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In the first of a series of articles Richard Griffith, Senior Lecturer in Health Law at Swansea University, discusses the fundamental nature of human rights and their importance to nursing.

The use of digital health or e-health is growing. The potential positive impact on IBD care from supported self-management using these tools emerged from a literature review carried out in preparation for a service improvement project. A patient-reported outcomes measure (PROM) with validation across IBD sub-types was already available for use. This internationally recognised tool has potential for use with existing or new e-health systems.

In order to test the concept of using PROMs to support practice and follow up a small-scale pilot study was designed. The aim of the study was to understand if empowering patients to undertake supported self-management could lead in turn to improved flow through outpatient services.

An audit was carried out of PROMs looking at quality of life (QoL) as well as disease activity using an electronic platform in real time at the point of patient contact. The disease activity indices used were the Harvey Bradshaw Index and the Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index, due to the author's familiarity with these tools.

Of the 15 participants, 10 reported themselves as 'well' or 'well with questions' all participants reported an acceptance of supported remote self-management using e-health.

This evaluation led to PROMs being captured on a tablet in the outpatient setting in the pre-pandemic period. Allowing patients to use the PROM as a tool in the outpatient setting has led to longitudinal data being added to the e-health system for each individual. Well patients could be managed remotely, freeing capacity in outpatient clinics.

This evaluation led to PROMs being captured on a tablet in the outpatient setting in the pre-pandemic period. Allowing patients to use the PROM as a tool in the outpatient setting has led to longitudinal data being added to the e-health system for each individual. Well patients could be managed remotely, freeing capacity in outpatient clinics.Emeritus Professor Alan Glasper, from the University of Southampton, discusses the role of community pharmacies in providing health care as an important adjunct to the NHS, especially during the pandemic.This article describes nurse education with the Open University in Scotland (OUiS). Although there are problems with nurse recruitment and retention across the UK, in Scotland the landscape is somewhat different, with greater support for students required in remote and rural areas. Despite these challenges, the OUiS continues to recruit to the commissioned numbers of places. OUiS nursing students are primarily health care support workers who are a key group within the health and social care workforce but historically have faced many challenges in developing clear career pathways into nursing. At the heart of the OU is the fundamental recognition of distance online pedagogy, complemented by work-based learning support by employers. Partnership working between the OU, employers and education commissioners is crucial to its success.Background The Rapid Syllable Transition (ReST) treatment is an effective intervention designed to address the planning and programming disorder found in childhood apraxia of speech. To date, no study has considered its use with children who speak languages other than English. Aim This pilot study aimed to examine the use of ReST treatment with Italian children. We hypothesized that the ReST approach would improve the overall accuracy of the targeted behaviors of lexical stress, smoothness, and phonemic accuracy, whereas phonemic and phonetic accuracy of untreated items would remain stable. Telratolimod ic50 Method Two monolingual Italian-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech received therapy in 12 one-hour sessions, 2-3 times per week, using a single-case experimental design. The treatment procedures used in English were replicated in Italian with one change In English, two stress patterns are treated. Italian commonly uses three stress patterns; therefore, the stimuli were modified accordingly. Accuracy of articulation, lexical stress, and smoothness were assessed at pretreatment and 1 day, 1 week, and 4 months posttreatment in treated and untreated pseudowords and in real words and sentences. Results Both children improved on treated pseudowords and real words with moderate effect sizes, but only one child generalized to untreated pseudowords. Maintenance of treatment results was observed in both participants. Articulation of control phonemes did not change. Conclusions ReST treatment in Italian is feasible, and a treatment effect was found, showing that its use may be valid in languages other than English. Further research is required. Supplemental Material https//doi.org/10.23641/asha.14348060.

Recently, arthroscopic double-button Latarjet (AL) has provided an alternative to conventional open Latarjet (OL) in the treatment of anterior shoulder instability with glenoid bone loss. Therefore, theoretically, the faster fusion is obtained, the sooner return to sports under safe conditions can occur. The emerging flexible fixation of the bone block has clearly offered a new approach to achieve bone fusion. However, the period required to achieve this goal remains controversial.

The purpose was to compare computed tomography (CT) scan results of AL and OL in the early postoperative period. It was hypothesized that the bone block fusion with AL would require a longer time than that with OL.

Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.

In a retrospective 1-year study, the authors compared 17 primary double-button AL to 22 primary 2-screw OL procedures indicated for anterior shoulder instability in patients with an Index Severity Instability Score >3 points. These patients were reviewed with a CT scan at 1 re, 99.0 ± 2.2 points versus 95.0 ± 8.4 points (

= .307) for the AL and OL groups, respectively.

AL required more time to achieve bone block fusion than OL. This finding should be taken into account when considering this procedure for patients in a hurry to return to sports involving the shoulder.

AL required more time to achieve bone block fusion than OL. This finding should be taken into account when considering this procedure for patients in a hurry to return to sports involving the shoulder.

This study tested whether a composite mortality score could overcome gaps and potential biases in individual real-world mortality data sources. Complete and accurate mortality data are necessary to calculate important outcomes in oncology, including overall survival. However, in the United States, there is not a single complete and broadly applicable mortality data source. It is further likely that available data sources are biased in their coverage of sex, race, age, and socioeconomic status (SES).

Six individual real-world data sources were combined to develop a high-quality composite mortality score. The composite score was benchmarked against the gold standard for mortality data, the National Death Index. Subgroup analyses were then conducted to evaluate the completeness and accuracy by sex, race, age, and SES.

The composite mortality score achieved a sensitivity of 94.9% and specificity of 92.8% compared with the National Death Index, with concordance within 1 day of 98.6%. Although some individual data sources show significant coverage gaps related to sex, race, age, and SES, the composite score maintains high sensitivity (84.6%-96.1%) and specificity (77.9%-99.2%) across subgroups.

A composite score leveraging multiple scalable sources for mortality in the real-world setting maintained strong sensitivity, specificity, and concordance, including across sex, race, age, and SES subgroups.

A composite score leveraging multiple scalable sources for mortality in the real-world setting maintained strong sensitivity, specificity, and concordance, including across sex, race, age, and SES subgroups.

The purpose of this study is to uncover and catalog the various practices for delivering and disseminating clinical performance in various Veterans Affairs (VA) locations and to evaluate their quality against evidence-based models of effective feedback as reported in the literature.

Feedback can enhance clinical performance in subsequent performance episodes. However, evidence is clear that the way in which feedback is delivered determines whether performance is harmed or improved.

We purposively sampled 16 geographically dispersed VA hospitals based on high, low, consistently moderate, and moderately average highly variable performance on a set of 17 outpatient clinical performance measures. We excluded four sites due to insufficient interview data. We interviewed four key personnel from each location (

= 48) to uncover effective and ineffective audit and feedback strategies. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed qualitatively using a framework-based content analysis approach to identify emergent follow available evidence for effective feedback design. Future research in this area is warranted.Purpose Word recognition in quiet and in background noise has been thoroughly investigated in previous research to establish segmental speech recognition performance as a function of stimulus characteristics (e.g., audibility). Similar methods to investigate recognition performance for suprasegmental information (e.g., acoustic cues used to make judgments of talker age, sex, or emotional state) have not been performed. In this work, we directly compared emotion and word recognition performance in different levels of background noise to identify psychoacoustic properties of emotion recognition (globally and for specific emotion categories) relative to word recognition. Method Twenty young adult listeners with normal hearing listened to sentences and either reported a target word in each sentence or selected the emotion of the talker from a list of options (angry, calm, happy, and sad) at four signal-to-noise ratios in a background of white noise. Psychometric functions were fit to the recognition data and used to estimate thresholds (midway points on the function) and slopes for word and emotion recognition. Results Thresholds for emotion recognition were approximately 10 dB better than word recognition thresholds, and slopes for emotion recognition were half of those measured for word recognition. Low-arousal emotions had poorer thresholds and shallower slopes than high-arousal emotions, suggesting greater confusion when distinguishing low-arousal emotional speech content. Conclusions Communication of a talker's emotional state continues to be perceptible to listeners in competitive listening environments, even after words are rendered inaudible. The arousal of emotional speech affects listeners' ability to discriminate between emotion categories.Flavin compounds are of great interest in biochemistry because of their diverse functions in catalytic and photochemical processes. The intrinsic optical properties of flavins depend sensitively on their environment such as complexation with metal ions. Herein, we characterize the interaction of alkali metal ions (M+) with riboflavin (RF, vitamin B2). To this end, two different experimental spectroscopic approaches are employed to determine the structural, vibrational, energetic, and optical properties of M+RF complexes by comparison with density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the PBE0/cc-pVDZ level. First, infrared multiple photon dissociation (IRMPD) spectra recorded at room temperature demonstrate that M+ binds to one of the two available nucleophilic carbonyl groups (CO2, CO4) of RF, denoted O2 and O4+ isomers, as revealed by characteristic shifts of the CO stretch modes upon metalation. Second, the optical spectrum of K+RF is recorded between 428 and 529 nm in a cryogenic ion trap held at 6 K by visible photodissociation (VISPD).

Autoři článku: Ortegamejia8918 (Sykes Lindgren)