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The new subgenus Monilistylus subgen. learn more n. is described based on imaginal and larval characters. Its type species is Procloeon (Monilistylus) monilistylus Kluge, Tiunova Novikova 2014 from the Russian Far East, known as larvae, subimagines, imagines of both sexes and eggs associated by rearing. Male larva, subimago and imago of Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n. are described based on reared specimens from Lombok (Indonesia).Due to the highly conserved morphology of its members, the taxonomy of Pareas remains contentious. Microornamentation was examined on the exposed surfaces of dorsal scales from the midbody region of five species of genus Pareas. The results showed that the ultrastructural characteristics are similar in some respects and different in others. Similarly, all species exhibit arc and pore structures, but the shape, number and arrangement of these arcs and pores differ. In particular, the microornamentation of the dorsal scales of Pareas yunnanensis, thus far regarded as a synonym of P. chinensis, is obviously different from that of P. chinensis. Thus, P. yunnanensis is revalidated. The ultrastructural characteristics of these five species of Pareas are very different from those of reported for P. carinatus. P. carinatus may not belong to the same genus as other Pareas species.A new sandy, Novaculops compressus n. sp. is described on the basis of two specimens collected from Yoron Island, Japan and Panay Island, the Philippines. The new species is characterized by IX, 12 dorsal-fin rays, III, 12 anal-fin rays, 12 or 13 pectoral-fin rays, interrupted lateral line, 12 + 5 pored lateral-line scales, 4 scale rows above lateral line, 9 scale rows below lateral line, 16 total gill rakers, snout length 11.1% of standard length (SL), orbit diameter 10.0-10.1% SL, body depth 30.9% SL, anal-fin base length 36.2-37.6% SL, first dorsal-fin spine length 6.4-7.0% SL, pectoral-fin axil black, and first two dorsal-fin membranes black. This species is sympatric with N. sciistius in Kagoshima, Japan.Miroculis Edmunds represents one of the most species-rich genera amongst Neotropical leptophlebiids comprising 25 valid species, with 18 of them reported from Brazil. Although several species have been described throughout the years, the taxonomy of Miroculis has focused mainly on male imagos, with other semaphoronts often unknown. Here, Miroculis (Miroculis) niltoi sp. nov. is described based on nymphs and imagos from Chapada Diamantina's Complex, Northeast Brazil. Male imagos of M. (M.) niltoi sp. nov. can be distinguished by the styliger plate being medially cleft with a well-sclerotized ventrally-directed process at the posteromedial margin, while female imagos can be distinguished by the egg guide being well-developed, reaching sternum IX, and sternum IX about as long as wide, with a shallow apical cleft. Together with Miroculis (Miroculis) samba Costa, Almeida Salles and Miroculis (Miroculis) wolverine Costa, Almeida Salles, M. (M.) niltoi sp. nov. represents species within Miroculis with male imago exhibiting both extremely long penes and styliger plate. Now, Miroculis comprises 26 valid species, with 19 of them reported from Brazil.Myanmar, a biodiversity hotspot, harbors a striking diversity and endemism of species. Despite this, its herpetofauna remains one of the least explored in continental Asia due to restrictions of crossing political boundaries and infrastructure in remote regions. Many species in adjacent China and India are hypothesized to occur in Myanmar but records are wanting. Recent fieldwork found the frogs Polypedates braueri, Nasutixalus jerdonii and Oreolalax jingdongensis there, and the latter two species represent new generic records for Myanmar. All major morphological characters of these populations match the original descriptions. In addition, our matrilineal genealogy based on DNA barcoding confirms their identities. Overall, these findings confirm that the amphibian diversity is underestimated and this has important implications for conservation. Analyses indicate that northern Myanmar is a biogeographic corridor for the Himalayas, southern China, and northeastern India.A new Corydoras is described from the rio Juruena system, upper rio Tapajós drainage, Amazon basin, Brazil. The new Corydoras is distinguished from all congeners by presenting a combination of a conspicuous broad vertical dark bar on head, at the level of the eye (mask), an overall light background color without large blotches or stripes on body or fins, the presence of two to four small dark blotches along the midline, and pectoral spine with antrorse serrations on its posterior margin. Males of the new species possess numerous, well-developed odontodes over the lateral portions of head, pectoral girdle, and pectoral spines, an uncommon feature for the genus. The new species is hypothesized to belong, within the genus Corydoras, either to Lineage 6 or Lineage 9.A new mite species Ernogamasus papilio sp. nov., originating from south-eastern Poland and north-eastern Slovakia, is described, as well as a supplementary description for E. aliitectatus (Athias-Henriot, 1967).We provide a list of type specimens of chameleons present in the collection of the Natural History Museum in London for the first time, including their associated collection numbers. Currently the collection contains 54 primary types (29 holotypes, two lectotypes and 23 syntype series plus two syntypes where the type status is in doubt) as well as numerous secondary types for 12 species (nine paratype and three paralectotype series). Type material present in the collection represents 39 valid chamaeleon taxa.We provide a synopsis of the genus Discleroderma, which is known only from females. The genus is easily recognized by having tubercles on metasomal tergites III-V. In this synopsis we recognized D. gundari Terayama, D. indiensis Lanes Azevedo, D. tuberculatum Magretti, and D. yemenensis Lanes Azevedo as valid species. Additionally we discovered four more species D. concursum sp. nov., D. dolium sp. nov., D. plymouthoides sp. nov., and D. guamensis sp. nov., which are described and illustrated. We also provide an emended diagnosis and a key to the world species of this genus.The Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (MACN) possesses one of the most important Lepidoptera collections in South America. Here are deposited several type specimens of Lepidoptera, particularly of Arctiinae, described by Burmeister, Berg, Snellen, Jörgensen, Giacomelli, Orfila, and Forster. This study presents a catalogue with complete information and photographs of most type specimens of Arctiinae housed in the MACN. Additionally, we provide comments on the type material presumably deposited in MACN but not found by the authors. A total of seven lectotypes are designated and a new synonymy is proposed Eurota (sic) julia Orfila, 1931 is a junior synonym of Eurata hermione Burmeister, 1878.Hypoxys is one of four subgenera of Edessa (Fabricius, 1787) together with Aceratodes (De Geer, 1773), Dorypleura (Lepeletier Serville, 1825) and Edessa (Fabricius, 1787). This taxon has a very confusing taxonomy due to incorrect use of the names available, imprecise descriptions, and large number of very similar species. To illustrate the confusion, Hypoxys potentially includes a large number of species of Edessa, but actually contains only the type species, according to the most recent catalogue. The name E. quadridens Fabricius, 1803, type species of Hypoxys, was used for more than a century as a label to identify a large group of similar species. In this work we continue revising Edessa elevating Hypoxys to genus based on the following morphological characters proximal part of costal margin black; evaporatorium with a deep notch on lateral margin; anterior arms of metasternal process acuminate; pygophore longer than wide and subrectangular or barrel-shaped in dorsal view; dorsal rim of pygophore well-proj903) comb. nov. H. balteatus group comprises only H. balteatus (Walker, 1868) comb. nov. These groups of species will be useful to organize the new species of Hypoxys that will be described in upcoming papers. Descriptions, measurements, photos of genitalia of both sexes; photos in dorsal and ventral views of the species; and distribution maps are provided. Males of H. capito, H. claricolor, H. eburatulus, H. infulatus, and H. subrastratus are described for the first time. Female of H. necopinatus is described for the first time. Edessa jugalis is considered a junior synonym of H. quadridens; E. rimata a junior synonym of H. offuscatus; E. scabriventris and E. leprosula junior synonyms of H. triangularis; E. pachyacantha a junior synonym of H. tragelaphus; E. orba a junior synonym of E. oxyacanthus. A key to the species of Hypoxys is also provided.Tuberocephalus tsengi (Tao, 1963) STAT. REV., an aphid species described from China, is reported feeding on Artemisia vulgaris in southern England. This species is here redescribed and distinguished from T. sasakii (Matsumura, 1917), with which it has previously been synonymised.The new species Leeonychiurus zijinensis sp. nov. is described from east China. It is similar to L. fusongensis Sun Arbea, 2014 and L. mai (Wray, 1950) sensu Bernard (2015) as having the same dorsal pso formula (32/133/33343). However, the new species can be distinguished by pso formula on Abd. sterna II-IV as 111 (112 in L. fusongensis, and 001 in L. mai), presence of the unpaired axial chaetae m0 on Abd. tergum V (absent in L. fusongensis and L. mai), and more vesicles of postantennal organ (18-20 in the new species, 13-16 in L. fusongensis, and 15 in L. mai). A key to the world known species of the genus Leeonychiurus and a checklist of Chinese Onychiurini species are provided.A new species of the genus Munida Leach, 1820, is described and illustrated based on a single specimen from the deep-sea hydrothermal vent on the Eastern Pacific Rise. Munida alba sp. nov. closely resembles M. ampliantennulata Komai, 2011, M. watatsumin Komai, 2014. and M. magniantennulata, but differences in the morphologies of the third maxilliped, pollex of the cheliped and the third segment of the antennal peduncle readily distinguish the new species from the three relatives. The new species is the fourth of the genus occurring at the hydrothermal vent areas.The mature larva of Poemenia albipes is figured and described, providing the first knowledge of the larval morphology of this genus. Poemenia is considered to be an ectoparasitoid on the basis of this information. The implications for the larval morphology of the Poemeniinae are discussed. The biology of Nearctic Poemenia is reviewed, with the conclusion that the genus is parasitic upon small xylophilous Apoidea that either make their tunnels or utilize those made by other insects.A new species of the genus Anaptygus Mistshenko, 1951, Anaptygus shishodiai Kumar Chandra sp. nov., from Valley of Flowers National Park, India is described in this paper. The new species is similar to A. qinghaiensis Yin, 1984, but differs from latter by length of fastigial foveolae 5.5 times its width in male and 3.2 times in female; apex of elytra reaching posterior margin of third abdominal tergite in male and reaching posterior margin of first abdominal tergite in female. A key to all the known species of Anaptygus Mistshenko, 1951 is also provided.

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