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Persistent neutrophilic inflammation associated with chronic pulmonary infection causes progressive lung injury and, eventually, death in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF), a genetic disease caused by biallelic mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Therefore, we examined whether roscovitine, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor that (in other conditions) reduces inflammation while promoting host defense, might provide a beneficial effect in the context of CF. Herein, using CFTR-depleted zebrafish larvae as an innovative vertebrate model of CF immunopathophysiology, combined with murine and human approaches, we sought to determine the effects of roscovitine on innate immune responses to tissue injury and pathogens in the CF condition. We show that roscovitine exerts antiinflammatory and proresolution effects in neutrophilic inflammation induced by infection or tail amputation in zebrafish. Roscovitine reduces overactive epithelial reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated neutrophil trafficking by reducing DUOX2/NADPH-oxidase activity and accelerates inflammation resolution by inducing neutrophil apoptosis and reverse migration. It is important to note that, although roscovitine efficiently enhances intracellular bacterial killing of Mycobacterium abscessus in human CF macrophages ex vivo, we found that treatment with roscovitine results in worse infection in mouse and zebrafish models. By interfering with DUOX2/NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS production, roscovitine reduces the number of neutrophils at infection sites and, consequently, compromises granuloma formation and maintenance, favoring extracellular multiplication of M. abscessus and more severe infection. Our findings bring important new understanding of the immune-targeted action of roscovitine and have significant therapeutic implications for safely targeting inflammation in CF.Diverse food safety programmes around the world are designed to help ensure production of safe food. To meet this need, the development and implementation of more efficient and effective analytical methods to monitor residues (pesticides and veterinary drugs) and contaminants in food is important. In this study, we report the validation results for a simple high-throughput mega-method for residual analysis of 213 pesticides and veterinary drugs, including 15 metabolites, plus 12 environmental contaminants (polychlorinated biphenyls) in tilapia muscle for implementation in routine laboratory analyses. The generic sample preparation method and analytical approach are known as QuEChERSER (more than QuEChERS). A small portion of the initial extract (204 µL) is taken for analysis by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) covering 145 analytes, and the remaining extract undergoes a salting out step followed by an automated robotic instrument top sample preparation (ITSP) cleanup, also known as micro-solid-phase extraction (µSPE), plus fast low-pressure gas chromatography LPGC-MS/MS for 134 analytes (66 pesticides are targeted in both UHPLC-MS/MS and LPGC-MS/MS). The mega-method was validated in spiked tilapia samples at 5, 10, 15, and 20 ng/g with 10 replicates per level over two days (n = 80 overall), and 70-140% recoveries with RSDs ≤20% were achieved for 92% of the analytes in LC and 82% in GC. No significant matrix effects were observed for the analytes in LPGC-MS/MS, and only 5% of the analytes exceeded ±20% matrix effect in UHPLC-MS/MS. ODM208 order Analysis of standard reference materials (NIST SRMs 1946 and 1947) for contaminants in freeze-dried fish showed acceptable results, further demonstrating that the QuEChERSER mega-method can be implemented to expand analytical scope and increase laboratory efficiency compared to the QuEChERS method.We review a suite of stochastic vector computational approaches for studying the electronic structure of extended condensed matter systems. These techniques help reduce algorithmic complexity, facilitate efficient parallelization, simplify computational tasks, accelerate calculations, and diminish memory requirements. While their scope is vast, we limit our study to ground-state and finite temperature density functional theory (DFT) and second-order many-body perturbation theory. More advanced topics, such as quasiparticle (charge) and optical (neutral) excitations and higher-order processes, are covered elsewhere. We start by explaining how to use stochastic vectors in computations, characterizing the associated statistical errors. Next, we show how to estimate the electron density in DFT and discuss effective techniques to reduce statistical errors. Finally, we review the use of stochastic vectors for calculating correlation energies within the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory and its finite temperature variational form. Example calculation results are presented and used to demonstrate the efficacy of the methods.This review focuses on a recent class of path-integral-based methods for the simulation of nonadiabatic dynamics in the condensed phase using only classical molecular dynamics trajectories in an extended phase space. Specifically, a semiclassical mapping protocol is used to derive an exact, continuous, Cartesian variable path-integral representation for the canonical partition function of a system in which multiple electronic states are coupled to nuclear degrees of freedom. Building on this exact statistical foundation, multistate ring polymer molecular dynamics methods are developed for the approximate calculation of real-time thermal correlation functions. The remarkable promise of these multistate ring polymer methods, their successful applications, and their limitations are discussed in detail.Molecular polaritons result from light-matter coupling between optical resonances and molecular electronic or vibrational transitions. When the coupling is strong enough, new hybridized states with mixed photon-material character are observed spectroscopically, with resonances shifted above and below the uncoupled frequency. These new modes have unique optical properties and can be exploited to promote or inhibit physical and chemical processes. One remarkable result is that vibrational strong coupling to cavities can alter reaction rates and product branching ratios with no optical excitation whatsoever. In this work we review the ability of vibration-cavity polaritons to modify chemical and physical processes including chemical reactivity, as well as steady-state and transient spectroscopy. We discuss the larger context of these works and highlight their most important contributions and implications. Our goal is to provide insight for systematically manipulating molecular polaritons in photonic and chemical applications.We discuss how Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI), triggered by intense femtosecond laser pulses and combined with laser-induced alignment and covariance analysis of the angular distributions of the recoiling fragment ions, provides new opportunities for imaging the structures of molecules and molecular complexes. First, focusing on gas phase molecules, we show how the periodic torsional motion of halogenated biphenyl molecules can be measured in real time by timed CEI, and how CEI of one-dimensionally aligned difluoroiodobenzene molecules can uniquely identify four structural isomers. Next, focusing on molecular complexes formed inside He nano-droplets, we show that the conformations of noncovalently bound dimers or trimers, aligned in one or three dimensions, can be determined by CEI. Results presented for homodimers of CS2, OCS, and bromobenzene pave the way for femtosecond time-resolved structure imaging of molecules undergoing bimolecular interactions and ultimately chemical reactions.Excitation energy transfer (EET) is fundamental to many processes in chemical and biological systems and carries significant implications for the design of materials suitable for efficient solar energy harvest and transport. This review discusses the role of intramolecular vibrations on the dynamics of EET in nonbonded molecular aggregates of bacteriochlorophyll, a perylene bisimide, and a model system, based on insights obtained from fully quantum mechanical real-time path integral results for a Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian that includes all vibrational modes of each molecular unit at finite temperature. Generic trends, as well as features specific to the vibrational characteristics of the molecules, are identified. Weak exciton-vibration (EV) interaction leads to compact, near-Gaussian densities on each electronic state, whose peak follows primarily a classical trajectory on a torus, while noncompact densities and nonlinear peak evolution are observed with strong EV coupling. Interaction with many intramolecular modes and increasing aggregate size smear, shift, and damp these dynamical features.

Protease-activated receptor 4 (PAR4), belonging to a subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR), is expressed on the surface of Human platelets, and the activation of it can lead to platelets aggregation. Studies demonstrated that PAR4 inhibition protect mice from arterial/arteriolar thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and cerebral infarct, while do not affect the hemostatic responses integrity. Therefore, PAR4 has been a promising target for the development of anti-thrombotic agents.

This review covers recent patents and literature on PAR4 and their application published between 2013 and 2021.

PAR4 is a promising anti-thrombotic target and PAR4 inhibitors are important biologically active compounds for the treatment of thrombosis. Most the recent patents and literature focus on PAR4 selective inhibitors, and BMS-986120 and BMS-986141, which were developed by BMS, have entered clinical trials. With the deep understanding of the crystal structures and biological functions of PAR4, we believe that many other novel types of molecules targeting PAR4 would enter the clinical studies or the market.

PAR4 is a promising anti-thrombotic target and PAR4 inhibitors are important biologically active compounds for the treatment of thrombosis. Most the recent patents and literature focus on PAR4 selective inhibitors, and BMS-986120 and BMS-986141, which were developed by BMS, have entered clinical trials. With the deep understanding of the crystal structures and biological functions of PAR4, we believe that many other novel types of molecules targeting PAR4 would enter the clinical studies or the market.Histamine is an important immunomodulator, as well as a regulator of allergic inflammation, gastric acid secretion, and neurotransmission. Although substantial histamine level has been reported in the kidney, renal pathological and physiological effects of this compound have not been clearly defined. The goal of this study was to provide insight into the role of histamine-related pathways in the kidney, with emphasis on the collecting duct (CD), a distal part of the nephron important for the regulation of blood pressure. We report that all four histamine receptors (HRs) as well as enzymes responsible for histamine metabolism and synthesis are expressed in cultured mouse mpkCCDcl4 cells, and histamine evokes a dose-dependent transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ in these cells. Furthermore, we observed a dose-dependent increase in cAMP in the CD cells in response to histamine. Short-circuit current studies aimed at measuring Na+ reabsorption via ENaC (epithelial Na+ channel) demonstrated inhibition of ENaC-mediated currents by histamine after a 4-h incubation, and single-channel patch-clamp analysis revealed similar ENaC open probability before and after acute histamine application.

Autoři článku: Outzenbridges4192 (Kondrup Kromann)