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On this basis, the tracking of rigid bodies is achieved. The proposed method distinguishes the feature points of dynamic objects with 3-D motion from those in the static background, thus enabling simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to be initialized in dynamic environments. The experimental results on the KITTI, Hopkins 155, and MTPV62 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness. Comparison experiments indicate that our method outperforms the other methods in sensitivity of dynamic objects perception.Partial domain adaptation (PDA) attempts to learn transferable models from a large-scale labeled source domain to a small unlabeled target domain with fewer classes, which has attracted a recent surge of interest in transfer learning. Most conventional PDA approaches endeavor to design delicate source weighting schemes by leveraging target predictions to align cross-domain distributions in the shared class space. Accordingly, two crucial issues are overlooked in these methods. First, target prediction is a double-edged sword, and inaccurate predictions will result in negative transfer inevitably. Second, not all target samples have equal transferability during the adaptation; thus, ``ambiguous target data predicted with high uncertainty should be paid more attentions. In this article, we propose a critical classes and samples discovering network (CSDN) to identify the most relevant source classes and critical target samples, such that more precise cross-domain alignment in the shared label space could be enforced by co-training two diverse classifiers. Specifically, during the training process, CSDN introduces an adaptive source class weighting scheme to select the most relevant classes dynamically. Meanwhile, based on the designed target ambiguous score, CSDN emphasizes more on ambiguous target samples with larger inconsistent predictions to enable fine-grained alignment. Taking a step further, the weighting schemes in CSDN can be easily coupled with other PDA and DA methods to further boost their performance, thereby demonstrating its flexibility. Extensive experiments verify that CSDN attains excellent results compared to state of the arts on four highly competitive benchmark datasets.This article proposes a novel discrete event-triggered scheme (DETS) for the synchronization of delayed neural networks (NNs) using the dynamic output-feedback controller (DOFC). The proposed DETS uses both the current and past samples to determine the next trigger, unlike the traditional event-triggered scheme (ETS) that uses only the current sample. The proposed DETS is employed in a dual setup for two network channels to significantly reduce redundant data transmission. A DOFC is designed to achieve the synchronization of the NNs. Stability criteria of the synchronisation error system are derived based on the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method, and the co-design of the DOFC and DETS parameters are accomplished using the Cone-complementarity linearization (CCL) approach. The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed method are illustrated considering an example of the chaotic system.This article is concerned with data-driven realization of fault detection (FD) for nonlinear dynamic systems. In order to identify and parameterize nonlinear Hammerstein models using dynamic input and output data, a stacked neural network-aided canonical variate analysis (SNNCVA) method is proposed, based on which a data-driven residual generator is formed. Then, the threshold used for FD purposes is obtained via quantiles-based learning, where both estimation errors and approximation errors are considered. Compared with the existing work, the main novelties of this study include 1) SNNCVA provides a new parameterization strategy for nonlinear Hammerstein systems by utilizing input and output data only; 2) the associated residual generator can ensure FD performance where both the system model and its nonlinearity are unknown; and 3) with consideration of modeling-induced errors, the quantiles are invoked and used to provide a reliable FD threshold in situations where only limited samples are available. Studies on a nonlinear hot rolling mill process demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.In this study, the sampled-data consensus problem is investigated for a class of heterogeneous multiagent systems (MASs) in which each agent is described by a second-order switched nonlinear system. Owing to the heterogeneity and the occurrence of dynamic switching in the MASs, the sampled-data consensus protocol design problem is challenging. In this study, two periodic sampled-data consensus protocols and an event-triggered consensus protocol are developed. Here, we first propose a new periodic sampled-data consensus protocol that involves the local objective trajectory interaction among agents. The protocol is then improved by applying the finite-time control and sliding-mode control techniques. Notably, the improved protocol can be implemented without the transmission of constructed auxiliary dynamical variables, which is a major feature of the present study. It is shown that complete consensus of the underlying MASs can be achieved by the two proposed protocols with only sampled-data measurements. To further reduce the communication load, we introduce an event-triggered mechanism to obtain a new protocol. Finally, the effectiveness of the given schemes is demonstrated by considering a numerical example.Optical remote sensing images (RSIs) have been widely used in many applications, and one of the interesting issues about optical RSIs is the salient object detection (SOD). However, due to diverse object types, various object scales, numerous object orientations, and cluttered backgrounds in optical RSIs, the performance of the existing SOD models often degrade largely. Meanwhile, cutting-edge SOD models targeting optical RSIs typically focus on suppressing cluttered backgrounds, while they neglect the importance of edge information which is crucial for obtaining precise saliency maps. To address this dilemma, this article proposes an edge-guided recurrent positioning network (ERPNet) to pop-out salient objects in optical RSIs, where the key point lies in the edge-aware position attention unit (EPAU). First, the encoder is used to give salient objects a good representation, that is, multilevel deep features, which are then delivered into two parallel decoders, including 1) an edge extraction part and 2) a feature fusion part. The edge extraction module and the encoder form a U-shape architecture, which not only provides accurate salient edge clues but also ensures the integrality of edge information by extra deploying the intraconnection. That is to say, edge features can be generated and reinforced by incorporating object features from the encoder. Meanwhile, each decoding step of the feature fusion module provides the position attention about salient objects, where position cues are sharpened by the effective edge information and are used to recurrently calibrate the misaligned decoding process. After that, we can obtain the final saliency map by\pagebreak fusing all position attention cues. Extensive experiments are conducted on two public optical RSIs datasets, and the results show that the proposed ERPNet can accurately and completely pop-out salient objects, which consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art SOD models.Various domain adaptation (DA) methods have been proposed to address distribution discrepancy and knowledge transfer between the source and target domains. However, many DA models focus on matching the marginal distributions of two domains and cannot satisfy fault-diagnosed-task requirements. To enhance the ability of DA, a new DA mechanism, called deep joint distribution alignment (DJDA), is proposed to simultaneously reduce the discrepancy in marginal and conditional distributions between two domains. A new statistical metric that can align the means and covariances of two domains is designed to match the marginal distributions of the source and target domains. To align the class conditional distributions, a Gaussian mixture model is used to obtain the distribution of each category in the target domain. Then, the conditional distributions of the source domain are computed via maximum-likelihood estimation, and information entropy and Wasserstein distance are employed to reduce class conditional distribution discrepancy between the two domains. With joint distribution alignment, DJDA can achieve domain confusion to the highest degree. DJDA is applied to the fault transfer diagnosis of a wind turbine gearbox and cross-bearing with unlabeled target-domain samples. selleck kinase inhibitor Experimental results verify that DJDA outperforms other typical DA models.Salient object detection (SOD) in optical remote sensing images (RSIs), or RSI-SOD, is an emerging topic in understanding optical RSIs. However, due to the difference between optical RSIs and natural scene images (NSIs), directly applying NSI-SOD methods to optical RSIs fails to achieve satisfactory results. In this article, we propose a novel adjacent context coordination network (ACCoNet) to explore the coordination of adjacent features in an encoder-decoder architecture for RSI-SOD. Specifically, ACCoNet consists of three parts 1) an encoder; 2) adjacent context coordination modules (ACCoMs); and 3) a decoder. As the key component of ACCoNet, ACCoM activates the salient regions of output features of the encoder and transmits them to the decoder. ACCoM contains a local branch and two adjacent branches to coordinate the multilevel features simultaneously. The local branch highlights the salient regions in an adaptive way, while the adjacent branches introduce global information of adjacent levels to enhance salient regions. In addition, to extend the capabilities of the classic decoder block (i.e., several cascaded convolutional layers), we extend it with two bifurcations and propose a bifurcation-aggregation block (BAB) to capture the contextual information in the decoder. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed ACCoNet outperforms 22 state-of-the-art methods under nine evaluation metrics, and runs up to 81 fps on a single NVIDIA Titan X GPU. The code and results of our method are available at https//github.com/MathLee/ACCoNet.Automatic polyp segmentation from colonoscopy videos is a prerequisite for the development of a computer-assisted colon cancer examination and diagnosis system. However, it remains a very challenging task owing to the large variation of polyps, the low contrast between polyps and background, and the blurring boundaries of polyps. More importantly, real-time performance is a necessity of this task, as it is anticipated that the segmented results can be immediately presented to the doctor during the colonoscopy intervention for his/her prompt decision and action. It is difficult to develop a model with powerful representation capability, yielding satisfactory segmentation results and, simultaneously, maintaining real-time performance. In this article, we present a novel lightweight context-aware network, namely, PolypSeg+, attempting to capture distinguishable features of polyps without increasing network complexity and sacrificing time performance. To achieve this, a set of novel lightweight techniques is developed and integrated into the proposed PolypSeg+, including an adaptive scale context (ASC) module equipped with a lightweight attention mechanism to tackle the large-scale variation of polyps, an efficient global context (EGC) module to promote the fusion of low-level and high-level features by excluding background noise and preserving boundary details, and a lightweight feature pyramid fusion (FPF) module to further refine the features extracted from the ASC and EGC.

Autoři článku: Ortizpilegaard1294 (Houmann Browne)