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Phyllodes tumors of the breast are rare and very distinct types of mammary neoplasms. They are characterized by their biphasicity, i.e. the presence of stromal and epithelial components at the same time. Malignancy is determined by the degree of stromal differentiation. The coexistence of the malignant epithelial component is a very rare phenomenon. Dozens of cases of simultaneous phyllodes tumor and epithelial malignancy have been reported so far. Nevertheless, the biological nature of this process is still an unexplained and a controversial topic.

In this paper, we present a case of a patient with a suddenly enlarging lesion in the breast. According to the first surgical resection, a diagnosis of high-grade malignant phyllodes tumor was made with fibrosarcoma differentiation, stromal overgrowth and suppression of the epithelial component. Examination of scar resistence in early postoperative period revealed a triple-negative invasive low-differentiated breast carcinoma with very high proliferative activ determined by the characteristics of the carcinomatous component.

Neoadjuvant therapy (NT) is one of the possible oncological treatment strategies for breast cancer. Its aim is to achieve down-staging of the tumour in the breast and axilla and thus the possibility of converting mastectomy to a breast-conserving procedure, and also to allow for a less burdensome and more targeted operation of the axillary lymph nodes. The role of the radiologist is to utilise imaging procedures for precise local staging of the malignancy prior to NT, to evaluate the effect of treatment during its course and upon its completion, and to perform restaging of the cancer in the breast and axilla.

The authors present three case reports of female patients with breast cancer who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT). They describe the diagnostic procedure and imaging methods used to establish local staging of the cancer prior to treatment, to monitor the disease during the course of treatment, and to perform restaging of the cancer after completing NCT. The radiological response after NCT completion was correlated with the pathological response.

Correct determination of the extent of the cancer in the breast and axilla by the radiologist before NT and precise histological analysis of the tumour by the pathologist are fundamental for selecting the appropriate treatment for patients at the multidisciplinary breast tumour board.

Correct determination of the extent of the cancer in the breast and axilla by the radiologist before NT and precise histological analysis of the tumour by the pathologist are fundamental for selecting the appropriate treatment for patients at the multidisciplinary breast tumour board.

The exact location of the original tumor should be known for a targeted increase in the dose to the tumor bed after breast cancer surgery. Therefore, at our site, we perform CT examinations of patients in the radiation position before breast cancer surgery.

Preoperative native CT scans were performed in the patients in the planning position for radiotherapy; these data were fused with standard planning CT for boost irradiation. We evaluated whether the tumor was accurately identifiable in preoperative CT scans. We also contoured one irradiation volume in the standard planning CT scans and the other in the fusion CT scans with preoperative examination, and compared these volumes.

Out of the total number of 554 patients, we were able to identify the exact location of the breast tumor in 463 cases (83.6 %). In a group of 50 randomly selected patients, the clinical target volume for the boost dose to the postlumpectomy cavity was changed in 20 patients (40%) - decreased in 9 cases (18%) and increased in 11 cases (22%).

As shown by the results of our study, preoperative CT in the planning position can be used in patients with confirmed breast cancer. This method allows us to more accurately locate the tumor bed and thus more accurately draw the target volume for boost irradiation. We confirmed that preoperative CT had an impact on the size of the target volume.

As shown by the results of our study, preoperative CT in the planning position can be used in patients with confirmed breast cancer. This method allows us to more accurately locate the tumor bed and thus more accurately draw the target volume for boost irradiation. We confirmed that preoperative CT had an impact on the size of the target volume.

The role of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in patients with breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) is currently under discussion. The aim of our study was to determine the false negativity rate (FNR) of SLNB, the accuracy of ultrasound examination in the evaluation of the status of lymph nodes and the accuracy of perioperative cryobiopsy of the sentinel lymph node (SLN).

Prospective multicentre study, which took place in years 20182020 at three centres in the Czech Republic. A total of 59 patients were evaluated.

The FNR of SLNB in the group of patients with cN1 before NAC and ycN0 after NAC was 12.5%. The FNR of perioperative histological examination of the SLN was 38.5%. The FNR of ultrasound examination of axillary lymph nodes in patients after NAC was 35.5%, and the false positivity rate was 16.7%. The incidence of inflammatory complications in our cohort was 3.3%.

The FNR of SLNB in the group of patients with cN1 before NAC and ycN0 after NAC exceeds the tolerable limit of 10%. Theications in our cohort in patients after NAC is comparable to literature data on the frequency of complications in patients without NAC.Appendiceal mucocele is an obstructive dilatation of the appendix, which results from the filling of its lumen with mucus. This is a rare condition that is asymptomatic in half of the patients. Its severity depends on the cause of appendiceal dilatation. In a small percentage of cases, the dilated appendix ruptures, leading to the development of serious complication; this is termed as pseudomyxoma peritonei. Due to the possibility of malignant etiology of the mucocele, surgical resection remains an essential part of the treatment.Surgical therapy of non-palpable malignant breast lesions requires precise preoperative localisation. Recently, radioactive iodine seed localisation has excelled among the number of localisation methods. We present our first experience with this method at our department. We describe the structure of the radioactive iodine seed, the principles of preoperative localisation and peroperative detection of the seed, the specimen transport process, histopathological examination, storage and disposal of the seed, as well as aspects of radiation protection.

Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenoma (PRMC) and its malignant variant - cystadenocarcinoma are extremely rare tumors known only from case studies and reviews. PRMC is acystic tumor of the retroperitoneum, which remains asymptomatic for along time and can reach significant proportions. It occurs mainly in women.

We present the case of a38-year-old healthy woman with diagnosed resistance in the right mesogastrium during ac-section. The delivery was terminated without asurgical intervention. The above mentioned resistance was examined further by ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. All imaging examinations showed asolid - cystic bilocular expansion, which looked like amesenteric cyst in the right paracolic area. The patient was asymptomatic at all times, with only apalpable resistance of the abdominal wall. Y-27632 inhibitor In November 2020, the patient underwent an elective surgery - extirpation of the cystic tumor and prophylactic appendectomy. The operation was performed classically, viaetroperitoneum, especially when young women are concerned.

Gastrointestinal complications in critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic pose adiagnostic and treatment dilemma.

We present two cases of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients treated in our department for colon perforation. One patient was operated for adiastasic right colon perforation due to acute over distension of the bowel. The perforation in the second case was associated with chronic diverticulitis.

These cases highlight the fact that besides typical respiratory symptoms and signs of COVID-19, digestive symptoms also occur. These can caused by intestinal perforation, be it directly or due to changing homeostasis of the internal environment.

These cases highlight the fact that besides typical respiratory symptoms and signs of COVID-19, digestive symptoms also occur. These can caused by intestinal perforation, be it directly or due to changing homeostasis of the internal environment.

Mesh migration is one of the least common complications that arise after inguinal hernia repair with amesh. Only small case series have been reported, and an understanding of this issue is limited due to alack of data. Most of the cases were treated surgically. In this paper, we wish to present the potential of treating this condition using endoscopic techniques.

Amale patient underwent transabdominal preperitoneal repair of aprimary inguinal hernia in 1999. In 2003, the patient required the same procedure for arecurrent inguinal hernia. Twenty years after the primary hernia repair, the patient had apositive faecal occult blood test but was completely asymptomatic. Acolonoscopy revealed mesh migration into the sigmoid colon. Despite multiple attempts to remove the mesh endoscopically, endoscopic treatment was unsuccessful. The migrated mesh was surgically removed and obligatory resection of the sigmoid colon was carried out. Apart from wound infection (Clavien-Dindo IIIb), the postoperative course was uneventful.

In our case, the mesh that had penetrated the colon could not be removed endoscopically. Despite our experience, it is advisable to attempt endoscopic removal of mesh that has migrated into ahollow intra-abdominal viscus.

In our case, the mesh that had penetrated the colon could not be removed endoscopically. Despite our experience, it is advisable to attempt endoscopic removal of mesh that has migrated into a hollow intra-abdominal viscus.

Ileocolic intussusception is one of the most frequent causes of acute abdomen in infants and toddlers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the treatment of ileocolic intussusception in the Czech Republic in 2019.

Fourteen departments of paediatric surgery participated in this multicentre retrospective study. ASurveyMonkey Inc. questionnaire was used for anonymous data collection of patients with ileocolic intussusception.

In 2019, ileocolic intussusception was diagnosed in 162 patients; median age was 30 months (3 months to 9.5 years). Contrast enema was indicated in 133 patients, primary surgery in 14 patients and spontaneous reduction was found in 15 patients. All departments using contrast enema had asuccess rate of 89.5%; 12 departments approached the contrast enema procedure under general anaesthesia (including myorelaxation at 7 departments) and 2 departments under sedation. Contrast enema under general anaesthesia with/without myorelaxation was significantly more successful than contrast enema under sedation (108/113, 95.6% vs 11/20, 55%; p.

In 2019, ileocolic intussusception was diagnosed in 162 patients; median age was 30 months (3 months to 9.5 years). Contrast enema was indicated in 133 patients, primary surgery in 14 patients and spontaneous reduction was found in 15 patients. All departments using contrast enema had a success rate of 89.5%; 12 departments approached the contrast enema procedure under general anaesthesia (including myorelaxation at 7 departments) and 2 departments under sedation. Contrast enema under general anaesthesia with/without myorelaxation was significantly more successful than contrast enema under sedation (108/113, 95.6% vs 11/20, 55%; p.

Autoři článku: Ottesenwu6510 (Gustafson Haahr)