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Chemiluminescence (CL) utilizing four-membered cyclic peroxides is one of the most useful analytical techniques. Up to now, the CL mechanisms for nonketone (1,2-dioxetanes) and monoketone (1,2-dioxetanones) derivatives of four-membered cyclic peroxides have been intensively studied experimentally and theoretically in the past several decades, but no general mechanism has been concluded to rationalize the origin of high-efficiency singlet chemiexcitation. In contrast, as the only diketone derivative of four-membered cyclic peroxide, the electron-transfer (ET)-catalyzed CL of 1,2-dioxetanedione (DDO), which is most suggested as a critical step in the well-known peroxyoxalate CL (POCL), has never been theoretically investigated and uncovered yet. In this work, we theoretically investigated the rubrene-catalyzed decomposition of DDO for the first time, with a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical model and nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulation. The computation shows a stepwise ET-catalyzed decomposition and three S0/S1 conical intersection (CI)-controlled singlet chemiexcitation. The three universal S0/S1 CIs play different roles in the high-efficiency singlet chemiexcitation in ET-catalyzed CL of DDO and should be the true origin of the high-efficiency singlet CL. We believe that the current work could not only provide a further understanding for high-efficiency singlet CL but also provide some general clues to designed new high-efficient CL systems.Low-cost transition-metal oxide is regarded as a promising electrocatalyst family for an oxygen evolution reaction (OER). The classic design principle for an oxide electrocatalyst believes that point defect engineering, such as oxygen vacancies (VO..) or heteroatom doping, offers the opportunities to manipulate the electronic structure of material toward optimal OER activity. Oppositely, in this work, we discover a counterintuitive phenomenon that both VO.. and an aliovalent dopant (i.e., proton (H+)) in perovskite nickelate (i.e., NdNiO3 (NNO)) have a considerably detrimental effect on intrinsic OER performance. Detailed characterizations unveil that the introduction of these point defects leads to a decrease in the oxidative state of Ni and weakens Ni-O orbital hybridization, which triggers the local electron-electron correlation and a more insulating state. Evidenced by first-principles calculation using the density functional theory (DFT) method, the OER on nickelate electrocatalysts follows the lattice oxygen mechanism (LOM). The incorporation of point defect increases the energy barrier of transformation from OO*(VO) to OH*(VO) intermediates, which is regarded as the rate-determining step (RDS). This work offers a new and significant perspective of the role that lattice defects play in the OER process.Lithium dendrite-free deposition is crucial to stabilizing lithium batteries, where the three-dimensional (3D) metal oxide nanoarrays demonstrate an impressive capability to suppress dendrite due to the spatial effect. Herein, we introduce a new insight into the ameliorated lithium plating process on 3D nanoarrays. As a paradigm, novel 3D Cu2O and Cu nanorod arrays were in situ designed on copper foil. We find that the dendrite and electrolyte decomposition can be mitigated effectively by Cu2O nanoarrays, while the battery failed fast when the Cu nanoarrays were used. We show that Li2O (i.e., formed in the lithiation of Cu2O) is critical to stabilizing the electrolyte; otherwise, the electrolyte would be decomposed seriously. Our viewpoint is further proved when we revisit the metal (oxide) nanoarrays reported before. Thus, we discovered the importance of electrolyte stability as a precondition for nanoarrays to suppress dendrite and/or achieve a reversible lithium plating/stripping for high-performance lithium batteries.There are different indications for the placement of a pleural drainage. It is indicated in a massive pneumothorax or a pleural effusion, and a tunnelled indwelling pleural catheter is put in place. As in any procedure, complications may occur. A broken catheter is a rare one, and when it occurs, it has to be removed by thoracoscopic surgery. This article describes the first case of a removal of a fractured pleural catheter in a preterm newborn with a bilateral pneumothorax using interventional radiology. We propose an alternative way less invasive that could enable a shorter recovery time with fewer complications.

The association between coeliac disease (CD) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is still uncertain. The aim of this study was to characterize the coexistence of these two diseases in Italian children.

This is a multicenter retrospective study investigating the occurrence of CD in 28 children with ITP diagnosed from January 1th 2000 to December 31th 2019.

The first diagnosis was ITP in 57.1% and CD in 32.1% of patients. In 3 patients (10.7%) the two diagnosis were simultaneous. Selleck Enfortumab vedotin-ejfv All the potential and silent CDs in our cohort were diagnosed in the groups of


. In all children ITP was mild and in 2 out of 8 not recovered from ITP at the time of CD diagnosis a normalization of platelet counts (> 100,000/mmc) occurred after 3 and 5 months from starting gluten free diet.

We think that screening for celiac disease should be considered in children with ITP, regardless the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Furthermore some patients could recover from ITP after starting gluten-free diet.

We think that screening for celiac disease should be considered in children with ITP, regardless the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms. Furthermore some patients could recover from ITP after starting gluten-free diet.Clinical practice, generally identified as a medical activity, is also a feature of other professions. Anecdotal evidence generally shows that nurses, but also the people they work with and the recipients of care, do not identify their “bedside” activity as “clinical practice.” However, from the initial training stage onward, teaching and learning center on providing people with care. Professional practices focus essentially on clinical activity with the acquisition and mobilization of knowledge produced by various disciplines, including nursing.Clinical practice can be approached in various ways depending on the field of study and/or the objectives pursued. To better understand nursing clinical practice, considered as a whole, we focus in particular on its purpose, language, phases, and the substance of each stage.Clarification of nursing clinical practice is of value both epistemologically and in relation to social utility  this latter by making it possible to standardize the modalities of exposure to nursing care situations, making visible the activities of care conception and practice by nurses.This article aims to lay the foundations for reflecting on a vast and complex field. Clarifying nursing clinical practice and considering it in its entirety constitutes a change of perspective. It allows us to see it as a whole and in its constituent parts, to situate each element according to its purpose and function, to carry out critical analyses, and to contribute to the development of knowledge. Understanding of nursing clinical practice and its related issues, notably in terms of structure and language, has begun to emerge, but also poses a challenge for nursing.Among the different forms of knowledge, experiential knowledge is widely used in certain activities in the field of health. Most often connected to patients, it is also discussed in relation to health professionals, but less frequently. This article offers some points of reference and clarifies what underlies experiential knowledge. These points of reference are based on definitions of experience and knowledge, as well as work on the type of knowledge created by experience. An exploration of the contexts in which “experiential knowledge” has emerged and the focus of the disciplines that discuss it finds few epistemological connections between knowledge and experience. In the humanities and social sciences, experiential knowledge is most often connected to patients or adults in educational situations. With regard to nursing knowledge, the analysis of Carper and Lechasseur’s work on the nature of nursing knowledge reveals how the characteristics of experience are integrated into their typologies, particularly when it comes to artistic and personal knowledge. The explicit absence of experience in these typologies is then questioned with regard to the scientific imperatives that nursing science, at this particular period in its construction, is determined to promote.The contemporary challenge in the field of health is undeniably that of devising a way to integrate humans and the environment that is beneficial to health. This article presents the universal cosmic imperative (UCI) philosophical perspective and the notion of the cosmic imperative that leads human beings to be creative in their relationship to nature. It begins by consolidating the exegesis of the internal evolution of Roy’s theory and identifying its influences. The epistemological and philosophical postulates upon which Roy’s theory was built are specified, and then the evolution of Roy’s thought is described in three main phases. The article then moves on to describe and explain the epistemological openings that Roy’s theory allows from the point of view of current health issues, especially environmental medicine, in a macro-meso-micro perspective of global health. Roy’s thinking is part of the question of the current turning point in the discipline of nursing (cure-care-healing) and the definition of its focus. Roy’s theory resists current theoretical developments, which it allows us to describe and question in a pattern that is fruitful for researchers.This article presents Reed’s perspective on the development of nursing knowledge. Her concept is embedded in the perspective of intermodernism. For Reed, intermodernism is a philosophy for nursing science and practice and thus represents a way of looking at the content, structure, and process of scientific theory. Reed presents her concept in the form of a spiral path composed of the philosophical, practical, and theoretical dimensions of nursing knowledge. After an overview of Reed’s perspective, we offer an illustration of her proposal with Lawler’s theoretical development of somology. Lawler’s development pathway can be used to incorporate the components of Reed’s spiral path in a meaningful way. The discussion shows how Reed’s concept can improve the description and understanding of a nursing knowledge development process. Finally, the article provides a rare summary of Reed’s work in French.Every academic discipline nurturing its own science draws on the development and dissemination of a knowledge. In pursuit of this project, the nursing discipline has proposed various conceptualizations of knowledge. The one developed by Chinn and Kramer, following Carper’s work, is without doubt the most prominent and most often borrowed concept in discussing the epistemological foundations of the discipline. This thoughtful article proposes an in-depth critical analysis of this theoretical development by focusing on “personal” and “esthetic” knowledge. As part of the analysis, the author scrutinizes the inherent logics that support these patterns of knowing. Finally, the author highlights some overinterpretations and discrepancies with regard to nursing practice.

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