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e used to project the quantitative impacts of climate change on targeted phenomena considering simultaneous interactions among multiple meteorological factors.The data is related to minimal force thresholds perception in robotic surgical grasping applications. The experimental setup included an indenter-based haptic device acting on the fingertip of a participant and a visual system that displays grasping tasks by a surgical grasper. The experiments included the display of two presentations at different force levels (i.e., grasping and indentation) in three different modes, namely, visual-alone, haptic-alone, and bimodal (i.e., combined). For each mode, the participants were asked to identify which of the two presentations was higher. Each experiment was repeated till the termination conditions were met. Sixty participants took part in these experiments. The experiments were randomized and the threshold forces were calculated based on an algorthim. The datasets contain the individual responses of each participant, the threshold forces calculations, and the number of iterations.The data collected includes ultra-high performance (UHPC) shrinkage under sealed and unsealed conditions from 3 h after water addition, chemical shrinkage, UHPC internal temperature and relative humidity, Thermal gravity analysis (TGA) data, compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus of 9 UHPC mixes. UHPC early-age shrinkage was collected by a 250×250×100 mm mould and two linear variable differential transformers (LVDT) on the opposite positions and a sealing cover was applied to control the sealing condition of the top surface. Chemical shrinkage was measured by 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with a measuring pipette and paraffin oil was added to seal samples and indicate chemical shrinkage increment by liquid level change in the pipette. The liquid level change was recorded by GoPro cameras from 3 h after water addition. UHPC internal relative humidity was measured simultaneously by digital sensors from 3 h after water addition. TGA data were measured by a Mettler Toledo TGA testing machine at 5 different time points for each mix design. The TGA data were then used to calculate reaction degree. The material properties, including compressive strength, Poisson's ratio and elastic modulus were measured at 3 different time points by a compression machine and two axial extensometers and one circumferential extensometer. The data collected can comprehensively reflect chemical and physical behaviours of UHPC at early age and can be used to develop or calibrate a model for UHPC early-age shrinkage.Biochemical characterisation of germplasm collections and crop wild relatives (CWRs) facilitates the assessment of biological potential and the selection of breeding lines for crop improvement. Data from the biochemical characterisation of staple root, tuber and banana (RTB) crops, i.e. banana (Musa spp.), cassava (Manihot esculenta), potato (Solanum tuberosum), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and yam (Dioscorea spp.), using a metabolomics approach is presented. The data support the previously published research article "Metabolite database for root, tuber, and banana crops to facilitate modern breeding in understudied crops" (Price et al., 2020) [1]. Diversity panels for each crop, which included a variety of species, accessions, landraces and CWRs, were characterised. The biochemical profile for potato was based on five elite lines under abiotic stress. Metabolites were extracted from the tissue of foliage and storage organs (tuber, root and banana pulp) via solvent partition. Extracts were analysed via a combination of liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS), gas chromatography (GC)-MS, high pressure liquid chromatography with photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)-PDA. Metabolites were identified by mass spectral matching to in-house libraries comprised from authentic standards and comparison to databases or previously published literature.Energy system modeling can be used to develop internally-consistent quantified scenarios. These provide key insights needed to mobilise finance, understand market development, infrastructure deployment and the associated role of institutions, and generally support improved policymaking. However, access to data is often a barrier to starting energy system modeling, especially in developing countries, thereby causing delays to decision making. Therefore, this article provides data that can be used to create a simple zero-order energy system model for a range of developing countries in Africa, East Asia, and South America, which can act as a starting point for further model development and scenario analysis. The data are collected entirely from publicly available and accessible sources, including the websites and databases of international organisations, journal articles, and existing modeling studies. This means that the datasets can be easily updated based on the latest available information or more detailed and accurate local data. As an example, these data were also used to calibrate a simple energy system model for Kenya using the Open Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS) and three stylized scenarios (Fossil Future, Least Cost and Net Zero by 2050) for 2020-2050. The assumptions used and the results of these scenarios are presented in the appendix as an illustrative example of what can be done with these data. This simple model can be adapted and further developed by in-country analysts and academics, providing a platform for future work.RNA sequencing reads and isobaric tags for a relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ)-Based Proteomic Data were used to determine the impact of conceptus presence and preovulatory estradiol concentration on function of the d16 uterus in beef cattle. Conceptuses and endometrial biopsies were collected from the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum. Total cellular RNA was extracted from endometrium for RNA sequencing across two lanes of a NovaSeq S2, 2 × 50-bp run. Two independent uterine luminal fluid pools (ULF) were made for each group highE2/conceptus, highE2/noconceptus, lowE2/conceptus, and lowE2/noconceptus. Peptides were labeled with iTRAQ reagents and analyzed using 2-dimensional liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Transcript abundances were determined using DESeq2 (FDR 2). Scaffold Q+ was used to quantitate peptide and protein identifications in ULF. Datasets include uterine transcript and protein abundances among highE2/conceptus vs highE2/noconceptus and lowE2/conceptus vs lowE2/noconceptus groups. This information can be useful for further investigating the role of specific transcripts and proteins in the maintenance of early pregnancy in beef cattle. This dataset is related to the article 'Influence of conceptus presence and preovulatory estradiol exposure on uterine gene transcripts and proteins around maternal recognition of pregnancy in beef cattle' by E.J. Northrop-Albrecht, J.J.J. Rich, R.A. Cushman, R. Yao, X. Ge, G.A. Perry. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.To our best knowledge, this article presents a novel data set on Hong Kong's adolescents' attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccination, excluding their parental opinions. This research used a cross-sectional questionnaire survey, which collects data from the population at a single point in time. Our questionnaire was designed in both English and Chinese for the adolescents' convenience, using a self-designed, online questionnaire website, which was sent to 30 secondary schools across Hong Kong at the beginning of June 2021, to be completed by 31st June 2021. This gathered a total of 2609 surveys, excluding those which did not fit into the criteria. As the data has identified factors that affect vaccine hesitancy, government authorities can use the data to choose effective ways to promote the COVID-19 vaccination and to educate the general population about the benefits of receiving it.The strain Millerozyma farinosa KCTC27753, isolated from nuruk, is a multi-stress tolerant yeast which grows at 46 °C temperature and pH 3.0. This strain can withstand fermentation inhibitors, such as furfural and phenolic compounds released from biomass. Hence, this strain could be used for bioethanol production. The draft genome sequence of M. farinosa KCTC27753 was analyzed by PacBio RSII. The genome length is 21,255,474 bp and it consists of 17 contigs. The GC content of the genome is 41.1%. The genome analysis identified a total of 10,910 plausible gene-coding regions in this strain.Marinobacter is a genus belonging to the class Gammaproteobacteria and the family Alteromonadaceae. This genus is a Gram-negative bacterium which can be found in a wide range of marine and saline water environments. Here, we present the genome sequence of Marinobacter sp. strain CA1 that was isolated from the indigenous diatom found in the whiteleg shrimp, Penaeus vannamei (Bonne 1931) pond in Malaysia. Genome sequencing was done using Pacbio and Illumina sequencing platforms. De novo hybrid assembly based on Pacbio long reads and high quality Illumina short reads yielded a complete circular chromosome with 4.7 M base pair (bp) in size. This genome was submitted to Genbank, NCBI database and can be accessed under accession number NZ_CP071785 and the BioProject acession number PRJNA710741. This data could be useful for other studies on microalgae and bacteria interaction, and comparative genomics analysis of other Marinobacter species.

Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious disease with high attack and case fatality rate. Since WHO's declaration of disease as pandemic in March 2020, the unprecedented global crises have been happening. To curb and reduce such crises, multi-dimensional international efforts have been made, particularly, infection prevention measures has been developed. However, there was a wide gap of implementing COVID-19 prevention measures from rural to urban, from institution to institution and from person to person. Therefore, the aim of this study was to measure the level of prevention practice towards COVID 19 and associated factors in prison, in Sidama National Regional State, Ethiopia.

A cross-sectional study using quantitative method of data collection was conducted in November, 2020 among 422 prisoners in two prisons. Data were collected by trained nurses using structured questionnaires. We analyzed data using SPSS version 24 software. Descriptive statistics and bivariable and multivariable loaking history were factors associated with poor prevention practice. Accordingly, the researchers recommends to the concerned body to design educational intervention to change the attitude towards COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and behaviors of the prisoners.Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an arrhythmogenic syndrome characterized by life-threatening arrhythmias, a normal resting electrocardiogram and the absence of overt structural heart abnormalities. Mutations in RyR2 gene account for the large part of CPVT cases. Less frequently, mutations in CASQ2 gene have been linked to the recessive form of the disease. Overall, approximately 35% of CPVT patients remain without a genetic etiology implying that other genes might be found causative of the disease. Here, we present a 6-year-old boy born to first-degree related parents, with a typical phenotype of CPVT and a family history of sudden cardiac death of his brother at 7 years. A trio-based whole exome sequencing was performed, and we identified a homozygous variant in AGRN gene and a heterozygous variant in RPL3L gene. We hypothesized that the presence of the homozygous variant in AGRN accounts for the CPVT phenotype in this family and the heterozygous variant in RPL3L gene may act as a modifier gene.

Autoři článku: Pollockfalk2715 (Floyd Klemmensen)