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Flexible transparent electrodes (FTEs) with embedded metal meshes play an indispensable role in many optoelectronic devices due to their excellent mechanical stability and environmental adaptability. However, low-cost, simple, efficient, and environmental friendly integrated manufacturing of high-performance embedded metal meshes remains a huge challenge. Here, a facile and novel fabrication method is proposed for FTEs with an embedded metal mesh via liquid substrateelectric-field-driven microscale 3D printing process. This direct printing strategy avoids tedious processes and offers low-cost and high-volume production, enabling the fabrication of high-resolution, high-aspect ratio embedded metal meshes without sacrificing transparency. The final manufactured FTEs with 80 mm × 80 mm embedded metal mesh offers excellent optoelectronic performance with a sheet resistance (Rs ) of 6 Ω sq-1 and a transmittance (T) of 85.79%. The embedded metal structure still has excellent mechanical stability and good environmental suitability under different harsh working conditions. The practical feasibility of the FTEs is successfully demonstrated with a thermally driven 4D printing structure and a resistive transparent strain sensor. This method can be used to manufacture large areas with facile, high-efficiency, low-cost, and high-performance FTEs.

Copy number variation (CNV) has become an essential part of genetic structural variation. Coiled-coil domain containing 39 (CCDC39) is a gene that related to the growth and development of organs and tissues. It is identified that it has a CNV region by animal genome resequencing.

In this study, we detected the phenotypic traits and different distributions of CCDC39 gene copy numbers in five Chinese cattle breeds (Qinchuan (QC) cattle, Yunling (YL) cattle, Xianan (XN) cattle, Pinan (PN) cattle and Jiaxian (JX) cattle).

Five hundred and six cattle were randomly selected for CNV distribution detection. Blood samples were taken and genomic DNA was extracted. Different tissues were obtained from adult (n=3) XN cattle, including heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle and lung. The genome qPCR experiment was performed with SYBR Green in triplicate. CDNA qPCR was used to detect the expression level of CCDC39 in different tissues and varieties. Using SPSS v20.0 software, the relationship between CCDC39 CNV and the growth traits of PN, XN, QC, NY and YL cattle breeds was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).

The results showed that the expression of CCDC39 in lung was higher than that in other tissues. The expression in liver and kidney was similar, but the expression in heart and muscle was less. It can be seen that the duplication type of QC cattle CCDC39 CNV is higher than the deletion or normal in the height at hip cross. The normal type of PN cattle in body length and hip width was better than duplication and deletion (p<0.05). In XN cattle, the deletion type of CNV had superior growth characteristics in heart girth and cannon bone circumference compared with the duplication type and the normal type (p<0.05).

The study revealed a significant association between CNV of CCDC39 gene and growth traits in different Chinese cattle breeds.

The study revealed a significant association between CNV of CCDC39 gene and growth traits in different Chinese cattle breeds.

Identifying environmental factors that influence health in children are necessary to develop preventive strategies.

To determine the association between the lifestyles of children (i.e., Mediterranean diet (MD), physical activity (PA), fitness and screen time (ST) with abdominal obesity (AO) of preschoolers from three Spanish-speaking countries (Chile, Colombia and Spain) with different socioeconomic levels and Human Development Index (HDI) indicators.

This cross-sectional study included 982 schoolchildren (aged 4-6 years; 56.8% girls) from Chile (n=409), Colombia (n=281), and Spain (n=292). Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WtHR), adherence to the MD, PA, ST and physical fitness were evaluated.

Spanish preschoolers reported a lower WtHR (p < 0.001), greater physical fitness (Z-score) (p < 0.001) and higher adherence to the MD (p < 0.001) than their Chilean and Colombian peers. In addition, Colombian preschoolers had a better lifestyle (PA + ST) than their Chilean and Spanish peers (p < 0.001). Chilean preschoolers reported a higher prevalence of AO than the Spanish preschoolers (65% vs. 51.9%; p = 0.001).

Lifestyle had a significant association with AO among Spanish-speaking preschool children, with physical fitness especially being a relevant factor regardless of the country of origin. The findings of the current study may support the development of public guidelines focusing on healthy lifestyles in children to create effective plans that contribute to the early treatment of AO in preschool children.

Lifestyle had a significant association with AO among Spanish-speaking preschool children, with physical fitness especially being a relevant factor regardless of the country of origin. The findings of the current study may support the development of public guidelines focusing on healthy lifestyles in children to create effective plans that contribute to the early treatment of AO in preschool children.Although the adverse association of loneliness with health and mortality are well documented, less is known about moderating factors of this relationship. According to the "buffering theory," it is argued that positive affect moderates the negative associations of stressors with health. The current study contributes to the literature by asking Does positive affect also moderate the relationship between loneliness and mortality? A large population-based sample of middle-aged and older adults in Germany from 2008 was used (N = 4442). Mortality was monitored up to 2020, resulting in a maximum follow-up period of observation of 12 years, in which mortality events could be observed. Loneliness was measured using an adapted German version of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, while positive affect was measured with an adapted German version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. Pirinixic solubility dmso Using Cox survival regression, it was found that loneliness significantly predicted increased mortality risk (HR = 1.20; p = .029); conversely, positive affect significantly predicted decreased mortality risk (HR = 0.63; p  less then  .001). Furthermore, a significant interaction emerged between loneliness and positive affect in predicting mortality (HR = 0.70; p = .001) The strength of the association of loneliness with mortality decreased with increasing levels of positive affect. Positive affect attenuates the association between loneliness and mortality, supporting previous empirical research and theories on the buffering effect of positive affect. If replicated in further studies, interventions that promote positive affect might be beneficial to mitigate the negative associations of loneliness with health.

Prosthetic socket coupling with the residual limb should be comfortable without causing skin breakdown or excessive pressure. However, users report socket discomfort, and there is a scarcity of objective measurements available to assess this feeling of discomfort. Quantifying the specific pressure may enable clinicians and users to determine and improve comfort levels objectively.

(1) To evaluate if a peak pressure reduction assists in resolving wounds, redness, and pain inside prosthetic sockets in people with transtibial amputation. (2) To determine if peak pressures measured inside the prosthetic socket due to external forces could be used to quantify the level of improvement in socket discomfort.

In this cohort study, we used a pressure sensor to quantify and facilitate adjustments to the prosthetic socket, correlating this information to the user's socket comfort.

Outpatient clinic in a tertiary hospital in Singapore.

People (N=16) with unilateral transtibial lower limb amputation using a prostsures values did not correlate to the SCS score, the reduction in peak pressure saw significant improvement to the SCS. The use of a portable sensor is a fast and efficient means to quantify adjustments inside the prosthetic socket and could potentially be considered as part of future care delivery.Water vapor thermal therapy (Rezum) is a novel, minimally invasive surgical technology used to treat lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The objective of this systematic review is to evaluate the latest efficacy and safety profile of Rezum in patients with LUTS secondary to BPH. PubMed/MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library databases were systematically searched, in accordance with the PRISMA statement, for relevant articles in the English language till 1 August 2021. Randomized and nonrandomized studies that evaluated urinary outcomes and/or adverse events were deemed eligible. Nineteen studies (N = 1942), published in 25 articles, were included. International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life (QoL), and maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax) significantly improved as early as 1 month postoperatively and remained durable for up to 5 years. Significant median percent improvements in IPSS, QoL, and Qmax at 3 months were 51%, 51%, and 66%, respectively. Patients with obstructive median lobes, large prostates (>80 g), small prostates ( less then 30 g), and urinary retention also experienced significant relief in LUTS, with 83% of urinary retention patients becoming catheter independent at a median of 14 days. Most adverse events were transient and nonserious and occurred in 0% to 76% of patients (median 29%), with de novo erectile dysfunction rates ranging between 0% and 3.1%. Surgical retreatment rate ranged between 4.4% and 7.5% at 5 years postoperatively. Rezum provides durable improvements in symptoms, irrespective of prostate volume and urinary retention status, and has low rates of sexual dysfunction.

Previous studies have demonstrated that weight loss has been shown to improve pain in weight-bearing joints, and more recent studies suggest that weight loss may be accompanied by improvements in pain in non-weight-bearing regions. In previous work, we demonstrated that these symptoms improve substantially in patients with obesity undergoing 12 weeks of a very low-energy diet (VLED) restricted to 800 kcal as part of a weight-loss program. Preclinical models also have shown analgesic effects of calorie restriction. The purpose of the current observational study was to determine the time course and trajectory of improvement in pain and other symptoms, especially during the early phase of a VLED intervention, prior to major weight loss.

Participants were 195 individuals with obesity who had elevated levels of pain and associated symptoms at baseline (score of ≥4 on Fibromyalgia Survey Criteria) and completed a minimum of 3 weeks of a VLED intervention. The primary outcome was improvement in Fibromyalgia Survee of improvement after 3 weeks of a VLED is encouraging. These findings help establish the temporal pattern of symptom improvement associated with caloric restriction and suggest that the palliative effects of this diet are at least partly due to the diet itself, rather than the weight loss that ensues.

Autoři článku: Ohlsenmilne3212 (Sullivan Shore)