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Movement intention detection using electroencephalography (EEG) is a challenging but essential component of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for people with motor disabilities.Objective.The goal of this study is to develop a new experimental paradigm to perform asynchronous online detection of movement based on low-frequency time-domain EEG features, concretely on movement-related cortical potentials. The paradigm must be easily transferable to people without any residual upper-limb movement function and the BCI must be independent of upper-limb movement onset measurements and external cues.Approach. In a study with non-disabled participants, we evaluated a novel BCI paradigm to detect self-initiated reach-and-grasp movements. Two experimental conditions were involved. In one condition, participants performed reach-and-grasp movements to a target and simultaneously shifted their gaze towards it. In a control condition, participants solely shifted their gaze towards the target (oculomotor task). The participanand-grasp movements, which also constitutes an advantage with respect to current BCI protocols.Tissue reconstruction requires the utilization of multiple biomaterials and cell types to replicate the delicate and complex structure of native tissues. Various three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting techniques have been developed to fabricate customized tissue structures; however, there are still significant challenges, such as vascularization, mechanical stability of printed constructs, and fabrication of gradient structures to be addressed for the creation of biomimetic and complex tissue constructs. One approach to address these challenges is to develop multimaterial 3D bioprinting techniques that can integrate various types of biomaterials and bioprinting capabilities towards the fabrication of more complex structures. Notable examples include multi-nozzle, coaxial, and microfluidics-assisted multimaterial 3D bioprinting techniques. More advanced multimaterial 3D printing techniques are emerging, and new areas in this niche technology are rapidly evolving. In this review, we briefly introduce the basics of individual 3D bioprinting techniques and then discuss the multimaterial 3D printing techniques that can be developed based on combination of these techniques for the engineering of complex and biomimetic tissue constructs. We also discuss the perspectives and future directions to develop state-of-the-art multimaterial 3D bioprinting techniques for engineering tissues and organs.Purpose.To develop a framework to include oxygenation effects in radiation therapy treatment planning which is valid for all modalities, energy spectra and oxygen levels. The framework is based on predicting the difference in DNA-damage resulting from ionising radiation at variable oxygenation levels.Methods.Oxygen fixation is treated as a statistical process in a simplified model of complex and simple damage. We show that a linear transformation of the microscopic oxygen fixation process allows to extend this to all energies and modalities, resulting in a relatively simple rational polynomial expression. The model is expanded such that it can be applied for polyenergetic beams. The methodology is validated using Microdosimetric Monte Carlo Damage Simulation code (MCDS). This serves as a bootstrap to determine relevant parameters in the analytical expression, as MCDS is shown to be extensively verified with published empirical data. Double-strand break induction as calculated by this methodology is compared tt of variable oxygenation, forming a first step to an optimised treatment based on biological factors.Dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) are characterized by nonanalytic behaviors of physical observables as functions of time. When a system is subject to time-periodic modulations, the nonanalytic signatures of its observables could recur periodically in time, leading to the phenomena of Floquet DQPTs. In this work, we systematically explore Floquet DQPTs in a class of periodically quenched one-dimensional system with chiral symmetry. By tuning the strength of quench, we find multiple Floquet DQPTs within a single driving period, with more DQPTs being observed when the system is initialized in Floquet states with larger topological invariants. Each Floquet DQPT is further accompanied by the quantized jump of a dynamical topological order parameter, whose values remain quantized in time if the underlying Floquet system is prepared in a gapped topological phase. The theory is demonstrated in a piecewise quenched lattice model, which possesses rich Floquet topological phases and is readily realizable in quantum simulators like the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamonds. Our discoveries thus open a new perspective for the Floquet engineering of DQPTs and the dynamical detection of topological phase transitions in Floquet systems.Preclinical positron emission tomography (PET) is a sensitive and quantitative molecule imaging modality widely used in characterizing the biological processes and diseases in small animals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods to optimize a PET detector for high-resolution preclinical imaging. The PET detector proposed in this study consists of a 28 × 28 array of LYSO crystals 0.5 × 0.5 × 6.25 mm3in size, a wedged lightguide, and a 6 × 6 array of SiPMs 3 × 3 mm2in size. The simulation results showed that the most uniform flood map was achieved when the thickness of the lightguide was 2.35 mm. The quality of the flood map was significantly improved by suppressing the electronics noises using the simple threshold method with a best threshold. The peak-to-valley ratio of flood map improved 25.4% when the algorithm of ICS rejection was applied. An energy resolution (12.96% ± 1.03%) was measured on the prototype scanner constructed with 12 proposed detectors. Lastly, a prototype preclinic PET imager was constructed with 12 optimized detectors. The point source experiment was performed and an excellent spatial resolution (axial 0.56 mm, tangential 0.46 mm, radial 0.42 mm) was achieved with the proposed high-performance PET detectors.Uneven terrain in natural environments challenges legged locomotion by inducing instability and causing limb collisions. During the swing phase, the limb releases from the ground and arcs forward to target a secure next foothold. In natural environments leg-obstacle collisions may occur during the swing phase which can result in instability, and may require contact sensing and trajectory re-planning if a collision occurs. However, collision detection and response often requires computationally- and temporally-expensive control strategies. Acalabrutinib datasheet Inspired by low stiffness limbs that can pass past obstacles in small insects and running birds, we investigated a passive method for overcoming swing-collisions. We implemented virtual compliance control in a robot leg that allowed us to systematically vary the limb stiffness and ultimately its response to collisions with obstacles in the environment. In addition to applying a standard positional control during swing motion, we developed two virtual compliance methods (1) an isotropic compliance for which perturbations in thexandydirections generated the same stiffness response, and (2) a vertical anisotropic compliance in which a decrease of the upwardyvertical limb stiffness enabled the leg to move upwards more freely. The virtual compliance methods slightly increased variability along the limb's planned pathway, but the anisotropic compliance control improved the successful negotiation of step obstacles by over 70% compared to isotropic compliance and positional control methods. We confirmed these findings in simulation and using a self-propelling bipedal robot walking along a linear rail over bumpy terrain. While the importance of limb compliance for stance interactions have been known, our results highlight how limb compliance in the swing-phase can enhance walking performance in naturalistic environments.Cubic phase AgSbS2nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized by the hot-injection method, and they were inserted between the Al andp-Si to fabricate Al/AgSbS2/p-Si photodiode by the thermal evaporation method. AgSbS2NCs were characterized by XRD, SEM and TEM instruments to confirm the crystal phase, surface morphology as well as crystalline size. The XRD pattern revealed that the cubic crystalline structure of the AgSbS2. The spherical shapes and well surface morphology were affirmed by SEM and TEM analysis. Al/AgSbS2/p-Si photodiode was characterized byI-Vmeasurements depending on the light power intensity and byC-Vmeasurement for various frequencies.I-Vcharacteristics revealed that the Al/AgSbS2/p-Si exhibited good photodiode behavior and a high rectifying ratio. Various diode and detector parameters were extracted fromI-Vmeasurements, and they were discussed in detail. TheC-Vcharacteristics highlighted that the Al/AgSbS2/p-Si photodiode showed voltage and frequency dependent profile at the accumulation region. The fabricated Al/AgSbS2/p-Si photodiode can be thought for optoelectronic applications.For graphene-based 2D materials, charge transfer at the interface between graphene and ferromagnetic metal leads to many intriguing phenomena. However, because of the unidirectional spin orientation in ferromagnetic transition metals, interface interaction plays a detrimental role in diminishing the magnetic parameters on 2D surfaces. To overcome this issue, we have synthesized ultrathin 2D weak antiferromagneticβ-NiOOH layers on a graphene surface. By exploiting the charge transfer effect and tuning the thickness of the thinβ-NiOOH layers, conversion of ferromagnetism along with giant coercivity and the thermo-remnant magnetic memory effect were observed. As antiferromagnets have two spin orientations, transfer of charge at the interface breaks the nullifying effect of zero magnetization in antiferromagnets and the combined system behaves like a 2D ferrimagnet. Whenever, the sandwich structure ofβ-NiOOH/graphene/β-NiOOH is formed, it also shows interlayer exchange coupling those results in huge exchange bias and anomalous temperature dependence of coercivity. Due to the strong exchange interaction between the layers, the combined system also shows a robust temperature-based memory effect. Spin-polarized density functional theory was also calculated to confirm the interface interaction and its quantitative evaluation by means of Bader charge analysis and charge-density mapping.

Several behaviors have been reported to interfere with sleep in otherwise healthy adults, including low physical activity (PA) levels. However, few studies have compared low PA with the other behavioral risk factors of objective sleep impairment, despite the behavior tending to cooccur in highly stressed and affectively distressed individuals. Thus, the authors compared objective and subjective measures of PA and other potential sleep disrupting behaviors as predictors of objective sleep (sleep onset latency, actual sleep time, total sleep duration, awake time, and sleep efficacy) at baseline (T1) and 3 months later (T2).

A community-derived sample of 161 people aged 18-65 years were asked about PA, other behavior (ie,night eating, electronic device use, watching television, caffeine and alcohol use), stress, affective distress (ie,anxiety, depression), and demographics including shift work and parenting young children in an online questionnaire at T1 and T2. PA and sleep were also monitored for 24 hours each at T1 and T2 using actigraphy.

Autoři článku: Muirratliff6691 (Beatty Abernathy)