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rategies and better assist surgeons in training.The adaptive evolution and coevolution of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL) gene in the genus Hildenbrandia were studied based on phylogenetic tree construction and the physicochemical properties and the secondary structures of protein encoded by rbcL (Rubisco large subunit) were analyzed. The amino acids compositions and grand average of hydropathicity of freshwater H. rivularis and marine H. rubra were similar. Rubisco large subunit of Hildenbrandia was hydrophilic and the secondary structure was primarily composed of α-helixes and β-sheets, revealing the relatively stable structure of this protein. The predicted phosphorylation sites in H. rivularis and H. rubra were 33 and 36, respectively. No positive selection sites were detected in the genus Hildenbrandia, implying that rbcL gene evolved either neutrally or under purifying selection. A total of 41 coevolutionary groups were detected in the Rubisco large subunit of Hildenbrandia and the coevolving sites are in closer proximity in 3-dimensional structure of the protein. Despite the long evolutionary history, rbcL gene in genus Hildenbrandia under different environments is rather conservative.Many authors are unsure of whether to present the mean along with the standard deviation (SD) or along with the standard error of the mean (SEM). The SD is a descriptive statistic that estimates the scatter of values around the sample mean; hence, the SD describes the sample. Suzetrigine research buy In contrast, the SEM is an estimate of how close the sample mean is to the population mean; it is an intermediate term in the calculation of the 95% confidence interval around the mean, and (where applicable) statistical significance; the SEM does not describe the sample. Therefore, the mean should always be accompanied by the SD when describing the sample. There are many reasons why the SEM continues to be reported, and it is argued that none of these is justifiable. In fact, presentation of SEMs may mislead readers into believing that the sample data are more precise than they actually are. Given that the standard error is not presented for other parameters, such as difference between means or proportions, and difference between proportions, it is suggested that presentation of SEM values can be done away with, altogether.

Frontline healthcare workers (FHCWs) are at an increased risk of contracting COVID-19. We aimed to assess the stress and psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among FHCWs.

This was an exploratory hospital-based study. A semistructured e-questionnaire was developed and shared through emails, WhatsApp groups, Facebook, and Twitter. The study instruments used were stress questionnaire and the impact of event scale-revised.

We received 133 valid responses. A total of 81 (61.4%) of the respondents were single, 74 (55.6) were male, 70 (52.6%) were between 20 and 29 years of age, and 91 (68.4%) were from urban background. A total of 83 (62.4%) of respondents were doctors and 28 (21.1%) were registered nurses. A total of 36 (27.1%) were posted in emergency and 34 (25.6%) were in the in-patient department. Feeling sad and pessimistic, feeling of being avoided by others, the burden of change in the quality of work, and worrying whether the family will be cared for in their absence were significantly more in nurses as compared to the doctors. Stress due to burden in an increase in the quantity of work was seen more in FHCWs working in the swab collection center as compared to those working in the in-patient department, emergency, or theaters. Severe psychological impact was seen in 81 (60.9%) of FHCWs. The psychological impact was significantly more in males and in those who were married. It was also significantly related to the place of posting.

More than half of the FHCWs had a severe psychological impact owing to COVID-19. The psychological impact was more in males and those who were married, and it was related to the place of posting of the FHCWs. Nurses had significantly higher stress as compared to doctors.

More than half of the FHCWs had a severe psychological impact owing to COVID-19. The psychological impact was more in males and those who were married, and it was related to the place of posting of the FHCWs. Nurses had significantly higher stress as compared to doctors.

Tobacco use contributes to almost 40% of the cancers in India. Considering the potential threat, many preventive measures have been instigated in the country. However, tobacco cessation for hospitalized cancer patients is an unexplored territory in India. This study aims to understand the quit status and to explore the reasons to quit or continue the use of tobacco after the diagnosis of head and neck cancer (HNC).

HNC patients admitted between February and April 2016 were assessed for their tobacco use status. A DT was used to assess the psychological distress. Users were assessed for their readiness to quit and dependence on tobacco. An in-depth interview was conducted among 25 patients (seven current users and 18 recent quitters), and themes that emerged were discussed.

Of the 119 HNC patients, 71 were tobacco users and 48 had quit tobacco after the diagnosis. The reasons to quit were the perceived benefits of quitting, advice from the physicians, and awareness about cancer and its association with tobacco. In contrast, the reasons to continue the use of tobacco were attributed to coping mechanisms, nihilistic perception about the outcome of the cancer, and a lack of understanding about cancer and its association with tobacco.

The recent quitters comprehended the benefits of quitting and were able to prioritize their needs after the diagnosis. However, one-third of the HNC patients continued to use tobacco even after the diagnosis of cancer. Hence, tobacco cessation services need to be integrated into oncology services for achieving better treatment outcomes.

The recent quitters comprehended the benefits of quitting and were able to prioritize their needs after the diagnosis. However, one-third of the HNC patients continued to use tobacco even after the diagnosis of cancer. Hence, tobacco cessation services need to be integrated into oncology services for achieving better treatment outcomes.

Autoři článku: Purcellulrich8397 (Wagner Joyce)