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Preorganization of large, directionally oriented, electric fields inside protein active sites has been proposed as a crucial contributor to catalytic mechanism in many enzymes, and may be efficiently investigated at the atomistic level with molecular dynamics simulations. Here we evaluate the ability of the AMOEBA polarizable force field, as well as the additive Amber ff14SB and Charmm C36m models, to describe the electric fields present inside the active site of the peptidyl-prolyl isomerase cyclophilin A. We compare the molecular mechanical electric fields to those calculated with a fully first principles quantum mechanical (QM) representation of the protein, solvent, and ions, and find that AMOEBA consistently shows far greater correlation with the QM electric fields than either of the additive force fields tested. Catalytically-relevant fields calculated with AMOEBA were typically smaller than those observed with additive potentials, but were generally consistent with an electrostatically-driven mechanism for catalysis. Our results highlight the accuracy and the potential advantages of using polarizable force fields in systems where accurate electrostatics may be crucial for providing mechanistic insights.A widely applicable method for aligning 1D materials, and in particular carbon nanotubes (CNTs), independent of their preparation would be very useful as the growth methods for these materials are substance-specific. Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) deposition could be such an approach for alignment, as it aligns a large number of 1D materials independently of the desired substrate. However, the mechanism and required conditions for alignment of 1D nanomaterials in a Langmuir trough are still unclear. Here we show, relying on numerical simulations of the Langmuir film compression, that the LS method is a powerful tool to achieve maximal alignment of 1D material in a controllable manner. In particular, 1D materials terminated with a suitable surfactant can align only if the velocity induced by the attraction between individual 1D entities is low enough relative to the flow speed. To validate this model, we achieved an efficient LS alignment of single-walled carbon nanotubes covered with a suitable surfactant relying on the numerical simulations. In situ polarized Raman microspectroscopy during the compression of Langmuir film revealed good quantitative agreement between the numerical simulations and the experiment. This suggests the applicability of the LS technique as a versatile method for the controlled alignment of 1D materials.The HIV-1 CA protein has gained remarkable attention as a promising therapeutic target for the development of new antivirals, due to its pivotal roles in HIV-1 replication (structural and regulatory). Herein, we report the design and synthesis of three series of benzenesulfonamide-containing phenylalanine derivatives obtained by further structural modifications of PF-74 to aid in the discovery of more potent and drug-like HIV-1 CA inhibitors. Structure-activity relationship studies of these compounds led to the identification of new phenylalanine derivatives with a piperazinone moiety, represented by compound 11l, which exhibited anti-HIV-1NL4-3 activity 5.78-fold better than PF-74. Interestingly, 11l also showed anti-HIV-2ROD activity (EC50 = 31 nM), with almost 120 times increased potency over PF-74. However, due to the higher significance of HIV-1 as compared to HIV-2 for the human population, this manuscript focuses on the mechanism of action of our compounds in the context of HIV-1. see more SPR studies on represzing these promising HIV inhibitors.In a self-oscillating gel, unidirectional chemical waves generated by the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction can drive locomotion, which results from the difference between the push and pull forces in the wavefront and waveback, respectively. In a narrow tube, such a gel is subject not only to the asymmetric force engendered by the propagation of the chemical waves but also to additional forces originating from the capillary effect in the polymer skeleton. The ends of a self-oscillating gel in a tube are squeezed unequally during unidirectional motion, causing new waves of higher frequency and ultimately giving rise to reversal of the direction of chemical wave propagation. This peculiar phenomenon of a self-oscillating gel in a narrow glass tube results in a nonmonotonic evolution of the gel locomotion velocity.Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) resulting from the right combination between a hydrogen-bond donor (HBD) and a hydrogen-bond acceptor (HBA) are becoming quite popular in number of applications. More recently, natural DESs (NADESs) containing sugars, natural organic acids and amino acids as HBDs and ChCl as HBA have received great attention because of their further environmental sustainability as compared to regular DESs. Within this context, mixing water in controlled amounts has been widely accepted as a simple and practical way of altering DES chemical and thermodynamic properties, with viscosity and conductivity experiencing the most significant changes. However, the number of papers describing eutectic mixtures with water as the only HBD is scarce and basically none study has been done in fundamental terms. Herein, we investigated mixtures composed of water as the only HBD and ChCl as the HBA using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) as well as 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Brillouin spectroscopies. We found the aqueous dilution of ChCl·2H2O with a ChCl·2H2O content of ca. 80 wt% was an eutectic. link2 Interestingly, this mixture could be considered a DES/NADES according to its eutectic distance (ΔTme), in range to those reported for aqueous salt hydrates.Methylammonium lead tribromide perovskite single crystals have been demonstrated to be good candidates as sensitive X-ray detectors in direct detection mode in recent years. However, its X-ray detection performance based on the orientation of different facets is still not clear. Here, we developed a facile strategy to chemically expose the [110] facet of single crystals from low-cost solution processes by tailoring the nonstoichiometry of feeding ions to selectively suppress the growth of the [100] facet. In contrast to physically cutting and sawing single-crystal ingots, this avoids damage to the fragile single crystals as well as orientation errors, more suitable for the naturally soft lattice. Compared to the [100] facet, the exposed [110] facet of perovskite single crystals exhibits a smaller trap density and excellent charge carrier transportation properties, leading to an improved sensitivity of 3928.3 μC/Gyair/cm2 to 120 keV hard X-rays, which potentially outperforms the currently dominating CsI scintillator of a commercial digital radiography (DR) medical imager for a routine health check.A detailed inventory was taken of evaporative emissions from parked gasoline vehicles in the Kanto region of Japan, 2015, based on the theoretical model to evaluate the amount of evaporative emissions. The inventory showed that evaporative emissions were high in metropolitan and urban areas because of the large populations in these areas and the high vehicle parking frequency. Using the new inventory, the sensitivity of evaporative emissions to the concentration of tropospheric ozone and secondary organic aerosol was evaluated using the chemical transport modeling solver, the community multiscale air quality modeling system (CMAQ), coupled with the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model. The calculation results showed that the evaporative emissions from permeation through fuel related parts were more significant in the generation of tropospheric ozone than those from fuel tank venting. This was because the permeation emissions included a high proportion of high maximum incremental reactivity value components, such as aromatics. Neither of the evaporative emission types were significant secondary organic aerosol generators. Whole reduction of the evaporative emissions contributed an approximate 3 ppb decrease in tropospheric ozone in urban areas during the daytime. This information will contribute to the volatile organic compound (VOC) management strategy employed by governments worldwide.Biofouling is a prevalent issue in studies that involve prolonged implantation of electrochemical probes in the brain. In long-term fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) studies, biofouling manifests as a shift in the peak oxidative potential of the background signal that worsens over days to weeks, diminishing sensitivity and selectivity to neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Using open circuit potential (OCP) measurements, scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), we examined the biofouling-induced events that occur due to electrode implantation. We determined that the FSCV background signal shift results from cathodic polarization of the Ag/AgCl-wire reference electrode and increased electrochemical impedance of both the Ag/AgCl-wire reference electrode and carbon-fiber working electrode. These events are likely caused collectively by immune response-induced electrode encapsulation. A headstage utilizing a three-electrode configuration, designed to compensate for the impedance component of biofouling, reduced the FSCV background signal shift in vivo and preserved dopamine sensitivity at artificially increased impedance levels in vitro. In conjunction with a stable reference electrode, this three-electrode configuration will be critical in achieving reliable neurotransmitter detection for the duration of long-term FSCV studies.Aptamers are often prone to nuclease digestion, which limits their utility in many biomedical applications. Here we describe a xeno-nucleic acid system based on α-l-threofuranosyl nucleic acid (TNA) that is completely refractory to nuclease digestion. link3 The use of an engineered TNA polymerase permitted the isolation of functional TNA aptamers that bind to HIV reverse transcriptase (HIV RT) with KD's of ∼0.4-4.0 nM. The aptamers were identified using a display strategy that provides a powerful genotype-phenotype linkage. The TNA aptamers remain active in the presence of nuclease and exhibit markedly higher thermal stability than monoclonal antibodies. The combined properties of biological stability, high binding affinity, and thermal stability make TNA aptamers a powerful system for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents.In vitro models that mimic the in vivo environment can greatly facilitate and support criticality assessment of product quality attributes for therapeutic drugs to ensure product quality. An in vitro model is established to study and predict the impact of thiol-related attributes on safety or efficacy of intraocular antibody products. This model simulates the physiological redox environment of rabbit vitreous and maintains a steady-state redox potential using reduced and oxidized forms of glutathione. A similar in vitro model that mimics the thiol redox conditions of human blood has been previously established and has become a predictive tool to study intravenous (IV) therapeutic proteins. We utilized both vitreous and serum models to study the potential impact of antibody variants (trisulfides and free-thiols) on product qualities of different antibodies. The studies demonstrate that both models are effective tools to monitor changes of thiol-related attributes under physiological conditions, providing insights on these thiol-related attributes and allowing for more informed assessment of biological relevance and criticality of the attributes.

Autoři článku: Pottscannon3177 (Le Lacroix)