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COVID-19 has had an instant effect on food systems in developing countries. Restrictions to the movement of people and goods have impaired access to markets, services and food. Unlike other concurrent crises, rather than threatening the material hardware of food systems, COVID-19 has so far affected the 'software' of food systems, highlighting again that connectivity is at the heart of these systems. Drops in demand, the loss of markets and employment and growing concerns about international cooperation are indications of possible deeper disruptions to come. Amidst this uncertainty, strategies to safeguard food and nutrition security of the world's poor need to prioritize diversification of production and markets. FRAX597 Nutritious, biofortified crops such as potato, sweetpotato, but also wheat, maize and beans among others, can play a more significant role to provide key micronutrients (vitamin A, iron, zinc) at large scale. Strong local market chains, robust smallholder production systems and increasing commercial utilization make these crops powerful vehicles for securing nutrition when markets and mobility look uncertain. We posit that the evolving impacts of COVID-19 provide an opportunity to focus agricultural innovations, including the development and delivery of biofortified crops, on new and more specifically defined 'jobs to be done' throughout the food system. This will help bridge some of the current disruptions in supply and demand and will help prepare food systems for future crises.Kidney replacement therapy (KRT) can provide lifesaving support for children with severely impaired kidney function. The decision about who needs KRT and when is often complex. Many acute kidney problems will resolve with conservative maanagemenent but some children with chronic or acute kidney impairment will find themselves in a position where KRT is required either as a bridge to recovery or kidney transplantation. Less commonly, children with metabolic disorders may find that the ability of their own kidneys is overwhelmed by excessive production of certain metabolites. These children may also benefit from short term KRT. This article aims to help paediatricians in training understand which children need kidney replacement therapy, the various types of treatment available, and when they are used.Literature suggests that urban regeneration policies might contribute towards improving mental health of residents, but to date there is a lack of empirical research on how these policies and downward social mobility can interact and influence health outcomes. The current study aims to explicitly test whether regeneration policies implemented in deprived Andalusian urban places (southern Spain) moderate the use of anxiolytics and/or antidepressants, taking into consideration families' downward social mobility during the recent period of economic crisis in Spain. We designed a post intervention survey to retrospectively compare the evolution of psychotropic drug consumption in target and comparison areas. We observe a general increase in the use of anxiolytics and/or antidepressants from 2008 to 2015, specifically for people in whose families the economic crisis had the greatest impact (odds ratio = 2.18; p value  less then  0.001). However, better evolution is observed among residents of the target areas compared with residents of similar urban areas where this kind of polices have been not in force (odds ratio = 0.50; p value  less then  0.05). Therefore, urban regeneration policies might act as moderators of the risk of mental health, particularly when people are subject to the loss of individual/family resources in urban vulnerable contexts.A 19-month-old child presented with fever and acute neurological deterioration with hypertonia, tremors, and clonus 1 day after starting metoclopramide. The clinical course of the patient was suggestive of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) and serotonin syndrome (SS), which can both be triggered by metoclopramide. This first pediatric report of an overlap between NMS and SS associated to metoclopramide highlights the importance of considering this new entity and its consequences on treatment.Late-onset sepsis caused by Staphylococcus aureus is a serious and relatively common complication encountered by preterm neonates in NICUs. Typical treatment regimens for invasive methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) include semisynthetic beta lactam antibiotics, such as nafcillin. This report describes the first use of a combination of cefazolin and ertapenem to successfully treat persistent MSSA bacteremia in a preterm neonate who failed traditional first-line therapy.

Postoperative bleeding is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in cardiac patients who undergo cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Pediatric patients are especially at risk for adverse effects of surgery and CPB on the coagulation system. This can result in bleeding, transfusions, and poor outcomes. Excessive bleeding unresponsive to blood products can warrant the off-label use of recombinant activated clotting factor VIIa (rFVIIa) and/or anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (FEIBA). Several studies have shown the utility in these agents off-label in patients who have undergone cardiac bypass surgery with acute bleeding episodes that are refractory to blood products. However, data regarding use of these agents in pediatrics are sparse. The purpose of this study is to report the use of rFVIIa and FEIBA in pediatric cardiac surgery patients in our institution.

This was a retrospective chart review of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery patients who received rFVIIa or FEIBA at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta during the study period.

Thirty-three patients received rFVIIa and 9 patients received FEIBA either intraoperatively or postoperatively for bleeding related to the cardiac procedure. Approximately 13% of rFVIIa patients and 55% of FEIBA patients required repeat doses. There were decreases for all blood products administered after rFVIIa and FEIBA were given. However, the doses used did not correlate with either positive or negative outcomes. Seventeen percent (n = 7) of rFVIIa patients experienced a thrombus and 22% (n = 2) of FEIBA patients experienced a thrombus.

Both rFVIIa and FEIBA reduced blood product usage in pediatric patients following cardiac procedures.

Both rFVIIa and FEIBA reduced blood product usage in pediatric patients following cardiac procedures.

Autoři článku: Paulsenbaxter6484 (Espinoza Gleason)