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Hydroclimatic and soil variables were major controlling factors of contamination hotspots. The relatively low risk of environmental exposure highlighted in our work for a single active substance does not rule out a greater recognition of environmental pollution by pesticides and calls for worldwide cooperation to develop timely standards and implement regulated strategies to prevent excess global environmental pollution. There is increasing interest in beneficial uses of large volumes of wastewater co-produced with oil and gas extraction (produced water, PW) because of water scarcity, potential subsurface disposal limitations, and regional linkages to induced seismicity. Here we quantified PW volumes relative to water demand in different sectors and PW quality relative to treatment and reuse options for the major U.S. shale oil and gas plays. PW volumes from these plays totaled ~600 billion liters (BL, 160 billion gallons, Bgal) in 2017. One year of PW is equal to ~60% of one day of freshwater use in the U.S. For these plays, the total irrigation demand exceeded PW volumes by ~5× whereas municipal demand exceeded PW by ~2×. If PW is reused for hydraulic fracturing (HF) within the energy sector, there would be no excess PW in about half of the plays because HF water demand exceeds PW volumes in those plays. PW quality can be highly saline with median total dissolved solids up to 255 g/L in the Bakken play, ~7× seawater. Intensive water treatment required for PW from most unconventional plays would further reduce PW volumes by at least 2×. PDS-0330 in vitro Desalination would also result in large volumes of salt concentrates, equivalent to ~3000 Olympic swimming pools in the Permian Delaware Basin in 2017. While water demands outside the energy sector could accommodate PW volumes, much lower PW volumes relative to water demand in most regions would not substantially alleviate water scarcity. However, large projected PW volumes relative to HF water demand over the life of the play in the Permian Delaware Basin may provide a substantial new water source for beneficial use in the future. Large knowledge gaps in PW quality, lack of appropriate regulations, and economic factors currently preclude beneficial uses outside the energy sector in most regions. Charcoal-stripped fetal bovine serum (CS-FBS) is frequently used in studies on hormone-responsive cancers to provide hormone-free cell culture conditions. CS-FBS may influence the growth of cancer cells; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In this study, we aimed to clarify the effects of CS-FBS on distinct subtypes of breast cancer cells. We found that the crucial oncoprotein c-Myc was significantly inhibited in estrogen receptor alpha (ER-α)-positive breast cancer cells when cultured in CS-FBS-supplemented medium, but it was not suppressed in ER-α-negative cells. The addition of 17β-estradiol (E2) to CS-FBS-supplemented medium rescued the CS-FBS-induced inhibition of c-Myc, while treatment with 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) suppressed c-Myc expression. Our data demonstrated that CS-FBS may impede the growth of ER-α-positive breast cancer cells via c-Myc inhibition, and this was possibly due to the removal of estrogen. These results highlighted that the core drivers of c-Myc expression were subtype-specific depending on the distinct cell context and special caution should be exercised when using CS-FBS in studies of hormone-responsive cancer cells. The hepatocytes were cultivated in the presence of lithium carbonate (LC) for drugs testing or possible source for transplantation in the treatment of hereditary or terminal liver diseases. The LC, as an inducer of autophagy, is a promising drug for maintaining cell homeostasis and has a significant effect on the ultrastructural organization of hepatocyte cells. Within current investigation, new mechanisms of the biological effects of lithium and the ultrastructural analysis of the primary culture of hepatocytes were studied via flow cytofluorometry, light, and electron microscopy methods. Obtained results demonstrate the absence of the toxic effect of 5 mM of LC on the primary hepatocyte culture. In addition, LC does not block the cell cycle at the G0/G1 stage after 24 h of hepatocyte cultivation and promotes the preservation of their viability by 48 h of the experiment. Moreover, LC does not stimulate hepatocyte apoptosis, induces autophagy and the preserves the proliferative activity of hepatocytes. CircRNA is a kind of covalent head-to-tail looped RNA and plays an important role in tumor development. However, the identification of new potential targetable circRNAs to inhibit cancer development is still a huge challenge. In this study, we found that circEHMT1 inhibited migration and invasion of breast cancer cells. Mechanistically, we identified miR-1233-3p as a target of circEHMT1, and the circEHMT1/miR-1233-3p axis regulated matrix metalloprotease 2 (MMP2) by modulating the transcription factor Krϋppel-like factor 4 (KLF4). In summary, we showed that circEHMT1 has potential as a prognostic factor in breast cancer and played a tumor suppressor role via the circEHMT1/miR-1233-3p/KLF4/MMP2 axis. Aberrant activation of Hedgehog signaling is considered as the key player in hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation involved in liver fibrosis (LF). The glioma-associated protein gene (GLI) has a predicted paired box 6 (PAX6)-binding site within its transcribed region. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between PAX6 and GLI and their contribution to HSC activation and proliferation. PAX6 expression was upregulated in platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB)-induced LX-2 cells. The activation and proliferation of HSC were inhibited by interference of PAX6 with short hairpin RNA (shPAX6) via curbing Hedgehog signaling. Notably, PAX6 directly bound to the promoter sequence of GLI1 independent of the PTCH/SMO axis. Therefore, we propose that PAX6 upregulation induces HSC activation and proliferation through crosstalk with GLI1 signaling. Thus, these novel mechanistic insights involving the PAX6-mediated regulation of the activation and proliferation of HSC may provide a new therapeutic target for LF.

Autoři článku: Pereirahughes4597 (Kearney Behrens)