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Emotions are multifaceted phenomena affecting mind, body, and behavior. Previous studies sought to link particular emotion categories (e.g., fear) or dimensions (e.g., valence) to specific brain substrates but generally found distributed and overlapping activation patterns across various emotions. In contrast, distributed patterns accord with multi-componential theories whereby emotions emerge from appraisal processes triggered by current events, combined with motivational, expressive, and physiological mechanisms orchestrating behavioral responses. According to this framework, components are recruited in parallel and dynamically synchronized during emotion episodes. Here, we use functional MRI (fMRI) to investigate brain-wide systems engaged by theoretically defined components and measure their synchronization during an interactive emotion-eliciting video game. We show that each emotion component recruits large-scale cortico-subcortical networks, and that moments of dynamic synchronization between components selectively engage basal ganglia, sensory-motor structures, and midline brain areas. These neural results support theoretical accounts grounding emotions onto embodied and action-oriented functions triggered by synchronized component processes.Sex chromosomes of eutherian mammals are highly different in size and gene content, and share only a small region of homology (pseudoautosomal region, PAR). They are thought to have evolved through an addition-attrition cycle involving the addition of autosomal segments to sex chromosomes and their subsequent differentiation. The events that drive this process are difficult to investigate because sex chromosomes in almost all mammals are at a very advanced stage of differentiation. Here, we have taken advantage of a recent translocation of an autosome to both sex chromosomes in the African pygmy mouse Mus minutoides, which has restored a large segment of homology (neo-PAR). By studying meiotic sex chromosome behavior and identifying fully sex-linked genetic markers in the neo-PAR, we demonstrate that this region shows unequivocal signs of early sex-differentiation. First, synapsis and resolution of DNA damage intermediates are delayed in the neo-PAR during meiosis. Second, recombination is suppressed or largely reduced in a large portion of the neo-PAR. However, the inactivation process that characterizes sex chromosomes during meiosis does not extend to this region. Finally, the sex chromosomes show a dual mechanism of association at metaphase-I that involves the formation of a chiasma in the neo-PAR and the preservation of an ancestral achiasmate mode of association in the non-homologous segments. We show that the study of meiosis is crucial to apprehend the onset of sex chromosome differentiation, as it introduces structural and functional constrains to sex chromosome evolution. Synapsis and DNA repair dynamics are the first processes affected in the incipient differentiation of X and Y chromosomes, and they may be involved in accelerating their evolution. This provides one of the very first reports of early steps in neo-sex chromosome differentiation in mammals, and for the first time a cellular framework for the addition-attrition model of sex chromosome evolution.Systematic knockout studies in mice have shown that a large fraction of the gene replacements show no lethal or other overt phenotypes. This has led to the development of more refined analysis schemes, including physiological, behavioral, developmental and cytological tests. However, transcriptomic analyses have not yet been systematically evaluated for non-lethal knockouts. We conducted a power analysis to determine the experimental conditions under which even small changes in transcript levels can be reliably traced. We have applied this to two gene disruption lines of genes for which no function was known so far. Dedicated phenotyping tests informed by the tissues and stages of highest expression of the two genes show small effects on the tested phenotypes. For the transcriptome analysis of these stages and tissues, we used a prior power analysis to determine the number of biological replicates and the sequencing depth. We find that under these conditions, the knockouts have a significant impact on the transcriptional networks, with thousands of genes showing small transcriptional changes. #link# GO analysis suggests that A930004D18Rik is involved in developmental processes through contributing to protein complexes, and A830005F24Rik in extracellular matrix functions. Subsampling analysis of the data reveals that the increase in the number of biological replicates was more important that increasing the sequencing depth to arrive at these results. Hence, our proof-of-principle experiment suggests that transcriptomic analysis is indeed an option to study gene functions of genes with weak or no traceable phenotypic effects and it provides the boundary conditions under which this is possible.El defecto tipo Gerbode es una comunicación del ventrículo izquierdo a la aurícula derecha, que puede clasificarse como congénita o adquirida. Es una condición rara que puede representar hasta el 0.08% de los defectos septales congénitos. Los defectos adquiridos pueden asociarse a endocarditis y presentarse también posterior a cambios valvulares. El objetivo es reportar un caso de comunicación interventricular de Gerbode en el Instituto Nacional de Cardiología. Paciente varón, de 36 años, con presentación clínica típica de insuficiencia mitral, ecocardiografía con hallazgo de rotura de la valva anterior de la válvula mitral y comunicación interventricular tipo Gerbode. Se ponen de manifiesto la heterogeneidad clínica con la que se presenta esta patología y los hallazgos de imagen que contribuyen al diagnóstico y su resolución quirúrgica. La comunicación interventricular tipo Gerbode es una patología infrecuente, muchas veces asociada a otra afección cardiovascular, lo que la hace de difícil diagnóstico. Se requieren estudios de imagen y una evaluación preoperatoria completa para su detección oportuna.A 56-year-old woman with a history of type II diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia presented to the emergency department with retrosternal chest pain that had increased over the past 5 days. She was experiencing a localized chest pressure that was aggravated with eating and physical activity. The medical history was negative for coronary artery disease or any other cardiac diseases.We present the case of a term newborn, with no significant perinatal history, who was taken to the emergency room at 18 days old for intermittent episodes of cyanosis, with no signs of respiratory distress, oxygensaturation of 85%, arterial gases with moderate hypoxemia, and chest X-ray.

Women with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have worst outcomes than men.

The objective of the study was to determine gender differences in mortality in patients with STEMI.

Cohort study including patients with STEMI. We recorded demographic and clinical data, laboratory tests, and in-hospital mortality in patients who underwent primary angioplasty and pharmacoinvasive strategy. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to assess mortality differences between both genders.

A total of 340 patients were analyzed, 296 males and 44 females. Mean age of the female group was 64.3 ± 12.3 years. About 98% of females were among Killip-Kimball Class I-II. They had higher risk scores compared to man, longer ischemic time and first medical contact with a difference in comparison to man of 47 and 60 min, respectively. Mortality was 9.1% (4) in the female group.

Although the proportion of women had higher mortality than man, we did not found any difference with statistical significance probably due to the lack of representation. link2 We need more awareness in the female population about STEMI, since longer first medical contact time and longer total ischemic time might be one possible explanation of a higher mortality.

Although the proportion of women had higher mortality than man, we did not found any difference with statistical significance probably due to the lack of representation. We need more awareness in the female population about STEMI, since longer first medical contact time and longer total ischemic time might be one possible explanation of a higher mortality.In 2010, the World Health Assembly (WHA) set the following three milestones for measles control to be achieved by 2015 1) increase routine coverage with the first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) among children aged 1 year to ≥90% at the national level and to ≥80% in every district, 2) reduce global annual measles incidence to less then 5 cases per 1 million population, and 3) reduce global measles mortality by 95% from the 2000 estimate* (1). In 2012, WHA endorsed the Global Vaccine Action Plan,† with the objective of eliminating measles§ in five of the six World Health Organization (WHO) regions by 2020. This report describes progress toward WHA milestones and regional measles elimination during 2000-2019 and updates a previous report (2). During 2000-2010, estimated MCV1 coverage increased globally from 72% to 84% but has since plateaued at 84%-85%. click here conducted measles surveillance; however, approximately half did not achieve the sensitivity indicator target of two or more discarded measles and rubella cases per 100,000 population. Annual reported measles incidence decreased 88%, from 145 to 18 cases per 1 million population during 2000-2016; the lowest incidence occurred in 2016, but by 2019 incidence had risen to 120 cases per 1 million population. During 2000-2019, the annual number of estimated measles deaths decreased 62%, from 539,000 to 207,500; an estimated 25.5 million measles deaths were averted. To drive progress toward the regional measles elimination targets, additional strategies are needed to help countries reach all children with 2 doses of measles-containing vaccine, identify and close immunity gaps, and improve surveillance.In January 2020, with support from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), CDC instituted an enhanced entry risk assessment and management (screening) program for air passengers arriving from certain countries with widespread, sustained transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The objectives of the screening program were to reduce the importation of COVID-19 cases into the United States and slow subsequent spread within states. Screening aimed to identify travelers with COVID-19-like illness or who had a known exposure to a person with COVID-19 and separate them from others. Screening also aimed to inform all screened travelers about self-monitoring and other recommendations to prevent disease spread and obtain their contact information to share with public health authorities in destination states. CDC delegated postarrival management of crew members to airline occupational health programs by issuing joint guidance with the Federal Aviation Administration.g public health response capacity at ports of entry. link3 More efficient collection of contact information for international air passengers before arrival and real-time transfer of data to U.S. health departments would facilitate timely postarrival public health management, including contact tracing, when indicated. Incorporating health attestations, predeparture and postarrival testing, and a period of limited movement after higher-risk travel, might reduce risk for transmission during travel and translocation of SARS-CoV-2 between geographic areas and help guide more individualized postarrival recommendations.

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