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When diagnosed late, cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy can cause a significant hemorrhage from rupture. Early radiologic diagnosis does not only indicate minimally invasive surgery as a treatment option but also assists with related surgical planning. This video demonstrates a stepwise approach to the robotic assisted excision of CSP with metroplasty. With these 4 simple steps, surgical procedure can be safe and efficient.

When diagnosed late, cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy can cause a significant hemorrhage from rupture. Early radiologic diagnosis does not only indicate minimally invasive surgery as a treatment option but also assists with related surgical planning. This video demonstrates a stepwise approach to the robotic assisted excision of CSP with metroplasty. With these 4 simple steps, surgical procedure can be safe and efficient.The eyelids are a delicate and complex dynamic structure with primary function to protect the eye surface. The term «meibomian gland dysfunction» (MGD) first appeared in the mid-1980s. This lesion is known to result in a disturbance of the tear film, eye irritation symptoms, clinically significant inflammation and diseases of the eye surface. The progression of MGD leads to hyperosmolarity of the tear film, its instability, an increase in the bacterial load of the eyelid margin, blepharitis and generalized inflammation of the ocular surface. For patients who require surgical treatment, a healthy eyelid is very important. Despite postoperative functional recovery, most of these patients experience dry eye syndrome (DES), which can lead to symptoms of eye irritation and deterioration of visual acuity due to instability of the tear film. In the early stages of MGD, it is advisable to begin treatment with a conversation about correct frequent blinking, rest during visual activity, adequate water intake, and a specific diet. Later, patients are advised to use an ultrasonic air humidifier, warm dry compresses, practice proper eyelid hygiene and perform massages, apply preservative-free lubricants, azithromycin, omega-3 preparations, and undergo local anti-inflammatory therapy. In case of a tick-borne infestation, the International Expert Group recommends the use of scrubs with 50% tea tree oil for treating the eyelids. In order to achieve a long-term effect or permanent remission, it is necessary to practice daily eyelid hygiene with the help of gels, special napkins and shampoos over a long period of time. Correctly selected medical treatment in accordance with the stage of the disease supplemented with massages and warm dry compresses lead to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients with MGD and DES. The simplicity of eyelid hygiene is currently ensured by the availability of tools specially designed for the safe treatment of its edges, which have a complex histological and anatomical structure.Diabetic retinopathy (DR) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) comprise a significant socio-medical problem for Russia. The article presents an analysis aimed at identifying the prerequisites for further research on the socio-economic consequences of retinal pathology. Studying the epidemiological aspects of DR and AMD, as well as the conditions for receiving medical aid helped define the main approaches to assessing the economic burden of retinal diseases in Russia. It also revealed the problems associated with completeness of registration and accounting of patients, the disparity between the volume of medical aid required and funding, and between the required and provided assistance for patients with these pathologies in clinical practice. Analysis of the disease cost will allow not only to determine the socio-economic consequences of retinal diseases, but also to find further directions for improving the quality of medical care for patients with DR and AMD in order to reduce its economic cost for the state and society. Evidently, there is a need for comprehensive assessment of the total burden of retinal diseases in Russia that would serve as a basis for subsequent assessment of the economic effectiveness of prevention and treatment measures.The article presents an analysis of publications in main Russian and foreign journals devoted to the use of optical coherence tomography in intravital visualization of the structures of the eye for diagnosis, assessment of the changes during relapses, recovery and remission stages, as well as the effectiveness of treatment for uveitis of different localization. It describes in detail the results of studies conducted using spectral optical coherence tomography, changes in the anterior chamber and cornea in uveitis of the anterior localization, morphological changes in the vitreous body, vitreomacular interface, retina, choroid and optic disc in the anterior and posterior localization of inflammation, and presents the features of OCT diagnosis in a number of nosological forms of uveitis based on the literature data.Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant public health problem with a high risk of developing age-dependent eye diseases. Renal glomeruli and the choroid have similar structures and vascular networks; the internal hematoretinal barrier and the glomerular filtration barrier have similar developmental path; the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormonal system is found in both the eye and the kidneys. All this determines the similarity of physiological and pathogenetic features of the development of diseases associated with these organs. The article discusses general risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms of development of retinal and renal lesions in CKD, the influence of various factors of pathogenesis on their development and progression. The anatomical similarity of vascularization, accompanied by microvascular changes in the retina and kidneys, leads to similar complications in both organs. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) are accurate, well reproducible and non-invasive methods for diagnosing and assessing changes in the retinal microvascular bed, which make it possible to assess microvasculature changes in the kidneys. In CKD, the retina shows signs of impaired capillary perfusion, a decrease in their density, expansion of intercapillary spaces, a rarefaction of the density of the parafoveolar capillary network, which may indicate a decrease in peritubular capillary blood flow, blood circulation of the kidneys in general and their ischemia. Significant thinning of the retina and choroid, along with a decrease in macular volume, even in the initial stages of CKD, is accompanied by impaired renal function (changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion), which is a sign of systemic microvascular lesion and pathological process in the kidneys. Therefore, monitoring of retinal vessels using OCT and OCT-A can become a reliable indicator of the progression of renal microvascular changes at any stage of the disease.Floppy eyelid syndrome is rarely diagnosed nowadays. Most patients remain without the correct diagnosis for a long time, which means they do not receive adequate treatment. This syndrome is known to be accompanied by many concomitant clinical manifestations complicating the diagnostic search. It should be included in the diagnostic search algorithm in patients with chronic conjunctivitis, abnormal eyelid position, point keratopathy. This review presents the modern understanding of characteristic clinical features, associated conditions, as well as information about the pathogenesis of this syndrome.In recent years, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to medicinal products as possible risk factors in the development of eye diseases. The frequency of diagnosed drug-induced uveitis is growing yearly, which can be attributed to the appearance of new drugs - biological agents (immune checkpoint inhibitors, BRAF and MEK inhibitors, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors, tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors), as well as systemic bisphosphonates and some antiviral drugs. The time interval between the beginning of the drug use and the appearance of uveitis symptoms varies from several days to months. Common symptoms include eye pain, photophobia, the appearance of floating opacities, and reduced vision associated with active inflammatory changes in the retina and optic nerve and outcomes of those inflammations. Timely diagnosis, cancellation of the drug that caused uveitis and appointment of adequate anti-inflammatory therapy in most cases effectively stops the symptoms of the disease, which determines the relevance of attention to the prevalence, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of drug-induced uveitis.The problem associated with the prevalence of retinal diseases, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in particular, is undoubtedly relevant. This aspect is based on steadily growing statistics on morbidity, a high number of randomized controlled trials (RCT) and published real world data (RWD). The analysis of RCT results being published by researchers on 15.05.19 showed 2915 studies were registered on the subject of retinal diseases; that exceeds the number of studies on glaucoma by approximately 1.38 times (2118 studies) and conjunctival lesions by 2.37 times (1230 studies). AMD is one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss and blindness; its neovascular form leads to blindness in 80-90% of all cases. Even though the topic of nAMD therapy is widely highlighted in modern ophthalmology, today there are many aspects that require targeted solutions. The main controversial issues that determine the complexity of therapy and patient management include discrepancies in determination of reference points (disease activity criteria) for implementation of anti-VEGF dosing regimens, patients' compliance, prioritization issues in treatment, its continuity with potential for the increase of intervals between injections and monitoring visits.Persistent corneal graft erosion or persistent epithelial corneal defect is a frequent complication of penetrating keratoplasty. BMS-935177 Its development can be contributed by the dry eye syndrome, rare blinking, lagophthalmos, symblepharon, viral infection, autoimmune aggression, and the use of epithelial-toxic eye drops. The article presents three clinical observations of patients who developed persistent corneal graft erosion after penetrating keratoplasty. Due to the ineffectiveness of local conservative therapy for more than 3 weeks, anterior stromal corneal micropuncture was performed. After the procedure, there was a gradual epithelial proliferation, complete healing of the corneal surface was observed 10-16 days after the manipulation, the follow-up period was at least 1 year. The mechanism of action of stromal micropuncture is associated with the creation of a porous surface with better adhesion properties, as well as with the activation of the production of extracellular matrix glycoproteins such as fibronectin, type IV collagen and laminin, which are necessary for stable adhesion of the epithelium. The use of stromal micropuncture of the donor flap in the treatment of post-keratoplasty persistent corneal epithelial defect was proposed for the first time.

Autoři článku: Pritchardleon9465 (Carrillo Hvass)