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Periodontal diseases and poor oral hygiene are potentially associated with decreased female fecundability. Fecundability refers to the probability of conception during a given period measured in months or menstrual cycles. This study aims to examine whether halitosis is associated with female fecundability in a large sample of Chinese women who planned to be pregnant.

In 2012, a total of 6319 couples came for preconception care in eight districts in Shanghai, China and were followed by telephone contact. Three thousand nine hundred fifteen women who continued trying to be pregnant for up to 24 months remained for final statistical analyses. Halitosis was self-reported at the preconception care visit. Time to pregnancy (TTP) was reported in months and was censored at 24 months. see more Fecundability ratio (FR) was defined as the ratio of probability of conception among those with and without halitosis. FR and 95% confidence interval (CI) were estimated using the discrete-time Cox model.

80.1 and 86.1% of women had self-reported clinically confirmed pregnancy within 12 and 24 months, respectively. Halitosis was reported in 8.7% of the women. After controlling for potential confounders, halitosis was associated with a reduced probability of spontaneous conception (for an observation period of 12 months adjusted FR 0.82, 95% CI 0.72-0.94; for an observation period of 24 months adjusted FR 0.84, 95% CI 0.74-0.96).

Halitosis is associated with reduced fecundability in Chinese women.

Halitosis is associated with reduced fecundability in Chinese women.

Renal injury in transfusion dependent β thalassemia patients (TDT) has been attributed to iron overload, chronic anemia and iron-chelation therapy (ICT) toxicity. We studied renal function in TDT patients treated with two different ICT regimes.

We studied 36 TDT patients 26 received deferasirox (DFX) and 10 were treated with deferoxamine (DFO) +/- deferiprone (DFP).

Increased uNAG was found in 30% of the DFX group vs. 10% of the DFO+/-DFP group, the mean uNAG level in the DFX group was significantly higher than in the DFO+/-DFP group, (P < 0.05). A moderate negative correlation was found between uNAG levels and mean serum ferritin for the prior 10 years (P = 0.03), more pronounced for the DFO+/-DFP group. Twenty nine patients had had their renal function evaluated 10 years earlier; eGFR significantly declined in patients switched to DFX (P = 0.0093) but not in patients who continued DFO+/-DFP.

A high prevalence of renal tubular damage was observed in our TDT patients, particularly those treated with DFX; uNAG was negatively associated with mean 10-year serum ferritin, suggesting ICT's involvement in tubular injury. A significant decline in eGFR compared to a decade earlier was observed only in patients currently treated with DFX. Strict follow-up of renal function in TDT patients is warranted.

A high prevalence of renal tubular damage was observed in our TDT patients, particularly those treated with DFX; uNAG was negatively associated with mean 10-year serum ferritin, suggesting ICT's involvement in tubular injury. A significant decline in eGFR compared to a decade earlier was observed only in patients currently treated with DFX. Strict follow-up of renal function in TDT patients is warranted.

Appropriate reference ranges of T lymphocyte subsets are essential for immune status evaluation of patients with immunological diseases. We aim to establish the age- and sex-related reference intervals of T lymphocyte subsets by single-platform for the southwest China population using the indirect method with the data resulting from 53,822 cases of periodic health examination individuals in the Laboratory Information System (LIS) of West China Hospital from 2018 to 2020.

We used the Box-Cox conversion combined with the Tukey method to normalize the data and eliminate the outliers, and the nonparametric method to estimate the 95% distribution reference intervals.

We initially established the reference ranges of T lymphocyte subsets by single-platform among healthy population in southwest China by indirect method (See text for details). Using the standard normal deviate test (z-test) suggested by Harris and Boyd according to CLSI EP28-A3C, which is more scientific, we found the reference ranges of T lymphocyte subsets should be differentiated by ages and genders since the reference ranges of T lymphocyte subsets by single-platform in different ages and genders are significantly different.

We further demonstrated the absolute count of CD3 + T cell, CD3 + CD4 + T cell, CD3 + CD8 + T cell decreased with aging, which is more marked in men and CD3 + CD8 + T cell count, and the obtained reference intervals were superior to the reference intervals derived from the reagent specification currently in use.

We further demonstrated the absolute count of CD3 + T cell, CD3 + CD4 + T cell, CD3 + CD8 + T cell decreased with aging, which is more marked in men and CD3 + CD8 + T cell count, and the obtained reference intervals were superior to the reference intervals derived from the reagent specification currently in use.

Foodborne botulism, a toxin-mediated illness caused by Clostridium botulinum, is a public health emergency. Types A, B, and E C. botulinum toxins commonly cause human disease. Outbreaks are often associated with homemade and fermented foods. Botulism is rarely reported in Africa and has never been reported in Ethiopia.

In March 2015, a cluster of family members from the Wollega, Oromia region, western Ethiopia presented with a symptom constellation suggestive of probable botulism. Clinical examination, epidemiologic investigation, and subsequent laboratory work identified the cause of the outbreak to be accidental ingestion of botulinum toxin in a traditional chili condiment called "Kochi-kocha," cheese, and clarified butter. Ten out of the fourteen family members who consumed the contaminated products had botulism (attack rate 71.4%) and five died (case fatality rate of 50%). Three of the patients were hospitalized, they presented with altered mental status (n = 2), profound neck and truncal weakness (n ntion after outbreak detection.

These are the first confirmed cases of botulism in Ethiopia. The disease occurred due to the consumption of commonly consumed homemade foods. Definite diagnoses of botulism cases are challenging, and detailed epidemiologic and laboratory investigations were critical to the identification of this case series. Improved awareness of botulism risk and improved food preparation and storage may prevent future illnesses. The mortality rate of botulism in resource-limited settings remains high. Countries should make a concerted effort to stockpile antitoxin as that is the easiest and quickest intervention after outbreak detection.

To investigate the association of primary acute cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) with COVID-19 vaccination through complete ascertainment of all diagnosed CVT in the population of Scotland.

Case-crossover study comparing cases of CVT recently exposed to vaccination (1-14 days after vaccination) with cases less recently exposed. Cases in Scotland from 1 December 2020 were ascertained through neuroimaging studies up to 17 May 2021 and diagnostic coding of hospital discharges up to 28 April 2021, linked to national vaccination records. The main outcome measure was primary acute CVT.

Of 50 primary acute CVT cases, 29 were ascertained only from neuroimaging studies, 2 were ascertained only from hospital discharges, and 19 were ascertained from both sources. Of these 50 cases, 14 had received the Astra-Zeneca ChAdOx1 vaccine and 3 the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. The incidence of CVT per million doses in the first 14 days after vaccination was 2.2 (95% credible interval 0.9 to 4.1) for ChAdOx1 and 1 (95% credible interval 0.1 to 2.9) for BNT162b2. The rate ratio for CVT associated with exposure to ChAdOx1 in the first 14 days compared with exposure 15-84 days after vaccination was 3.2 (95% credible interval 1.1 to 9.5).

These findings support a causal association between CVT and the AstraZeneca vaccine. The absolute risk of post-vaccination CVT in this population-wide study in Scotland was lower than has been reported for populations in Scandinavia and Germany; the explanation for this is not clear.

These findings support a causal association between CVT and the AstraZeneca vaccine. The absolute risk of post-vaccination CVT in this population-wide study in Scotland was lower than has been reported for populations in Scandinavia and Germany; the explanation for this is not clear.

From May 2020 to January 2021, we enrolled 1233 health care workers (HCW) from Danish Hospitals in a randomized trial evaluating whether Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) provides protection against COVID-19. Participants were randomized 11 to BCG vs saline and followed for 6months. From December 2020, Covid-19 vaccines were offered to the HCW. In most cases, BCG vaccination results in a characteristic scar. Reactivation of the BCG scar has been described in children during viral infections and following influenza vaccination, but is mostly associated to Kawasaki's disease, a disease entity with pathogenesis likely similar to the child Covid-19 complication MIS-C Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome. Reactivation of scars after neonatal BCG vaccination has recently been described in four women after Covid-19 mRNA vaccination. Two of our trial participants experienced reactivation of their novel BCG scars after receiving mRNA Covid-19 vaccination 6 to 8months post-BCG.

Two female HCW participants that had been rvity between BCG and SARS-CoV-2. In both cases, the symptoms were bothersome, but self-limiting and left no sequelae. The risk of reactivation at the scar site is thus not a reason to avoid vaccination with either vaccine.

Streptococcus constellatus is a member of Streptococcus anginosus group (SAG) that tends to cause pyogenic infections in various sites. However, Streptococcus constellatus is easily ignored by routine clinical laboratory tests for its prolonged anaerobic culture environment.

A 71-year-old man was admitted to our hospital due to productive cough, fever, chest pain and shortness of breath for 3weeks. Chest computed tomography showed patchy opacities and right-sided pleural effusion, so a chest tube was inserted and purulent and hemorrhagic fluid was aspirated. The routineetiological examinations of the pleural effusion were all negative, and next-generation sequencing (NGS) detected Streptococcus constellatus. Intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam 4.5 g every 8 h was used accordingly. The patient recovered and subsequent chest computed tomography confirmed the improvement.

We reported a case of empyema secondary to Streptococcus constellatus infection, which was identified by NGS, instead of bacterial culture. This case highlights the utility of NGS in detecting pathogens negative in traditional bacterial tests.

We reported a case of empyema secondary to Streptococcus constellatus infection, which was identified by NGS, instead of bacterial culture. This case highlights the utility of NGS in detecting pathogens negative in traditional bacterial tests.

Autoři článku: Padgettjoseph5376 (Doyle Lund)