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Mucormycosis is a fungal infection commonly seen in Indian population, in which aggressive surgical intervention to cut away the infected tissue becomes necessary. This may cause disfigurement and leave open wounds which requires prosthetic replacement for psychological benefit and also protect the inner soft tissues of the patient which are exposed to the foreign bodies. Mucormycosis has shown a sudden surge in recent times associated with patients affected by Covid-19. It is a rare but serious complication which can cause loss of eye, nose and associated structures leaving the patient disfigured. The aim of this case report is to describe an economic but effective nonsurgical treatment option to restore the facial defect using acrylic resin baseplate to enhance retention by using the available undercuts and was packed using silicone material. The prosthesis was retained mechanically and omitted the use of any retentive aids such as the use of spectacles or implants.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can result in clinically significant multi-system disease including involvement in the kidney. The underlying histopathological processes were unknown at the start of the pandemic. As case reports and series have been published describing the underlying renal histopathology from kidney biopsies, we have started to gain an insight into the renal manifestations of this novel disease.

To provide an overview of the current literature on the renal histopathological features and mechanistic insights described in association with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection.

A systematic review was performed by conducting a literature search in the following websites-'PubMed', 'Web of Science', 'Embase' and 'Medline-ProQuest' with the following search terms-"COVID-19 AND kidney biopsy", "COVID-19 AND renal biopsy", "SARS-CoV-2 AND kidney biopsy" and "SARS-CoV-2 AND renal biopsy". We have included published data up until February 15, 2021, which inclrtant to note that this represents a very small minority of the total number of cases of COVID-19 related kidney disease, and as such there may be inherent selection bias in the results described. Further work will be required to determine the pathogenetic link, if any, between COVID-19 and the other renal pathologies.

This report has clinical relevance as certain renal pathologies have specific management, with the implication that kidney biopsy in the setting of renal disease and COVID-19 should be an early consideration, dependent upon the clinical presentation.

This report has clinical relevance as certain renal pathologies have specific management, with the implication that kidney biopsy in the setting of renal disease and COVID-19 should be an early consideration, dependent upon the clinical presentation.Heart transplantation remains the gold standard in the treatment of end-stage heart failure (HF). Heart transplantation patients present lower exercise capacity due to cardiovascular and musculoskeletal alterations leading thus to poor quality of life and reduction in the ability of daily self-service. Impaired vascular function and diastolic dysfunction cause lower cardiac output while decreased skeletal muscle oxidative fibers, enzymes and capillarity cause arteriovenous oxygen difference, leading thus to decreased peak oxygen uptake in heart transplant recipients. Exercise training improves exercise capacity, cardiac and vascular endothelial function in heart transplant recipients. Pre-rehabilitation regular aerobic or combined exercise is beneficial for patients with end-stage HF awaiting heart transplantation in order to maintain a higher fitness level and reduce complications afterwards like intensive care unit acquired weakness or cardiac cachexia. All hospitalized patients after heart transplantation should be referred to early mobilization of skeletal muscles through kinesiotherapy of the upper and lower limbs and respiratory physiotherapy in order to prevent infections of the respiratory system prior to hospital discharge. Moreover, all heart transplant recipients after hospital discharge who have not already participated in an early cardiac rehabilitation program should be referred to a rehabilitation center by their health care provider. Although high intensity interval training seems to have more benefits than moderate intensity continuous training, especially in stable transplant patients, individualized training based on the abilities and needs of each patient still remains the most appropriate approach. Cardiac rehabilitation appears to be safe in heart transplant patients. However, long-term follow-up data is incomplete and, therefore, further high quality and adequately-powered studies are needed to demonstrate the long-term benefits of exercise training in this population.Glucocorticoids (GCs) have been the mainstay of immunosuppressive therapy in solid organ transplantation (SOT) for decades, due to their potent effects on innate immunity and tissue protective effects. However, some SOT centers are reluctant to administer GCs long-term because of the various related side effects. This review summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of GCs in SOT. PubMed and Scopus databases were searched from 2011 to April 2021 using search syntaxes covering "transplantation" and "glucocorticoids". GCs are used in transplant recipients, transplant donors, and organ perfusate solution to improve transplant outcomes. In SOT recipients, GCs are administered as induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapy. GCs are also the cornerstone to treat acute antibody- and T-cell-mediated rejections. Addition of GCs to organ perfusate solution and pretreatment of transplant donors with GCs are recommended by some guidelines and protocols, to reduce ischemia-reperfusion injury peri-transplant. GCs with low bioavailability and high potency for GC receptors, such as budesonide, nanoparticle-mediated targeted delivery of GCs to specific organs, and combination use of dexamethasone with inducers of immune-regulatory cells, are new methods of GC application in SOT patients to reduce side effects or induce immune-tolerance instead of immunosuppression. Various side effects involving different non-targeted organs/tissues, such as bone, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, skin and gastrointestinal tract, have been noted for GCs. There are also potential drug-drug interactions for GCs in SOT patients.

Alopecia areata (AA) is an inflammatory disease with autoimmune, environmental, and inherited components directed at the hair follicle, either limited to patchy hair loss over the scalp (Focalis, AF), total loss of scalp hair (Totalis, AT), or total loss of both scalp and body hair (Universalis, AU). Despite multiple treatment modalities, no therapy exists. Vitamin D deficiency in patients with AA/AT/AF influences disease severity and duration, inversely correlating with inflammation histologically.

Three girls presented with AT (P1), AU (P2), and AF (P3) at the ages of 1, 5, and 5 years, respectively. For P1-P2, all available treatments implemented for 2 years had failed. We started an initial 6-mo repletion with oral cholecalciferol 2000/4000 IU/d, with no apparent effect. Then we attempted immunomodulation using oral calcitriol and its analog paricalcitol. On calcitriol, 0.5 mcg/d P1 regrew hair within 6 mo. After 4 years, a relapse with loss of eyebrow hair was resolved after doubling the calcitriol dose to 0.5 mcg × 2/d; the results have been maintained for 6 years to date. On calcitriol, 0.25 mcg × 3/d P2 led to the development of asymptomatic hypercalcemia-hypercalciuria, which was immediately resolved by switching to paricalcitol 2 mcg × 3/d; mild tolerable hypercalciuria was maintained. Hair regrowth was observed at 6 mo, stabilizing only as fur at 12 mo. AF in P3 was resolved completely within 3 mo on a daily high dose (8000 IU) of cholecalciferol.

Vitamin D may have immunomodulating therapeutic impact on AT/AU/AF, which needs to be explored with further pilot clinical trials.

Vitamin D may have immunomodulating therapeutic impact on AT/AU/AF, which needs to be explored with further pilot clinical trials.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) has serious short- and long-term consequences. PH is gaining increasing importance in high risk groups such as Down syndrome (DS) as it influences their overall survival and prognosis. Hence, there is a dire need to collate the prevalence rates of PH in order to undertake definitive measures for early diagnosis and management.

To determine the prevalence of PH in children with DS.

The authors individually conducted a search of electronic databases manually (Cochrane library, PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science). Data extraction and quality control were independently performed by two reviewers and a third reviewer resolved any conflicts of opinion. The words used in the literature search were "pulmonary hypertension" and "pulmonary arterial hypertension"; "Down syndrome" and "trisomy 21" and "prevalence". The data were analyzed by Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Software Version 2. Risk of bias assessment and STROBE checklist were used for quality assessment.

Of 1578 articles identified, 17 were selected for final analysis. The pooled prevalence of PH in these studies was 25.5%. Subgroup analysis was carried out for age, gender, region, year of publication, risk of bias and etiology of PH.

This review highlights the increasing prevalence of PH in children with DS. It is crucial for pediatricians to be aware of this morbid disease and channel their efforts towards earlier diagnosis and successful management. Community-based studies with a larger sample size of children with DS should be carried out to better characterize the epidemiology and underlying etiology of PH in DS.

This review highlights the increasing prevalence of PH in children with DS. It is crucial for pediatricians to be aware of this morbid disease and channel their efforts towards earlier diagnosis and successful management. Community-based studies with a larger sample size of children with DS should be carried out to better characterize the epidemiology and underlying etiology of PH in DS.

Tidal breathing flow-volume (TBFV) analysis provides important information about lung mechanics in infants.

To assess the effects of breastfeeding on the TBFV measurements of infants who recover from acute bronchiolitis.

In this cross-sectional study, TBFV analysis was performed in infants with bronchiolitis prior to hospital discharge. The ratio of time to peak expiratory flow to total expiratory time (tPEF/tE) at baseline and after the administration of 400 mcg salbutamol was evaluated.

A total of 56 infants (35 boys), aged 7.4 ± 2.8 mo, were included. Of them, 12.5% were exposed to tobacco smoke and 41.1% were breastfed less than 2 mo. selleck chemicals There were no differences in baseline TBFV measurements between the breastfeeding groups; however, those who breastfed longer than 2 mo had a greater change in tPEF/tE after bronchodilation (12% ± 10.4%

0.9% ± 7.1%;

< 0.001). Moreover, there was a clear dose-response relationship between tPEF/tE reversibility and duration of breastfeeding (

< 0.001). In multivariate regression analysis, infants who breastfed less (regression coefficient -0.

Autoři článku: Princekirk5630 (Pedersen Zhou)