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The clinical evaluation was carried out at the beginning and at 6 months. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) samples were collected directly from the test sites for the quantitative measurement of PDGF-BB and BMP-2 using the ELISA kit at 1, 7, 14, and 21 days after surgery. RESULTS Group II reported a significantly greater reduction in vertical pocket depth (VPD) and CAL gain compared with group I after 6 months. Radiographic bone gain was statistically higher in group II compared with group I. A significantly higher concentration of PDGF-BB was observed in group II on days 1, 3, and 7 compared with group I. CONCLUSIONS Translocation of gingival fibroblasts from gingival tissue to periodontal defects could be a promising option that increases cellular elements with regeneration potential. The concept of total isolation of gingival fibroblasts using occlusive membranes must be re-evaluated. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND American health care is facing unprecedented challenges due to population aging, chronic disease prevalence, and financial restructuring. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is transforming the primary care landscape from a reactive, episodic, fee-for-service system to a proactive, preventive, value-based system. A proactive, preventive, and value-based primary care model requires Registered Nurses (RNs) prepared to lead integrated, team-based, coordinated, and proactively managed care. The Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) forecasted an inadequate supply of RNs prepared to meet future primary care demands and highlighted the lack of education as a key problem. The primary care RN workforce shortage requires immediate attention by academic, political, and research stakeholders. HRSA has responded with academic funding to increase primary care RN education. PROCEDURES This article describes key barriers and resolutions one HRSA-funded academic institution experienced while implementing a primary care RN education program, along with research implications for the future of primary care nursing. RESULTS This article describes the project's stakeholder, faculty, and student engagement methods. This article also describes the clinic RN preceptor development program, and depicts the Primary Care RN Education Program Student Clinical Experience Preceptorship Model. CONCLUSIONS Nursing education must align with transforming healthcare models while anticipating potential barriers and resolutions to enhancing curriculum with primary care nursing education and clinical experiences. This article provides insight for other academic institutions interested in developing primary care curriculum and academic-clinic partnership models to foster community-based primary care clinical experiences. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.BACKGROUND The objective of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) with an allergoid in the treatment of house dust mites (HDM)-induced allergic rhinitis and/or asthma based on recent real-life data. The outcomes were measured using asthma incidence and consumption of corresponding medications as the indicator of persisting symptoms. METHODS In this retrospective cohort analysis of a German longitudinal prescription database, patients who received at least two relevant mite AIT prescriptions in two different successive seasonal cycles were compared with non-AIT patients who received at least three symptomatic allergic rhinitis (AR) prescriptions in successive mite seasons. Study endpoints included AR progression, asthma progression, asthma occurrence, and therapy adherence. We used multivariate regression analyses to estimate the effects of AIT, adjusting for relevant variables. RESULTS This study included 2350 patients receiving a mite allergoid and 64 740 control patients. After up to 6 years of follow-up, patients treated with mite allergoid required significantly fewer AR and asthma prescriptions (59.7% vs 10.8%) than the control group, and the probability of asthma development was significantly lower. The adherence of patients receiving allergoid was 63.8% at the end of the second year and 38.6% at the end of the third year. CONCLUSIONS This real-world evidence confirms the good efficacy of subcutaneous AIT with HDM mite allergoid in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Up to 6 years of follow-up revealed significant effects in allergic rhinitis by measuring the number of AR medications and demonstrating significant reductions in asthma medications. © 2020 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Given the role of childhood aggressive behavior (AGG) in everyday child development, precise and accurate measurement is critical in clinical practice and research. This study aims to quantify agreement among widely used measures of childhood AGG regarding item content, clinical concordance, correlation, and underlying genetic construct. METHODS We analyzed data from 1254 Dutch twin pairs (age 8-10 years, 51.1% boys) from a general population sample for whom both parents completed the A-TAC, CBCL, and SDQ at the same occasion. RESULTS There was substantial variation in item content among AGG measures, ranging from .00 (i.e., mutually exclusive) to .50 (moderate agreement). Clinical concordance (i.e., do the same children score above a clinical threshold among AGG measures) was very weak to moderate with estimates ranging between .01 and .43 for mother-reports and between .12 and .42 for father-reports. Correlations among scales were weak to strong, ranging from .32 to .70 for mother-reports and from .32 to .64 for father-reports. We found weak to very strong genetic correlations among the measures, with estimates between .65 and .84 for mother-reports and between .30 and .87 for father-reports. CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrated that degree of agreement between measures of AGG depends on the type (i.e., item content, clinical concordance, correlation, genetic correlation) of agreement considered. Because agreement was higher for correlations compared to clinical concordance (i.e., above or below a clinical cutoff), we propose the use of continuous scores to assess AGG, especially for combining data with different measures. Although item content can be different and agreement among observed measures may not be high, the genetic correlations indicate that the underlying genetic liability for childhood AGG is consistent across measures. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.Due to varying descriptions and terminology of fascias of the neck, medical advice relying on this basic knowledge is insufficient. Our goal was to provide a precise anatomical description of cervical fascias and spaces with special focus on the intercarotid fascia, or the alar fascia. One hundred bodies donated to science embalmed with Thiel's method were investigated, cervical fascias were dissected layer by layer, and the results were documented by photography, with a focus on the intercarotid fascia. In addition, we performed a review of recent literature concerning cervical surgical interventions, radiological diagnostic pathways, and basic anatomical works focusing on core information on anatomical relations of cervical fascias and spaces. In another 10 bodies donated to science, the spaces of the neck were injected with coloured latex under ultrasound guidance, dissected, and documented by photography. The intercarotid fascia was a constantly developed connective tissue interconnecting the carotid sheath of both sides. In 52 of 100 specimens (52%) it crossed to the opposite side without any fusion to the ventrally situated visceral fascia. Fusion with the visceral fascia was found in 48%, either at the lateral border of the pharynx or on its dorsal side. The results of our dissections strengthen the precise description of the cervical fascias provided by Grodinsky and Holyoke in 1938. Spaces can be confirmed as described by Hafferl in 1969. The international anatomical and ENT societies should codify a unified anatomical terminology of the cervical spaces and fascias to prevent varying interpretations in the future. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Anatomy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Anatomical Society.PURPOSE This study aimed to investigate spirituality, sociodemographic features, and occupational features as predictors of nurses' emotional labor. DESIGN AND METHODS The study is descriptive cross-sectional and correlational research. FINDINGS The results demonstrated that there was a statistically significant positive relationship between the nurses' spirituality and the subdimension of intimate behavior (r = .545) (P  less then  .05). Regarding the nurses' in-depth behaviors, the study found that spirituality (β = .550) and the number of patients that the nurses were responsible for (β = -.154) were statistically significant predictors (P  less then  .05). The subdimensions of superficial behavior, spirituality (β = .498), and rechoosing the profession (β = -.142) were statistically significant predictors as well (P  less then  .05). PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS For the development of emotional labor in clinical nurses, administrators should be sensitive to nurses' spiritual values. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.C2 photosynthesis is a carbon concentrating mechanism that can increase net CO2 assimilation by capturing, concentrating, and re-assimilating CO2 released by photorespiration. Empirical and modelling studies indicate that C2 plants assimilate more carbon than C3 plants under high temperature, bright light, and low CO2 conditions. Sanguinarine Immunology inhibitor I argue that engineering C2 photosynthesis into C3 crops is a promising approach to improve photosynthetic performance under these, and temporally heterogeneous, environments and review the modifications that may re-create a C2 phenotype in C3 plants. While a C2 engineering program would encounter many of the same challenges faced by C4 engineering programs, the simpler leaf anatomical requirements make C2 engineering a feasible approach to improve crops in the medium term. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Goal-directed movements involve a series of neural computations that compare the sensory representations of goal location and effector position, and transform these into motor commands. Neurons in posterior parietal cortex (PPC) control several effectors (e.g., eye, hand, foot) and encode goal location in a variety of spatial coordinate systems, including those anchored to gaze direction, and to the positions of the head, shoulder, or hand. However, there is little evidence on whether reference frames depend also on the effector and/or type of motor response. We addressed this issue in macaque PPC area V6A, where previous reports using a fixate-to-reach in depth task, from different starting arm positions, indicated that most units use mixed body/hand-centered coordinates. Here, we applied singular value decomposition and gradient analyses to characterize the reference frames in V6A while the animals, instead of arm reaching, performed a nonspatial motor response (hand lift). We found that most neurons used mixed body/hand coordinates, instead of "pure" body-, or hand-centered coordinates.

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