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Asparaginase is one of the most important chemotherapeutic agents against acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most common form of blood cancer. To date, both asparaginases from E. coli and Dickeya dadantii (formerly known as Erwinia chrysanthemi), used in hematology, induce chemoresistance in cancer cells and side effects in the form of hypersensitivity of immune reactions. Leukemic cells may be resistant to asparaginase due to the increased activity of asparagine synthetase and other mechanisms associated with resistance to asparaginase. Therefore, the search for new sources of L-asparaginases with improved pharmacological properties remains a promising and prospective study. This article discusses the mechanisms of development of resistance and drug resistance to L-asparaginase, as well as possible ways to overcome them.G-quadruplexes (G4), non-canonical secondary DNA structures, are intensively investigated for a long time. In eukaryotic organisms they play an important role in the regulation of gene expression and DNA repair. G4 have also been found in the genomes of numerous bacteria and archaea, but their functional role has not yet been fully explored. Nevertheless, their participation in the formation of antigenic variability, pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance and survival in extreme conditions has been established. Currently, many tools have been developed to detect potential G4 sequences and confirm their formation ability. Since the controlled formation and resolution of the quadruplex are significant means for the regulation of genes critical for survival, a promising direction is the search for ligands - compounds that can have a stabilizing effect on the quadruplex structure and thereby alter gene expression. Currently, a number of ligands are already known, their use stops the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. G4 ligands are of interest as potential antibiotics, which are extremely relevant due to the wide spread of drug resistant pathogens.In recent years, interest in the study of platelets, significantly increased due to recent discoveries providing convincing evidence that their functions by are not limited to their participation in the blood coagulation mechanism. Many works are devoted to the study of the functional state of platelets under conditions of acute and chronic alcohol exposure. The results of such studies can be useful for the development of new markers of the degree of alcohol intoxication of the body for the subsequent choice of the method drug correction of disorders caused by acute or chronic alcohol effects. The review summarizes results in vivo and in vitro of studies performed during more than 60 years on the effect of ethanol on the biogenesis, number, morphology and biochemistry of platelets.

To evaluate alterations of global and local structural brain connectivity in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Patients with primary RLS and healthy controls were recruited at a sleep center where they underwent diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the brain. We calculated the network measures of global and local structural brain connectivity based on the DTI in both groups using DSI studio program and a graph theory.

A total of 69 patients with primary RLS and 51 healthy controls were included in the study. We found a significant difference in the global structural connectivity between the groups. The transitivity in the patients with RLS was lower than that in healthy controls (0.031 vs. 0.033, p = 0.035). Additionally, there were significant differences in the local structural connectivity between the groups. The characteristic path length (r = 0.283, p = 0.018), radius of graph (r = 0.260, p = 0.030), and diameter of graph (r = 0.280, p = 0.019) were all positively correlated with RLS severito found changes in local structural connectivity, especially in regions involved in sensorimotor function, which suggests that these areas play a pivotal role in RLS. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of RLS symptoms.Activity changes in the ipsi- and contralesional parietal cortex and abnormal interhemispheric connectivity between these regions are commonly observed after stroke, however, their significance for motor recovery remains poorly understood. We here assessed the contribution of ipsilesional and contralesional anterior intraparietal cortex (aIPS) for hand motor function in eighteen recovered chronic stroke patients and eighteen healthy controls using a multimodal assessment consisting of resting-state fMRI, motor task fMRI, online-rTMS interference, and 3-D movement kinematics. Effects were compared against two control stimulation sites, i.e., contralesional M1 and a sham stimulation condition. We found that patients with good motor outcome compared to patients with more substantial residual deficits featured increased resting-state connectivity between ipsilesional aIPS and contralesional aIPS as well as between ipsilesional aIPS and dorsal premotor cortex. Moreover, interhemispheric connectivity between ipsilesional M1 and contralesional M1 as well as ipsilesional aIPS and contralesional M1 correlated with better motor performance across tasks. TMS interference at individual aIPS and M1 coordinates led to differential effects depending on the motor task that was tested, i.e., index finger-tapping, rapid pointing movements, or a reach-grasp-lift task. Interfering with contralesional aIPS deteriorated the accuracy of grasping, especially in patients featuring higher connectivity between ipsi- and contralesional aIPS. In contrast, interference with the contralesional M1 led to impaired grasping speed in patients featuring higher connectivity between bilateral M1. These findings suggest differential roles of contralesional M1 and aIPS for distinct aspects of recovered hand motor function, depending on the reorganization of interhemispheric connectivity.

The aim of our study is to examine the possible complications, risk factors, and solutions encountered in orthog-nathic surgery in the light of the cases; we performed in our clinic.

This study includes a retrospective analysis of the records of 85 patients who underwent orthognathic surgery between 2015 and 2020 in Istanbul Pendik District Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Service. The types of complications encountered during the operations were recorded in the study. Independent variables such as gender, age, number of operations, surgical site, and type of osteotomy were evaluated. Complications were evaluated according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. The data were pre-sented for statistical analysis with a significance level of 0.05.

Of the 85 patients included in the study, 40 were male and 45 were female. Of these patients, 65 had double chin operation and 20 had single chin operation. fMLP molecular weight A total of 150 jaw osteotomies were performed, 78 of them in the maxilla and 72 in the mandible. Whil-up part.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acrylamide (AA) on fracture healing histologically, biochemically, and radiologically in a rat femur fracture model.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and UV (ultraviolet)-Vis (visible) spectrophotometer examination were performed for acrylamide characterization. In this study, after the femur fracture model was created, the groups were formed to include eight rats in each group (G) as follows G1 15th-day control, G2 15th-day AA, G3 30th-day control, G4 30th-day AA. In G2 and G4, 5mg/kg acrylamide was administered 3 times a week by gastric gavage. The fracture was evaluated radiologically according to Lane-Sandhu scoring and histologically according to Huo scoring. The weight changes of the rats were recorded. Albumin, total protein, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglyceride, ALP, LDH, vit. D, PTH, Ca, P, WBC, Hb, Plt values were examined in the blood samples. The data were analyzed using the SPS adversely affects fracture healing even at low doses, as in the present study. According to the results of this study, the authors recommend a diet poor in acrylamide during fracture treatment. Therefore, further human studies are required to find out the complex effect of AA on bone healing and the body.

Fractures are common extremity injuries in pediatric orthopedic practice. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between pediatric extremity fractures and visual impairments.

Thirty pediatric patients who were admitted to the emergency and orthopedics and traumatology clinic due to an extremity fracture after a fall were included in the study. Following fracture treatment, the patients were evaluated in terms of ocu-lar findings before discharge from the hospital. Thirty age- and sex-matched healthy children who presented to the ophthalmology department for routine care were also recruited as the control group. All participants underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination, including cycloplegic refraction, visual acuity levels, and near stereoacuity measurement.

The number of male participants was higher in both groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of age and gender distribution. The most common upper extremity fractures were observed to be disthat require treatment, and low stereopsis is a risk factor for fractures. Consequently, regular eye examinations and early treatment of visual impairments in children may help to prevent fall-related injuries.

We present our approach of pediatric burned patients with the suspicion of inhalation injury.

This retrospective study was conducted on children with the suspicion of inhalation injury admitted to our burn center from December 2009 to December 2019. We collected data on patient demographics, total burn surface area (TBSA), presence of inhalation injury, level of carboxyhemoglobin, grade of inhalation injury, duration of mechanical ventilation, reintubation rate, total length of hospital stay, and the mortality rate. We also reviewed the required treatment of patients with inhalation injury.

A total of sixty pediatric burn patients were suspected inhalation injury were included in this retrospective study. 40 pa-tients included in the study were male. Age average of the patients was 87.7 months. Total burned surface area average was 32%. 46 of these patients had inhalation injury. Patients with larger cutaneous burn and needed early intubation have a higher risk of inhalation injury. There was no significant relation between inhalation injury grades and mortality and treatment protocols. Higher levels of car-boxyhemoglobin and larger TBSA are the risk factors for mortality at univariate analysis. Pediatric patient with inhalation injury whose TBSA is higher than 47.5% has a 5 times higher risk of mortality at multivariate analysis.

This study demonstrated that TBSA is the risk factor that independently affects the mortality in pediatric patients with inhalation injury. Among the patients with higher than 47.5% burn surface area, the mortality rate rises 5 times.

This study demonstrated that TBSA is the risk factor that independently affects the mortality in pediatric patients with inhalation injury. Among the patients with higher than 47.5% burn surface area, the mortality rate rises 5 times.

Autoři článku: Osmanayers8661 (McCain Aggerholm)