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Cannabis (marijuana) use is increasing in the United States, but we do not have much information on the relationship between cannabis use and cancer. We studied information from a representative group of people and found that younger patients generally reported more past and/or recent cannabis use if they had been diagnosed with cancer whereas older individuals did not. Beliefs about cannabis risk and accessibility differed by age. Clinical trials to study cannabis should account for patient age, and accurate information about cannabis should be provided to help patients with cancer make decisions about cannabis use.A new device for monitoring the laryngeal nerves during thyroid surgery has been developed. NIM Vital™ (Medtronic Xomed, Inc., Jacksonville, FL, USA) incorporates (a) a new wireless design, (b) NIM NerveTrendTM (Medtronic Xomed) EMG reporting, (c) intelligent noise-reduction technology that suppresses artifacts, (d) smart troubleshooting pop-up alerts, and (e) NIM Nervassure ™ (Medtronic Xomed) for continuous monitoring. This device offers enhanced stability and flexibility for both intermittent and continuous laryngeal nerve monitoring. The new NIM NerveTrend ™ EMG reporting makes it possible to track the recurrent laryngeal nerve condition throughout a procedure, even when using intermittent nerve monitoring. During both continuous and intermittent monitoring, green, yellow and red status bars provide visual information and associated tones provide audible cues, making it easy to monitor nerve function and interpret EMG trends. This new tool for laryngeal nerve monitoring has the potential to augment nerve dissection during surgery. Measurements of long-term outcome are needed to establish their efficacy.Interventional cardiovascular medicine has seen constant progress over the last few decades. Since the first angiograms and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty were carried out, this progress has been tremendous and has led to a substantial decline in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this article is to report and review the latest developments and evidence in robotics-assisted percutaneous coronary intervention (rPCI) and its potential future applications, opportunities, and limitations. Contemporary evidence shows that rPCI can lead to a significant reduction in radiation exposure as well as medical hazards for cardiologists. Rates of device and procedural success remain high and there is no evidence of a disadvantage for the patient. The accuracy of implantation with a reduced geographic mismatch is a further advantage that can result in a higher quality of treatment. Even in complex coronary lesions and procedures, rPCI seems to be safe and efficient. The latest developments include telestenting over hundreds of kilometers from a remote platform. this website Currently, the main limitations are the absence of large-scale randomized trials for the valid assessment of the benefits and disadvantages of rPCI as well as the technical limitations of the currently available rPCI systems. rPCI is a forward-looking innovation in cardiology that is applicable to a wide range of coronary interventions. Despite the present lack of knowledge and the limited data concerning the outcome for the patient, the available literature reveals promising results that should lead to improvements for physicians and patients.Oncologic visceral surgery has recently been revolutionized by robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), sparing of functionally important structures and innovative intraoperative imaging tools. These techniques enable new dimensions of precision surgery and oncology. Currently, data-driven, cognitive operating rooms are standing at the forefront of the latest technical and didactic developments in abdominal surgery. Rectal low anterior resection with total mesorectal excision (TME) for lower- and middle-third rectal cancer is a challenging operation due to the narrow pelvis and the tender guiding structures. Thus, new approaches have been needed to simplify the procedure and to upgrade the results. The combination of robotics with pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring (pIONM) and new possibilities of visualization, such as multi- and hyperspectral imaging (MSI / HSI) or fluorescence imaging (FI) with indocyanine green (ICG) is a forward-looking modality to enhance surgical precision and reduce postoperative complications while improving oncologic and functional outcomes with a better quality of life. The aim of our video-paper is to show how to achieve maximum precision by combining robotic surgery with pelvic intraoperative neuromonitoring and new imaging devices for rectal cancer.Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) take many lifes worldwide. Patients with recurrent/metastatic disease receive combination chemotherapy containing anti-EGFR antibody cetuximab. However, resistance often hurdles therapy. The mechanism is yet to unveil, although EGFR extracellular alterations and activity of c-Met signaling were accused. We investigated the effects of EGFR-vIII and EGFR-R521K on cetuximab efficacy in HNSCC in cellular, xenograft, and clinical setup. Furthermore, we investigated the efficacy of c-Met inhibition in HNSCC in vitro and in vivo. We showed that EGFR-vIII is very rare in HNSCC, while the common R521K polymorphism abolishes antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and in vivo antitumor effect of cetuximab. This selectivity was not reflected in immunophenotype or survival data of HNSCC patients, suggesting a more complex mechanism behind. Interestingly, c-Met inhibitor SU11274 was more effective in cetuximab-resistant, EGFR R521K heterozygous cells and xenografts, raising the possible importance of simultaneous targeting of the two receptors.There are about 14 million new cancer cases and 8 million deaths every year. Every second man and one in every three women will get cancer during their lifetimes. Following decades of steady increase, death rates have stabilized due to increased awareness and prevention, early detection, and the emergence of more effective therapy. Yet despite all the advances cancer remains a major killer. Despite improved therapies, nearly all current treatments face the same problem for many patients, they ultimately stop working. Therapy resistance is the ultimate challenge facing cancer researchers and patients today. In this review we present an overview of the most important resistance mechanisms, discussing progress in therapies designed to prevent or overcome anticancer therapy resistance. Finally, we present recent findings from our own laboratory on the development of new experimental models and new therapeutic approaches to combat multidrug resistant cancer.Chemotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of cancer. While clinical chemotherapy protocols can lead to remission in some patients, in many cases tumor progression occurs despite continued treatment. In the present study we summarize mathematical approaches to model tumor growth and response to treatment, focusing on anticancer therapy resistance. We present results obtained at the recently founded Cybermedical Competence Center at Óbuda University, focusing on the development of a new therapy optimization concept that aims to optimize traditional chemotherapy.Insufficient tissue perfusion in malignancies results in hypoxic areas, favoring neoplastic progression. Tumor cells under hypoxia undergo an adaptive program by activating alternative metabolic pathways, which is regulated by hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF1) in order to overcome microenvironmental changes. The expression of carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is a prominent protective mechanism against intracellular acidosis occurring in cancer cells suffering from hypoxia. Due to the activity of CAIX, the restored intracellular pH (pHi) supports tumor cell proliferation and migration, while the compensatory extracellular acidosis contributes to immunoprotection and to chemo- and radioresistance. In vitro and animal model experiments showed that the chemotherapeutic efficiency could be significantly improved by the selective inhibition of CAIX, thus, its adjuvant therapeutic potential is under active investigation.Target-specific inhibition of the BRAFV600E mutant protein has been a major breakthrough in the treatment of metastatic cutaneous melanoma. However, the success of therapies is significantly overshadowed by the development of resistance. Understanding the molecular mechanisms associated with acquired resistance is an important step to increase the effectiveness of melanoma treatment. Our aim was to elucidate the molecular differences underlying the development of drug resistance using a mutant BRAF protein inhibitor (vemurafenib analogue PLX4720) in BRAFV600E mutant melanoma cell lines. We developed four BRAF inhibitor-resistant cell lines and examined the effect of BRAF inhibitor "withdrawal" on cell division. ArrayCGH was used to define genetic, and Affymetrix HumanGene 1.0 microarray to monitor gene expression alterations between the sensitive and resistant cell lines. Protein expression was determined using Proteome Profiler Human XL Oncology Array. We found that withdrawal of the inhibitor reduces cell proliferation in the resistant cells. The invasive potential of the resistant cells increased. Using genomic and proteomic methods we described new molecular alterations associated with acquired resistance.Healthcare workers may be occupationally exposed to low dose rate radiation or different chemicals during their work. There are strong associations between the increased frequency of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of cancer. Cytogenetic tests were conducted on 1240 healthy medical workers and cancer incidence was followed up between 1997-2018. Both structural and numerical chromosome aberrations were evaluated and the results were compared taking into account gender, age, and smoking. The frequency of aberrant cells was significantly higher in smoker males than in non-smokers (p=0.009). Within the same study period, there was no significant difference in chromosome aberrations between the potentially exposed group of workers and the control group. Among 82 cancer cases (6.6%) the most common tumors were breast (16), colon (12), lung (7) and thyroid gland cancers (7). Our analysis showed 7.3% cancer occurrence among smokers compared to 6.2% among non-smokers. These results suggest that in our cases cytogenetic effects of smoking are more deleterious than occupational exposures.Negative predictive markers of the anti-EGFR antibody therapies are RAS or BRAF mutations, while left sidedness can be considered as a positive predictor. Here we analyzed 97 wild type RAS metastatic colorectal cancers looking for the prognostic and predictive roles of EGFR protein expression. We found that right-sided colorectal cancers are characterized by significantly higher EGFR protein expression as compared to left-sided ones, irrespective of the primary or metastatic tissue analysis. Furthermore, tumors with multiple organ involvement are characterized by significantly higher EGFR protein expression as compared to single organ ones. In the homogenous cetuximab treated cohort (n=90) we have found that lower than the applied EGFR protein expression cut-off was associated with favorable survival. In the multivariate analysis only sidedness proved to be a strong independent predictor, however sidedness is an EGFR-dependent predictor of anti-EGFR therapy.

Autoři článku: Noersaleh8334 (Hatcher Whittaker)