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Loss or disrupted expression of the FMR1 gene causes fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common monogenetic form of autism in humans. Although disruptions in sensory processing are core traits of FXS and autism, the neural underpinnings of these phenotypes are poorly understood. click here Using calcium imaging to record from the entire brain at cellular resolution, we investigated neuronal responses to visual and auditory stimuli in larval zebrafish, using fmr1 mutants to model FXS. The purpose of this study was to model the alterations of sensory networks, brain-wide and at cellular resolution, that underlie the sensory aspects of FXS and autism.

Combining functional analyses with the neurons' anatomical positions, we found that fmr1

animals have normal responses to visual motion. However, there were several alterations in the auditory processing of fmr1

animals. Auditory responses were more plentiful in hindbrain structures and in the thalamus. The thalamus, torus semicircularis, and tegmentum had clusters of f FXS.

We demonstrated that fmr1-/- larvae are hypersensitive to sound, with a 3-6 dB shift in sensitivity, and identified four sub-cortical brain regions with more plentiful responses and/or greater response strengths to auditory stimuli. We also constructed an experimentally supported model of how auditory information may be processed brain-wide in fmr1-/- larvae. Our model suggests that the early ascending auditory pathway transmits more auditory information, with less filtering and modulation, in this model of FXS.

Health professionals' training is a key element to address unhealthy alcohol use in Primary Care (PC). Education about alcohol use can be effective in improving PC provider's knowledge and skills addressing alcohol-related problems. The aim of the study was to evaluate the training of health professionals to address unhealthy alcohol use in PC.

An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study was performed.

PC centres of the Spanish National Health System (SNHS).

Family physicians, residents and nurses completed an online questionnaire that inquired about their training (none, basic, medium or advanced), knowledge and preventive practices aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use. The study population was recruited via random sampling, stratified by the regions of the SNHS's PC centre, and by email invitation to members of two Spanish scientific societies of Family Medicine.

A total of 1760 professionals participated in the study. Sixty-seven percent (95% CI 67.5-71.8) reported not ha reveals a low level of training among Spanish PC providers to address unhealthy alcohol use. A higher percentage of screening, clinical assessment and counselling interventions aimed at reducing unhealthy alcohol use was reported by health professionals with an intermediate or advanced level of training.

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) are two important pathogens causing Mycoplasma pneumonia of swine (MPS) and porcine circovirus diseases and porcine circovirus-associated diseases (PCVDs/PCVADs), respectively, and resulted in considerable economic loss to the swine industry worldwide. Currently, vaccination is one of the main measures to control these two diseases; however, there are few combination vaccines that can prevent these two diseases. To determine the effect of combination immunization, we developed capsid-derived (Cap) virus-like particles (VLPs) of PCV2 and a new recombinant chimera composed of the P97R1, P46, and P42 antigens of Mhp. Then we investigated the immune responses induced by the immunization with this combination vaccine in mice and piglets.

The high level antibodies against three protein antigens (P97R1, P46, and P42 of Mhp) were produced after immunization, up to or higher than 1400,000; the antibody levels in Pro group continuously increased throughout the 42 days for all the antigens tested. The lymphocyte proliferative response in PCV2 group was stronger than that in PBS, VP, Mhp CV in mice. The antibody levels for Cap remained stable and reached the peak at 35 DAI. The IFN-γ and IL-4 in sera were significantly enhanced in the Pro group than that in the negative control-VP group on Day 14 and 28 post-the first immunization in piglets.

Above all, the combination immunization could induce humoral and cellular immune responses against all four antigens in mice and piglets. Therefore, our approach is a simple and effective vaccination strategy to protect pigs against MPS and PCVD/PCVAD.

Above all, the combination immunization could induce humoral and cellular immune responses against all four antigens in mice and piglets. Therefore, our approach is a simple and effective vaccination strategy to protect pigs against MPS and PCVD/PCVAD.

We present a living donor case with an unexpected large-volume pneumothorax diagnosed using lung ultrasound during a laparoscopic hepatectomy for liver transplantation (LT).

A 38-year-old healthy female living donor underwent elective laparoscopic right hepatectomy. The preoperative chest radiography (CXR) and computed tomography images were normal. The surgery was uneventfully performed with tolerable CO

insufflation and the head-up position. SpO

decreased and airway peak pressure increased abruptly after beginning the surgery. There were no improvements in the SpO

or airway pressure despite adjusting the endotracheal tube. Eventually, lung ultrasound was performed to rule out a pneumothorax, and we verified the stratosphere sign as a marker for the pneumothorax. The surgeon was asked to temporarily hold the surgery and cease with the pneumoperitoneum. Portable CXR verified a large right pneumothorax with a small degree of left lung collapse; thus, a chest tube was inserted on the right side. The hhorax early significantly decreases the safety for living donors, point-of-care lung ultrasound may help attending physicians reach the final diagnosis of an intraoperative pneumothorax more rapidly and to plan the treatment more effectively.

Myospherulosis develops as the result of a reaction between exogenous lipids and red blood cells (RBC) of the patient, being the latter injured when perceived as a foreign body by the immune system, triggering an intense inflammatory response.

A 63-year-old man with a history of dyslipidemia, Barret's esophagus, and coronary disease, who was taken to thoracoscopy and left inferior lobectomy due to the presence of a pulmonary mass. A primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. On follow up a PET-CT was performed, in which a metabolically active lesion was described adjacent to the prior lobectomy, suggesting a local relapse. EBUS-TBNA was then performed, obtaining a sample from which histopathological pattern compatible with myospherulosis was obtained.

Although it is a rare entity, myospherulosis has a well-defined morphological pattern. By not recognizing myospherulosis as a benign lesion, a patient's risk of invasive cancer can be overestimated. It is a phenomenon found with increasing frequency and has been reported in different tissues, however, this is the first report in the literature of myospherulosis of the lung.

Autoři článku: Morrowstampe8582 (Bryan Connor)