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In situ follicular neoplasia (ISFN) is the earliest morphologically identifiable precursor of follicular lymphoma (FL). Although it is genetically less complex than FL and has low risk for progression, ISFN already harbors secondary genetic alterations, in addition to the defining t(14;18)(q32;q21) translocation. FL, in turn, frequently progresses to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) or high-grade B-cell lymphoma (HGBL). By BCL2 staining of available reactive lymphoid tissue obtained at any time point in patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma (BCL), we identified 10 paired cases of ISFN and DLBCL/HGBL, including 6 de novo tumors and 4 transformed from FL as intermediate step, and investigated their clonal evolution using microdissection and next generation sequencing. A clonal relationship between ISFN and aggressive BCL was established by immunoglobulin and/or BCL2 rearrangements and/or the demonstration of shared somatic mutations for all 10 cases. Targeted sequencing revealed CREBBP, KMT2D, EZH2, TNFRSF14 and BCL2 as the genes most frequently mutated already in ISFN. Based on the distribution of private and shared mutations, two patterns of clonal evolution were evident. In most cases, the aggressive lymphoma, ISFN and, when present, FL revealed divergent evolution from a common progenitor, whereas linear evolution with sequential accumulation of mutations was less frequent. In conclusion, we demonstrate for the first time that t(14;18)+ aggressive BCL can arise from ISFN without clinically evident FL as intermediate step and that during this progression, branched evolution is common.Vaso-occlusive crises are the hallmark of sickle cell disease (SCD). They are believed to occur in two steps, starting with adhesion of deformable low-dense red blood cells (RBCs), or other blood cells such as neutrophils, to the wall of post-capillary venules, followed by trapping of the denser RBCs or leukocytes in the areas of adhesion because of reduced effective lumen-diameter. In SCD, RBCs are heterogeneous in terms of density, shape, deformability and surface proteins, which accounts for the differences observed in their adhesion and resistance to shear stress. Sickle RBCs exhibit abnormal adhesion to laminin mediated by Lu/BCAM protein at their surface. This adhesion is triggered by Lu/BCAM phosphorylation in reticulocytes but such phosphorylation does not occur in mature dense RBCs despite firm adhesion to laminin. In this study, we investigated the adhesive properties of sickle RBC subpopulations and addressed the molecular mechanism responsible for the increased adhesion of dense RBCs to laminin in the absence of Lu/BCAM phosphorylation. We provide evidence for the implication of oxidative stress in post-translational modifications of Lu/BCAM that impact its distribution and cis-interaction with glycophorin C at the cell surface activating its adhesive function in sickle dense RBCs.Combination treatment has proven effective for patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia, exemplifying the importance of therapy targeting multiple components of oncogenic regulation for a successful outcome. However, recent studies have shown that the mutational complexity of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) precludes the translation of molecular targeting into clinical success. Here as a complement to genetic profiling, we used unbiased, combinatorial in vitro drug screening to identify pathways that drive AML and to develop personalized combinatorial treatments. First, we screened 513 natural compounds on primary AML cells and identified a novel diterpene (H4) that preferentially induced differentiation of FLT3 wild-type AMLs, while FLT3-ITD/mutations conferred resistance. The responding samples to H4, displayed increased expression of myeloid markers, a clear decrease in the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and the potential of re-activation of the monocytic transcriptional program reducing leukemia propagation in vivo. By combinatorial screening using H4 and molecules with defined targets, we demonstrated that H4 induces differentiation by the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway, and in line with this, activates PKC phosphorylation and translocation of PKC to the cell membrane. Furthermore, the combinatorial screening identified a bromo- and extra-terminal domain (BET) inhibitor that could further improve H4-dependent leukemic differentiation in FLT3 wild-type monocytic AML. Taken together, this illustrates the value of an unbiased and multiplex screening platform for developing combinatorial therapeutic approaches for AML.Secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML) after myelodysplastic or myeloproliferative disorders is a high-risk category currently identified by clinical history or specific morphological and cytogenetic abnormalities. However, in the absence of these features, uncertainties remain to identify the secondary nature of some cases otherwise defined as de novo AML. To test whether a chromatin-spliceosome (CS) mutational signature might better inform the definition of the de novo AML group, we analyzed a prospective cohort of 413 newly diagnosed AML patients enrolled into a randomized clinical trial (NILG AML 02/06) and provided with accurate cytogenetic and molecular characterization. Among clinically defined de novo AML, 17.6% carried CS mutations (CS-AML) and showed clinical characteristics closer to sAML (older age, lower white blood cell counts and higher rate of multilineage dysplasia). Outcomes in this group were adverse, more similar to those of sAML as compared to de novo AML (overall survival, 30% in CS-AML and 17% in sAML vs 61% in de novo AML, P less then 0.0001; disease free survival, 26% in CS-AML and 22% in sAML vs 54% of de novo AML, P less then 0.001) and independently confirmed by multivariable analysis. Allogeneic transplant in first complete remission improved survival in both sAML and CS-AML patients. In conclusion, these findings highlight the clinical significance of identifying CS-AML for improved prognostic prediction and potential therapeutic implications. (NILG AML 02/06 ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier NCT00495287).Bone skeletal alterations are no longer considered a rare event in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), especially at more advanced stages of the disease. This study is aimed at elucidating the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. Bone marrow stromal cells, induced to differentiate toward osteoblasts in osteogenic medium, appeared unable to complete their maturation upon co-culture with CLL cells, CLL cells-derived conditioned media (CLL-cm) or CLL-sera (CLL-sr). Inhibition of osteoblast differentiation was documented by decreased levels of RUNX2 and osteocalcin mRNA expression, by increased osteopontin and DKK-1 mRNA levels, and by a marked reduction of mineralized matrix deposition. CP 43 The addition of neutralizing TNFα, IL-11 or anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibodies to these co-cultures resulted into restoration of bone mineralization, indicating the involvement of these cytokines these findings were further supported by silencing TNFα, IL-11 and IL-6 in leukemic cells. We also demonstrated that the addition of CLL-cm to monocytes, previously stimulated with MCSF and RANKL, significantly amplified the formation of large mature osteoclasts as well as their bone resorption activity. Moreover enhanced osteoclastogenesis, induced by CLL-cm, was significantly reduced by treating cultures with the anti-TNFα moAb Infliximab; an analogous effect was observed by the use of the BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib. CLL cells, co-cultured with mature osteoclasts, were interestingly protected from apoptosis and upregulated Ki-67. These experimental results parallel the direct correlation between TNFα amounts in CLL sera and the degree of compact bone erosion we previously described, further strengthening the indication of a reciprocal influence between leukemic cells expansion and bone structure derangement.Spermatozoa released from the testis are unable to fertilize an egg without a coordinated process of maturation in the lumen of the epididymis. Relatively little is known about the molecular events that integrate this critical progression along the male genital ducts in man. Here, we use single cell RNA-sequencing to construct an atlas of the human proximal epididymis. We find that the CFTR, which is pivotal in normal epididymis fluid transport, is most abundant in surface epithelial cells in the efferent ducts and in rare clear cells in the caput epididymis, suggesting region-specific functional properties. We reveal transcriptional signatures for multiple cell clusters, which identify the individual roles of principal, apical, narrow, basal, clear, halo, and stromal cells in the epididymis. A marked cell type-specific distribution of function is seen along the duct with local specialization of individual cell types integrating processes of sperm maturation.d-Serine (d-Ser) is a coagonist for NMDA-type glutamate receptors and is thus important for higher brain function. d-Ser is synthesized by serine racemase and degraded by d-amino acid oxidase. However, the significance of these enzymes and the relevant functions of d-amino acids remain unclear. Here, we show that in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the serine racemase homolog SERR-1 and d-amino acid oxidase DAAO-1 control an adaptive foraging behavior. Similar to many organisms, C. elegans immediately initiates local search for food when transferred to a new environment. With prolonged food deprivation, the worms exhibit a long-range dispersal behavior as the adaptive foraging strategy. We found that serr-1 deletion mutants did not display this behavior, whereas daao-1 deletion mutants immediately engaged in long-range dispersal after food removal. A quantitative analysis of d-amino acids indicated that d-Ser and d-alanine (d-Ala) are both synthesized and suppressed during food deprivation. A behavioral pzation.Enhancer of zester homolog 2 (EZH2), a histone lysine methyltransferase and the catalytic component of polycomb repressive complex 2, has been extensively investigated as a chromatin regulator and a transcriptional suppressor by methylating H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27). EZH2 is upregulated or mutated in most cancers, and its expression levels are negatively associated with clinical outcomes. However, the current developed small-molecule inhibitors targeting EZH2 enzymatic activities could not inhibit the growth and progression of solid tumors. Here, we discovered an antihistamine drug, ebastine, as a novel EZH2 inhibitor by targeting EZH2 transcription and subsequently downregulating EZH2 protein level and H3K27 trimethylation in multiple cancer cell lines at concentrations below 10 μmol/L. The inhibition of EZH2 by ebastine further impaired the progression, migration, and invasiveness of these cancer cells. Overexpression of Ezh2 wild-type and its mutant, H689A (lacking methyltransferase activity), rescued the neoplastic properties of these cancer cells after ebastine treatment, suggesting that EZH2 targeted by ebastine is independent of its enzymatic function. Next-generation RNA-sequencing analysis also revealed that C4-2 cells treated with 8 μmol/L ebastine showed a gene profiling pattern similar to EZH2-knockdown C4-2 cells, which was distinctively different from cells treated with GSK126, an EZH2 enzyme inhibitor. In addition, ebastine treatment effectively reduced tumor growth and progression, and enhanced progression-free survival in triple-negative breast cancer and drug-resistant castration-resistant prostate cancer patient-derived xenograft mice. Our data demonstrated that ebastine is a novel, safe, and potent anticancer agent for patients with advanced cancer by targeting the oncoprotein EZH2.

Autoři článku: Polatkold7091 (Snider Finn)