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Unenhanced CT of the heart can be used to confirm LHIAS by the presence of low attenuation values for tissue. selleck inhibitor Alternatively, CMR can be used for tissue characterization and confirmation of LHIAS. Precontrast T2/T1-weighted CMR images with steady-state free precession show high signal intensity in the area of LHIAS and produce a black/hypointense boundary effect between fat and myocardium. A multimodality approach is crucial in arriving at the appropriate diagnosis using the tissue characterization capabilities of CT and CMR. © The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.Objective The aim was to examine whether inflammatory US features in erosive hand OA patients change when discontinuing intake of NSAIDs before US examination in a non-randomized study. Methods Patients (n = 99) were allocated to the NSAIDs or control group according to their intake at baseline. US was performed at baseline (T0) and 2 weeks after discontinuation of NSAIDs (T1). Inflammatory features (i.e. synovial proliferation, effusion and power Doppler signal) were scored using a semi-quantitative scale (from zero to three). Pain levels were scored on a numerical rating scale. Binomial mixed models were fitted for US features, and odds ratios of having a US score of at least two vs at most one for synovial proliferation and effusion, and zero vs at least one for power Doppler were calculated. Results At baseline, both groups [NSAIDs group (n = 47) vs control group (n = 52)] were comparable for numerical rating scale pain, disease duration, number of radiographically affected joints, BMI and US baseline data, but not for age (P = 0.005). At T1, more synovial proliferation and power Doppler signal was seen compared with T0 in the NSAIDs group (P = 0.018 and 0.031, respectively). However, the interaction term time*NSAIDs was not found to be significant for any variable. The numerical rating scale pain at T1 was higher compared with baseline, although statistically non-significant. Conclusion No significant changes in inflammatory US features were seen in patients with erosive hand OA after withdrawal of NSAIDs for 2 weeks. This study suggests that an NSAID-free period is not necessary before assessing inflammatory disease activity in erosive hand OA. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology.Malnutrition is a major concern in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), but the full extent of nutritional deficiencies remains unknown largely due to lack of accurate assessment methods. This study seeks to develop and validate an objective, passive method of estimating food and nutrient intake in households in Ghana and Uganda. Household members (including under-5s and adolescents) are assigned a wearable camera device to capture images of their food intake during waking hours. Using custom software, images captured are then used to estimate an individual's food and nutrient (i.e., protein, fat, carbohydrate, energy, and micronutrients) intake. Passive food image capture and assessment provides an objective measure of food and nutrient intake in real time, minimizing some of the limitations associated with self-reported dietary intake methods. Its use in LMIC could potentially increase the understanding of a population's nutritional status, and the contribution of household food intake to the malnutrition burden. This project is registered at (NCT03723460). Copyright © The Author(s) 2020.Background Iron accrued in utero is critical for fetal and infant neurocognitive development. Psychosocial stress and obesity can each suppress fetal iron accrual. Their combined effects and differences by fetal sex are not known. link2 In an observational pregnancy cohort study in Mexico City, we investigated associations of maternal prenatal life stressors, psychological dysfunction, and prepregnancy BMI with fetal iron status at delivery. Objectives We hypothesized that greater maternal prenatal psychosocial stress and prepregnancy overweight and obesity are associated with lower cord blood ferritin and hemoglobin (Hb), with stronger associations in boys than girls. Methods Psychosocial stress in multiple domains of life stress (negative life events, perceived stress, exposure to violence) and psychological dysfunction symptoms (depression, generalized anxiety, and pregnancy-specific anxiety) were assessed with validated questionnaires during pregnancy. Prepregnancy BMI was predicted with a validated equation anpregnancy BMI were each inversely associated with fetal iron status at birth. Pregnancies and infants at elevated risk of impaired fetal iron accrual may be identifiable according to observed synergism between maternal stress and obesity and differential associations with fetal iron status by infant sex. Copyright © The Author(s) 2020.The intestinal barrier is complex and consists of multiple layers, and it provides a physical and functional barrier to the transport of luminal contents to systemic circulation. While the epithelial cell layer and the outer/inner mucin layer constitute the physical barrier and are often referred to as the intestinal barrier, intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) produced by epithelial cells and antibacterial proteins secreted by Panneth cells represent the functional barrier. link3 While antibacterial proteins play an important role in the host defense against gut microbes, IAP detoxifies bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by catalyzing the dephosphorylation of the active/toxic Lipid A moiety, preventing local inflammation as well as the translocation of active LPS into systemic circulation. The causal relationship between circulating LPS levels and the development of multiple diseases underscores the importance of detailed examination of changes in the "layers" of the intestinal barrier associated with disease development and how this dysfunction can be attenuated by targeted interventions. To develop targeted therapies for improving intestinal barrier function, it is imperative to have a deeper understanding of the intestinal barrier itself, the mechanisms underlying the development of diseases due to barrier dysfunction (eg, high circulating LPS levels), the assessment of intestinal barrier function under diseased conditions, and of how individual layers of the intestinal barrier can be beneficially modulated to potentially attenuate the development of associated diseases. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the composition of the intestinal barrier and its assessment and modulation for the development of potential therapies for barrier dysfunction-associated diseases. © Endocrine Society 2020.Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is characterized by amenorrhea, increased follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, and hypoestrogenism, leading to infertility before the age of 40 years. Elucidating the cause of POI is a key point for diagnosing and treating affected women. Here, we review the genetic etiology of POI, highlighting new genes identified in the last few years using next-generation sequencing (NGS) approaches. We searched the MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane, and Web of Science databases for articles published in or translated to English. Several genes were found to be associated with POI genetic etiology in humans and animal models (SPIDR, BMPR2, MSH4, MSH5, GJA4, FANCM, POLR2C, MRPS22, KHDRBS1, BNC1, WDR62, ATG7/ATG9, BRCA2, NOTCH2, POLR3H, and TP63). The heterogeneity of POI etiology has been revealed to be remarkable in the NGS era, and discoveries have indicated that meiosis and DNA repair play key roles in POI development. © Endocrine Society 2019.Context Adrenarche is a gradual process, but its programming is unknown. Objective The objective of this article is to examine the trajectory of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) from age 1 to 6 years and the associations of early growth with DHEAS concentration by age 6 years. Design and participants Longitudinal data from a population sample of 78 children (43 girls) with serum samples for DHEAS and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) measurements available at ages 1 and 6 years. Main outcome measure Serum DHEAS concentration at age 6 years. Results DHEAS concentration at age 1 year correlated with DHEAS concentration at age 6 years (r = 0.594, P less then .001). DHEAS levels at age 6 years increased with tertiles of DHEAS at age 1 year (medians (µg/dL); 4.2, 14.4, 22.6; P less then .001) and with those of greater increase in length by age 1 year (6.0, 11.7, 16.4; P = .047), and decreased with tertiles of birth length (17.7, 13.3, 7.1; P = .042). In a regression model including birth size, biochemical covariates at age 1 year, and growth measures by age 6 years, higher DHEAS concentration at age 1 year was an independent determinant of falling into the highest DHEAS tertile at age 6 years. Conclusions Higher serum DHEAS concentrations already at age 1 year are associated with those at age 6 years. Also, shorter birth length and rapid catch-up growth in length by age 1 year are associated with higher DHEAS concentrations at age 6 years. These results corroborate the early origin of adrenarche and strongly suggest that part of adrenarchal programming already takes place by the end of infancy. © Endocrine Society 2020.Because of its rarity, our understanding of steroidogenesis in estrogen-producing adrenocortical adenoma, including the response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation, remains limited. A 65-year-old man was referred to us because of primary aldosteronism and a right adrenal tumor. Endocrinological evaluations revealed secondary hypogonadism due to hyperestrogenemia. Adrenal venous sampling (AVS) and subsequent liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) indicated bilateral hyperaldosteronism and a right estrogen-producing adrenocortical tumor. He subsequently underwent right unilateral adrenalectomy, which resulted in clinical remission of hypogonadism. Subsequent histopathological analysis identified a right estrogen-producing adrenocortical adenoma and multiple, concomitant adrenocortical micronodules. Sequential evaluation of steroid profiles using LC-MS/MS revealed unique hormone production, including adrenal androgens, and less responsiveness to ACTH in the right estrogen-producing adrenocortical adenoma as compared to the nonneoplastic adrenal cortex. This case study revealed unique profiles of steroid production in estrogen-producing adrenocortical adenoma associated with concomitant primary aldosteronism. Sequential steroid profiling analysis using LC-MS/MS in combination with AVS can contribute to the diagnosis of various adrenal disorders. © Endocrine Society 2020.After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery, the intestine undergoes structural and metabolic reprogramming and appears to enhance use of energetic fuels including glucose and amino acids (AAs), changes that may be related to the surgery's remarkable metabolic effects. Consistently, RYGB alters serum levels of AAs and other metabolites, perhaps reflecting mechanisms for metabolic improvement. To home in on the intestinal contribution, we performed metabolomic profiling in portal venous (PV) blood from lean, Long Evans rats after RYGB vs sham surgery. We found that one-carbon metabolism (OCM), nitrogen metabolism, and arginine and proline metabolism were significantly enriched in PV blood. Nitrogen, OCM, and sphingolipid metabolism as well as ubiquinone biosynthesis were also overrepresented among metabolites uniquely affected in PV vs peripheral blood in RYGB-operated but not sham-operated animals. Peripheral blood demonstrated changes in AA metabolism, OCM, sphingolipid metabolism, and glycerophospholipid metabolism.

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