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CONCLUSIONS This report presented a rare case of a woman who reported to the Emergency Department with subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema following routine molar dental extraction. Emergency Department physicians should be aware of the possibility of delayed complications after standard dental procedures. A detailed medical history and clinical examination will enable making a correct diagnosis so as not to jeopardize the health of a patient, and in the case of the development of mediastinitis, even the patient's life. website is a medical and scientific communication portal regarding vaccinations of Sardinia region. This article aims to present the structure of the portal, to demonstrate the actions carried out to provide accurate information for users and to analyse the website's activity from its launch until the current pandemic period in terms of dissemination and visibility.

Various metrics such as the number of visits to the site (sessions, number of users and average session duration), user behaviour (pages viewed, bounce rate and organic search) and the session acquisition path (direct traffic, referrals and social traffic) were recorded, extrapolated and processed with Google Analytics.Qualitative and normally distributed quantitative variables were summarised with absolute (relative) frequencies and means. The statistical differences between the two periods (before and during the anti-COVID-19 vaccination campaign) were evaluated applying the Wilkoxon runk-sum test. A two-tailed p-valuight against vaccine hesistancy.

Based on the success on VaccinarSinSardegna and given its potential for expansion to include further collaborations with national and international scientific bodies, the authors affirm that similar initiatives should be implemented in the fight against vaccine hesistancy.The COVID-19 pandemic era is causing a relevant issue for the health. There is no specific drug able to antagonize the SARS-CoV-2 infection. As a consequence, there is growing interest about potential molecules able to contrast infection. In this regard, HMGB, an alarmin, may play a relevant role in pathogenic mechanisms induced by SARS-CoV-2. As HMGB1 is antagonized by glycyrrhizin, this substance could be potentially useful as ancillary treatment in COVID-19.The systematic study of the evolution of the concept of vaccination constitutes a fascinating journey through time and the scientific development of effective and safe vaccines against infectious diseases is one of the greatest achievements in the history of medicine. selleck chemical In the western world vaccination dates back to the eighteenth century, a period in which smallpox was a diffused and often lethal disorder, and in many countries attempts at the prevention of such a medical and social threat were conducted. The English surgeon Edward Jenner (1749-1823) is commonly considered the discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox. Moving from remote history to recent periods, the ongoing 2019-2021 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has posed a tremendous challenge to the health systems and consequently to entire society of the countries involved. It has triggered all over the world the rapid development of several effective vaccines, never before prepared in such a brief span of time. It must be acknowledged that modern vaccinology as a science stands at the crossroads of multiple medical specialities and scientific disciplines, being in particular debtor to health care branches born and developed between the end of the nineteenth century (infectivology) and the beginning of the twentieth (immunology). In turn, twentieth century explosive progress in the field of vaccination has triggered the development of other important medical areas, from immunopathology to infectious diseases therapy, and from prevention to anti-cancer treatment. Nowadays, effective and diffused control of infectious diseases cannot do without the presence of vaccines, as the COVID-19 pandemic has once again demonstrated, and the role of well structured vaccine programs and of capillary and systematic vaccine campaigns has become central not only for the health but also for the existence itself of entire populations all over the world.

Vitamin D is known to modulate immune response and its deficiency was associated with respiratory distress in patients hospitalized for pneumonia. Nevertheless, numerous reviews on vitamin D in COVID-19 patients have shown conflicting results, as previously reported also for other respiratory diseases (e.g., influenza).

This umbrella review aims to assess whether low serum 25-OHD is associated with susceptibility to COVID 19, their severity, and mortality. A total of 1559 studies were excluded after the title, abstract and full-text articles screening and 9 papers were included in this review 2 systematic reviews and 7 metanalysis.

The findings of this review that summarized studies from 5 WHO regions (European Region, Region of the Americas, South-East Asia Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, Western Pacific Region) to exclusion only African region, show that low serum 25-OHD levels are associated with higher infection risks for COVID-19.

Although the umbrella findings indicate a potential role of vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19 severity in hospitalized patients and showing an association between Vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 severity, however, more robust data from randomized controlled trials are further needed to confirm a possible association with the mortality rates.

Although the umbrella findings indicate a potential role of vitamin D deficiency in COVID-19 severity in hospitalized patients and showing an association between Vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 severity, however, more robust data from randomized controlled trials are further needed to confirm a possible association with the mortality rates.

Comirnaty® was the first COVID-19 vaccine available for the vaccination campaign of healthcare workers in Italy. With the aim of assessing vaccine safety, we conducted a cross-sectional survey administrating a voluntary-based questionnaire on adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs) in San Raffaele Hospital, Milano, Italy.

From 4th January 2021 to 27th April 2021, we collected 2,659 questionnaires (response rate 24,5%). We analyzed data, reporting AEFIs by gender, age, self-reported severity, type, time of insurgence and duration, and estimating relative-risk ratios (RRR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI).

The most reported symptoms were injection site pain, fatigue, headache, myalgia, chills, fever, and arthralgia. Severe systemic reactions were more frequent after receiving the second dose (RRR 6.25, 95% CI 4.57-8.55), in women (RRR 3.33, 95% CI 2.30-4.82), and less frequent in individuals aged 60 or more (RRR 0.26, 95% CI 0.14-0.49). In addition, we noted a wide range of adverse events of special interest (AESIs).

Consistently with clinical trials and pharmacovigilance surveillance, AEFIs were frequent, but severe ones were uncommon, supporting the massive implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and providing valuable data for a risk profiling of vaccinees. (

Consistently with clinical trials and pharmacovigilance surveillance, AEFIs were frequent, but severe ones were uncommon, supporting the massive implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and providing valuable data for a risk profiling of vaccinees. (

In early 2020, SARS-CoV-2 was declared a pandemic by the WHO and Italy was one of the first and most severely affected country in Europe. Despite the global interest about COVID-19 pandemic, several aspects of this infection are still unclear, especially in pediatric population. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the isolated or quarantined children and adolescents followed by the Public Health Department of the Italian province of Modena during the first wave of COVID-19.

The study population included all non-adult subjects aged 0-18 years who underwent isolation or quarantine during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic from February 24 to June 18, 2020 in Modena province, Northern Italy.

In Modena province, 1230 children and adolescents were isolated in case of SARS-CoV-2 infection (6.3%), or quarantined due to close contact with confirmed cases (88.7%) or travelling from a high-risk area (5.0%). Among 349 individuals who underwent swab testing, 294 (84.2%) reported close contact with an infected cohabiting relative and 158 (45.3%) were symptomatic. Among all tested subjects, 78 (22.4%) resulted positive, with a higher proportion of symptomatic subjects compared with the SARS-CoV-2-negative (78.2% vs. 35.8%). Fever was mostly present in SARS-CoV-2-positive children (48.7% vs. 12.6%). Both anosmia (58.3% vs. 41.7%) and dysgeusia (54.5% vs. 45.5%) had only slightly higher frequency in SARS-CoV-2-positive.

These findings allow to expand the knowledge regarding characteristics of non-adult subjects isolated or quarantined during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. (

These findings allow to expand the knowledge regarding characteristics of non-adult subjects isolated or quarantined during the first wave of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. (

The new 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak forced mental health providers to overcome their general reluctance about telematic assistance, shifting from a face-to-face approach to online therapy to promote continuity of care for psychiatric patients.

An ad-hoc web-based survey questionnaire assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on therapeutic setting in Mental Health Services was sent via email from March 15, 2021 to June 15, 2021 to mental health providers in Genova, Italy. The survey was anonymous and a free Google Forms®software was used.

Two hundred nineteen mental health providers completed the survey, and the overall response rate (ORR) was 65%. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, the continuity of care was mainly guaranteed using electronic devices. Psychologists reported a higher availability of video call assistance service to guarantee continuity of care for psychiatric patients compared to psychiatrists and psychotherapists (p<0,001). Psychiatrists reported the lowest dess and efficacy, a general degree of satisfaction was expressed by the majority of the mental health providers. Further efforts will be needed to enhance this new way of working and to train therapists with particular regard to those employed in the public health system.

Seasonal influenza exerts a deep and multi-level impact on population and public health systems. Among at risk groups, healthcare workers (HCWs) represent a crucial one due to the threat of absenteeism and consequent disruption of healthcare services (and economic losses). Also in this group vaccine hesitancy is a well known issue, therefore innovative and 360-degree strategies are urgently needed to overcome the problem.

in the 2020-21 influenza vaccination campaign in a research and teaching hospital in Milan, Italy, the working group implemented three different strategies the offer of vaccination through both an ad hoc ambulatory and several itinerant (on site) vaccinating teams, a promotional and educational communication campaign, a gaming strategy Results vaccinated employees nearly doubled (2103 vs 1153 in 2019-20 flu vaccination campaign), reaching a comprehensive vaccination coverage rate (VCR) of 43,1%. A highly significant increase in the 40-59 age group was registered. While physicians and nursing staff confirmed to be the most represented categories among vaccinated subjects, administrative and auxiliary staffs performed the greatest increase compared to the previous campaign.

Autoři článku: Nashpadilla1687 (Rytter Schwartz)