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Optical properties, including response to polarized light, are of particular interest.The role of kinetics, adsorption capacity, and heat and mass transfer effects in the sorption enhanced dimethyl ether synthesis (SEDMES) is investigated by means of a 2D+1D model of a single tube of an industrial-scale, externally cooled, multitubular reactor that simulates the reaction/adsorption step of the SEDMES cycle. The effect of the adsorbent/catalyst weight ratio is analyzed, showing that a trade-off between DME productivity and yield originates from the balance of kinetics and adsorption capacity in the reactor tube. The effects of internal diffusion in catalyst particles are shown to have a strong impact on effective reaction rates significant yield/productivity improvements are obtained when using a mechanical mixture of catalysts with small particle diameters or by rearranging the distribution of the two active phases in hybrid or core@shell pellets. The thermal effects in the reactor, which are increasingly critical upon intensifying the SEDMES process conditions, are also addressed.Fast biomass pyrolysis is an effective and promising process for high bio-oil yields, and represents one of the front-end technologies to provide alternative, sustainable fuels as a replacement of conventional, fossil-based ones. In this work, the effect of droplet initial diameter on the evaporation and ignition of droplets of crude fast pyrolysis bio-oil (FPBO) and FPBO/ethanol blend (50% vol) at ambient pressure is discussed. The experimental tests were carried out in a closed single droplet combustion chamber equipped with optical accesses, using droplets with a diameter in the range of 0.9-1.4 mm. The collected experimental data show a significant effect of droplet diameter and initial fuel composition on the evaporation and combustion of the droplets. At the same time, 1-dimensional modeling of the evaporation and ignition of different droplets of crude FPBO and its blend with ethanol is performed to understand the complex physical and chemical effects. To this purpose, an 8-component surrogate was adopted, and a skeletal mechanism (170 species and 2659 reactions) was obtained through an established methodology. The comparison of numerical and experimental results shows that the model is able to capture the main features related to the heating phase of the droplet and the effect of fuel composition on droplet temperature and evaporation, particularly the increased reactivity following ethanol addition and the variation of diameter with time. Also, a sensitivity analysis highlighted the reactions controlling the autoignition of the droplets in the different conditions. It was found that the autoignition of pure FPBO droplets is governed by dimethyl furane (DMF), because of its high volatility and in spite of not being the most abundant species. On the other side, ethanol chemistry drives the gas-phase ignition in the case of the blended (50/50 v/v) mixtures, due to its higher volatility and reactivity.We propose a numerical methodology to combine detailed microkinetic modeling and Eulerian-Eulerian methods for the simulation of industrial fluidized bed reactors. An operator splitting-based approach has been applied to solve the detailed kinetics coupled with the solution of multiphase gas-solid flows. Lab and industrial reactor configurations are simulated to assess the capability and the accuracy of the method by using the oxidative coupling of methane as a showcase. A good agreement with lab-scale experimental data (deviations below 10%) is obtained. Moreover, in this specific case, the proposed framework provides a 4-fold reduction of the computational cost required to reach the steady-state when compared to the approach of linearizing the chemical source term. As a whole, the work paves the way to the incorporation of detailed kinetics in the simulation of industrial fluidized reactors.Filtering-catalytic candles, filled with an annular packed-bed of commercial Ni-catalyst pellets (∼600 g), were successfully tested for in situ syngas cleaning in a fluidized-bed biomass steam gasifier [Fuel Process. Technol.2019, 191, 44-53, DOI 10.1016/j.fuproc.2019.03.018]. Those tests enabled the macroscopic evaluation of gasification and gas cleaning as a whole, requiring a more specific assessment of the catalyst performance inside the filter candle. To this end, steam reforming tests of tar key compounds (naphthalene and toluene; thiophene in traces to observe sulfur deactivation) were performed with a laboratory-scale packed-bed reactor containing the same catalyst pellets ( less then 7 g). A lumped kinetics was derived, referred to a pseudocomponent representing tars. This was then validated by simulation of the annular catalytic packed bed inside the filter candle, obtaining numerical results in fair agreement with gasifier outputs. As a result, the lab-scale investigation with a small amount of catalyst provides reliable predictions of tar catalytic reforming in industrial-scale filtering-catalytic candles.Formic acid (FA) is an interesting hydrogen (H2) and carbon monoxide (CO) carrier that can be produced by the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) using renewable energy. The separation of FA from water is challenging due to the strong (cross)association of the components and the presence of a high boiling azeotrope. For the separation of dilute FA solutions, liquid-liquid extraction is preferred over conventional distillation because distilling large amounts of water is very energy-intensive. In this study, we use 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MTHF) to extract FA from the CO2 electrolysis process, which typically contains less then 20 wt % of FA. Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of the binary system 2-MTHF-FA and liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data of the ternary system 2-MTHF-FA-water are obtained. Continuous extraction and distillation experiments are performed to test the extraction power and recovery of 2-MTHF from the extract. The VLE and LLE data are used to design a hybrid extraction and distillation process to produce a commercial grade product (85 wt % of FA). A detailed economic analysis of this hybrid extraction-distillation process is presented and compared with the existing FA separation methods. It is shown that 2-MTHF is a cost-effective solvent for FA extraction from dilute streams ( less then 20 wt % FA).This paper presents a joint experimental and numerical study on premixed laminar ammonia/methane/air flames, aiming to characterize the flame structures and NO formation and determine the laminar flame speed under different pressure, equivalence ratio, and ammonia fraction in the fuel. The experiments were carried out in a lab-scale pressurized vessel with a Bunsen burner installed with a concentric co-flow of air. Measurements of NH and NO distributions in the flames were made using planar laser-induced fluorescence. A novel method was presented for determination of the laminar flame speed from Bunsen-burner flame measurements, which takes into account the non-uniform flow in the unburned mixture and local flame stretch. NH profiles were chosen as flame front markers. Direct numerical simulation of the flames and one-dimensional chemical kinetic modeling were performed to enhance the understanding of flame structures and evaluate three chemical kinetic mechanisms recently reported in the literature. The stoichiometric and fuel-rich flames exhibit a dual-flame structure, with an inner premixed flame and an outer diffusion flame. The two flames interact, which affects the NO emissions. The impact of the diffusion flame on the laminar flame speed of the inner premixed flame is however minor. At elevated pressures or higher ammonia/methane ratios, the emission of NO is suppressed as a result of the reduced radical mass fraction and promoted NO reduction reactions. It is found that the laminar flame speed measured in the present experiments can be captured by the investigated mechanisms, but quantitative predictions of the NO distribution require further model development.The rise of rightwing populism in the last decade, but more recently also the seemingly "authoritarian" measures taken by the state in protection against the COVID-19 pandemic, inspire ever more frequent comparisons with historical fascism. The paper discusses to what extent such a diachronic comparison is empirically and methodologically sound. The analysis is based in Max Weber's concept of "ideal type", which can be used as a tertium comparationis. The concept of "fascist minimum", which systematizes the structural features of fascist movements and regimes, provides a standard of comparison that combines theoretical rigor and empirical substance. Applying the concept of "fascist minimum", the article examines if and to what extent current tendencies of and in German politics deserve to be called "fascist".This study focuses on the ability of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) passive microwave sensors to detect and provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) for extreme lake-effect snowfall events over the U.S. lower Great Lakes region. GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) high-frequency channels can clearly detect intense shallow convective snowfall events. However, GMI Goddard Profiling (GPROF) QPE retrievals produce inconsistent results when compared with the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) ground-based radar reference dataset. While GPROF retrievals adequately capture intense snowfall rates and spatial patterns of one event, GPROF systematically underestimates intense snowfall rates in another event. Furthermore, GPROF produces abundant light snowfall rates that do not accord with MRMS observations. Ad hoc precipitation-rate thresholds are suggested to partially mitigate GPROF's overproduction of light snowfall rates. The sensitivity and retrieval efficiency of GPROF to key parameters (2-m temperature, total precipitable water, and background surface type) used to constrain the GPROF a priori retrieval database are investigated. Results demonstrate that typical lake-effect snow environmental and surface conditions, especially coastal surfaces, are underpopulated in the database and adversely affect GPROF retrievals. For the two presented case studies, using a snow-cover a priori database in the locations originally deemed as coastline improves retrieval. This study suggests that it is particularly important to have more accurate GPROF surface classifications and better representativeness of the a priori databases to improve intense lake-effect snow detection and retrieval performance.Accurate, physically based precipitation retrieval over global land surfaces is an important goal of the NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM). This is a difficult problem for the passive microwave constellation, as the signal over radiometrically warm land surfaces in the microwave frequencies means that the measurements used are indirect and typically require inferring some type of relationship between an observed scattering signal and precipitation at the surface. GPM, with collocated radiometer and dual-frequency radar, is an excellent tool for tackling this problem and improving global retrievals. In the years following the launch of the GPM Core Observatory satellite, physically based passive microwave retrieval of precipitation over land continues to be challenging. GDC-0879 ic50 Validation efforts suggest that the operational GPM passive microwave algorithm, the Goddard profiling algorithm (GPROF), tends to overestimate precipitation at the low ( less then 5 mm h-1) end of the distribution over land.

Autoři článku: Nissenarcher5190 (Santos Castaneda)