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496, p=0.007), participation in any educational process (β=-0.918, p=0.014), the number of published articles on radiation protection (β=0.720, p=0.001), and knowledge of the principle of ALARA (β=-0.391, p=0.001).

It is proposed to include a radiation protection course in the total healthcare professionals' undergraduate curricula in order to address the current knowledge gap in clinical practice.

It is proposed to include a radiation protection course in the total healthcare professionals' undergraduate curricula in order to address the current knowledge gap in clinical practice.

The form of communication developed between the physician and the patient and between the physician and the patient's close relatives builds the foundation for the process of announcing unpleasant news, which is related to the diagnosis of chronic disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of the general population regarding the information of patients for a chronic and life-threatening disease.

It is a cross-sectional study. An anonymous questionnaire was used on a sample of 350 people.

The 95.1% of participants considered that patients have the right to be fully informed about their health status and that the physician has the right to be informed. The 90.3% of the respondents argued that patients differ in their preferences. Totally, 60.3% of participants agreed that all patients would like to know the bad news about their health, while 44.5% argued that patients do not want to hear bad news about their health, and 32.3% believed that patients should be protected from the announcement of bad news. The majority of respondents (95.6%) were informed by the physician about their or their relevant chronic disease.

The general population is of the opinion that patients should be informed about their health status. Due to the fact that each patient responds differently to the announcement of the unpleasant news, the respondents replied that the announcement of the unpleasant news should be personalized and carried out by the physician.

The general population is of the opinion that patients should be informed about their health status. Due to the fact that each patient responds differently to the announcement of the unpleasant news, the respondents replied that the announcement of the unpleasant news should be personalized and carried out by the physician.

The family members of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are called to become carers, playing a vital and difficult role in supporting the patients in their daily life. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent of the multidimensional burden on the carers of multiple sclerosis.

Data were collected from 111 carers with MS patients. The survey was conducted in Patras General Hospital.

According to the research findings, the multidimensional burden of carers is proportional to the severity of the patient's condition. In particular, the majority of patients were in a good kinetic state, so the carers examined felt gentle with a moderate burden. On both scales, Zarit and BAKAS, it was observed that the age of the caregiver, the type of care he provides, and the patient's dependence on him increase the feeling of the burden. Positive results from care improve the caregiver's relationship with the patient, his self-esteem, and his ability to cope with stress. According to the F-COPES scale, it is observed that the relationship between the caregiver and the patient is responsible for accepting the problem; the greater the caregiver's age, the higher the percentage of those seeking help from doctors, social services.

The burden on carers is indisputable; support from family members, social and economic support, and education may mitigate the burden of care.

The burden on carers is indisputable; support from family members, social and economic support, and education may mitigate the burden of care.

Job rotation in nursing staff involves moving workers from one department to another to increase their qualities in all areas.

Investigating the effects of job rotation of nursing staff on employee satisfaction and occupational engagement.

A total of 211 nurses took part in the study. A structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions was used to collect the data. The questions used were based on previous research tools. The data analysis was performed with the SPSS statistical package v.24.0.

Τhe results regarding the correlation of job rotation, job satisfaction, and occupational engagement show that job rotation is positively related to occupational engagement and job satisfaction of nurses. The overall attitude of nursing staff toward job rotation is neutral, and they express moderate to neutral professional satisfaction, moderate degree of vigor and absorption, and moderate-to-high degree of dedication. Regarding the correlation of job rotation, job satisfaction, and occupational engagement with the demographic characteristics of nurses, it was found that the gender and years of work of nurses are not the factors that affect job satisfaction, occupational engagement, and job rotation. On the contrary, it was found that the age of nurses is a factor that only affects their work satisfaction, nursing education is a factor that only affects nurses' occupational engagement, and job position is a factor that affects nurses' occupational engagement and job rotation.

The results highlight the importance of job rotation of nursing staff in their professional satisfaction and occupational engagement.

The results highlight the importance of job rotation of nursing staff in their professional satisfaction and occupational engagement.Rumination has been identified as a negative psychological response of women diagnosed with breast cancer. The aim of the present study was to validate the Event-Related Rumination Inventory (ERRI) in Greek women with breast cancer. Sixty female patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer were included in the study. The ERRI questionnaire was translated with the back-forward procedure. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and medical parameters were also assessed. The principal component analysis resulted in the following two-factor solution (1) intrusive thoughts and (2) positive outcome. All subscales showed satisfactory internal consistency and variance, relative to theoretical score ranges. Subscale scores and the total score were significantly correlated with post-traumatic growth, distress, depression, and anxiety, demonstrating good criterion validity. Associations with patients' sociodemographic and medical characteristics, such as the stage of the disease and the type of treatment, were also identified. The Greek version of the ERRI provides valid and reliable measures of rumination when administered to women with breast cancer.Hedonia and eudaimonia are motivating forces through which individuals pursue well-being. The latter is a multidimensional concept, while hedonia and eudaimonia, both of which are realized through the reward system of the brain, are known to influence each other. Researchers have shown that specific extrinsic values (e.g., material wealth, power over other people, etc.) are associated with a sense of "good life" and may influence both hedonia and eudaimonia. The HEEMA (Hedonic, Eudaimonic, and Extrinsic Motives for Activities) scale was developed to evaluate all three ways of seeking well-being, hedonia, eudaimonia, and extrinsic values, in both a healthy and unhealthy fashion. The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the HEEMA scale in a sample of 225 Greek individuals. Participants filled the HEEMA, SWLS, MLQ, Self-Esteem questionnaire, DASS-21, MHC-SF, and Big Five Inventory, anonymously. Reliability and validity indices of the scales were satisfactory (Cronbach's α were 0.734, 0.811, and 0.843 for the hedonic, eudaimonic, and extrinsic motives subscales, respectively). Indicatively, the study showed a positive correlation between aspects of well-being and positive emotions, satisfaction with life, sense of meaning and purpose, as well as with specific personality traits, while negative correlations were found between eudaimonic orientation and depression.Social distancing and the recent lock down due to COVID-19 has increased the feeling of disconnection, isolation, and suffering in vulnerable individuals and has brought forward questions regarding open acute care psychiatric units that cannot be answered by the literature. check details In Greece, there is no available research on how open ward environments are perceived and experienced by mental health professionals. The aim of the present study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of working in a public psychiatric hospital which traditionally operates with open doors. Eleven nursing care providers were interviewed, and thematic analysis was employed to explore their experiences of working in locked psychiatric acute care units. Participants described nursing care in units with an open door policy as "acceptance," "availability of staff," "real respect for the person," "ensuring patients' rights," "listening to the person," and "negotiation and not imposition." Trust in therapeutic relationships was perceived as greatly dependent on the trust being given to patients indirectly by the open door policy. Being trusted enhanced patients' self-determination and self-confidence leading to their empowerment. Containment of an acute mental health crisis took place through medication and meaningful discussions with patients and significant others rather than locking the door of the unit. Overall, meaningful care led to professional emancipation, but compassion fatigue narratives emphasized the need for continuous education, support and clinical supervision as necessary support for mental health nurses in a system of mental health provision often reduced to the point of crisis.

Asthma is considered the most common chronic disease that affects survival and quality of life. An astringent regulatory factor of asthma is the Mediterranean diet. Nutrition, however, seems to be of great importance in the onset and outcome of the disease as many ingredients and eating habits that may improve or exacerbate the condition of the patient.

The present study aimed to investigate dietary habits in patients with bronchial asthma and their compliance with the Mediterranean diet.

The study included 60 patients with bronchial asthma, 47 women (71% of the total) and 17 men (28.3%). All patients completed a questionnaire with sociodemographic questions, a medical history (years of diagnosis, exacerbations, hospitalizations, medication), and spirometry results (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, PEF, FEF25-75). Asthma control was evaluated with the Asthma Control Test (ACT). Conformity to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using the MEDLIFE index (Mediterranean lifestyle) questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the Mediterranean diet.

The level of compliance with the principles of the Mediterranean diet leads to a reduction in hospitalization. The optimal asthma control is associated with a reduction of exacerbations and asthma control is associated with reduced hospitalizations. Those receiving beta2 + steroid show higher levels of compliance with the principles of the Mediterranean diet.

Autoři článku: Nicolaisendelacruz2337 (Crews Gadegaard)