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The single-photon timing and sensitivity performance and the imaging ability of asynchronous-readout single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) array detectors have opened up enormous perspectives in fluorescence (lifetime) laser scanning microscopy (FLSM), such as super-resolution image scanning microscopy and high-information content fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy. However, the strengths of these FLSM techniques depend on the many different characteristics of the detector, such as dark noise, photon-detection efficiency, after-pulsing probability, and optical cross talk, whose overall optimization is typically a trade-off between these characteristics. To mitigate this trade-off, we present, to our knowledge, a novel SPAD array detector with an active cooling system that substantially reduces the dark noise without significantly deteriorating any other detector characteristics. In particular, we show that lowering the temperature of the sensor to -15°C significantly improves the signal/noise ratio due to a 10-fold decrease in the dark count rate compared with room temperature. As a result, for imaging, the laser power can be decreased by more than a factor of three, which is particularly beneficial for live-cell super-resolution imaging, as demonstrated in fixed and living cells expressing green-fluorescent-protein-tagged proteins. For fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy, together with the benefit of the reduced laser power, we show that cooling the detector is necessary to remove artifacts in the correlation function, such as spurious negative correlations observed in the hot elements of the detector, i.e., elements for which dark noise is substantially higher than the median value. Overall, this detector represents a further step toward the integration of SPAD array detectors in any FLSM system.Neutral lipids (NLs) are an abundant class of cellular lipids. They are characterized by the total lack of charged chemical groups in their structure, and, as a consequence, they play a major role in intracellular lipid storage. NLs that carry a glycerol backbone, such as triacylglycerols (TGs) and diacylglycerols (DGs), are also involved in the biosynthetic pathway of cellular phospholipids, and they have recently been the subject of numerous structural investigations by means of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. However, conflicting results on the physicochemical behavior of NLs were observed depending on the nature of the atomistic force field used. Here, we show that current phospholipid-derived CHARMM36 parameters for DGs and TGs cannot adequately reproduce interfacial properties of these NLs because of excessive hydrophilicity at the glycerol-ester region.,4-thiazolidinedione.html By following a CHARMM36-consistent parameterization strategy, we develop improved parameters for both TGs and DGs that are compatible with both cutoff-based and particle mesh Ewald schemes for the treatment of Lennard-Jones interactions. We show that our improved parameters can reproduce interfacial properties of NLs and their behavior in more complex lipid assemblies. We discuss the implications of our findings in the context of intracellular lipid storage and NLs' cellular activity.The study of electrical activity in single cells and local circuits of excitable cells, such as neurons, requires an easy-to-use, high-throughput methodology that allows for the measurement of membrane potential. Investigating the electrical properties in specific subcompartments of neurons, or in a specific type of neurons, introduces additional complexity. An optical voltage-imaging technique that allows high spatial and temporal resolution could be an ideal solution. However, most valid voltage-imaging techniques are nonspecific. Those that are more site-directed require a lot of preliminary work and specific adaptations, among other drawbacks. Here, we explore a new method for membrane voltage imaging, based on Förster resonance energy transfer between fluorescent polystyrene (FPS) beads and dipicrylamine. Not only has it been shown that fluorescence intensity correlates with membrane potential, but more importantly, the membrane potential from individual particles can be detected. Among other advantages, FPS beads can be synthesized with surface functional groups and can be targeted to specific proteins by conjugation of recognition molecules. Therefore, in the presence of dipicrylamine, FPS beads represent single-particle detectors of membrane potential that can be localized to specific membrane compartments. This new and easily accessible platform for targeted optical voltage imaging can further elucidate the mechanisms of neuronal electrical activity.The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been recently found responsible for the pandemic outbreak of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In this work, a novel approach based on deep learning is proposed for identifying precursors of small active RNA molecules named microRNA (miRNA) in the genome of the novel coronavirus. Viral miRNA-like molecules have shown to modulate the host transcriptome during the infection progression, thus their identification is crucial for helping the diagnosis or medical treatment of the disease. The existence of the mature miRNAs derived from computationally predicted miRNA precursors (pre-miRNAs) in the novel coronavirus was validated with small RNA-seq data from SARS-CoV-2-infected human cells. The results demonstrate that computational models can provide accurate and useful predictions of pre-miRNAs in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, underscoring the relevance of machine learning in the response to a global sanitary emergency. Moreover, the interpretability of our model shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying the viral infection, thus contributing to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the fast development of new treatments. Our study shows how recent advances in machine learning can be used, effectively, in response to public health emergencies. The approach developed in this work could be of great help in future similar emergencies to accelerate the understanding of the singularities of any viral agent and for the development of novel therapies. Data and source code available at https// global pandemic affects health care and lifestyle worldwide, and its early detection is critical to control cases' spreading and mortality. The actual leader diagnosis test is the Reverse transcription Polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), result times and cost of these tests are high, so other fast and accessible diagnostic tools are needed. Inspired by recent research that correlates the presence of COVID-19 to findings in Chest X-ray images, this papers' approach uses existing deep learning models (VGG19 and U-Net) to process these images and classify them as positive or negative for COVID-19. The proposed system involves a preprocessing stage with lung segmentation, removing the surroundings which does not offer relevant information for the task and may produce biased results; after this initial stage comes the classification model trained under the transfer learning scheme; and finally, results analysis and interpretation via heat maps visualization. The best models achieved a detection accuracy of COVID-19 around 97%.COVID-19 (SARS COV2 n-corona virus) is the newfangled virus of the coronavirus family. COVID-19 can cause serious illness with symptoms of fever, cold, cough, and respiratory blockage. COVID-19 is a contagious virus, which originated in Wuhan, China. After one month, WHO declared it as a Pandemic due to its rapid spreading. Presently, Indonesia is also facing a hard time controlling the spread. Hence, it is essential to understand the spread rate in Indonesia and to analyze the strategies to minimize the virus spread. The proposed study can be used to assess variations in virus spread both nationally, and sub-nationally. This allows public health officials and policy-makers to track the progress of the outbreak in near real-time using an epidemiologically valid measure.The prominent rise of social networks within the past decade have become a gold mine for data mining operations seeking to model the real world through these virtual worlds. One of the most important applications that has been proposed is utilizing information generated from social networks as a supplemental health surveillance system to monitor disease epidemics. At the time this research was conducted in 2020, the COVID-19 virus had evolved into a global pandemic, forcing many countries to implement preventative measures to halt its expanse. Health surveillance has been a powerful tool in placing further preventative measures, however it is not a perfect system, and slowly collected, misidentified information can prove detrimental to these efforts. This research proposes a new potential surveillance avenue through unsupervised machine learning using dynamic, evolutionary variants of clustering algorithms DBSCAN and the Louvain method to allow for community detection in temporal networks. This technique is paired with geographical data collected directly from the social media Twitter, to create an effective and accurate health surveillance system that grows as time passes. The experimental results show that the proposed system is promising and has the potential to be an advancement on current machine learning health surveillance techniques.Marine plastic abundance has increased over the past 60 years and microplastics (

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s43591-021-00017-9.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s43591-021-00017-9.Lineage-tracing methods have enabled characterization of clonal dynamics in complex populations, but generally lack the ability to integrate genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic measurements with live-cell manipulation of specific clones of interest. We developed a functionalized lineage-tracing system, ClonMapper, which integrates DNA barcoding with single-cell RNA sequencing and clonal isolation to comprehensively characterize thousands of clones within heterogeneous populations. Using ClonMapper, we identified subpopulations of a chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell line with distinct clonal compositions, transcriptional signatures and chemotherapy survivorship trajectories; patterns that were also observed in primary human chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The ability to retrieve specific clones before, during and after treatment enabled direct measurements of clonal diversification and durable subpopulation transcriptional signatures. ClonMapper is a powerful multifunctional approach to dissect the complex clonal dynamics of tumor progression and therapeutic response.Ultrasound is a key imaging tool for evaluating the kidney. Over the last two decades, methods to measure the mechanical properties of soft tissues have been developed and used in clinical practice, although use in the kidney has not been as widespread as for other applications. The mechanical properties of the kidney are determined by the structure and composition of the renal parenchyma and perfusion characteristics. Because pathologic processes change these factors, the mechanical properties change and can be used for diagnostic purposes and for monitoring treatment or disease progression. Ultrasound-based elastography methods for evaluating the mechanical properties of the kidney use focused ultrasound beams to perturb the kidney and then high frame-rate ultrasound methods are used to measure the resulting motion. The motion is analyzed to estimate the mechanical properties. This review will describe the principles of these methods and discuss several seminal studies related to characterizing the kidney. Additionally, an overview of the clinical use of elastography methods in native and kidney allografts will be provided.

Autoři článku: Newellaldridge7789 (Gilbert Byskov)