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Herein, we reported the design and fabrication of polyoxometalates coupling metal-organic framework (POM@MOF) hybrids derived hierarchical hollow Mo/Co bimetal oxides nanocages (Mo/Co HHBONs) for the peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation to degrade levofloxacin (Lev). The Mo/Co HHBONs are hollow nanocages with high specific-surface areas and hierarchical micropores, mesopores, and macropores. In addition to compositional modulation, polyoxometalate (H3PMo12O40·nH2O) exhibited striking effect on the textural properties of Mo/Co HHBONs. The Mo/Co HHBONs had outstanding catalytic activity with first order-kinetics that were 6 - 10 times higher those previously reported. They exhibited good adaptability over a pH range of 3 - 11, as well as excellent universality and reusability. By altering the surface porosity, electronic structure, and oxygen vacancies of Co3O4, hetero-metal Mo doping induced Mo/Co HHBONs significantly promote the generation of reactive oxygen species, including •OH, SO4•-, O2•-, and 1O2. Density functional theory indicated that Mo/Co HHBONs had better adsorption, enhanced electron-transfer abilities, and a longer O-O bond length than did Co3O4, for improved catalytic reactivity. This research provides a new strategy to design the POM@MOF hybrids derived hierarchical hollow nanocages with highly PMS activating capacity for the removal of antibiotics and other refractory contaminants.Informal e-waste recycling processes emit various air pollutants. While there are a number of pollutants of concern, little information exists on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) releases at e-waste sites. To assess occupational exposures and estimate health risks, we measured VOC levels at the Agbogbloshie e-waste site in Ghana, the largest e-waste site in Africa, by collecting both fixed-site and personal samples for analyzing a wide range of VOCs. A total of 54 VOCs were detected, dominated by aliphatic and aromatic compounds. Mean and median concentrations of the total target VOCs were 46 and 37 μg/m3 at the fixed sites, and 485 and 162 μg/m3 for the personal samples. Mean and median hazard ratios were 2.1 and 1.4, respectively, and cancer risks were 4.6 × 10-4 and 1.5 × 10-4. These risks were predominantly driven by naphthalene and benzene; chloroform and formaldehyde were also high in some samples. Based on the VOC composition, the major sources were industry, fuel evaporation and combustion. The concentration gradient across sites and the similarity of VOC profiles indicated that the e-waste site emissions reached neighboring communities. Our results suggest the need to protect e-waste workers from VOC exposure, and to limit emissions that can expose nearby populations.Simultaneous construction of porous and hollow adsorbent, especially from gas-in-water Pickering emulsion (PE) reactor, is vital for improving mass transfer kinetics and uptake amount. Inspired by the formation process of stalagmites in karst cave, amino and amidoxime bifunctionalized lotus root-type microsphere with porous surface (NH2@AO-PLRMS) is prepared by the silica nanoparticles (SPs)-stabilized CO2-in-water Pickering emulsion reactor and subsequent two-step grafting polymerization. The important roles of SPs acting as Pickering emulsifier, surface pore-forming agent, and adjusting internal lotus root structure are confirmed. Lotus root-type pores are dependent on the interface intensity and the permeability for compressed CO2 bubbles in PE droplets. Benefitting from the lotus root-type structure and abundant affinity sites, the maximum uranium adsorption capacity of NH2@AO-PLRMS is 1214.5 mg·g-1 at 298 k, and an ultrafast uptake process can be achieved in the first 30 min. Both thermodynamic and kinetic studies indicate a spontaneous, entropy increased, and exothermic chemisorption process, and the synergies of amidoxime and amino groups can enhance the adsorption selectivity. Remarkably, NH2@AO-PLRMS displays a high uranium adsorption capacity and desorption efficiency after seven cycles. These findings provide a way to obtain adsorbents with enhanced uranium extraction performance from gas-in-water PE reactor.Contamination by hazardous substances is one of the main environmental problems in the eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. A trilateral effort to sample and analyse heavy metals (HMs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and organotins from bottom sediments in 2019-2020 were conducted along with harvesting historical data in Russian, Estonian and Finnish waters. We suggest that the input of organotins still occurs along the ship traffic routes. The tributyltin content exceeded the established quality criteria up to more than 300 times. High contamination by PAHs found near the ports, most likely originate from incomplete fuel incineration processes. The Neva River Estuary and Luga Bay might potentially suffer from severe cadmium contamination. The high ecological risk attributed to the HMs was detected at deep offshore areas. The simulated accumulation pattern qualitatively agrees with field observations of HMs in sediments, demonstrating the potential of numerical tools to tackle the hazardous substances problems.Floating plastic debris was investigated in the transition region in the North Pacific between 141°E and 165°W to understand its transportation process from Asian coast to central subtropical Pacific. Distribution was influenced primarily by the current system and the generation process of the high concentration area differed between the western and eastern areas. West of 180°, debris largely accumulated around nearshore convergent area and was transported by eddies and quasi-stationary jet from south to the subarctic region. The average was 15% higher than that previously reported in 1989, suggesting an increase in plastic debris in 30 years. East of 180°, debris concentrated in the calm water downstream of the Kuroshio Extension Bifurcation with considerably high concentration (505,032 ± 991,989 pieces km-2), due to the accumulation of small transparent film caused by calm weather conditions, suggesting a further investigation on small plastic ( less then 1 mm) in the subsurface depth in the subtropical North Pacific.The aim of our study is to estimate the abundance and sources of floating microplastics (MPs) along a coastal lagoon ecocline in a marine conservation unit (MCU) for implementing effective prevention and mitigation actions in South Brazil. MPs were sampled monthly, and the abundance and size were determined for hard solids, soft plastic, plastic filaments, and paint fragments. Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) analysis was performed, and the MPs were classified as polyethylene, polyester, polypropylene, polybutadiene, and polystyrene. Downstream areas (outside of the MCU) showed high levels of MPs, during the winter, due to low precipitation and the predominance of S/SE winds. During summer, precipitation increases, and MPs are exported with surface runoff, resulting in lower level of MPs. Outside MCU areas, a high concentration of tourism houses, commercials, and artisanal fisheries were observed, which could contribute to all types of plastic debris found in our study.Ship hulls create a vector for the transportation of harmful non-indigenous species (NIS) all over the world. To sustainably prevent NIS introductions, the joint consideration of environmental, economic and social aspects in the search of optimal biofouling management strategies is needed. This article presents a multi-perspective soft systems analysis of the biofouling management problem, based on an extensive literature review and expert knowledge collected in the Baltic Sea area during 2018-2020. The resulting conceptual influence diagram (CID) reveals the multidimensionality of the problem by visualizing the causal relations between the key elements and demonstrating the entanglement of social, ecological and technical aspects. Seen as a boundary object, we suggest the CID can support open dialogue and better risk communication among stakeholders by providing an illustrative and directly applicable starting point for the discussions. It also provides a basis for quantitative management optimization in the future.Passive acoustic recorders were deployed over two years (February 2018-March 2020) in the Salish Sea to monitor the underwater soundscape. Seasonal cycles and differences between the open Strait of Juan de Fuca and protected inner waterways were pervasive during this period. A comparison between natural and human-derived noise demonstrated the impact of anthropogenic activities on the sound field. Elevated ambient noise levels during winter resulted predominantly from greater sea states and storm events. Abiotic additions were defined through correlations to wind speed, wave and precipitation measures. Vessel noise was a pervasive anthropogenic addition; commercial vessel noise was consistently present, whereas smaller vessels showed weekly and diurnal patterns, especially during the summer when their presence increased. A better understanding of the different soundscape constituents, and when each dominates, is crucial to understanding the human impact on underwater ecosystems and the organisms within them, leading to more effective mitigation measures.The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) establishes limits for viable organisms in discharged ballast water. However, organisms smaller than 10 μm are not considered in this regulation although they represent, in some regions, the majority of the phytoplankton organisms in marine water. The objective in this study is to assess three photosynthetic species smaller than 10 μm as potential standard test organism (STO) in experimentation focused on the inactivating efficacy of ultraviolet treatments (UV). A growth modelling method was employed to determine the reduction of the viable cell concentration under either light or dark post-treatment conditions to evaluate the importance of the photoreactivation. In spite of its moderate growth rate, the high UV resistance in combination with the abundance and worldwide distribution of Synechococcus sp. and the environmental importance of this species constitute important reasons for considering Synechococcus sp. as a valuable STO for ballast water treatment.Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP), a viral disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), is the most common benign neoplasm of the larynx among children and the second most frequent cause of infantile hoarseness. The course of the disease is variable; some patients experience spontaneous remission, while others may develop an aggressive respiratory compromise. Especially juvenile-onset RRP cases experience shorter intervals between surgical interventions and thus more surgeries overall, causing high rates of depression and voice-related quality of life. Various local adjuvant therapies have been studied with mixed efficacy and some early potential but have failed to show consistent effect across large cohorts of patients. Bevacizumab, a recombinant monoclonal antibody that inhibits VEGF, has shown efficacy in patients with rapid regrowth of papillomas with severe airway compromise, and/or distal multisite spread of disease. We present three juvenile-onset RRP cases successfully managed with systemically administered bevacizumab.

Autoři článku: Nievesclancy8674 (Smed Petersen)