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Samsung Family Hub Refrigerators Push the Limit With SmartThings and Inventory-Watching Cameras

If there's a refrigerator that is pushing the boundaries of what we expect from modern appliances, it's Samsung's Family Hub. It comes with a touchscreen that's smart and cameras to keep track of your inventory. This is unlike any other refrigerator.

It also comes with Alexa integration, so you can make use of voice commands to set timers or listen to music.


It can be challenging to keep different foods at the same temperature in a single fridge. A cold temperature can be beneficial for beverages, but can cause the softening of fruits as well as vegetables. The FlexZone compartment of your BESPOKE 4Door Flex refrigerator lets you adjust the temperature according to your needs.

This feature lets you keep drinks such as wine, beer and water at a temperature that is chilled while still allowing your fruits and veggies to stay fresh. The compartment also comes pre-programmed with settings for storing foods like cheese and meats, as well, as fish at the perfect temperature. If you're hosting a gathering you can change the FlexZone to beverage mode so you can keep plenty of different drinks for guests.

You can adjust the settings of the FlexZone as frequently as you'd like and it will easily adjust to your needs. If you're planning a party for your family, you can put a lot of drinks in the FlexZone. When the party is completed, you can return it to its regular refrigerator setting.

In addition to the FlexZone it is also possible to personalize your fridge with a variety of other features that ensure that your food stays fresher for longer. The Smart 4-Door Flex refrigerator has a new Beverage Center hidden inside the door, and includes a BPA Free* Autofill Water Pitcher and a regular water Dispenser. The refrigerator comes with a Dual Ice Maker which produces nuggets and cubes of regular ice. Nuggets are smaller, more easier to chew and cooler than regular ice.

In addition to these features, you can pick from a wide range of color options for the door panels of your fridge. This will help you fit your refrigerator into the decor in your home. The Smart 4-Door Flex fridge is available with grey glass panels as well as a white glass panel blue glass panel and a champagne stainless steel panel. The panels are easy to install, so you can switch them out whenever your design aesthetic changes. The Bespoke 4-Door Flex fridge has sleek and flat front that will fit in with any style of decor.


SmartThings is a hub-and-app platform that works with just about any home automation device. It's easy to install, well-polished and works well with Samsung appliances, including Family Hub refrigerators.

The app allows you to control your fridge using either a tablet or smartphone and lets you view the inside of your fridge and get notifications. It also lets you monitor your energy consumption and connects to your smart home devices. You can even do an initial reset using the app, if you require.

SmartThings can also be integrated to control the smart lock. You can add members who have an Samsung account, email address or QR code to give access to your appliances. The app has other features, such as meal planning, recipes, and kitchen monitoring. However, they're not as polished or powerful as dedicated apps.

SmartThings may not be the most well-known platform for smart homes, but it can still be useful when you own multiple Samsung products. Its integration with Samsung's refrigerators and TVs makes it an ideal option for anyone who wants to build a connected home.

For the SmartThings App, you'll require a Samsung phone or tablet that is compatible with SmartThings. Your refrigerator needs to be connected to an internet connection. You'll require a Samsung Account and the most recent version. Visit the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download the app. It might require a Wi-Fi connection and mobile data charges, based on your location and service provider.

After connecting your refrigerator to SmartThings, you can manage and create your home automation with only a few taps. The app can be used to manage the temperature of your refrigerator, set reminders, and switch on the screen. It will notify you when the door of your refrigerator is open.

The SmartThings App is available for Samsung tablets and smartphones along with other devices that use the same operating system. The app also supports Alexa and Google Assistant voice controls, which allows you to use both of these systems for more convenient control. It's worth noting, however, that the SmartThings app is designed for Samsung devices, and some features aren't available on third-party devices.

Door-in-Door Storage

Door-in-Door storage is a feature which is an exterior panel on the refrigerator that opens to reveal a drawer. samsung refrigerators allows you to access frequently used items, like snacks and condiments without opening the refrigerator's main compartment. LG introduced the concept through its Fridge in Door French-door refrigerators and Samsung has also begun to offer this feature on its refrigerators. GE has also joined the party, with its GFD28GELDS fridge that includes doors-in-doors.

These features are designed to help you save money and energy by making it less frequent to open your refrigerator. However many owners of these fridges have discovered that they use the door-in-door feature more often than they anticipated. It's because it's often simpler to open a door-indoor compartment than to access something from the main refrigerator compartment.

These fridges will keep food fresher for longer than regular French-door models. They have two separate, independent evaporators, unlike the majority of refrigerators which have one evaporator serving both the freezer and refrigerator sections. This prevents air from mixing between the two sections and enables them to maintain a distinct humidity level. This will prevent foods such as berries and vegetables to get spoiled quickly, and also save money by not buying expensive groceries.

Another benefit of these refrigerators is their technological sophistication. These fridges can connect to your home Wi Fi network and be controlled by tablets or smartphones. You can access services and content remotely, such as Family Hub. You can also set your refrigerator at a specific temperature or let it defrost itself.

Find the most recent deals and offers on their website if thinking of buying a Samsung Shop fridge. You can also reach a representative by email or live chat. If you sign up you can also sign up your refrigerator and be updated on recalls. On their website, you can find helpful FAQs as well as troubleshooting guides.

Freezer Drawer

This freezer drawer is ideal for storing frozen foods, leftovers, and ice cream. It's easy to reach and lower to the ground and is an ideal place to store daily food items, snacks and drinks for kids. It also prevents you from the strain of bending making it easier to take drinks or snacks without tripping or spilling everything.

This sleek freestanding freezer drawer can be positioned in many kitchen configurations and is easy to incorporate into any design. It provides a versatile storage solution with four temperature settings, a Smart Divider to stay organized and a special finish that helps reduce fingerprints and smudges. You can control and monitor the refrigerator using the Samsung SmartThings app, which will also notify you that the door is left open, when it's time to change the water filter, or when food is nearing the expiration date.

The Family Hub feature is a powerful touch-screen feature that lets you manage your calendar, play music streaming TV and browse recipes while remaining connected with family. You can also utilize the Family Hub feature to regulate the temperature of your refrigerator, adjust lighting, and receive helpful notifications. This refrigerator is ENERGY STARcertified, which means it is in compliance with strict energy efficiency standards. It will help you reduce your energy consumption and also reduce the environmental impact.

Its spacious 26.5 cu. The capacity is 26.5 cu. Separate refrigerator and freezer compartments keep your ingredients fresher for longer. And the robust black stainless steel exterior is resistant to fingerprints and smudges and keeps your kitchen looking stunning.

Check your freezer regularly for signs that it is becoming worn. Check the bins, tracks and grommet rails to make sure they are in good shape. It may be necessary to replace the bins if they do not slide easily. To avoid heat loss and moisture, it's crucial to ensure that your freezer is properly insulated. If your freezer's drawer is too warm or cold it will waste energy and also increase the cost of your energy bills.

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