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Over the last months, as oncology specialists, we have frequently been contacted for estimating prognosis for cancer patients affected by COVID-19 infection. Until now, there have been no clear markers to guide decision making regarding the appropriateness of invasive ventilation in cancer patients affected by COVID-19 infection. We developed a practical tool encompassing a prognostic score, "The Milano Policlinico ONCOVID-ICU score." The score is composed of three groups of variables patient's characteristics such as sex, age, BMI, and comorbidities; oncological variables (treatment intent, life expectancy, on or off-treatment status); and clinical parameters in association with laboratory values (the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score and D-dimer). The SOFA score includes six different clinical parameters and during the first few days of ICU admissions has an important prognostic role. The oncological history should never represent, per se, a contraindication to intensive care and must be considered together with other variables, such as laboratory values, clinical parameters, and patient characteristics, in order to make the hardest but best possible choice. To our knowledge, "The Milano Policlinico ONCOVID-ICU score" is the first prognostic score proposed in this setting of patients and requires further validation. This tool may be useful to assess the prognosis of cancer patients in critical conditions.This work aimed to define the microbial consortia that are able to digest gluten into non-toxic and non-immunogenic peptides in the human gastrointestinal tract.

131 out of 504 tested

and lactic acid bacteria, specifically

(64), lactobacilli (63),

(1), and

(3), showed strong gastrointestinal resistance and were selected for their PepN, PepI, PepX, PepO, and PepP activities toward synthetic substrates. Based on multivariate analysis, 24 strains were clearly distinct from the other tested strains based on having the highest enzymatic activities. As estimated by RP-HPLC and nano-ESI-MS/MS, 6 cytoplasmic extracts out of 24 selected strains showed the ability to hydrolyze immunogenic epitopes, specifically 57-68 of α9-gliadin, 62-75 of A-gliadin, 134-153 of γ-gliadin, and 57-89 (33-mer) of α2-gliadin. Live and lysed cells of selected strains were combined into different microbial consortia for hydrolyzing gluten under gastrointestinal conditions. Commercial proteolytic enzymes (



ides during gastrointestinal digestion.Background. In the past few years, surgical robots have recently entered the medical field, particularly in urology, gynecology, and general surgery. However, the clinical effectiveness and safety of robot-assisted surgery (RAS) in the field of head and neck surgery has not been clearly established. In this review, we evaluate to what extent RAS can potentially be applied in head and neck surgery, in which fields it is already daily routine and what advantages can be seen in comparison to conventional surgery. HS-173 mouse Data sources. For this purpose, we conducted a systematic review of trials published between 2000 and 2021, as well as currently ongoing trials registered in The results were structured according to anatomical regions, for the topics "Costs," "current clinical trials," and "robotic research" we added separate sections for the sake of clarity. Results. Our findings show a lack of large-scale systematic randomized trials on the use of robots in head and neck surgery. Most studies include small case series or lack a control arm which enables a comparison with established standard procedures. Conclusion. The question of financial reimbursement is still not answered and the systems on the market still require some specific improvements for the use in head and neck surgery.The species Chiliadenus glutinosus (L.) Fourr. has a large number of therapeutic uses reported in the traditional Spanish medicine. The growing interest in preserving the ethnopharmacological knowledge related to the botanical diversity existing in Spain and the interest in achieving scientific validation of the therapeutic properties of medicinal species has led to the development of this study. To do it, all the known medicinal uses of Ch. glutinosus in Spain were compiled, then an exhaustive bibliographic research on its chemical composition was carried out, and finally, an in silico validation of the bioactive phytochemicals present in a higher proportion in the essential oil of Ch. glutinosus camphor, borneol, lucinone, glutinone, quercetin, kutdtriol, and kaempferol; in an attempt to justify the reported traditional uses of the species. It was found that much of the traditional medicinal uses of Ch. glutinosus, along with the biological activity of its phytochemicals, are supported by scientific evidence. The results place this species in a prominent position to initiate possible lines of research to develop new, more effective drugs and improve therapies to treat conditions and diseases that affect the different organic systems of the human being.Salicylic acid and its derivatives (including acetylsalicylic acid/aspirin) are popular in medicine. They also occur naturally in many food products. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the personalized low salicylate diet (PLSD) on the reduction of asthma, rhinosinusitis and urticaria symptoms in patients with hypersensitivity to aspirin (ASA) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). To achieve the research goal, a prospective, nonrandomized, baseline-controlled intervention study was conducted. Thirty patients diagnosed with NSAIDs hypersensitivity, who despite pharmacotherapy had symptoms of hypersensitivity, were included in the study. The PLSD was recommended for all participants for a period of two to four weeks. The intensity of subjectively declared symptoms of asthma, rhinosinusitis and urticaria were measured before and after dietary intervention, using, respectively, the asthma control test (ACT), the sino-nasal outcome test (SNOT-22) and the four-item itch questionnaire (FIIQ). Diet adherence and salicylate intake were measured by a 3-day food record. The severity of symptoms improved significantly after the intervention. The median of the ACT score was 24 scores before and 25 after the dietary intervention (p less then 0.002), the median of the SNOT-22 score was 25 before and 13 after a dietary intervention (p less then 0.0002) and the median of the FIIQ score was 5 before and 0 after a dietary intervention (p less then 0.0002). The intake of salicylates decreased from 0.79 mg/day (before intervention) to 0.15 mg/day (p less then 0.001) (during intervention). Although the usefulness of a low salicylate diet in the treatment of salicylate hypersensitivity is controversial, the results of our study indicate that the PLSD may have a positive effect in reducing symptoms of salicylate hypersensitivity and could be an additional tool supporting the therapy of these patients.A series of isolates of Cladosporium spp. were recovered in the course of a cooperative study on galls formed by midges of the genus Asphondylia (Diptera, Cecidomyidae) on several species of Lamiaceae. The finding of these fungi in both normal and galled flowers was taken as an indication that they do not have a definite relationship with the midges. Moreover, identification based on DNA sequencing showed that these isolates are taxonomically heterogeneous and belong to several species which are classified in two different species complexes. Two new species, Cladosporium polonicum and Cladosporium neapolitanum, were characterized within the Cladosporium cladosporioides species complex based on strains from Poland and Italy, respectively. Evidence concerning the possible existence of additional taxa within the collective species C. cladosporioides and C. pseudocladosporioides is discussed.People with intellectual disability (ID) and extensive support needs experience poorer quality of life than their peers whose disability is not as severe. Many of them live in residential settings that limit community participation and prevent them from exercising control over their lives. This work analyzes the extent to which professional practices are aimed at promoting the right to community living for people with ID and extensive support needs, as well as the rights that are particularly linked to it, such as the right to habilitation and rehabilitation and the right to privacy. A specific questionnaire was designed and administered to 729 adults with intellectual disability (M = 37.05; DT = 12.79) living in different settings (family home, residential facilities and group homes). Measurement and structural models were estimated using exploratory structural equation modeling. Results obtained reveal that people with extensive support needs receive less support in terms of guaranteeing their right to independent living and privacy, especially when they live in disability-related services. This study highlights the need to implement and monitor, using valid and reliable indicators, mesosystem strategies that guarantee the right to live and participate in the community, especially for individuals with ID and extensive support needs.In the literature, autogenous dentin is considered a possible alternative to bone substitute materials and autologous bone for certain indications. The aim of this proof-of-concept study was to use autogenous dentin for lateral ridge augmentation. In the present retrospective study, autogenous dentin slices were obtained from teeth and used for the reconstruction of lateral ridge defects (tooth-shell technique (TST) 28 patients (15 females, 13 males) with 34 regions and 38 implants). The bone-shell technique (BST) according to Khoury (31 patients (16 females, 15 males) with 32 regions and 41 implants) on autogenous bone served as the control. Implants were placed simultaneously in both cases. Follow-up was made 3 months after implantation. Target parameters during this period were clinical complications, horizontal hard tissue loss, osseointegration, and integrity of the buccal lamella. The prosthetic restoration with a fixed denture was carried out after 5 months. The total observation period was 5 months. A total of seven complications occurred. Of these, three implants were affected by wound dehiscences (TST 1, BST 2) and four by inflammations (TST 0, BST 4). There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of the total number of complications. One implant with TST exhibited a horizontal hard tissue loss of 1 mm and one with BST of 0.5 mm. Other implants were not affected by hard tissue loss. There were no significant differences between the two groups. Integrity of the buccal lamella was preserved in all implants. All implants were completely osseointegrated in TST and BST. All implants could be prosthetically restored with a fixed denture 5 months after augmentation. TST showed results comparable to those of the BST. Dentin can therefore serve as an alternative material to avoid bone harvesting procedures and thus reduce postoperative discomfort of patients.Important gaps in knowledge remain regarding the potential of nanoparticles (NPs) for plants, particularly the existence of helpful microorganisms, for instance, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi present in the soil. Hence, more profound studies are required to distinguish the impact of NPs on plant growth inoculated with AM fungi and their role in NP uptake to develop smart nanotechnology implementations in crop improvement. Zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) NPs are prepared via the citrate technique and defined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as transmission electron microscopy for several physical properties. The analysis of the XRD pattern confirmed the creation of a nanocrystalline structure with a crystallite size equal to 25.4 nm. The effects of ZnFe2O4 NP on AM fungi, growth and pigment content as well as nutrient uptake of pea (Pisum sativum) plants were assessed. ZnFe2O4 NP application caused a slight decrease in root colonization. However, its application showed an augmentation of 74.36% and 91.89% in AM pea plant shoots and roots' fresh weights, respectively, compared to the control.

Autoři článku: Paynemaddox2255 (Jimenez Bladt)