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In the current study, we examined how football players' usage of space and the teams' ball movement flow throughout the match are associated with the quality of performance achieved in competition.

We constructed two novel metrics that aimed at measuring spatial symmetry and passing flow on a team-wide scope. Our aim was to clarify whether the way players position themselves throughout the match, and the passing patterns they produce, can explain team success.

An analysis of all matches played in the 2018-2019 English Premier League season (N = 380) revealed a positive relationship between the teams' spatiotemporal dynamics and team performance.

Based on the findings of our analysis, we discuss the strengths and limitations of the newly-developed metrics, and stress the need for additional studies examining their effectiveness.

Based on the findings of our analysis, we discuss the strengths and limitations of the newly-developed metrics, and stress the need for additional studies examining their effectiveness.

Quantifying change of direction (COD) load through positional data from small-sided games (SSG) and assess its criterion and construct validity.

Elite male youth soccer players (

=25, 16.8±1.3years) played three SSG (5v5, 5×4 min) with different field dimensions (small [40×30 m], medium [55×38 m], large [70×45 m]). Positional data of the players was obtained with a Local Position Measurement system. COD load (AU) was quantified based on the combination of velocity and change in heading direction. Additionally, total distance covered, running distance, acceleration count, deceleration count, and Rating of Perceived Exertion were measured. Criterion validity was assessed by correlating COD load and the load indicators. Construct validity was determined by testing the differences between the SSG field dimensions.

Strong correlations were determined between COD load and total distance covered (


<.01) and running distance (


<.01). Middle and large field size resulted in highest COD load (


These results suggest that the COD load measure shows sufficient criterion and construct validity.

These results suggest that the COD load measure shows sufficient criterion and construct validity.

In soccer, vertical jump means jumping toward a ball. Since no vertical jump test includes the ball as a reference element, the effect that the ball would have in a vertical jump test is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the biomechanical differences between run-up vertical jump measurements without (Run-up Vertical Jump) and with ball inclusion (Heading Test).

Twelve semi- and professional soccer players were recruited. Athletes performed both jump tests in a biomechanical laboratory, where kinetic and spatiotemporal variables were collected and compared using a Student's dependent t-test for paired samples.

Overall, players performed a different jumping strategy during the heading test compared to the run-up vertical jump, exhibiting 1) higher horizontal velocity during initial contact (+45.3%, P ≤.001), 2) shorter contact time, greater rate of force development, and total impulse during push-off (+27.5%, +53%, and +10.6%, respectively, P ≤.008), 3) higher CoM horizontal and resultant velocity during take-off (+76.1% and 20.5%, respectively, P ≤.001), 4) better vertical jump performance (+4.3%, P ≤.0001), and 5) larger body angle rotation during landing (+63.3%, P =.006), compared to run-up vertical jump (effect size 0.78 to 3.7).

In general, soccer players display greater vertical jump heights in heading test, which highlights the importance of including an overhead ball during soccer-specific jump tests. Coaches and practitioners are encouraged to assess, and perhaps develop, the jumping ability of soccer players using a suspended ball as a specific target.

In general, soccer players display greater vertical jump heights in heading test, which highlights the importance of including an overhead ball during soccer-specific jump tests. Coaches and practitioners are encouraged to assess, and perhaps develop, the jumping ability of soccer players using a suspended ball as a specific target.

Outscoring opponents is the primary goal in football. To optimise goal scoring opportunities (GSOs), it is important to understand the preceding physical and tactical performance. This observational study explored whether running behaviour prior to GSOs related to the subsequent outcome (goal or no goal) or contextual factors.

Tracking data was collected from one professional team during its 2016/2017 season. Physical output was differentiated for attacking styles and analysed for attackers (taking shots) and defenders (trying to prevent shots).

Counter attacks were found most effective, as outcomes improved with fewer defenders behind the ball (r=-0.27; p=0.03). Offensively, running behaviour in the minute prior to GSOs explained most variance and increased activities correlated with success (r=0.26; p=0.04). Moreover, decreased high-intensity distances covered during matches significantly correlated with favourable outcomes (r=-0.21; p=0.02). Finally, increased attacking effectiveness was found to relate to greater defensive covered distances (r=0.51; p<0.01).

Running behaviour prior to GSOs was found to relate to the subsequent outcome. Specifically, space ahead of attackers, forcing defenders to cover more ground, was found to relate to GSO effectiveness. The running behaviour of attackers was found unrelated to previous activity, highlighting the significance of physical capacity and well-timed substitutions.

Running behaviour prior to GSOs was found to relate to the subsequent outcome. Specifically, space ahead of attackers, forcing defenders to cover more ground, was found to relate to GSO effectiveness. The running behaviour of attackers was found unrelated to previous activity, highlighting the significance of physical capacity and well-timed substitutions.

This study sought to reduce the dimensionality of commonly reported spatiotemporal characteristics obtained from Australian Football games to facilitate their practical use and interpretability.

A retrospective longitudinal design was utilised with team and individual spatiotemporal variables, measured via global navigation satellite system devices, collected during official Australian Football League matched over three seasons. Two separate principal component analyses were conducted at the team and individual level to reduce correlated spatiotemporal characteristics into a smaller set of uncorrelated components.

At the team level, eighteen variables were reduced to five components pertaining to dispersive coordination, lateral predictability and spacing, multidirectional synchrony, longitudinal predictability and longitudinal behaviour whilst maintaining 69% of variance in the original dataset. At the individual level, fifteen variables were reduced to four components pertaining to


whilst maintaining 64% of variance.

This study is the first to provide a simplified, novel method for analysing spatiotemporal behaviour in an Australian Football context with both the team- and individual- derived metrics revealing useful information for coaches and practitioners. Components may provide insight into behaviours that emerge and persist throughout a game and allow coaches to distinguish between different playing/behavioural styles.

This study is the first to provide a simplified, novel method for analysing spatiotemporal behaviour in an Australian Football context with both the team- and individual- derived metrics revealing useful information for coaches and practitioners. Components may provide insight into behaviours that emerge and persist throughout a game and allow coaches to distinguish between different playing/behavioural styles.Background While breastfeeding has increased during the past 50 years, disparities continue, with Black women having the lowest rates. Use of paid leave has been associated with longer breastfeeding duration. Objective Evaluate the impact of New York (NY)'s Paid Family Leave (PFL) law on breastfeeding, after it became effective on January 1, 2018. Materials and Methods Women in NY (excluding NY City), who gave birth in 2016-2019 and completed the Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS) survey, were included. Data from PRAMS and the NY State Expanded Birth Certificate were combined. Changes in breastfeeding initiation and duration and use of paid leave were compared, before and after NY's PFL law became effective, with separate analysis by sociodemographic factors. Results Before NYPFL, Black women were least likely to initiate breastfeeding and breastfed for the shortest duration. After NYPFL went into effect, breastfeeding initiation and duration to 8 weeks increased for Black women, but not for other racial/ethnic groups; these findings persisted after adjustment for sociodemographic factors. NF-κB inhibitor Use of paid leave after childbirth increased 15% overall, with greater increases among Black women and Hispanic women. Conclusions Implementation of the NYPFL law was associated with increased breastfeeding among Black women and increased use of paid leave by all. Greater increases in breastfeeding among Black women significantly reduced breastfeeding disparities by race/ethnicity. More widespread implementation of PFL programs in the United States would promote equity in the use of paid leave, which could reduce disparities in breastfeeding initiation and duration and possibly improve infant and maternal health outcomes.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory infection transmitted by droplets, aerosols, and contact. Controlling the spread of COVID-19 and developing effective decontamination options are urgent issues for the international community. Here, we report the quantitative inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 in liquid and aerosolized samples by a state-of-the-art, high-power, AlGaN-based, single-chip compact deep-UV (DUV) light-emitting diode (LED) that produces a record continuous-wave output power of 500 mW at its peak emission wavelength of 265 nm. Using this DUV-LED, we observed a greater-than-5-log reduction in infectious SARS-CoV-2 in liquid samples within very short irradiation times ( less then 0.4 s). When we quantified the efficacy of the 265-nm DUV-LED in inactivating SARS-CoV-2, we found that DUV-LED inactivation of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 was approximately nine times greater than that of SARS-CoV-2 suspension. Our data demonstrate that this newly developed, compact, high-power 265-nm DUV-LED irradiation system with remarkably high inactivation efficiency for aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 could be an effective and practical tool for controlling SARS-CoV-2 spread. IMPORTANCE We developed a 265-nm high-power DUV-LED irradiation system and quantitatively demonstrated that the DUV-LED can inactivate SARS-CoV-2 in suspensions and aerosols within very short irradiation times. We also found that the inactivation effect was about nine times greater against aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 than against SARS-CoV-2 suspensions. The DUV-LED has several advantages over conventional LEDs and mercury lamps, including high power, compactness, and environmental friendliness; its rapid inactivation of aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 opens up new possibilities for the practical application of DUV-LEDs in high-efficiency air purification systems to control airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

Autoři článku: Mouridsencastro1949 (Simmons Persson)