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The Lewis base sites prevalent on the clay siloxane surfaces could stabilize the MP radical cations and prevent their recombination with hydrated electrons, which promoted the generation of •OH under aerobic conditions, and facilitated the degradation of MP. Two-dimensional (2D) Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) correlation spectroscopy (COS) analysis and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a Q Exactive Orbitrap HF mass spectrometer were used to identify the sequential changes of functional groups, and the degradation products of the MPs. This study improves our understanding on the aging of MPs in the complex natural environment.The Seine Estuary is historically one of the most contaminated estuaries in Europe. In 2002 the estuary underwent major redevelopment which emphasized environmental remediation to measure biological effects. The present study investigated the health status of the sentinel species Hediste diversicolor in the Seine estuary by comparing data from a sampling campaign immediately after the Seine underwent reconstruction and 10 years afterward. Both studies implemented multiple levels of biological organization ranging from enzymatic biomarkers to population density. Integrative modeling was used to establish a holistic status assessment for H. diversicolor in the Seine. H. diversicolor populations in the Seine estuary were impacted in both campaigns suggesting no significant improvements over the 10-year period. This interpretation however can be improved by increasing the number of reference sites used to establish the baseline natural variation, integrating additional environmental parameters into the model and measuring additional biological endpoints, such as reproductive status.We designed a robotic architecture system within a commercially available socially assistive robot to engage pairs of older adults in multimodal activities over 3 weeks for 6 sessions. The study took place in two assisted living facilities. Seven pairs (14 individuals) completed the experiment. Ages ranged from 70 to 90 years with a mean age of 83.0 (± 6.1). Most were women (79%). Three adults were screened as having normal cognition, 10 had mild cognitive impairment, and 1 adult self-reported a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. All sessions were video recorded and analyzed using Noldus Observer XT. Individuals demonstrated high levels of both human-human interaction and human-robot interaction, but the activity influenced the type of interaction. Engagement measures (visual, verbal, behavioral) also varied by type of activity. Future studies will focus on further development of activities that can engage older adults with varying levels of cognitive impairment and apathy.3CLpro is a key proteinase for SARS-CoV-2 replication and serves as an important target for antiviral drug development. selleck However, how its activity is regulated intracellularly is still obscure. In this study, we developed a 3CLpro protease activity reporter system to examine the impact of various factors, including nutrient supplements, ions, pHs, or oxidative stress inducers, on 3CLpro protease activity. We found that oxidative stress could increase the overall activity of 3CLpro. Not altering the expression, oxidative stress decreased the solubility of 3CLpro in the lysis buffer containing 1% Triton-X-100. The Triton-X-100-insoluble 3CLpro was correlated with aggregates' formation and responsible for the increased enzymatic activity. The disulfide bonds formed between Cys85 sites of 3CLpro protomers account for the insolubility and the aggregation of 3CLpro. Besides being regulated by oxidative stress, 3CLpro impaired the cellular antioxidant capacity by regulating the cleavage of GPx1 at its N-terminus. This cleavage could further elevate the 3CLpro-proximate oxidative activity, favor aggregation and activation of 3CLpro, and thus lead to a positive feedback loop. In summary, we reported that oxidative stress transforms 3CLpro into a detergent-insoluble form that is more enzymatically active, leading to increased viral replication/transcription. Our study provided mechanistic evidence that suggests the therapeutic potential of antioxidants in the clinical treatment of COVID-19 patients.

To investigate the microstructure, elemental composition and mechanical properties of polar bear teeth.

Incisors, canines and fourth premolar teeth of two subadult male museum specimens were analysed. Teeth were measured, photographed, embedded in Epoxy resin, sectioned, polished and etched for scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging, elemental composition and nanomechanical testing analyses.

The thickness of enamel ranged from 350-430µm in canines, 220-330µm in incisors and 320-510µm in premolars. SEM images showed distinct transversely-oriented undulating Hunter Schreger bands from the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) to the outer enamel surface. Enamel prisms had a hexagonal shape, with open prism sheaths. Prisms measured 6-8µm in diameter. The EDJ was straight with no evidence of scalloping. Larger tubules adjacent to the EDJ were observed in the mantle dentine zone. Enamel Hardness and Elastic modulus values were higher in premolars (6.9GPa and 269GPa), followed by canines (6.5GPa and 230GPa) and incisors (4.9GPa and 187GPa). Dentine Hardness and Elastic modulus values were higher in canines. CaO and P


were the components with higher oxide weight percentage in both enamel and dentine.

Understanding the microstructure, elemental composition and mechanical properties of polar bear teeth can help elucidate the biology and functional morphology of this globally threatened species and could be used as a proxy for studies with fossil ursids.

Understanding the microstructure, elemental composition and mechanical properties of polar bear teeth can help elucidate the biology and functional morphology of this globally threatened species and could be used as a proxy for studies with fossil ursids.

Our goal was to describe specific patterns associated with co-prescriptions of gabapentin, opioids, and benzodiazepines among disabled Medicare beneficiaries.

Using 2013-2015 Medicare data, we conducted a retrospective cohort study among fee-for-service disabled beneficiaries continuously enrolled in Medicare Parts A, B, and D. The index date was defined as the earliest fill date for a gabapentin, opioid, or benzodiazepine prescription. Monotherapy, dual therapy, and tri-therapy were defined as utilization of one, two, and three medication classes, respectively. Augmentation was defined as a prescription for a different medication class in addition to prescription for initial medication; switching referred to a change in prescription for a different medication class with no subsequent fills of initial medication. We used descriptive statistics, Kaplan Meier analyses and Cox proportional hazards to examine the association between initial therapy and monotherapy, dual therapy, tri-therapy, switching and auge examined comprehensively, especially for those in vulnerable sub-groups.

The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) is widely used and validated in primary care settings for alcohol screening, yet practical challenges in conducting it in crowded clinics exist. Recently, a new abbreviated version of the AUDIT, was presented the Screening Test for At-risk Drinking (STAD). This study aimed to evaluate the performance of STAD compared to other abbreviated versions of AUDIT for patients visiting the emergency department (ED).

This cross-sectional survey was conducted with 543 patients in the urban tertiary academic hospital ED in South Korea We diagnosed at-risk drinking using the entire AUDIT score. The optimal cut-off values, sensitivity, specificity, and the area under the receiver operating characteristics (AUROC) of the STAD were analyzed. We compared the AUROC with AUDIT-C and AUDIT-QF, which are previously abbreviated versions of AUDIT.

For males, the optimal cut-off value in the STAD test was 3 points with 83.1% sensitivity (95% CI 75.3-89.2) and 95.9% specificity (95% CI 91.2-98.5). For females, the optimal cut-off value was 2 points with 95.9% sensitivity (95% CI 88.5-99.1) and 89.1% specificity (95% CI 83.9-93.0). The AUROC curves for STAD were 0.964 (95% CI 0.934-0.983) for males and 0.980 (95% CI 0.965-0.993) for females.

The STAD is a simple and useful test to screen at-risk drinking in the ED, and its assisted applications will enable faster and more efficient screening and management of at-risk drinking.

The STAD is a simple and useful test to screen at-risk drinking in the ED, and its assisted applications will enable faster and more efficient screening and management of at-risk drinking.

Methamphetamine dependence is associated with social cognition deficits that may underpin negative social outcomes. However, there are considerable inter-individual differences in social cognition within people with methamphetamine dependence, with age of onset of methamphetamine use being a potential contributing factor.

We conducted two sequential studies examining the link between age of onset of methamphetamine use (adolescence versus young adulthood) and performance in social cognition tests (1) a human cross-sectional study in 95 participants with methamphetamine dependence varying in age of onset (38 with adolescent onset and 57 with adult onset) and 49 drug-naïve controls; (2) a mice study in which we tested the effects of methamphetamine exposure during adolescence versus young adulthood on social interaction and aggression, and their potential neurochemical substrates in the striatal dopaminergic system.

We initially showed that people with methamphetamine dependence who started use in adolescence had higher antisocial beliefs (p=0.046, Cohen's d=0.42) and worse emotion recognition (p=0.031, Cohen's d=0.44) than those who started use during adulthood. We reasoned that this could be due to either social cognition deficits leading to earlier onset of methamphetamine use, or methamphetamine-induced neuroadaptive effects specific to adolescence. Mice experiments showed that methamphetamine exposure during adolescence specifically decreased social investigation during social interaction and upregulated striatal tyrosine hydroxylase (p<0.05, Bonferroni corrected). There was no evidence of adolescent-specific methamphetamine effects on aggression or other measures of dopaminergic function.

Together, translational findings demonstrate heightened sensitivity to methamphetamine effects on social cognition during adolescence.

Together, translational findings demonstrate heightened sensitivity to methamphetamine effects on social cognition during adolescence.

Supervised consumption services (SCS) prevent drug related harms for people who use drugs (PWUD) and often require a feasibility study before implementation. While there is a growing feasibility study literature, it has not been synthesized for use by researchers and SCS planners. We conducted a scoping review of feasibility studies reporting on preferred SCS design characteristics, staffing models and ancillary services.

We searched academic databases and grey literature sources with key terms related to SCS and feasibility studies. Team members reviewed search results and included feasibility studies with findings relevant to SCS design, staff, or ancillary services. The research methods and findings from included studies regarding design elements were charted, collated, and reported.

The search yielded 1347 results; 26 met eligibility criteria for review. Most reported preferences for SCS location, hours and wait times. Few reported preferences for security, space allocation by type of drug use, and onsite opioid prescribing.

Autoři článku: Mossdohn6759 (Donaldson Dogan)