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Sutures and technique/suturing second-degree perineal tears or a postpartum episiotomy can affect perineal pain. Cold gel pad therapy and treatment with natural oil on perineal wounds can affect perineal pain and wound healing.

Sutures and technique/suturing second-degree perineal tears or a postpartum episiotomy can affect perineal pain. Cold gel pad therapy and treatment with natural oil on perineal wounds can affect perineal pain and wound healing.

Teenagers are the second phase in life after the children's phase. The adolescent phase is called the transitional or transitional phase because in this phase it has not gained status as an adult but is no longer a childhood. The adolescent phase is called the critical period, a phase where there are many problems in growth and development, both physically, mentally, and in activities so that the need for food containing nutrients is large enough. Therefore, intervention efforts to improve adolescent nutrition are very necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Moringa Oleifera leaf capsules on eating patterns in school drop-out adolescent girls aged 12-18 years in Polobangkeng sub-district, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

The study was a quasi experiment, the design used was Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Pre-Posttest. This research was conducted in Polobangkeng Utara Subdistrict, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi on March 15, 2020 to May 23, 2020. The population in tthe diet seen from the average median value in the Moringa leaf extract capsule group is greater than 23 of the TTD capsule group which is 8 in teenage girls dropping out of school age 12-18 years in the North Polongbangkeng region Regency. Takalar, South Sulawesi.

There is an effect of giving Moringa leaf extract capsules to the diet seen from the average median value in the Moringa leaf extract capsule group is greater than 23 of the TTD capsule group which is 8 in teenage girls dropping out of school age 12-18 years in the North Polongbangkeng region Regency. Takalar, South Sulawesi.

Moringa Oleifera leaves contain nutrients such as proteins, iron, and vitamin C that potentially prevent anemia more common in pregnant women. In the manufacture of cookies that are substituted Moringa Oleifera leaf flour substitution, 40% obtained Fe levels 22.68ppm so that it can be developed to prevent anemia. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of giving biscuits (cookies) Moringa Oleifera leaf flour to index erythrocytes (MCH, MCHC, MCV) of pregnant women with anemia.

It was a quasi-experiment research with design nonequivalent Control Group design. The research was conducted at Antang, Mamajang, and Batua Public Health Center in Makassar, examination of hematology analyzer in the Clinic Pathology Laboratory of Universitas Hasanuddin Hospital. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Gilteritinib ic50 Samples were pregnant women with trimester I and III anemia amounted to 25 samples on the biscuit moringa group and 25 samples in the control group. Data were analyzed using test Paired T-Test, T-Testot differ meaningfully with p-value=0.611, p>0.005.

There is the effect of giving biscuits (cookies) Moringa Oleifera leaf Flour Against the index of erythrocytes MCH and MCV in pregnant women with anemia. However, it has no effect on the MCHC value of pregnant women with anemia. It is recommended for pregnant women to utilize local plants, the Moringa Oleifera leaves to fulfill the intake of nutrients that can help pregnant women from anemia.

There is the effect of giving biscuits (cookies) Moringa Oleifera leaf Flour Against the index of erythrocytes MCH and MCV in pregnant women with anemia. However, it has no effect on the MCHC value of pregnant women with anemia. It is recommended for pregnant women to utilize local plants, the Moringa Oleifera leaves to fulfill the intake of nutrients that can help pregnant women from anemia.

Cocktail honey is derived from a mixture of honey (trigona sp.), bee bread, and homogeneous royal jelly. link2 The material has a phenolic content rich in antioxidants that are beneficial for women's reproductive health, especially for pre-conception, because it can suppress the content of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are useful to overcome oxidative damage due to free radicals in the body that prevent various diseases from increasing fertility during pre-conception.

This study used the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) test method using UV-vis spectrophotometry to express the value of free radical reduction activity as IC

(inhibitory concentration) values.

The DPPH test on cocktail honey products obtained an average yield of 4577.7μg/mL, which was included in the product category was very weak in the antioxidant activity content.

The content contained in the honey cocktail contains weak bioactive content by assessing the antioxidant content using DPPH. The difference in the results of antioxidant activity tests using DPPH is caused by the test method and the conditions used in processing, homogeneous ingredients, solvent volume, extraction time, temperature, and pressure in product management.

The content contained in the honey cocktail contains weak bioactive content by assessing the antioxidant content using DPPH. The difference in the results of antioxidant activity tests using DPPH is caused by the test method and the conditions used in processing, homogeneous ingredients, solvent volume, extraction time, temperature, and pressure in product management.

Table salt (sodium chloride) is an ionic compound consisting of positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions) to form neutral compounds that can provide a healing effect on wounds. This study's purpose of seeing and test the impact of soaking 7% sodium chloride concentration on people's salt toward the wound healing process.

This study was an experimental laboratory using the One-Way ANOVA test and the Mann Whitney test conducted in the animal enclosure of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. The study was conducted from July to August 2019. Samples of 20 mice (Mus Musculus) female swiss webster strains were sliced on the abdominal skin then divided into two groups the treatment group (n=15) and the control group (n=5). The wound area was observed from the first day to the seventh day to see the wound closure process.

The research shows that soaking 7% of table salt concentration can significantly accelerate the wound healing process compared to the control group, with a decrease in wound diameter on the 3rd day and completely heal on the 7th day.

7% concentration of table Salt Soaking can increase the effectiveness of wound healing.

7% concentration of table Salt Soaking can increase the effectiveness of wound healing.

This research was basic research to identify the effect of turmeric extract tested by the in vivo method. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in the length of the wound at each concentration of gel preparations on days 3, 7, and 14, as well as differences in wound healing time at each concentration of gel preparations and, identify the most effective gel preparations for wound healing.

This study is an experimental laboratory study with experimental animals using post-test only with control groups, the type of research used is a pre-clinical test (pre-clinical trial) on female rabbits. The sample size in this study was 12 rabbits grouped randomly. The length of each group's wounds was measured and observed on days 3, 7, and 14. Gel application was carried out twice a day in the morning and evening for 14 days. link3 In this study, the experimental data were tested using Kruskal Wallis.

There were differences in wound length in each group treated with turmeric extract gel and base gel. Based on the mean wound length of each group, they experienced a reduction in wound length on days 3, 7, and 14. There were also differences in wound healing time in each group. In each group, wherein this case, the treatment group that was given 5% turmeric extract gel experienced a faster healing time <14 days than the other groups.

In general, turmeric extract gel at each concentration is effective against wound healing. Turmeric extract gel concentration is the most effective gel with a concentration of 5%, then followed by concentrations of 10% and 15%.

In general, turmeric extract gel at each concentration is effective against wound healing. Turmeric extract gel concentration is the most effective gel with a concentration of 5%, then followed by concentrations of 10% and 15%.

This study analyzes whether anemia in pregnant women improves with indicators of increased hemoglobin, intake of iron and zinc when intervened with biscuits contain Moringa oleifera leaf flour.

It was Quasy experiment carried out at Antang, Mamajang and Batua Public Health Center in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The subject were the pregnant women of Trimester I and III trimesters which are divided into 2 groups with the intervention Group (n=35) obtained M. oleifera leaf flour biscuits with combination iron tablet and the control group (n=35) only accept FE tablets. Intervention group was given biscuits containing 40% moringa leaf flour (2.8g per biscuits) with a dose of 2 pieces a day containing Moringa leaf flour and a combination of iron tablets with a dose of 2 times 250mg, while the control group only consumed iron tablets at a dose of 2 times 250mg. After 60 days, a posttest was carried out to examine hemoglobin, iron and zinc.

The results showed that there was a significance increasing of hemoglobin after intervention (1.04g/dl, p=0.001), increasing of iron intake significantly (2.51mg, p=0.001) and zinc intake (0.14mg, p=0.144) also increas but not statistically significant. The increase in these three indicators was higher than the control group.

Biscuits containing M. oleifera leaf flour are able to provide improvement in the condition of pregnant mothers who have anemia, especially in hemoglobin levels, iron and zinc intake.

Biscuits containing M. oleifera leaf flour are able to provide improvement in the condition of pregnant mothers who have anemia, especially in hemoglobin levels, iron and zinc intake.

The aim of the study was to compare the level of service satisfaction in public hospitals and private hospitals in Central Sulawesi.

This was an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted in 10 hospitals in Central Sulawesi. There were 1070 samples, which were 107 patients in each hospital. The level of patient satisfaction was measured using the Community Satisfaction Index (CSI) Questionnaire, which comprises of 38 closed questions.

The average overall satisfaction level was 75.99 (±11.28), which fell into category B for service quality and "Good" for service performance. The highest level of satisfaction was in competencies, reaching 78.25 (±13.48) and the lowest was in Handling Complaints, Suggestions and Feedback, reaching 73.90 (±14.01). In all categories, the level of satisfaction fell into category B for service quality and "Good" for service performance.

The level of satisfaction of patients who sought treatment at private hospitals was higher than at public hospitals for all categories.

Autoři článku: Popeweinstein0911 (Jain Gustafsson)