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Conducting early assessment followed by effective cluster-based interventions is needed to manage this symptom cluster.The COVID-19 pandemic continues into spring 2022. Vaccination levels are relatively flat, and movement toward recommending a second booster is occurring. Many are now acknowledging that the pandemic is likely to continue for years to come. Waiting for the end of the pandemic to return to "normal" life and assume prepandemic activities is a less viable strategy as the virus continues to mutate and infect individuals across the world. A burgeoning literature is examining short- and long-term societal changes resulting from the pandemic.

Precision medicine initiatives provide opportunities for optimal targeted therapy in individuals with non-small cell lung cancer. However, there are barriers to these initiatives that reflect social determinants of health.

MEDLINE®, CINAHL®, PsycINFO®, Embase®, and Google ScholarTM databases were searched for articles published in English in the United States from 2016 to 2020.

Data that were collected included individual demographic information, specific diagnosis, status of targeted genomic testing, and receipt of targeted therapy. All studies were retrospective and involved database review of insurance claims or medical records.

Individuals with non-small cell lung cancer received less genetic testing and targeted therapy if they were of a lower socioeconomic status, had public health insurance or no health insurance, were Black, or lived in rural communities.

Social determinants of health affect health equity, including in precision medicine initiatives for individuals with lung cancer. Gaining an understanding of this impact is the first step in mitigating inequities.

Social determinants of health affect health equity, including in precision medicine initiatives for individuals with lung cancer. Gaining an understanding of this impact is the first step in mitigating inequities.State and local school vaccination requirements serve to protect students against vaccine-preventable diseases (1). This report summarizes data collected for the 2020-21 school year by state and local immunization programs* on vaccination coverage among children in kindergarten in 47 states and the District of Columbia (DC), exemptions for kindergartners in 48 states and DC, and provisional enrollment or grace period status for kindergartners in 28 states. Vaccination coverage† nationally was 93.9% for 2 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR); 93.6% for the state-required number of doses of diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP); and 93.6% for the state-required doses of varicella vaccine. Compared with the 2019-20 school year, vaccination coverage decreased by approximately one percentage point for all vaccines. Although 2.2% of kindergartners had an exemption from at least one vaccine,§ an additional 3.9% who did not have a vaccine exemption were not up to date for MMR. The COVID-19 pandemic affected schools' vaccination requirement and provisional enrollment policies, documentation, and assessment activities. As schools continue to return to in-person learning, enforcement of vaccination policies and follow-up with undervaccinated students are important to improve vaccination coverage.On October 29, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration expanded the Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 5-11 years; CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' recommendation followed on November 2, 2021.* In late December 2021, the B.1.1.529 (Omicron) variant of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) became the predominant strain in the United States,† coinciding with a rapid increase in COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among all age groups, including children aged 5-11 years (1). COVID-19-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET)§ data were analyzed to describe characteristics of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among 1,475 U.S. children aged 5-11 years throughout the pandemic, focusing on the period of early Omicron predominance (December 19, 2021-February 28, 2022). Among 397 children hospitalized during the Omicron-predominant period, 87% were unvaccinated, 30% had no underlying medical conditions, and 19% were admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). The cumulative hospitalization rate during the Omicron-predominant period was 2.1 times as high among unvaccinated children (19.1 per 100,000 population) as among vaccinated¶ children (9.2).** Non-Hispanic Black (Black) children accounted for the largest proportion of unvaccinated children (34%) and represented approximately one third of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in this age group. Children with diabetes and obesity were more likely to experience severe COVID-19. The potential for serious illness among children aged 5-11 years, including those with no underlying health conditions, highlights the importance of vaccination among this age group. Increasing vaccination coverage among children, particularly among racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately affected by COVID-19, is critical to preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization and severe outcomes.On May 3, 2018, Chongqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CQCDC) received a report of 15 persons with numbness of the tongue or limbs and vomiting of unknown etiology; all ill persons had attended an adult birthday luncheon in Bishan District, Chongqing municipality, in southwest China. Initial reports indicated that one person had died. Within 2 hours, CQCDC and Western Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Program staff members launched an investigation that included identification of cases, laboratory testing of drinks, and patient interviews to identify the cause of what appeared to be a poisoning. Among the 15 cases, five persons died. The investigation of this apparent mass intoxication implicated a homemade alcoholic beverage produced from a highly toxic flowering plant in the genus Aconitum used in traditional Chinese medicine. Although the risk of aconite toxicity is known, approximately 5,000 cases of aconite poisoning incidents were reported in China, Germany, Japan, and other countries during 1993-2005; most cases of fatal poisoning occurred in China (1). This event highlights the importance of enforcing and complying with existing regulations regarding sale and purchase of Aconitum species (also known as wolfbane), and of dissemination of critical public health messages.

To describe the infants presenting to pediatric emergency departments (PEDs) and diagnosed with group B Streptococcus (GBS) late-onset disease (LOD) bacteremia and identify risk factors for severe infection and pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission.

Observational study and subanalysis of a multicenter prospective registry. Setting pediatric emergency department. Inclusion criteria infants between 7 and 89 days of age with positive blood culture for GBS seen between 2011 and 2016 at any of 22 Spanish PEDs. Main outcome risk factors (clinical and laboratory variables) for severe infection (sepsis/septic shock or meningitis) and PICU admission. Second, the prevalence of poor outcomes (acute complications, sequelae or death).

Among 118 patients with LOD, 74 (62.7%) presented a severe infection 66 sepsis/septic shock (11 with associated meningitis) and 8 meningitis. Thirty-five patients (29.7%) were admitted to a PICU. An altered Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) upon arrival and leukopenia were the only independent risk factors for severe infection [odds ratio (OR) 43.6; 95% confidence interval (CI) 8.1-235.7, P < 0.01] and PICU admission (OR 11.6; 95% CI 1.5-91.4; P < 0.019), respectively. Six patients (5.1%) developed a poor outcome, including 2 deaths (1.7%); all had an altered PAT, elevated procalcitonin (range 4.7-100 ng/ml), and were diagnosed with sepsis/septic shock and admitted to a PICU. Four developed leukopenia.

Infants with GBS LOD frequently develop sepsis/septic shock and bacterial meningitis, associated with non-negligible morbidity and mortality. Clinical appearance was the only risk factor for severe infection, whereas leukopenia was related to PICU admission.

Infants with GBS LOD frequently develop sepsis/septic shock and bacterial meningitis, associated with non-negligible morbidity and mortality. Clinical appearance was the only risk factor for severe infection, whereas leukopenia was related to PICU admission.

To evaluate the retinal circulation in patients with active acute leukemia, to correlate the perfusion metrics with systemic laboratory values, and to assess the vascular perfusion after leukemia remission.

Longitudinal study of 22 eyes from 12 patients with acute leukemia; healthy eyes were recruited as control subjects. All patients underwent optical coherence tomography angiography at baseline. Optical coherence tomography angiography was repeated in case of morphologic leukemia remission.

Patients' age ranged from 37 to 74 years. All participants had a 20/20 vision. In all leukemic eyes, optical coherence tomography angiography detected vascular alterations in the macula and the peripapillary region. Vessel density values in the superficial capillary plexus were lower in patients with leukemia than control subjects (46.8 ± 3.6 vs. 49.2 ± 2%, P = 0.08), irrespective of the presence of leukemic retinopathy (7 eyes, 32%). Lower vessel density was associated with lower white blood cells ( P = 0.09) and lower platelets ( P = 0.001). Reappearance of small capillaries, increase in vessel density, reduction in vessel diameter, and increase in fractal dimension were seen after remission.

Subclinical, reversible reduction in vessel density and complexity on optical coherence tomography angiography occurs in patients with active acute leukemia and is presumably associated with bone marrow function failure. Further studies are warranted to explore its functional and prognostic significance.

Subclinical, reversible reduction in vessel density and complexity on optical coherence tomography angiography occurs in patients with active acute leukemia and is presumably associated with bone marrow function failure. Further studies are warranted to explore its functional and prognostic significance.

To describe the use of multimodal imaging to establish the diagnosis of Bartonella henselae-associated optic neuropathy in a patient who presented with a central scotoma without overt evidence of optic nerve involvement.

Case report. CP21 order Main outcome measures included clinical, optical coherence tomography, and fluorescein angiography findings.

A 72-year-old woman presented with a three-day history of central scotoma in the left eye. Her examination was remarkable for faint exudation in the nasal macula of the left eye, but was otherwise normal for her age. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography of the macula revealed mild thickening of the papillomacular bundle with scattered small cystoid spaces and several intraretinal exudates, none of which were visible clinically. Fluorescein angiography revealed localized leakage of the inferotemporal optic disc. When prompted, the patient recalled being scratched multiple times by her two pet kittens. Serial testing showed rising anti-Bartonella henselae (B. henselae) IgG antibody titers to 11280, confirming the suspected diagnosis of B.

Autoři článku: Nikolajsenlambertsen7991 (Slattery Faber)