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4% of patients belong to lower class, while 20 patients belong to lower middle class, and 14 patients belong to the below poverty line category. Neither the SES of patient nor rural-urban background affected the surgical outcome. The mean follow-up of patients in our study was 42.3 ± 23.0 months and 83.3% had a good outcome.

Patients operated for CVJ anomaly in the authors' institution mainly come from the lower socioeconomic groups. The present study raises several important questions like nutritional deficiencies in reproductive age group females leading to a cascade of events as a causal factor.

Patients operated for CVJ anomaly in the authors' institution mainly come from the lower socioeconomic groups. The present study raises several important questions like nutritional deficiencies in reproductive age group females leading to a cascade of events as a causal factor.

Skull base tumors are varied in children and are particularly challenging to pediatric neurosurgeons, with few papers in the literature describing the evolution, complications, and outcome. The authors evaluated long-term outcomes in children submitted to skull base tumor surgery and performed a literature review.

The aim of this study was to analyze surgical results, complications, and outcomes, on comparison with previous publications.

A retrospective analysis of children undergoing surgery at a single institution between 2000 and 2018 for lesions of the cranial base was carried out. In addition, a literature review was carried out describing a total of 115 children operated on for skull base tumors.

Chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests were performed to compare the distribution of categorical variables and a nonparametric Mann-Whitney

test was used to perform intergroup comparisons of continuous variables.

Seventeen children ranging in age from 8 months to 17 years (mean, 10.9 years) underwentpathological composition and can lead to considerable morbidity and mortality in pediatric age.

The neonate with necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is at risk of developing poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. There is a dearth of long-term follow-up studies in this field, with a majority of studies reporting a follow-up duration of 2 years. The aim of this study was to assess neurodevelopment of babies diagnosed with NEC more than a decade ago. This study was carried out in a tertiary hospital with neonatal surgery and intensive care units.

Retrospective review of notes and telephone interviews with parents of babies diagnosed with NEC between January 2007 and December 2008 was conducted. Ipatasertib mouse Evidence of motor, cognitive, and sensory impairment was recorded. Fisher's exact, χ

, and unpaired

-tests were used.

-values <0.05 were considered significant.

Overall mortality in this cohort was 31%. Eighteen patients were followed up to an average age of 11.2 years. Of the 18 patients, 11 (61%) had a neurological impairment. Of the 15 surgically managed patients, 10 (67%) had an impairment and, of the 3 meate parent counseling at the point of diagnosis and regular development checks for children with NEC.

Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is one of the surgical alternatives for treating spasticity, especially in children with spastic diplegia secondary to cerebral palsy (CP). It is becoming increasingly used, and the results of this operation need to be further highlighted.

The main objective of this article was to present the results of such surgical procedure in a cohort of a specialized center, with a particular focus on a quantitative analysis (goniometry).

Retrospective review of the medical records and gait analyses of a cohort of 34 patients diagnosed with CP submitted to elective SDR at our institution, in a period of 6 years, was carried out. All patients underwent a thorough clinical and neurological assessment, gait analysis at a dedicated laboratory, and magnetic resonance imaging of whole neuro-axis.

For continuous quantitative variables (goniometric angles and muscle tone), a

-student test was used. A scatterplot regression analysis was used for the comparison of modified Ashworth scale (mAS) scores and goniometry measurements.

In a mean follow-up of 3.2 years, SDR provides a measurable and consistent improvement in the motor function of spastic patients, as per range of motion and tonus scales, with low complication rates. It also allows for patients to reduce their use of muscle relaxants, even though their global mobility does not change significantly. Therefore, it should be considered for CP patients who suffer with the deleterious effects of spasticity.

In a mean follow-up of 3.2 years, SDR provides a measurable and consistent improvement in the motor function of spastic patients, as per range of motion and tonus scales, with low complication rates. It also allows for patients to reduce their use of muscle relaxants, even though their global mobility does not change significantly. Therefore, it should be considered for CP patients who suffer with the deleterious effects of spasticity.

We aimed to study the frequency, age, and gender distribution of paroxysmal nonepileptic events (PNEs) in children referred to epilepsy clinic with the diagnosis of epilepsy. We also evaluated the therapeutic implications of correct diagnosis and co-existence of true epilepsy in this population.

All new patients below 18 years attending the Pediatric epilepsy out-patient clinic of PD Hinduja hospital over 6 months were evaluated.

Patients with history of paroxysmal events characterized by abrupt changes in consciousness or behavior or movement were included. They were assessed on description of events aided by recorded videos. If the diagnosis was not confirmed by this preliminary evaluation, further investigations were advised.

Chi-square/Fisher's exact test was used to analyze differences between categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test between continuous variables. The data were analyzed by SAS University Edition. All significance tests were two-tailed with α <0.05.

Two hundred new patients presenting with paroxysmal events were enrolled over 6 months. After diagnoses, 19% of these children had PNEs, 80% had epileptic events, and 1% remained undiagnosed. Common nonepileptic events seen were physiological in patients below 5 years and psychogenic in older children. Thirty-four percent of patients with PNEs were on anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). After confirming nonepileptic attacks, only 2.6% patients needed AEDs for coexisting epilepsy which was statistically significant (

< 0.001) change in treatment.

Epilepsy mimics are common in children and are often misdiagnosed causing undue stress. Correct diagnosis leads to a drastic change in management like withdrawal of drugs, commencing new treatment if needed, and appropriate referrals.

Epilepsy mimics are common in children and are often misdiagnosed causing undue stress. Correct diagnosis leads to a drastic change in management like withdrawal of drugs, commencing new treatment if needed, and appropriate referrals.

Hydrocephalus (HC) is a common neurological disorder presenting in infancy, with a myriad of etiologies requiring early neurosurgical intervention.

To study neurodevelopmental outcome in patients with HC with shunt surgery done in infancy.

This was an observational retrospective cohort study of 50 pediatric patients (2 years to 16 years of age). These patients were diagnosed with HC and were operated on with ventriculo-peritoneal shunt (VP shunt) insertion in infancy (did not include patients with brain tumors) and then later following in the neurology outpatient department (OPD). Clinical records and neurodevelopmental assessment (intelligence quotient [IQ]/development quotient [DQ] and vision and hearing assessment) were reviewed.

Only 50% of the patients with congenital HC were diagnosed at birth, which included patients who had been diagnosed antenatally and they had lesser complications and better intellectual outcome (

= 0.12), compared with those who presented later with HC. Patient-related factors such as etiology of HC, antenatal diagnosis, and requirement of shunt revisions had poor correlation with neurodevelopmental outcome. Patients with late postoperative complications had significantly poor neurodevelopmental outcome (

≤ 0.001). Patients with post-meningitis HC required a significantly higher number of shunt revisions than patients with other causes (

= 0.04).

Better neurodevelopmental outcome depends on early diagnosis and early referral for the management than the cause of HC. Regular head circumference monitoring is the most feasible and sensitive screening tool for early pickup. Larger studies are needed for accurate prognostication.

Better neurodevelopmental outcome depends on early diagnosis and early referral for the management than the cause of HC. Regular head circumference monitoring is the most feasible and sensitive screening tool for early pickup. Larger studies are needed for accurate prognostication.Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has severely affected and disrupted medical practice all over the world since December 2019 till date. This has affected the pediatric surgical practice in general and neurosurgical practice in particular. An analysis of 26 neonatal patients with open neural tube defects who underwent surgery in the neurosurgery department at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEM), Mumbai during the period of March 2020 till December 2020 is presented. The cumulative experience and challenges encountered in the comprehensive management of these cohort of patients in the difficult period of the pandemic is discussed in accordance with relevant literature on the subject.

Diffuse midline glioma (DMG) is one of the most aggressive pediatric tumors. Approximately 60% of pediatric DMG patients die within the first year of diagnosis. Complete clinical and radiological remission of DMG is extremely rare. The objective of this study was to describe a case of remission of pediatric DMG and to compare with similar cases published so far.

DMG was diagnosed in a 2-year-old girl who presented with brainstem and increased intracranial pressure manifestations. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt and chemotherapy-based treatment were offered. From the diagnosis, in spite of progressive enlargement of the tumoral lesion, her clinical condition improved remarkably. After the end of chemotherapy, progressive and gradual imagiological improvements occurred. At the end of the 60th month of follow-up, she was asymptomatic with total remission. Six pediatric DMG cases, from birth to the age of 3, in whom remission occurred were found in the literature. Histology sample was available in two of them (fibrillary astrocytoma-WHO Grade II and anaplastic astrocytoma-WHO Grade III). None received chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Remission of pediatric DMG is extremely rare and reinforces the biological heterogeneity of the tumor. In the absence of reliable predictors of prognosis, offering the best supportive treatment, including neurosurgical interventions should be considered in similar cases.

Remission of pediatric DMG is extremely rare and reinforces the biological heterogeneity of the tumor. In the absence of reliable predictors of prognosis, offering the best supportive treatment, including neurosurgical interventions should be considered in similar cases.

Autoři článku: Osmanmcintosh2647 (McAllister Cotton)