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Prickly Pear (PP) fruit is proposed to have anti-atherosclerotic and anti-hyperglycemic effects. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a single consumption of PP juice on modifiable blood and physiological markers of cardiovascular disease risk in healthy men using a postprandial hyperlipidemia model.

This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial with 17 healthy men (body mass index 22.6 ± 2.04 kg/m

 ; 29.5 ± 7.19 y of age). Participants consumed PP juice (250 mL; 45 mg betalain content; reduced fiber) or a simple placebo drink (water-based), with a high-fat muffin (50 g fat) to determine potential effects on physiologic and biological responses, for up to 3 h post-consumption (hourly, 2 sessions, 7-d washout period). Blood pressure, heart rate variability (HRV), total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerides (TGs), low-density and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C and HDL-C, respectively), and glucose were measured.

Key findings included a lower HRV measure after PP consumption (main effect for group, P ≤0.001-0.020) but no differences for TC, TG, LDL-C, or HDL-C.

Consumption of PP (with high-fat muffin), did not alter traditional cardiovascular disease risk responses but rather markers of HRV, beyond an expected increase in glucose attributed to the carbohydrate content of the trials foods. Additionally, macronutrient content is important when understanding HRV responses to meals.

Consumption of PP (with high-fat muffin), did not alter traditional cardiovascular disease risk responses but rather markers of HRV, beyond an expected increase in glucose attributed to the carbohydrate content of the trials foods. Additionally, macronutrient content is important when understanding HRV responses to meals.

Mortality due to acute kidney injury (AKI) is high despite its reversibility, and studies on efficient treatments for accelerating the recovery of or preventing AKI are of great significance. The amount of daily calorie intake and how it is taken affect body organs and how cells respond to it. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of four types of diets calorie restriction (CR), time-restriction eating (TR), intermittent fasting (IF), and high-fat diet (HF), on renal injury indicators in male rats.

Adult rats were placed on CR, TR, IF, and HF diets for 8 wk, after which AKI was induced in them by injection of glycerol. Renal injury indicators and biochemical parameters were measured before and after AKI induction.

After AKI, urinary albumin excretion, urea, serum creatinine, and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 increased, whereas creatinine clearance and SIRT1 decreased. CR and TR diets improved renal indicators, decreased TGF-β1 and malondialdehyde (MDA), and increased SIRT1, total antioxidant capacity, and creatinine clearance after AKI induction. Although IF improved renal indicators, it only led to a decrease in MDA and TGF-β1. On the other hand, the HF diet worsened renal indicators, increased TGF-β1, and decreased SIRT1 in the kidney. Moreover, CR and TR improved metabolism indicators, and HF led to the abnormalization of these factors.

The results of the present study showed that CR and TR can be introduced as a treatment method to prevent AKI. These diets can increase the resistance of kidney cells against injuries, possibly by increasing SIRT1, decreasing TGF-β1, and improving antioxidant status; and they have renoprotective effects.

The results of the present study showed that CR and TR can be introduced as a treatment method to prevent AKI. These diets can increase the resistance of kidney cells against injuries, possibly by increasing SIRT1, decreasing TGF-β1, and improving antioxidant status; and they have renoprotective effects.

Multi-modal medical images, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), have been widely used for the diagnosis of brain disorder diseases like Alzheimer's disease (AD) since they can provide various information. PET scans can detect cellular changes in organs and tissues earlier than MRI. Unlike MRI, PET data is difficult to acquire due to cost, radiation, or other limitations. Moreover, PET data is missing for many subjects in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. To solve this problem, a 3D end-to-end generative adversarial network (named BPGAN) is proposed to synthesize brain PET from MRI scans, which can be used as a potential data completion scheme for multi-modal medical image research.

We propose BPGAN, which learns an end-to-end mapping function to transform the input MRI scans to their underlying PET scans. First, we design a 3D multiple convolution U-Net (MCU) generator architecture to improve the visual quality of synthetic resultstative displays, and classification evaluation demonstrate that the synthetic PET images by BPGAN are reasonable and high-quality, which provide complementary information to improve the performance of AD diagnosis. This work provides a valuable reference for multi-modal medical image analysis.

The experimental results of quantitative measures, qualitative displays, and classification evaluation demonstrate that the synthetic PET images by BPGAN are reasonable and high-quality, which provide complementary information to improve the performance of AD diagnosis. This work provides a valuable reference for multi-modal medical image analysis.

The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among Healthcare Workers (HCWs).

We carried out a cross-sectional study among 3644 HCWs at King Saud Medical City (KSMC) during the last two weeks of December 2020. A Google form survey was used to collect data on demographics, underlying health conditions, job duties, infection control competencies, COVID-19 exposure history, symptoms, and confirmed infections.

26.5% demonstrated seropositivity to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, 10-fold higher than the national seroprevalence (2.36) conducted in May 2020. Seropositivity was significantly higher among non-Saudi HCWs and participants who lived outside the hospital dormitory p<0.0001 and 0.01, respectively). Seropositivity was significantly higher among HCWs who worked on clinical areas of high exposure level, and those who spent longer duration working with patients with COVID-19; p=0.002 and 0.005, respectively).

SARS-CoV-2 infections among HCWs can go unrecognized, which magnifies the importance of complying with universal masking and social distancing directives. Detecting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in HCWs can help healthcare leaders in considering staff allocations and assignments accordingly.

SARS-CoV-2 infections among HCWs can go unrecognized, which magnifies the importance of complying with universal masking and social distancing directives. Detecting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in HCWs can help healthcare leaders in considering staff allocations and assignments accordingly.

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a major public health threat. selleck inhibitor This study aims to evaluate the effect of virus mutation activities and policy interventions on COVID-19 transmissibility in Hong Kong.

In this study, we integrated the genetic activities of multiple proteins, and quantified the effect of government interventions and mutation activities against the time-varying effective reproduction number R


We found a significantly positive relationship between R

and mutation activities and a significantly negative relationship between R

and government interventions. The results showed that the mutations that contributed most to the increase of R

were from the spike, nucleocapsid and ORF1b genes. Policy of prohibition on group gathering was estimated to have the largest impact on mitigating virus transmissibility. The model explained 63.2% of the R

variability with the R


Our study provided a convenient framework to estimate the effect of genetic contribution and government interventions on pathogen transmissibility. We showed that the S, N and ORF1b protein had significant contribution to the increase of transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in Hong Kong, while restrictions of public gathering and suspension of face-to-face class are the most effective government interventions strategies.

Our study provided a convenient framework to estimate the effect of genetic contribution and government interventions on pathogen transmissibility. We showed that the S, N and ORF1b protein had significant contribution to the increase of transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in Hong Kong, while restrictions of public gathering and suspension of face-to-face class are the most effective government interventions strategies.

To examine associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and age-specific insufficient sleep duration (ISD) in American youth.

Data from the 2016-2017 National Survey of Children's Health, a sample of 46,209 youth ages 6 to 17 were analyzed. The main outcome was sleep duration that did not meet the recent recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Nine types of ACEs, as well as a cumulative count of ACEs, were examined as independent variables in unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression models.

Approximately half of U.S. children and adolescents (ages 6-17) experienced at least one ACE and a third did not get sufficient sleep. Among those exposed to any ACE, 40.3% had ISD. Seven of the 9 ACEs examined were significantly associated with a 20% to 60% increase in odds of not getting sufficient sleep (adjusted ORs between 1.2 and 1.6). Children exposed to 2 or more ACEs were nearly twice as likely as those exposed to no ACE to have ISD (adjusted OR=1.7, 95% CI 1.5-1.9). Moreover, each individual ACE, except parental death was significantly associated with more than 1 hour less sleep than recommended.

This study reports the association of specific and cumulative ACEs with ISD in a nationally representative sample of American youth. The study findings underscore the importance of screening for both ACEs and insufficient sleep during primary care encounters and addressing potential sleep problems in those exposed to ACEs.

This study reports the association of specific and cumulative ACEs with ISD in a nationally representative sample of American youth. The study findings underscore the importance of screening for both ACEs and insufficient sleep during primary care encounters and addressing potential sleep problems in those exposed to ACEs.

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) following alveolar recruitment manoeuvre (RM) can effectively prevent anaesthesia-induced atelectasis in children. We aimed to evaluate the individual effect of PEEP following RM on atelectasis at the end of laparoscopic surgery in infants and small children.

Children undergoing laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair aged 5 weeks to 2 years were randomly allocated to either the PEEP or control group. A progressive RM was performed after intubation in all cases. The PEEP group received PEEP of 5 cmH

O until the end of mechanical ventilation, while the control group did not receive any PEEP. Lung ultrasonography was performed to compare the number of atelectatic regions between the two groups after anaesthesia induction, after RM, and at the end of surgery in 12 thoracic regions.

Overall, 432 ultrasonographic images were acquired from 36 children. At the end of surgery, the number of atelectatic regions (median [interquartile range]) was significantly lower in the PEEP group compared to the control group (2.

Autoři článku: Osbornpreston3385 (Beach Carstensen)