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In this regard, these findings indicate that this injectable thermo-responsive hydrogel carries great potential for TPL as a safe and effective cancer therapy.Conjugation of antibodies to nanoparticles allows specific cancer targeting, but conventional conjugation methods generate heterogeneous conjugations that cannot guarantee the optimal orientation and functionality of the conjugated antibody. Here, a molecular engineering technique was used for site-specific conjugation of antibodies to nanoparticles. We designed an anti-claudin 3 (CLDN3) antibody containing a single cysteine residue, h4G3cys, then linked it to the maleimide group of lipid polydopamine hybrid nanoparticles (LPNs). Because of their negatively charged lipid coating, LPNs showed high colloidal stability and provided a functional surface for site-specific conjugation of h4G3cys. The activity of h4G3cys was tested by measuring the binding of h4G3cys-conjugated LPNs (C-LPNs) to CLDN3-positive tumor cells and assessing its subsequent photothermal effects. C-LPNsspecifically recognized CLDN3-overexpressing T47D breast cancer cells but not CLDN3-negative Hs578T breast cancer cells. High binding of C-LPNs to CLDN3-overexpressing T47D cells resulted in significantly higher temperature generation upon NIR irradiation and potent anticancer photothermal efficacy. Consistent with this, intravenous injection of C-LPNsin a T47D xenograft mouse model followed by NIR irradiation caused remarkable tumor ablation compared with other treatments through high temperature increases. Our results establish an accurate antibody-linking method and demonstrate the possibility of developing therapeutics using antibody-guided nanoparticles.Malignant tumor has become an urgent threat to global public healthcare. Because of the heterogeneity of tumor, single therapy presents great limitations while synergistic therapy is arousing much attention, which shows desperate need of intelligent carrier for co-delivery. A core‒shell dual metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) system was delicately designed in this study, which not only possessed the unique properties of both materials, but also provided two individual specific functional zones for co-drug delivery. Photosensitizer indocyanine green (ICG) and chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin (DOX) were stepwisely encapsulated into the nanopores of MIL-88 core and ZIF-8 shell to construct a synergistic photothermal/photodynamic/chemotherapy nanoplatform. Except for efficient drug delivery, the MIL-88 could be functioned as a nanomotor to convert the excessive hydrogen peroxide at tumor microenvironment into adequate oxygen for photodynamic therapy. The DOX release from MIL-88-ICG@ZIF-8-DOX nanoparticles was triggered at tumor acidic microenvironment and further accelerated by near-infrared (NIR) light irradiation. The in vivo antitumor study showed superior synergistic antitumor effect by concentrating the nanoparticles into dissolving microneedles as compared to intravenous and intratumoral injection of nanoparticles, with a significantly higher inhibition rate. It is anticipated that the multi-model synergistic system based on dual-MOFs was promising for further biomedical application.The dynamic or flowing tumor cells just as leukemia cells and circulating tumor cells face a microenvironment difference from the solid tumors, and the related targeting nanomedicines are rarely reported. The existence of fluidic shear stress in blood circulation seems not favorable for the binding of ligand modified nanodrugs with their target receptor. Namely, the binding feature is very essential in this case. Herein, we utilized HSPC, PEG-DSPE, cholesterol and two αvβ3 ligands (RGDm7 and DT4) with different binding rates to build dual-targeting nanovesicles, in an effort to achieve a "fast-binding/slow-unbinding" function. It was demonstrated that the dual-targeting nanovesicles actualized efficient cellular uptake and antitumor effect in vitro both for static and dynamic tumor cells. Besides, the potency of the dual-targeting vesicles for flowing tumor cells was better than that for static tumor cells. Then, a tumor metastasis mice model and a leukemia mice model were established to detect the killing ability of the drug-loaded dual-targeting vesicles to dynamic tumor cells in vivo. The therapy efficacy of the dual-targeting system was higher than other controls including single-targeting ones. Generally, it seems possible to strengthen drug-targeting to dynamic tumor cells via the control of ligand-receptor interaction.Primary bile acids were reported to augment secretion of chemokine (C‒X‒C motif) ligand 16 (CXCL16) from liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) and trigger natural killer T (NKT) cell-based immunotherapy for liver cancer. However, abundant expression of receptors for primary bile acids across the gastrointestinal tract overwhelms the possibility of using agonists against these receptors for liver cancer control. Taking advantage of the intrinsic property of LSECs in capturing circulating nanoparticles in the circulation, we proposed a strategy using nanoemulsion-loaded obeticholic acid (OCA), a clinically approved selective farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist, for precisely manipulating LSECs for triggering NKT cell-mediated liver cancer immunotherapy. The OCA-nanoemulsion (OCA-NE) was prepared via ultrasonic emulsification method, with a diameter of 184 nm and good stability. In vivo biodistribution studies confirmed that the injected OCA-NE mainly accumulated in the liver and especially in LSECs and Kupffer cells. As a result, OCA-NE treatment significantly suppressed hepatic tumor growth in a murine orthotopic H22 tumor model, which performed much better than oral medication of free OCA. Immunologic analysis revealed that the OCA-NE resulted in augmented secretion of CXCL16 and IFN-γ, as well as increased NKT cell populations inside the tumor. Overall, our research provides a new evidence for the antitumor effect of receptors for primary bile acids, and should inspire using nanotechnology for precisely manipulating LSECs for liver cancer therapy.Macrophages have a leading position in the tumor microenvironment (TME) which paves the way to carcinogenesis. Initially, monocytes and macrophages are recruited to the sites where the tumor develops. Under the guidance of different microenvironmental signals, macrophages would polarize into two functional phenotypes, named as classically activated macrophages (M1) and alternatively activated macrophages (M2). Contrary to the anti-tumor effect of M1, M2 exerts anti-inflammatory and tumorigenic characters. In progressive tumor, M2 tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are in the majority, being vital regulators reacting upon TME. This review elaborates on the role of TAMs in tumor progression. Furthermore, prospective macrophage-focused therapeutic strategies, including drugs not only in clinical trials but also at primary research stages, are summarized followed by a discussion about their clinical application values. Nanoparticulate systems with efficient drug delivery and improved antitumor effect are also summed up in this article.Desmoplastic tumors have an abundance of stromal cells and the extracellular matrix which usually result in therapeutic resistance. Current treatment prescriptions for desmoplastic tumors are usually not sufficient to eliminate the malignancy. Recently, through modulating cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) which are the most abundant cell type among all stromal cells, natural products have improved chemotherapies and the delivery of nanomedicines to the tumor cells, showing promising ability to improve treatment effects on desmoplastic tumors. In this review, we discussed the latest advances in inhibiting desmoplastic tumors by modeling CAFs using natural products, highlighting the potential therapeutic abilities of natural products in targeting CAFs for cancer treatment.The complex tumor microenvironment is a most important factor in cancer development. The biological microenvironment is composed of a variety of barriers including the extracellular matrix and associated cells such as endothelia cells, pericytes, and cancer-associated fibroblasts. Different strategies can be utilized to enhance nanoparticle-based drug delivery and distribution into tumor tissues addressing the extracellular matrix or cellular components. In addition to the biological microenvironment, the immunological conditions around the tumor tissue can be very complicated and cancer cells have various ways of evading immune surveillance. Nanoparticle drug delivery systems can enhance cancer immunotherapy by tuning the immunological response and memory of various immune cells such as T cells, B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. In this review, the main components in the tumor biological and immunological environment are discussed. The focus is on recent advances in nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems towards targets within the tumor microenvironment to improve cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy.In many ways, cancer cells are different from healthy cells. A lot of tactical nano-based drug delivery systems are based on the difference between cancer and healthy cells. Currently, nanotechnology-based delivery systems are the most promising tool to deliver DNA-based products to cancer cells. This review aims to highlight the latest development in the lipids and polymeric nanocarrier for siRNA delivery to the cancer cells. It also provides the necessary information about siRNA development and its mechanism of action. Overall, this review gives us a clear picture of lipid and polymer-based drug delivery systems, which in the future could form the base to translate the basic siRNA biology into siRNA-based cancer therapies.Cancer immunotherapy has veered the paradigm of cancer treatment. Despite recent advances in immunotherapy for improved antitumor efficacy, the complicated tumor microenvironment (TME) is highly immunosuppressive, yielding both astounding and unsatisfactory clinical successes. In this regard, clinical outcomes of currently available immunotherapy are confined to the varied immune systems owing in large part to the lack of understanding of the complexity and diversity of the immune context of the TME. Various advanced designs of nanomedicines could still not fully surmount the delivery barriers of the TME. The immunosuppressive TME may even dampen the efficacy of antitumor immunity. Recently, some nanotechnology-related strategies have been inaugurated to modulate the immunosuppressive cells within the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) for robust immunotherapeutic responses. In this review, we will highlight the current understanding of the immunosuppressive TIME and identify disparate subclasses of TIME that possess an impact on immunotherapy, especially those unique classes associated with the immunosuppressive effect. Selleck SU6656 The immunoregulatory cell types inside the immunosuppressive TIME will be delineated along with the existing and potential approaches for immunosuppressive cell modulation. After introducing the various strategies, we will ultimately outline both the novel therapeutic targets and the potential issues that affect the efficacy of TIME-based nanomedicines.

Autoři článku: Morrisborregaard9892 (Bauer Logan)