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Neural signatures of working memory (WM) have been reported in numerous brain areas, suggesting a distributed neural substrate for memory maintenance. In the current manuscript we provide an updated review of the literature focusing on intracranial neurophysiological recordings during WM in primates. Such signatures of WM include changes in firing rate or local oscillatory power within an area, along with measures of coordinated activity between areas based on synchronization between oscillations. In comparing the ability of various neural signatures in any brain area to predict behavioral performance, we observe that synchrony between areas is more frequently and robustly correlated with WM performance than any of the within-area neural signatures. We further review the evidence for alteration of inter-areal synchrony in brain disorders, consistent with an important role for such synchrony during behavior. Additionally, results of causal studies indicate that manipulating synchrony across areas is especially effective at influencing WM task performance. Each of these lines of research supports the critical role of inter-areal synchrony in WM. Finally, we propose a framework for interactions between prefrontal and sensory areas during WM, incorporating a range of experimental findings and offering an explanation for the observed link between intra-areal measures and WM performance.The brain is composed of diverse neuronal and non-neuronal cell types with complex regional connectivity patterns that create the anatomical infrastructure underlying cognition. Remarkable advances in neuroscience techniques enable labeling and imaging of these individual cell types and their interactions throughout intact mammalian brains at a cellular resolution allowing neuroscientists to examine microscopic details in macroscopic brain circuits. Nevertheless, implementing these tools is fraught with many technical and analytical challenges with a need for high-level data analysis. Here we review key technical considerations for implementing a brain mapping pipeline using the mouse brain as a primary model system. Specifically, we provide practical details for choosing methods including cell type specific labeling, sample preparation (e.g., tissue clearing), microscopy modalities, image processing, and data analysis (e.g., image registration to standard atlases). We also highlight the need to develop better 3D atlases with standardized anatomical labels and nomenclature across species and developmental time points to extend the mapping to other species including humans and to facilitate data sharing, confederation, and integrative analysis. In summary, this review provides key elements and currently available resources to consider while developing and implementing high-resolution mapping methods.In the retina, evolutionary changes can be traced in the topography of photoreceptors. The shape of the visual streak depends on the height of the animal and its habitat, namely, woods, prairies, or mountains. Also, the distribution of distinct wavelength-sensitive cones is unique to each animal. For example, UV and green cones reside in the ventral and dorsal regions in the mouse retina, respectively, whereas in the rat retina these cones are homogeneously distributed. In contrast with the abundant investigation on the distribution of photoreceptors and the third-order neurons, the distribution of bipolar cells has not been well understood. We utilized two enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) mouse lines, Lhx4-EGFP (Lhx4) and 6030405A18Rik-EGFP (Rik), to examine the topographic distributions of bipolar cells in the retina. First, we characterized their GFP-expressing cells using type-specific markers. We found that GFP was expressed by type 2, type 3a, and type 6 bipolar cells in the Rik mice and by typound that a subset of achromatic bipolar cells is asymmetrically distributed in the mouse retina, suggesting their unique roles in achromatic visual processing.The olive baboon (Papio anubis) is phylogenetically proximal to humans. Investigation into the baboon brain has shed light on the function and organization of the human brain, as well as on the mechanistic insights of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Non-invasive brain imaging, including positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are the primary outcome measures frequently used in baboon studies. this website PET functional imaging has long been used to study cerebral metabolic processes, though it lacks clear and reliable anatomical information. In contrast, MRI provides a clear definition of soft tissue with high resolution and contrast to distinguish brain pathology and anatomy, but lacks specific markers of neuroreceptors and/or neurometabolites. There is a need to create a brain atlas that combines the anatomical and functional/neurochemical data independently available from MRI and PET. For this purpose, a three-dimensional atlas of the olive baboon brain was he new atlas is freely available on the Figshare online repository (https//, and the template images are available from neuroImaging tools & resources collaboratory (NITRC) (https// chloride (Cl-) levels in mature neurons must be tightly regulated for the maintenance of fast synaptic inhibition. In the mature central nervous system (CNS), synaptic inhibition is primarily mediated by gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), which binds to Cl- permeable GABAA receptors (GABAARs). The intracellular Cl- concentration is primarily maintained by the antagonistic actions of two cation-chloride cotransporters (CCCs) Cl--importing Na+-K+-Cl- co-transporter-1 (NKCC1) and Cl- -exporting K+-Cl- co-transporter-2 (KCC2). In mature neurons in the healthy brain, KCC2 expression is higher than NKCC1, leading to lower levels of intracellular Cl-, and Cl- influx upon GABAAR activation. However, in neurons of the immature brain or in neurological disorders such as epilepsy and traumatic brain injury, impaired KCC2 function and/or enhanced NKCC1 expression lead to intracellular Cl- accumulation and GABA-mediated excitation. In Huntington's disease (HD), KCC2- and NKCC1-mediated Cl--regulation are also altered, which leads to GABA-mediated excitation and contributes to the development of cognitive and motor impairments. This review summarizes the role of Cl- (dys)regulation in the healthy and HD brain, with a focus on the basal ganglia (BG) circuitry and CCCs as potential therapeutic targets in the treatment of HD.Disruption of the glutamatergic homeostasis is commonly observed in neurological diseases and has been frequently correlated with the altered expression and/or function of astrocytic high-affinity glutamate transporters. There is, however, a growing interest for the role of the cystine-glutamate exchanger system xc - in controlling glutamate transmission. This exchanger is predominantly expressed in glial cells, especially in microglia and astrocytes, and its dysregulation has been documented in diverse neurological conditions. While most studies have focused on measuring the expression of its specific subunit xCT by RT-qPCR or by Western blotting, the activity of this exchanger in tissue samples remains poorly examined. Indeed, the reported use of sulfur- and carbon-radiolabeled cystine in uptake assays shows several drawbacks related to its short radioactive half-life and its relatively high cost. We here report on the elaborate validation of a method using tritiated glutamate as a substrate for the reversed transport mediated by system xc -. The uptake assay was validated in primary cultured astrocytes, in transfected cells as well as in crude synaptosomes obtained from fresh nervous tissue samples. Working in buffers containing defined concentrations of Na+, allowed us to differentiate the glutamate uptake supported by system xc - or by high-affinity glutamate transporters, as confirmed by using selective pharmacological inhibitors. The specificity was further demonstrated in primary astrocyte cultures from transgenic mice lacking xCT or in cell lines where xCT expression was genetically induced or reduced. As such, this assay appears to be a robust and cost-efficient solution to investigate the activity of this exchanger in physiological and pathological conditions. It also provides a reliable tool for the screening and characterization of new system xc - inhibitors which have been frequently cited as valuable drugs for nervous disorders and cancer.Accumulation of glutamate, the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, into presynaptic synaptic vesicles (SVs) depends upon three vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). Since VGLUTs are driven by a proton electrochemical gradient across the SV membrane generated by vacuolar-type H+-ATPases (V-ATPases), the rate of glutamate transport into SVs, as well as the amount of glutamate in SVs at equilibrium, are influenced by activities of both VGLUTs and V-ATPase. Despite emerging evidence that suggests various factors influencing glutamate transport by VGLUTs in vitro, little has been reported in physiological or pathological contexts to date. Historically, this was partially due to a lack of appropriate methods to monitor glutamate loading into SVs in living synapses. Furthermore, whether or not glutamate refilling of SVs can be rate-limiting for synaptic transmission is not well understood, primarily due to a lack of knowledge concerning the time required for vesicle reuse and refilling during repetitive stimulation. In this review, we first introduce a unique electrophysiological method to monitor glutamate refilling by VGLUTs in a giant model synapse from the calyx of Held in rodent brainstem slices, and we discuss the advantages and limitations of the method. We then introduce the current understanding of factors that potentially alter the amount and rate of glutamate refilling of SVs in this synapse, and discuss open questions from physiological viewpoints.Bipolar cells have become successful targets for optogenetic gene therapies that restore vision after photoreceptor degeneration. However, degeneration was shown to cause changes in neuronal connectivity and protein expression, which may impact the quality of synthetically restored signaling. Further, the expression of an optogenetic protein may alter passive membrane properties of bipolar cells affecting signal propagation. We here investigated the passive membrane properties of rod bipolar cells in three different systems, the healthy retina, the degenerated retina, and the degenerated retina expressing the optogenetic actuator Opto-mGluR6. We found that, based on the shape of their current-voltage relations, rod bipolar cells in healthy and degenerated retinas form two clear functional groups (type 1 and type 2 cells). Depolarizing the membrane potential changed recorded current-voltage curves from type 1 to type 2, confirming a single cell identity with two functional states. Expression of Opto-mGluR6 did not alter the passive properties of the rod bipolar cell. With progressing degeneration, dominant outward rectifying currents recorded in type 2 rod bipolar cells decreased significantly. We demonstrate that this is caused by a downregulation of BK channel expression in the degenerated retina. Since this BK conductance will normally recover the membrane potential after RBCs are excited by open TRPM1 channels, a loss in BK will decrease high-pass filtering at the rod bipolar cell level. A better understanding of the changes of bipolar cell physiology during retinal degeneration may pave the way to optimize future treatment strategies of blindness.

Autoři článku: Noermonaghan4603 (Franco Blair)