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52% (for peanut residue only) to 19.51% due to the synergistic effect between them. Under the optimal hydrothermal conditions of 240 °C, 120 min, and mixing ratio of 11, the hydrochar yield was as high as 27.86%, and the C/N value (11.98) and TNC (6.331%) were both appropriate as fertilizer. Furthermore, the potential migration and transformation paths of nutrients including N, P, K and metal elements in the co-HTC were analyzed. The thermodynamic conditions and raw materials composition significantly affect the migration and transformation of N, P and K between solid and liquid. N dissolved into process water (mainly ammonia) would migrate into hydrochar and bio-oil with increasing of reaction temperature. P was fixed in hydrochar through precipitation and adsorption reaction with metal ions. Further, adjusting pH or adding metal salts can promote the fixation of N and P in solid.The population of Texas has increased rapidly in the past decade. The San Antonio Field Study (SAFS) was designed to investigate ozone (O3) production and precursors in this rapidly changing, sprawling metropolitan area. There are still many questions regarding the sources and chemistry of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban areas like San Antonio which are affected by a complex mixture of industry, traffic, biogenic sources and transported pollutants. The goal of the SAFS campaign in May 2017 was to measure inorganic trace gases, VOCs, methane (CH4), and ethane (C2H6). The SAFS field design included two sites to better assess air quality across the metro area an urban site (Traveler's World; TW) and a downwind/suburban site (University of Texas at San Antonio; UTSA). The results indicated that acetone (2.52 ± 1.17 and 2.39 ± 1.27 ppbv), acetaldehyde (1.45 ± 1.02 and 0.93 ± 0.45 ppbv) and isoprene (0.64 ± 0.49 and 1.21 ± 0.85 ppbv; TW and UTSA, respectively) were the VOCs with the highest concentrations. Additionally, positive matrix factorization showed three dominant factors of VOC emissions biogenic, aged urban mixed source, and acetone. Methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein (MVK + MACR) exhibited contributions from both secondary photooxidation of isoprene and direct emissions from traffic. The C2H6CH4 demonstrated potential influence of oil and gas activities in San Antonio. Moreover, the high O3 days during the campaign were in the NOx-limited O3 formation regime and were preceded by evening peaks in select VOCs, NOx and CO. Overall, quantification of the concentration and trends of VOCs and trace gases in a major city in Texas offers vital information for general air quality management and supports strategies for reducing O3 pollution. The SAFS campaign VOC results will also add to the growing body of literature on urban sources and concentrations of VOCs in major urban areas.A diverse array of natural and anthropogenic particles found in the aquatic environment, can act as carriers of co-transported matter (CTM), such as nutrients, genetic material and contaminants. Thus, understanding carrier particle transport will increase our understanding of local and global fluxes of exogenous CTM (affiliated with the particle) and endogenous CTM (an inherent part of the particle). In the present contribution, researchers from multiple disciplines collaborated to provide perspectives on the interactions between carrier particles and CTM, and the fundamentals of transport of particles found in the aquatic environment and the generic spherical smooth particles, often used to make predictions about particle behavior in suspension. Evidently, the particles in the aquatic environment show a great variety of characteristics and vary greatly from each other as well as from the generic particle. However, in spite of these differences, many fundamental concepts apply to particles in general. We emphasize the importance of understanding the basic concepts of transport of particle-associated CTM, and the main assumptions in the generic-founded models, which are challenged by the diverging characteristics of particles found in the aquatic environment, as paramount moving forward. Additionally, we identified the need for a conceptual and semantic link between different scientific fields of particle research and initiated the formation of a consistent terminology. Disciplinary and organizational (academic and funding) barriers need to be overcome to enable individual researchers to move beyond their knowledge sphere, to stimulate future interdisciplinary collaborations and to avoid research silos. Hereby, we can foster faster and better progress of evolving research fields on new and emerging anthropogenic carrier particles, and stimulate the development of solutions to the technological and environmental challenges.It is evident from the literature that research on the treatment of leachate generated from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills has been a focus area of environmental management. However, the available information is discrete because most studies have reported only one or a couple of aspects of either closed or active MSW landfill leachate treatment. Hence, this investigation has focused on comprehensive attributes of both closed landfill leachate (CLL) and active landfill leachate (ALL), including generation, characterisation, and toxicity assessment to quantify and establish their pollution potential. The results indicated that CLL generation is higher (188.59 m3/d) than ALL (49.53 m3/d). The concentrations of principal physical, chemical, and biological constituents and concomitant leachate pollution index were higher in CLL (33.20) than in ALL (26.65). Furthermore, the germination indices of CLL (57.48) and ALL (79.14) and tail DNA damage of CLL (56.49%) and ALL (23.8%) ratified greater phytotoxicity and genotoxicity potential, respectively of CLL over ALL. The reasons for the variations in the generation, characteristics, and toxicity of CLL and ALL were discussed in detail. Evaluation of the commonly used landfill leachate treatment methods through the analytical hierarchy process confirmed that the activated sludge process and Fenton oxidation process are the most and least preferred treatment methods. The comprehensive investigation of CLL and ALL have established their pollution potential and the inevitable necessity for their treatment. The findings of this investigation will serve as a ready reference for researchers from academia and industry who work on the monitoring, treatment, and management of landfill leachate.Most bioaccumulation assessments select one or several compound classes a priori for analysis performed by either liquid or gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS or GC-MS). When organisms are exposed to complex mixtures of trace organic contaminants (TOrCs), targeted chemical assays limit understanding of contaminant profiles in biological tissues and associated risks. We used a semi-quantitative suspect-screening approach to assess the bioaccumulation potential of diverse TOrCs in black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) using almond hulls (by-products of the booming almond industry in California) as test substrates. BSFL digestion is gaining traction as a resource recovery strategy to generate animal feed from low-value organic wastes. We screened almond hulls from six California farms for the presence of 5728 TOrCs using high resolution mass spectrometry. We then categorized the risk potential of 46 TOrCs detected in the hulls based on their predicted bioaccumulation, persistence, and toxicity in order to select two hulls for an in situ BSFL bioaccumulation screening study. We analyzed larvae tissues and feeding substrate initially and after 14 days of growth using targeted, suspect-screening, and nontarget-screening methods. The survival rate of BSFL in all rearing reactors was greater than 90%, indicating low toxicity of the substrates to BSFL. Esfenvalerate, cyhalothrin, and bifenthrin were the most abundant pyrethroids quantified (81.7 to 381.6 ng/g-dw) in the hulls. Bifenthrin bioaccumulated in BSFL tissues (14-day bioaccumulation factor, BAF, of 2.17 ± 0.24). For nontarget analysis, kendrick mass defect (KMD) analysis of PFAS homologous series revealed hydrogen-substituted perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (H-PFCAs) in the hulls and BSFL tissues after growth. Our approach demonstrates the utility of suspect-screening in chemical safety assessments when organic wastes with highly diverse and variable contaminant profiles are used in resource recovery pipelines.Plastic has contributed enormously to the healthcare sector and towards public health safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the frequent usage of plastic-based personal protective equipment (PPEs) (including face masks, gloves, protective body suits, aprons, gowns, face shields, surgical masks, and goggles), by frontline health workers, there has been a tremendous increase in their manufacture and distribution. Different types of plastic polymers are used in the manufacture of this equipment, depending upon their usage. However, since a majority of these plastics are still single-use plastics (SUP), they are not at all eco-friendly and end up generating large quantities of plastic waste. The overview presents the various available and practiced methods in vogue for disposal cum treatment of these highly contaminated plastic wastes. Among the current methods of plastic waste disposal, incineration and land filling are the most common ones, but both these methods have their negative impacts on the environment. Alongside, numerous methods that can be used to sterilize them before any treatment have been discussed. There are several new sorting technologies, to help produce purer polymers that can be made to undergo thermal or chemical treatments. Microbial degradation is one such novel method that is under the spotlight currently and being studied extensively, because of its ecological advantages, cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and maintenance. In addition to the deliberations on the methods, strategies have been enumerated for combination of different methods, vis-à-vis studying the life cycle assessment towards a more circular economy in handling this menace to protect mankind.Effective agricultural water management requires accurate and timely identification of crop water stress at the farm-scale for irrigation advisories or to allocate the optimal amount of water for irrigation. Various drought indices are being utilized to map the water-stressed locations/farms in agricultural regions. Most of these existing drought indices provide some degree of characterization of water stress but do not adequately provide spatially resolved high-resolution (farm-scale) information for decision-making about irrigation advisories or water allocation. These existing drought indices need modeling and climatology information, hence making them data-intensive and complex to compute. Therefore, a reliable, simple, and computationally easy method without modeling to characterize the water stress at high-resolution is essential for the operational mapping of water-stressed farms in agricultural regions. The proposed new approach facilitates improved and quick decision-making without compromising much of the skills imparted by the established drought indices.

Autoři článku: Morrishandberg5098 (Cowan Leth)