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The Block Design Test (BDT) is known to be an effective measure in diagnosing age-related cognitive decline of visuospatial function. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of age, education years, and gender on the performance of the BDT and to provide normative data in Korean community-dwelling participants who are 55 to 90 years old.

The participants were 432 non-demented adults aging from 55 to 90 years old. The BDT was administered to participants according to its manual. Multiple linear regressions and analyses of variance were conducted, including age, gender, and educations were used as covariates.

Age, educational years, and gender were found to be significantly associated with performance on the BDT. As age increased, BDT performance decreased. Educational years were associated with BDT performance. Men showed higher performance (29.9±10.3) compare to women (26.1±8.7). The BDT is influenced by age, educational years, and gender.

Unlike the previous study, the current study shows that gender has a significant influence in visuospatial ability in the old population. Present normative data will be useful for clinicians in evaluating aging participants with cognitive impairment.

Unlike the previous study, the current study shows that gender has a significant influence in visuospatial ability in the old population. Present normative data will be useful for clinicians in evaluating aging participants with cognitive impairment.

This study evaluated the association between mood and anxiety symptoms and suicidal attempt (SA) and/or non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescents seeking mental health services. We also tested predictors of SA and NSSI.

We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 220 adolescents who completed psychological assessment in clinical sample. Participants did the Adolescent General Behavior Inventory (A-GBI) and Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). SA and NSSI were assessed retrospectively by interview. The caregiver of participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) for themselves.

17% of total participants had a history of SA, and 24% experienced NSSI. Both SA and NSSI were more common in girls. The score of depressive subscale on A-GBI was higher in adolescents with SA than those without. The participants with NSSI showed higher scores on CDI and depressive subscale on A-GBI than those without. SA was associated with maternal BDI and history of NSSI; female sex, depressive subscale on A-GBI, and history of SA with NSSI.

Our study found that NSSI and SA are strongly associated in adolescents. Female sex and depressive symptoms of the adolescents were also significantly associated with NSSI in Korean adolescent. Findings are consistent with patterns in other countries.

Our study found that NSSI and SA are strongly associated in adolescents. Female sex and depressive symptoms of the adolescents were also significantly associated with NSSI in Korean adolescent. Findings are consistent with patterns in other countries.

Studies have been conducted to identify brain structural alterations related to high impulsivity in psychiatric populations. However, research on healthy subjects is relatively less extensive. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the correlation between the cortical thickness of whole brain regions and the impulsivity level in a healthy population.

We included 100 healthy participants aged 19-65 years. Their T1-weighted magnetic resonance images and the 23-item Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) score were obtained. The patients were divided into high and low impulsivity groups according to the 75th percentile score of the BIS in the sample. The thickness of each cortical region was calculated using the FreeSurfer, and the difference in cortical thickness of the whole brain between the high and low impulsivity groups was analyzed using one-way analysis of covariance including age, sex, education level, and total intracranial cavity volume as covariates.

The high impulsivity group showed significant cortical thinning in the left pars opercularis. The cortical thickness of the left pars opercularis significantly correlated negatively with the total, attention, and motor scores of the BIS scale.

Our findings suggest that prefrontal cortex thinning may play an important role in the development of high impulsivity in healthy adults.

Our findings suggest that prefrontal cortex thinning may play an important role in the development of high impulsivity in healthy adults.A 1-y-old female southern tamandua (Tamandua tetradactyla) presented with vomiting, hyporexia, and neurologic signs. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed contrast-enhancing material within the lateral and fourth ventricles and a T2 hyperintense cerebellar lesion, consistent with meningoencephalitis. The tamandua rapidly declined and was euthanatized. On gross postmortem exam, the tamandua had diffusely injected leptomeninges, opaque fluid in the fourth ventricle, and subdural brainstem and spinal cord hemorrhage. Histologically, there was regionally hemorrhagic and multifocal fibrinosuppurative meningoencephalomyelitis, ventriculitis, choroid plexitis, cerebellar folia necrosis, ependymitis, radiculoneuritis, and abundant intralesional gram-positive cocci. Streptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus was cultured from brain, cardiac blood clot, and multiple samples of horsemeat collected from the animal's diet. This is the first report of streptococcal meningoencephalomyelitis in a southern tamandua. The route of infection was likely gastrointestinal inoculation, which may have implications for the routine practice of feeding diets containing raw meat to insectivores.Cardiac disease is of importance in captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) health. Here we report an eosinophilic and necrotizing myocarditis in a 17-y-old chimpanzee with no previous history of cardiac disease that progressed to death within 48 h. Toxic and infectious causes were ruled out. The chimpanzee had eosinophilia at different occasions in previous years. The animal had a severe, diffuse, and acute monophasic necrotizing myocarditis, with a moderate lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate that was rich in eosinophils. Ante- and postmortem investigations are compatible with an unusual eosinophilic myocarditis with clinical evolution and morphology comparable with human eosinophilic myocarditis secondary to hypereosinophilic syndrome.A 5-y-old female lined flat-tail gecko (Uroplatus lineatus) presented for acute onset of lethargy and paraplegia and was subsequently euthanized. Histologic examination of the spinal cord revealed a verminous myelitis comprising moderate, multifocal, necrotizing myelitis with intramedullary adult and larval nematodes. Molecular data and morphology indicate a cosmocercid nematode, most likely of the genus Raillietnema, a diverse taxon reported to parasitize reptiles, amphibians, and teleost fish. Saracatinib mw To the authors' knowledge this is the first report of spinal nematodiasis in a reptile species, and the first report of spinal parasitism causing hind-limb paraplegia in a reptile.A 27-y-old female black-handed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) was evaluated 13 d after an ovariohysterectomy because of abdominal distension, anorexia, and absent urination. The animal was diagnosed with a uroabdomen and urethral obstruction from computed tomographic findings and fluid creatinine levels. During exploratory laparotomy, a defect in the right ureter was confirmed as the source of the uroabdomen. Utilizing intraoperative fluoroscopy, a urethral obstruction with an irregular luminal filling defect was evident. A self-expanding nitinol urethral stent was placed, and a ureteral transposition was performed. Two months after the procedure, the animal developed dysuria, a urinary tract infection, recurrent bladder distension and a partial urethral obstruction. Treatment with prazosin 1 mg/kg PO q12h improved urination. Reobstruction of the urethra occurred 17 mo postsurgery, and the animal was euthanatized. On postmortem examination, the animal had ingrowth into the stent with proliferative granulation tissue, detrusor muscle degeneration, pelvic adhesions, cystitis, pyelonephritis, and hydronephrosis.The reliability of packed cell volumes (PCV), total solids (TS), blood glucose (BG), γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and glutaraldehyde test in determining passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulins was investigated in nine species of cervids axis deer (Axis axis), hog deer (Axis porcinus), sika deer (Cervus nippon), tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), pudu (Pudu puda), sambar deer (Rusa unicolor), barasinga deer (Rucervus duvaucelli), and Eld's deer (Rucervus eldii). Individually the parameters evaluated were significant though imperfect predictors of passive transfer status in cervids. Interpreted collectively as a panel along with neonate condition, these tests were clinically helpful in diagnosing failure of passive transfer (FPT). Collectively interpreting test results as a panel along with clinical assessment of the animal is recommended. Some species-specific variations in TS, GGT, and glutaraldehyde test results were identified.Chronic, severe otitis media was diagnosed in four Atlantic harbor seals (Phoca vitulina concolor), three of which were stranded animals undergoing rehabilitation. All seals presented with unilateral purulent aural discharge that would intermittently recur despite prolonged topical and systemic antimicrobial therapy. Aerobic culture from aural discharge isolated multidrug-resistant organisms in all seals, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and/or Enterococcus faecalis. Computed tomography was used in three cases to confirm otitis media and positive contrast ear canalography was used in one case to confirm tympanic membrane rupture. Given the persistent nature of otitis, surgical intervention in the form of a total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy (TECA-LBO) was indicated. Surgery was successful in achieving complete clinical resolution of otitis in all seals. Postoperative complications included temporary unilateral paralysis of the left nare (2/4) and a transient left ptosis (1/4). Partial to complete surgical site dehiscence occurred in all cases; however, complete healing was achieved by second intention in 60 d or less. One rehabilitated seal was fitted with a satellite tag that confirmed normal swimming and diving patterns post release. In harbor seals, TECA-LBO can be performed safely to treat persistent cases of otitis media and should be considered in cases of chronic otitis that are not responsive to medical management.In zoos, rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) are commonly maintained in groups and population control is necessary. Here we report on hydrometra prevalence in a group of rock hyraxes. Prevalence of hydrometra in this small group (4/8) far exceeds reproductive pathology prevalence previously reported for this species under managed care. Affected females were nulliparous, but had not been contracepted; instead they were maintained as a single-sex group. The first case presented as sudden death and three additional cases were diagnosed antemortem via ultrasound. Two of these underwent ovariohysterectomy to treat the severe hydrometra. The last case was a mild hydrometra and during follow-up exam was found to have spontaneously resolved. Detailed information regarding clinical presentation, diagnostics and surgical techniques are provided.

Autoři článku: Nievesconnor5919 (McNulty MacLean)