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Recommendations are made for clinical practice and future research.Motor learning skills are reliable indicators of behavioral acquisition and cognitive disorders. The ease with which learning skills are measured disparities the complexity of the interpretation concerning neural plasticity. Conversely, a wealth of information regarding metabolic derangements has long been reported with direct connection to high sucrose diets. However, the impact of excessive sucrose consumption on undergoing cognitive processes has been only scarcely addressed up to now. Therefore, the goal of this work was to describe the associative relationship between high sucrose consumption and changes in motor learning skills acquisition. Motor learning impairments conditioned by central alterations are hypothesized. Rotarod, elevated plus-maze and open field trials, along with metabolic and pro-inflammatory biomarkers tests in Wistar rats under a high sucrose treatment, were performed. Motor learning impairment in high sucrose diet-treated rats was found while spontaneous locomotor activity remained unchanged. Even though, no anxiety-like behavior under high sucrose diet-treatment was observed. Consistently, the worst outcome in the glucose tolerance test was developed, the worst motor learning performance was observed. Furthermore, insulin resistance correlated positively with a pro-inflammatory state and a decreased latency to fall in the rotarod test. Indeed, C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-α serum levels, along with the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), significantly increased in motor learning impairment. Together, these results support behavioral, metabolic and pro-inflammatory changes associated with deleterious changes in central nervous system likely involving crucial motor learning structures. Underlying pro-inflammatory-triggered processes may explain cognitive disorders in advanced states of metabolic derangements.Dietary fat, an important macronutrient, has been considered to be perceived by texture and olfaction. Recently, fatty acid transporter, CD36, and fatty acid receptor, GPR120 are considered to be involved in human gustatory fatty acids perception in humans. However, limited information is currently available to show that agonists of CD36 and GPR120 evoke fatty oral sensations regarding to dietary fat in humans. Therefore, the role of GPR120 agonists in dietary fat perception in humans was investigated herein. An emulsion prepared from vegetable oil had a stronger fatty orosensation, an orosensation similar to an oily mouth-coating sensed 5 - 10 s after tasting, than that prepared from mineral oil; however, the physical properties of both emulsions, such as viscosity, particle distribution, interfacial tension, contact angle, frictional load, and ζ-electric potential were similar. The potent GPR120 agonist, TUG-891 enhanced the fatty orosensation when added to the emulsion prepared from vegetable oil, but not to that from mineral oil. All GPR120 agonists tested enhanced the fatty orosensation when added to a low-fat food system whereas they did not evoke any fatty sensation in aqueous solution at the concentrations tested in food system, and sensory activity positively correlated with GPR120 activity. These results suggest that GPR120 agonists enhance the fatty orosensation in humans when added to vegetable oil or a low-fat food system, but do not evoke it by themselves.Pure alexia and prosopagnosia traditionally have been seen as prime examples of dissociated, category-specific agnosias affecting reading and face recognition, respectively. More recent accounts have moved towards domain-independent explanations that postulate potential cross-links between different types of visual agnosia. According to one proposal, abnormal crowding, i.e. the impairment of recognition when features of adjacent objects are positioned too closely to each other, might provide a unified account for the perceptual deficits experienced by an agnosic patient. An alternative approach is based on the notion of complementary visual subsystems favouring the processing of abstract categories and specific exemplars, respectively. To test predictions of these two approaches with regard to pure alexia and prosopagnosia, we present previously unpublished data on digit recognition and visual crowding from two in the neuropsychological literature extensively studied patients, KD and MT (e.g., Campbell et al., 1986; Landis and Regard, 1988; Rentschler et al., 1994). Patient MT, diagnosed with pure alexia, showed pronounced abnormal foveal crowding, whereas KD, diagnosed with prosopagnosia, did not. These results form a distinct double dissociation with the performance of the two patients in other perceptual classification tasks involving Gabor micropatterns and textures, as well as Glass patterns, which revealed a significantly greater impairment in KD relative to MT. Based on an analysis of the specific task demands we argue that prosopagnosia and pure alexia may involve complementary deficits in instantiation and abstraction, respectively, during perceptual classification, beyond any category specificity. Such an explanation appears in line with previous distinctions between a predominantly left-hemispheric, abstract-category and a predominantly right-hemispheric, specific-exemplar subsystem underlying object recognition.A combination of confirmation bias, hindsight bias, and pressure to publish may prompt the (unconscious) exploration of various methodological options and reporting only the ones that lead to a (statistically) significant outcome. This undisclosed analytic flexibility is particularly relevant in EEG research, where a myriad of preprocessing and analysis pipelines can be used to extract information from complex multidimensional data. One solution to limit confirmation and hindsight bias by disclosing analytic choices is preregistration researchers write a time-stamped, publicly accessible research plan with hypotheses, data collection plan, and the intended preprocessing and statistical analyses before the start of a research project. In this manuscript, we present an overview of the problems associated with undisclosed analytic flexibility, discuss why and how EEG researchers would benefit from adopting preregistration, provide guidelines and examples on how to preregister data preprocessing and analysis steps in typical ERP studies, and conclude by discussing possibilities and limitations of this open science practice.

To evaluate clinical characteristics associated with patient attitudes toward surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease (PD) prior to consultation in a high-volume male sexual health clinic.

From 2014-2018 a prospective database was created of patients presenting to the sexual health clinic at our institution. Multivariable regression analysis was conducted to determine factors associated with pre-visit consideration of surgery.

Of 1359 men presenting to clinic, 342 had a chief complaint of PD. Prior to consultation, 79% of patients (n=270) stated they were willing to consider surgery to correct their PD symptoms. Factors associated with consideration of surgery included younger patient age (mean 55.8 vs 60.0 years; P=.008), history of depression/anxiety (21% vs 8%, P=.01), greater penile curvature (43.3 vs 34.6 degrees; P=.002), penile shortening (64% vs 44%; P=.003), pain with erections (46% vs 33%; P=.05) and decreased ability to have penetrative intercourse (51.9% vs 65.3%, P=.04). On multivariable aelihood of considering surgery. This information provides important insight into patient attitude toward undergoing surgery and will help drive patient counseling for men with PD.

To analyze the effect on biochemical recurrence (BCR) of omitting PLND in subsequently upgraded/upstaged patients (pNx regret). Using nomograms, patients with low to intermediate-risk prostate cancer can be selected to omit a pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) at the time of a radical prostatectomy (RP). RO4929097 cost However, some patients will experience upgraded pathology and/or stage.

We searched a prospectively maintained single institution/multi-surgeon cohort of patients treated by RP and >5-year follow-up. From 2006-2012, 1026 (521 pNx and 505 pN0/1) eligible patients with biopsy Gleason Score ≤3+4 and cT1c-cT2 undergoing RARP were included in the study.

Gleason upgrading from ≤3+4 to >3+4 and/or pT3-4 occurred in 17% of pNx and 32% of pN0/N1 (p<0.001). BCR occurred in 5% of the pNx, and 7% of the PLND group. Five-year BCR free survival was higher in the pNx group (94.7% vs. 91%, P = .048). BCR occurred in 3% in the non-pNx regret and 18% in the pNx regret patients. However, with propensity score matching with pNx regret and pN0/N1 patients, 5-year BCR free survival rates were similar (81% vs 77%, P = .466).

Low to favorable intermediate-risk patients who PLND was omitted and experienced upgrading or upstaging (pNx regret), have a higher predicted BCR. However, when matched to a similar cohort with pN0/N1, the BCR did not differ. Omission of a PLND does not appear to alter the rates of BCR compared to PLND inclusion.

Low to favorable intermediate-risk patients who PLND was omitted and experienced upgrading or upstaging (pNx regret), have a higher predicted BCR. However, when matched to a similar cohort with pN0/N1, the BCR did not differ. Omission of a PLND does not appear to alter the rates of BCR compared to PLND inclusion.

To evaluate the urodynamics (UDS) of patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS).

Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of PoTS referred by the department of neuro-cardiology to the neuro-urology were identified and their UDS were retrospectively reviewed.

In total, 50 patients (47=94.0% female) with confirmed PoTS and available UDS were identified. Mean age of females and males was 32.4 and 28.2 years, P=.15. Intermittent self-catheterisation was being used by 15/47 (31.9%) females at assessment. Detrusor overactivity was observed in 6 females (12.8%) (all at end fill and associated with urgency). In total, 14 (29.8%) females had no sensation of filling. No patients had an "unsafe" bladder. In total, 15/47 (31.9%) of women were unable to void with UDS catheters. Straining was reported in 22/35 (68.8%) of females. The female bladder outflow obstruction index=P


- 2.2(Q

) was over 5 in 10/28 (35.7%) and over 18 in 5 (17.9%). The bladder contractility index=P



was under 100 in 18/28 (28.6%) women.

The UDS of patients with "PoTS bladder" often demonstrate a poorly sensate but stable and safe bladder with functional obstruction and impaired bladder contractility that may necessitate straining or intermittent self-catheterisation.

The UDS of patients with "PoTS bladder" often demonstrate a poorly sensate but stable and safe bladder with functional obstruction and impaired bladder contractility that may necessitate straining or intermittent self-catheterisation.

To study patterns and factors associated with female representation in the American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines.

We gathered publicly available information about the panelists, including the AUA section, practice setting, academic rank, fellowship training, years in practice, and H-index. The factors associated with the proportion of female panelists and trends were investigated. We also examined the proportion of female panelists in the European Association of Urology (EAU) and National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) urology guidelines.

There were 483 non-unique panelists in AUA guidelines, and 17% are female. Non-urologist female panelists in AUA guidelines represented a higher proportion than female urologists (30% vs 13%, P<0.0001). Compared with male panelists, females had lower H-indices (median 23 vs 35, P<0.001), and fewer were fellowship-trained (77.2% vs 86.8%; P=0.042). On multivariate analysis, non-urologists and panelists with lower H-indices were more likely to be female but there was no association between guideline specialties, academic ranking, geographic section, years in practice, and fellowship training with increased female authorship.

Autoři článku: Perezmorsing3446 (Braun Klitgaard)