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Mammary myofibroblastoma is a rare soft-tissue tumor. Extramammary myofibroblastomas are particularly rare. We here report the case of a 78-year-old man presenting with pelvic pain relieved by defecation or urination. Rectal examination showed a mass in front of the anterior rectal wall. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a well-circumscribed and heterogeneous mass measuring 10 x 6 x 8cm located behind the bladder which was pushed forward in front of the rectosigmoid. Immunohistochemical analyses showed diffuse co-expression on CD34 cells and desmin, Rb expression on most cells, oestrogen receptor expression, intense and diffuse P16 expression and a ki67 proliferation index of 25%. The patient had no recurrence 8 months after radiotherapy followed by surgery. Breast myofibroblastoma is a rare and benign tumor. Recurrence is hardly observed after local treatment. This study highlights the supporting role of radiotherapy in the efficacy of surgery.

the medical file is a key element of quality reflecting good hospital management. Many steps have been taken through its history leading up to computerization. This Process allows the sharing of files with both the health staff and patients, while respecting the professional confidentiality between parties. However, in Morocco, as is the case in other countries that are unable to computerize all their hospitals, it is necessary to study first the medical file in paper before proceeding with its computerization. The purpose of our study is to describe the state of the hard copy medical record in our Host University and international hospital, Cheikh Zaid in Morocco.

that is a cross-sectional study that lasted for three months in Cheikh Zaid hospital. The collection of data from this institution was based on the evaluation of 100 medical records of inpatients, seeing as they respond to our study criteria and requirements better than outpatients. Said evaluation was inspired by a clinical audit grid recommenization of the medical file in several hospitals in Morocco, the maintenance of the hard copy version remains unavoidable and still necessary, to protect the rights of both the patient and his medical staff.

according to the results, improving the medical file is necessary both administratively and medically. Thus, all parties, including doctors and nurses must be aware of their tasks and roles in this process. AS-703026 Despite the advances in the computerization of the medical file in several hospitals in Morocco, the maintenance of the hard copy version remains unavoidable and still necessary, to protect the rights of both the patient and his medical staff.This study was aimed at proposing a three-dimensional (3D) evaluation method for the soft tissue effects of Twin Block (TB) functional appliance therapy by using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. In this retrospective study, a total of 60 pre- and posttreatment (T0 and T1) CBCT images of Class II patients with mandibular retrognathia treated with a TB appliance were used. Volumetric and linear soft tissue changes were evaluated quantitatively with 3D measurements and qualitatively with color mapping visual. Linear (NV-A and NV-Pog) and angular (SNA, SNB, and ANB) skeletal changes were also measured on 3D images. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare statistical differences, and the scores of male and female participant differences were observed with the Mann-Whitney U test. In this study, a decrease was observed in SNA (p 0.05). 3D soft tissue changes after TB therapy can be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively by using CBCT images. Anterior repositioning of the mandible with functional therapy also provides improvement in soft tissue profile, especially in the lower facial region.The objective of this paper is to describe the development of a minimally invasive cochlear implant surgery (MICIS) electrode array insertion tool concept to enable clinical translation. First, analysis of the geometric parameters of potential MICIS patients (N = 97) was performed to inform tool design, inform MICIS phantom model design, and provide further insight into MICIS candidacy. Design changes were made to the insertion tool based on clinical requirements and parameter analysis results. A MICIS phantom testing model was built to evaluate insertion force profiles in a clinically realistic manner, and the new tool design was evaluated in the model and in cadavers to test clinical viability. Finally, after regulatory approval, the tool was used for the first time in a clinical case. Results of this work included first, in the parameter analysis, approximately 20% of the population was not considered viable MICIS candidates. Additionally, one 3D printed tool could accommodate all viable candidates with polyimide sheath length adjustments accounting for interpatient variation. The insertion tool design was miniaturized out of clinical necessity and a disassembly method, necessary for removal around the cochlear implant, was developed and tested. Phantom model testing revealed that the force profile of the insertion tool was similar to that of traditional forceps insertion. Cadaver testing demonstrated that all clinical requirements (including complete disassembly) were achieved with the tool, and the new tool enabled 15% deeper insertions compared to the forceps approach. Finally, and most importantly, the tool helped achieve a full insertion in its first MICIS clinical case. In conclusion, the new insertion tool provides a clinically viable solution to one of the most difficult aspects of MICIS.Implant placement plays a key role in trauma and orthopedics. In this paper, a generic technological concept for implant positioning assistance is outlined. The system utilizes conventional radiographic devices for imaging and tracking and embeds into surgical workflows without the need for complex navigation equipment. It is based on feature extraction from cylindrical hole-projections in X-ray images for determining spatial alignment of implant and anatomy. Basic performance of a prototype system was experimentally verified in terms of tracking accuracy and robustness under varying conditions. In a second step, the system was developed into a set of application modules, each serving a pressing clinical need Plating of the proximal humerus, cephalic nail and dynamic hip-screw placement, general anatomic plating, distal nail interlocking with adjustment of femoral anteversion and corrective osteotomies. Module prototypes were tested according to their degree of maturity from feasibility assessment in wet-labs to clinical handling tests. Orientation tracking of reference objects yielded an accuracy and precision of 0.1±0.71 deg (mean±standard deviation) with a maximum error of 4.68 deg at unfavorable conditions. This base-performance translated, e.g., into a precision of ±1.2 mm (standard deviation) screw-tip to joint distance at proximal humerus plating, or into a precision of lag screw positioning in the femoral head of ±0.6 mm in craniocaudal and ±1.6 mm in anterioposterior direction. The concept revealed strong potential to improve surgical outcomes in a broad range of orthopedic applications due to its generic and simplistic nature. Comprehensive validation activities must follow for clinical introduction.Statistical inference of evolutionary parameters from molecular sequence data relies on coalescent models to account for the shared genealogical ancestry of the samples. However, inferential algorithms do not scale to available data sets. A strategy to improve computational efficiency is to rely on simpler coalescent and mutation models, resulting in smaller hidden state spaces. An estimate of the cardinality of the state-space of genealogical trees at different resolutions is essential to decide the best modeling strategy for a given dataset. To our knowledge, there is neither an exact nor approximate method to determine these cardinalities. We propose a sequential importance sampling algorithm to estimate the cardinality of the sample space of genealogical trees under different coalescent resolutions. Our sampling scheme proceeds sequentially across the set of combinatorial constraints imposed by the data, which in this work are completely linked sequences of DNA at a non recombining segment. We analyze the cardinality of different genealogical tree spaces on simulations to study the settings that favor coarser resolutions. We apply our method to estimate the cardinality of genealogical tree spaces from mtDNA data from the 1000 genomes and a sample from a Melanesian population at the β-globin locus.While ingestion of a foreign body by children is common, diagnosis is often challenging, especially when the consumption by a young child is unwitnessed and presenting symptoms mimic other medical conditions. If the foreign body does not pass spontaneously, radiological imaging studies are typically performed, but visualization and identification of the ingested foreign object can be inconclusive, especially when an unidentified mass is radio translucent. Under this circumstance, physicians often have to go on a "fishing expedition", using exploratory endoscopy and/or surgery to identify and extract the object that became lodged. In this report we discuss a case of a 3 year-old boy who presented with abdominal pain and signs of bowel obstruction. Imaging revealed an ingested "radiolucent" foreign body, masqueraded as soft-tissue mass and enteric duplication cyst, delaying the diagnosis. Systematic shape and density reanalysis of CT and US imaging suggested a hollow object lodged at the terminal ileum. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy with extraction of a hollow toy "fish". There is a dearth of literature regarding hollow ingested objects. This case report highlights the importance of systematic density and shape imaging analyses in order to identify and locate hollow ingested objects.Solitary plasmacytoma is a rare clonal plasma cell tumor, representing 2-5% of plasma cell disorders. The standard treatment is local radiotherapy. However, in some cases, its use is limited by the size and/or location of the mass. Systemic chemotherapy may be a useful therapeutic alternative. We describe a case of a 27-year-old male with a bulky solitary plasmacytoma arising in the posterior mediastinum, causing spinal cord compression. Radiotherapy was considered risky as the mass was located in the heart and left lung fields. Systemic treatment was given. After the first cycle of cyclophosphamide, bortezomib, and dexamethasone (VCD), the patient attained full neurological recovery. After four VCD cycles, complete remission was achieved. Autologous stem cell transplantation was given as consolidation therapy. At 3 months post-transplantation, the patient is in full clinical recovery and complete metabolic remission on 18FDG PET-CT. Although infrequent, plasma cell disorders must be considered in adult patients with a bulky tumoral mass in the posterior mediastinum. PET-CT is the whole-body imaging technique of choice to detect SP, to evaluate response to treatment and during follow-up.Rosai-Dorfman disease is a non-Langherans cell histiocytosis typically revealed by a lymphadenopathy. Central nervous system involvement is rare, exceptionally isolated, and usually consists of dural masses mimicking meningioma. Very few reports have described non-dural-based lesions, especially with an intra-ventricular development. We report hereby the case of a Rosai-Dorfman disease in a 30-year-old man presenting as an isolated mass arising from the right cerebellar peduncle and protruding into the fourth ventricle. We provide the results of the MRI examination with a special focus on advanced MRI features. As the diagnosis relies on pathological examination, we also detail the results of the analysis that followed the surgical resection of the mass including the immunohistochemical profile. This report highlights the necessity to consider Rosai-Dorfman disease as a potential diagnosis in case of an infra-tentorial mass and/or intra-ventricular mass.

Autoři článku: Panduromckenna3444 (Acevedo Fulton)