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Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) lacks an effective treatment target and is usually associated with a poor clinical outcome; however, hormone unresponsiveness, which is the most important biological characteristic of TNBC, only means the lack of nuclear estrogenic signaling through the classical estrogen receptor (ER), ER-α. Several sex steroid receptors other than ER-α androgen receptor (AR), second ER, ER-β, and non-nuclear receptors represented by G-protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), are frequently expressed in TNBC and their biological and clinical importance has been suggested by a large number of studies. Despite the structural similarity between each sex steroid hormone (androgens and estrogens) or each receptor (AR and ER-β), and similarity in the signaling mechanisms of these hormones, most studies or reviews focused on one of these receptors, and rarely reviewed them in a comprehensive way. Considering the coexistence of these hormones and their receptors in TNBC in a clinical setting, a comprehensive viewpoint would be important to correctly understand the association between the carcinogenic mechanism or pathobiology of TNBC and sex steroid hormones. In this review, the carcinogenic or pathobiological role of sex steroid hormones in TNBC is considered, focusing on the common and divergent features of the action of these hormones.Laying hens in the UK and EU must be provided with litter for pecking and scratching. In enriched cages, this is commonly provided by dispensing layer's feed onto a scratch mat. Mats vary in design and size, which might affect hen behaviour and egg quality, since eggs are sometimes laid at the mats. We investigated if four different scratch mats (BD, K, V, Z) provided to hens in enriched cages resulted in differences in behaviour on the mats and external egg quality. Twenty-four 60-bird cages (6 cages/bank × 4 banks) with 2 mats/cage at one tier of a commercial enriched cage unit were used. Mats were allocated to cages in a balanced design prior to the flock arriving. Hens and eggs were studied at 30, 50 and 79 weeks of age, with three behaviour observations (before, during or after scratch feed application). The data were analysed by GLMMs or LMMs. The vast proportions of birds on the mats were standing (0.720) or sitting (0.250). Bird proportions on the mats were low overall and declined from 0.028 (30 weeks) and 0.030 (50 weeks) to 0.020 (79 weeks) (p less then 0.001). The greatest proportion of hens were observed on Z (p less then 0.001), which had the largest area, but relative to the available area least birds were on Z and most were on K (p less then 0.001). Foraging was not affected by bird age or mat type but was greater at the second observation (p less then 0.001). Most eggs were laid in the nest box and were clean. Clean eggs declined, and dirty eggs increased, significantly with age, particularly at the scratch mat (p less then 0.001). Dirty eggs were not affected by mat design. Cracked eggs were highest at 79 weeks of age, particularly with BD mats (p less then 0.001). Overall, scratch mat designs had minimal effects on behaviour (but few hens were seen there) and egg quality.Shift of phytoplankton niches from low to high latitudes has altered their experienced light exposure durations and temperatures. To explore this interactive effect, the growth, physiology, and cell compositions of smaller Alexandrium minutum and larger A. catenella, globally distributed toxic red tide dinoflagellates, were studied under a matrix of photoperiods (lightdark cycles of 816, 168, and 240) and temperatures (18 °C, 22 °C, 25 °C, and 28 °C). Under continuous growth light condition (LD 240), the growth rate (µ) of small A. minutum increased from low to medium temperature, then decreased to high temperature, while the µ of large A. catenella continuously decreased with increasing temperatures. Shortened photoperiods reduced the µ of A. minutum, but enhanced that of A. catenella. As temperature increased, cellular Chl a content increased in both A. minutum and A. catenella, while the temperature-induced effect on RubisCO content was limited. Shortened photoperiods enhanced the Chl a but reduced RubisCO contents across temperatures. Moreover, shortened photoperiods enhanced photosynthetic capacities of both A. minutum and A. catenella, i.e., promoting the PSII photochemical quantum yield (FV/FM, ΦPSII), saturation irradiance (EK), and maximum relative electron transfer rate (rETRmax). Shortened photoperiods also enhanced dark respiration of A. minutum across temperatures, but reduced that of A. catenella, as well as the antioxidant activities of both species. Overall, A. minutum and A. catenella showed differential growth responses to photoperiods across temperatures, probably with cell size.The COVID-19 outbreak has taken a heavy toll on the mental well-being of healthcare workers. This study aims to describe a psychological screening program developed at a large University Hospital in Milan, Italy, and assess the psychological outcomes of employees and associated factors. A survey was electronically conducted among hospital employees between July and October 2020. Wortmannin purchase Sociodemographic data, information about COVID-19 experience and three scales assessing anxiety (STAI-Y1), depression (HAM-D) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PCL-5) were collected. A total of 308 employees (80% women; mean age 45.1 years) responded 16% physicians, 68% other healthcare professionals, and 16% administrative staff. Employees reported moderate/severe symptoms of anxiety (23%), depression (53%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (40%). At multivariate logistic regression analysis, having suffered a loss for COVID-19 in the personal context was independently associated with higher risk of moderate/severe anxiety (OR = 2.40; 95% CI 1.16-4.98), being female was associated with higher risk of moderate/severe depression (OR = 2.82; 95% CI 1.43-5.59), and having had a family member affected by COVID-19 was associated with higher risk of moderate/severe post-traumatic stress disorder (OR = 2.75; 95% CI 1.01-7.48). COVID-19 personal experience may have a profound impact on hospital workers' mental health and should be considered in supportive interventions.The DNA repair endonuclease EndoMS/NucS is highly conserved in Archaea and Actinobacteria. This enzyme is able to recognize and cleave dsDNA carrying a mismatched base pair, and its activity is enhanced by the interaction with the sliding clamp of the replisome. Today, EndoMS/NucS has been established as the key protein of a non-canonical mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, acting specifically in the repair of transitions and being essential for maintaining genome stability. Despite having some particularities, such as its lower activity on transversions and the inability to correct indels, EndoMS/NucS meets the main hallmarks of a MMR. Its absence leads to a hypermutator phenotype, a transition-biased mutational spectrum and an increase in homeologous recombination. Interestingly, polymorphic EndoMS/NucS variants with a possible effect in mutation rate have been detected in clinical isolates of the relevant actinobacterial pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Considering that MMR defects are often associated with the emergence of resistant bacteria, the existence of EndoMS/NucS-defective mutators could have an important role in the acquisition of antibiotic resistance in M. tuberculosis. Therefore, a further understanding of the EndoMS/NucS-mediated non-canonical MMR pathway may reveal new strategies to predict and fight drug resistance. This review is focused on the recent progress in NucS, with special emphasis on its effect on genome stability and evolvability in Actinobacteria.Since prehistoric times, textiles have served an important role-providing necessary protection and comfort. Recently, the rise of electronic textiles (e-textiles) as part of the larger efforts to develop smart textiles, has paved the way for enhancing textile functionalities including sensing, energy harvesting, and active heating and cooling. Recent attention has focused on the integration of thermoelectric (TE) functionalities into textiles-making fabrics capable of either converting body heating into electricity (Seebeck effect) or conversely using electricity to provide next-to-skin heating/cooling (Peltier effect). Various TE materials have been explored, classified broadly into (i) inorganic, (ii) organic, and (iii) hybrid organic-inorganic. TE figure-of-merit (ZT) is commonly used to correlate Seebeck coefficient, electrical and thermal conductivity. For textiles, it is important to think of appropriate materials not just in terms of ZT, but also whether they are flexible, conformable, and easily processable. Commercial TEs usually compromise rigid, sometimes toxic, inorganic materials such as bismuth and lead. For textiles, organic and hybrid TE materials are more appropriate. Carbon-based TE materials have been especially attractive since graphene and carbon nanotubes have excellent transport properties with easy modifications to create TE materials with high ZT and textile compatibility. This review focuses on flexible TE materials and their integration into textiles.Environmental or abiotic stresses are a common threat that remains a constant and common challenge to all plants. These threats whether singular or in combination can have devastating effects on plants. As a semiaquatic plant, rice succumbs to the same threats. Here we systematically look into the involvement of salicylic acid (SA) in the regulation of abiotic stress in rice. Studies have shown that the level of endogenous salicylic acid (SA) is high in rice compared to any other plant species. The reason behind this elevated level and the contribution of this molecule towards abiotic stress management and other underlying mechanisms remains poorly understood in rice. In this review we will address various abiotic stresses that affect the biochemistry and physiology of rice and the role played by SA in its regulation. Further, this review will elucidate the potential mechanisms that control SA-mediated stress tolerance in rice, leading to future prospects and direction for investigation.

Personalized therapy is becoming increasingly popular in oncological scenarios, not only based on molecular pharmacological targets, but also preventing any drug-drug-gene interaction (DDGI), which could lead to severe toxicities. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the individual germline sequence variations in genes involved in drug metabolism, are correlated to interindividual response to drugs and explain both efficacy and toxicity profiles reported by patients.

We present the case of a woman suffering from triple-positive breast cancer; she had early-stage disease at the onset and after four years developed metastatic disease. During her history, she presented different toxicities due to antineoplastic treatments. Particularly, hypertransaminasemia was found during every line of treatment. Nevertheless, we were able to guarantee the patient an excellent therapeutic adhesion thanks to the supportive treatments and the reduction of drug dosage. Moreover, we conducted a simultaneous analysis of the patient's biochemical and genomic data thanks to Drug-PIN software, and we found several significant SNPs of the main enzymes and transporters involved in drug metabolism.

Autoři článku: Nicolaiseningram4588 (McClure Bloom)