In this study, we illustrated and investigated our work on certain deep learning approaches for question classification tasks in an extremely inflected Turkish language. In this study, we trained and tested the deep learning architectures on the questions dataset in Turkish. In addition to this, we used three main deep learning approaches (Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)) and we also applied two different deep learning combinations of CNN-GRU and CNN-LSTM architectures. Furthermore, we applied the Word2vec technique with both skip-gram and CBOW methods for word embedding with various vector sizes on a large corpus composed of user questions. By comparing analysis, we conducted an experiment on deep learning architectures based on test and 10-cross fold validation accuracy. Experiment results were obtained to illustrate the effectiveness of various Word2vec techniques that have a considerable impact on the accuracy rate using different deep learning approaches. We attained an accuracy of 93.7% by using these techniques on the question dataset.Patient engagement is a comprehensive approach to health care where the physician inspires confidence in the patient to be involved in their own care. Most research studies of patient engagement in total joint arthroplasty (TJA) have come in the past 5 years (2015-2020), with no reviews investigating the different patient engagement methods in TJA. The primary purpose of this review is to examine patient engagement methods in TJA. The search identified 31 studies aimed at patient engagement methods in TJA. Based on our review, the conclusions therein strongly suggest that patient engagement methods in TJA demonstrate benefits throughout care delivery through tools focused on promoting involvement in decision making and accessible care delivery (eg, virtual rehabilitation, remote monitoring). Future work should understand the influence of social determinants on patient involvement in care, and overall cost (or savings) of engagement methods to patients and society.The coronavirus disease-19 pandemic changed rheumatology practice with remote consultations being increasingly utilized where appropriate. We evaluated patient experiences with telephone consultations and report on patient attitudes toward current health care delivery and perspectives of telemedicine in a UK National Health Service rheumatology outpatient department. We analyzed 297 questionnaires from a postal survey conducted during the summer of 2020 after a telephone follow-up consultation. The mean age of respondents was 67 years and 68% were female. The 161 respondents (54%) reported it was their first telephone consultation and overall, 239 (84%) were satisfied with their health assessment. 60% would be happy to have future routine follow-up telephone consultations. Patients advised to shield shared similar satisfaction to the whole sample. However, with increasing age we identified a higher proportion were dissatisfied with telephone consultations and unlikely to have accessibility to video consultation or preferentially opt for this modality.

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