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Protein degradation through the Ubiquitin (Ub)-26S Proteasome System (UPS) is a major gene expression regulatory pathway in plants. In this pathway, the 76-amino acid Ub proteins are covalently linked onto a large array of UPS substrates with the help of three enzymes (E1 activating, E2 conjugating, and E3 ligating enzymes) and direct them for turnover in the 26S proteasome complex. The S-phase Kinase-associated Protein 1 (Skp1), CUL1, F-box (FBX) protein (SCF) complexes have been identified as the largest E3 ligase group in plants due to the dramatic number expansion of the FBX genes in plant genomes. Since it is the FBX proteins that recognize and determine the specificity of SCF substrates, much effort has been done to characterize their genomic, physiological, and biochemical roles in the past two decades of functional genomic studies. However, the sheer size and high sequence diversity of the FBX gene family demands new approaches to uncover unknown functions. In this work, we first identified 82 known FBX members that have been functionally characterized up to date in Arabidopsis thaliana. Through comparing the genomic structure, evolutionary selection, expression patterns, domain compositions, and functional activities between known and unknown FBX gene members, we developed a neural network machine learning approach to predict whether an unknown FBX member is likely functionally active in Arabidopsis, thereby facilitating its future functional characterization.The bZIP proteins comprise one of the largest transcription factor families and play important roles in plant growth and development, senescence, metabolic reactions, and stress responses. In this study, 49 bZIP transcription factor-encoding genes (StbZIP genes) on the potato genome were identified and analyzed. The 49 StbZIP genes, which are located on 12 chromosomes of the potato genome, were divided into 11 subgroups together with their Arabidopsis homologs based on the results of phylogenetic analysis. Gene structure and protein motif analysis revealed that members from the same subgroup often possessed similar exon/intron structures and motif organizations, further supporting the results of the phylogenetic analysis. Syntenic analysis indicated the existence of gene duplication events, which might play an important role in the expansion of the bZIP gene family in potato. Expressions of the StbZIP genes were analyzed in a variety of tissues via RNA-Seq data, suggesting functional diversity. Several StbZIP genes were found to be induced by different stress conditions. For example, the expression of StbZIP25, the close homolog of AtbZIP36/ABF2, was significantly upregulated by salt stress treatments. The StbZIP25 protein was found to be located in the nucleus and function as a transcriptional activator. Overexpression of StbZIP25 enhanced salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. The results from this study imply potential roles of the bZIP family genes in the stress response of potato.Chickpea-the second most important grain legume worldwide-is cultivated mainly on marginal soils. Phosphorus (P) deficiency often restricts chickpea yields. Understanding the genetics of traits encoding P-acquisition efficiency and P-use efficiency will help develop strategies to reduce P-fertilizer application. A genome-wide association mapping approach was used to determine loci and genes associated with root architecture, root traits associated with P-acquisition efficiency and P-use efficiency, and any associated proxy traits. Using three statistical models-a generalized linear model (GLM), a mixed linear model (MLM), and a fixed and random model circulating probability unification (FarmCPU) -10, 51, and 40 marker-trait associations (MTAs), respectively were identified. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) locus (Ca1_12310101) on Ca1 associated with three traits, i.e., physiological P-use efficiency, shoot dry weight, and shoot P content was identified. Genes related to shoot P concentration (NAD kinase 2, dynamin-related protein 1C), physiological P-use efficiency (fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein), specific root length (4-coumarate-CoA ligase 1) and manganese concentration in mature leaves (ABC1 family protein) were identified. The MTAs and novel genes identified in this study can be used to improve P-use efficiency in chickpea.Soil salinization and alkalization greatly restrict crop growth and yield. In this study, NaCl (8 g kg-1) and Na2CO3 (8 g kg-1) were used to create saline stress and alkaline stress on cotton in pot cultivation in the field, and organic polymer compound material (OPCM) and stem girdling were applied before cotton sowing and at flowering and boll-forming stage, respectively, aiming to determine the effects of OPCM on K+ and Na+ absorption and transport and physiological characteristics of cotton leaf and root. The results showed that after applying the OPCM, the Na+ content in leaf of cotton under saline stress and alkaline stress were decreased by 7.72 and 6.49%, respectively, the K+/Na+ ratio in leaf were increased by 5.65 and 19.10%, respectively, the Na+ content in root were decreased by 9.57 and 0.53%, respectively, the K+/Na+ ratio in root were increased by 65.77 and 55.84%, respectively, and the transport coefficients of K+ and Na+ from leaf to root were increased by 39.59 and 21.38%, respectively. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD), and the relative electrical conductivity (REC) in cotton leaf were significantly increased, while the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) was decreased; but the changes in those in root were not significant. The boll weights were increased by 11.40 and 13.37%, respectively, compared with those for the control. After stem girdling, the application of OPCM still promoted the ion transport of cotton organs; moreover, the CAT activity in root was increased by 25.09% under saline stress, and the SOD activity in leaf and CAT in root were increased by 42.22 and 6.91%, respectively under alkaline stress. Therefore, OPCM can significantly change the transport of K+ and Na+ to maintain the K+ and Na+ homeostasis in leaf and root, and regulate physiological and biochemical indicators to alleviate the stress-induced damage. Besides, the regulation effect of OPCM on saline stress was better than that on alkaline stress.Hormone patterns tailor cell fate decisions during plant organ formation. Among them, auxins and cytokinins are critical phytohormones during early development. Nitric oxide (NO) modulates root architecture by the control of auxin spatial patterns. selleckchem However, NO involvement during the coordination of shoot organogenesis remains unclear. Here, we explore the effect of NO during shoot development by using a phenotypic, cellular, and genetic analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana and get new insights into the characterization of NO-mediated leaf-related phenotypes. NO homeostasis mutants are impaired in several shoot architectural parameters, including phyllotactic patterns, inflorescence stem elongation, silique production, leaf number, and margin. Auxin distribution is a key feature for tissue differentiation and need to be controlled at different levels (i.e., synthesis, transport, and degradation mechanisms). The phenotypes resulting from the introduction of the cue1 mutation in the axr1 auxin resistant and pin1 backgrounds exacerbate the relationship between NO and auxins. Using the auxin reporter DR5GUS, we observed an increase in auxin maxima under NO-deficient mutant backgrounds and NO scavenging, pointing to NO-ASSOCIATED 1 (NOA1) as the main player related to NO production in this process. Furthermore, polar auxin transport is mainly regulated by PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1), which controls the flow along leaf margin and venations. Analysis of PIN1 protein levels shows that NO controls its accumulation during leaf development, impacting the auxin mediated mechanism of leaf building. With these findings, we also provide evidence for the NO opposite effects to determine root and shoot architecture, in terms of PIN1 accumulation under NO overproduction.Sunflower seed storage is accompanied by the loss of seed vigor. Seed drying is a key link between seed harvest and seed storage; however, to date, the effect of seed drying on sunflower seed deterioration during storage remains unclear. The present study performed hot air drying for sunflower seeds with an initial moisture content of 30% to examine the manner in which drying temperature (35, 40, 45, 50, and 55°C) affects the drying performance and seed vigor following storage process (6 and 12 months). A drying temperature of 40°C was evidently safe for sunflower seeds, whereas the high drying temperatures (HTD, 45, 50, and 55°C) significantly lowered sunflower seed vigor by regulating the fatty acid metabolism, glycometabolism, and abscisic acid (ABA)/gibberellin (GA) balance. HDT significantly increased the seed damage rate and accelerated sunflower seed deterioration during natural and artificial aging process. Further biochemical analysis indicated that HDT significantly increased lipoxygenase and dioxygenase activities, leading to malonaldehyde and reactive oxygen species over-accumulation during storage. During early seed germination, HDT significantly inhibited fatty acid hydrolysis and glycometabolism by decreasing triacylglycerol lipase, CoA-SH oxidase, and invertase activities. Moreover, HDT remarkably increased ABA levels but reduced GA levels by regulating gene expressions and metabolic enzyme activities during early imbibitions. Cumulatively, the seed drying effect on sunflower seed vigor deterioration during the storage process may be strongly related to fatty acid oxidation and hydrolysis metabolism, toxic substance accumulation, and ABA/GA balance.In plants, the trafficking mechanisms by which sterols move through the plant and into target cells are unknown. Earlier studies identified endosomes as primary candidates for internalization of sterols in plants, but these results have come into question. Here, we show that in elongating root cells, the internalization of sterol occurs primarily by a non-endocytic mechanism. Added fluorescent sterols [dehydroergosterol (DHE) and BODIPY-cholesterol (BCh)] do not initially label endosomes identified by fluorescent protein markers or by internalized FM4-64. Instead, the nuclear envelope, an organelle not associated with the endocytic pathway but part of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), becomes labeled. This result is supported by experiments with the inducible overexpression of auxilin-2-like protein (AUX2 line), which blocks most endocytosis upon induction. Internalization and nuclear envelope labeling still occur in induced AUX2 cells. Longer-term incubation labels the oil body, a site involved in sterol storage. Although the first site of localization, the nuclear envelope, is part of the ER, other domains of the ER do not accumulate the label. The trafficking pathway differs from vesicular endocytosis and points toward a different pathway of sterol transport possibly involving other mechanisms, such as ER-plasma membrane contact sites and cytoplasmic transport.In lacustrine wetlands connected to rivers, the changes in flood regimes caused by hydrological projects lead to changes in the community traits of dominant macrophytes and, consequently, influence the structure and function of wetland vegetation. However, community trait responses of macrophytes to the timing and duration of flood disturbance have been rarely quantified. In 2011-2019, we investigated plant species diversity, density, and biomass in three dominant macrophyte communities (Carex brevicuspis C.B. Clarke, Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Hackel, and Polygonum hydropiper L.) through monthly field surveys in Dongting Lake wetlands. Partial least squares regressions were used to analyze how the variations in hydrological regimes affected plant community traits. Apparent inter-annual fluctuations in plant community traits were detected during 2011-2019. The species richness and Shannon index of diversity of Miscanthus and Polygonum communities increased, whereas the Shannon index of diversity of Carex community decreased.

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