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Polyps and podocysts were identified to species level by 18S rDNA and mitochondrial COI sequencing. The three polyps found on Dogger Bank all belonged to the compass jellyfish Chrysaora hysoscella. One podocyst from the Oostende beach also belonged to this species but another podocyst belonged to Cyanea lamarkii. These are the first in situ observations of C. hysoscella and C. lamarckii polyps and podocysts in the natural environment. Mactra, Cerastoderma and Spisula species are abundant in many North Sea regions and empty bivalve shells could provide an abundant settling substrate for jellyfish polyps in the North Sea and other areas. Several new strategies to increase the detection of polyps on bivalve shells are presented.Ctenomys Blainville 1826 is one of the most diverse genera of South American caviomorph rodents. Currently, six species of this genus are reported from Patagonia, south of 42°S. Tacrolimus In this contribution, we assessed the taxonomic status of several populations from eastern and central Chubut province, northern Patagonia. Based on phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences, morphology assessment (qualitative and quantitative), and previously published karyological data, we describe three new species of this genus, one formed by two subspecies, endemic to northern Patagonia. In addition, we include C. coyhaiquensis Kelt and Gallardo 1994 into the synonymy of C. sericeus J.A. Allen 1903. Finally, we discussed the need for additional integrative approaches, including field collection of specimens, to better understand the diversity of this highly speciose rodent genus.Background Poor executive functions are associated with dysregulated eating and greater caloric intake in healthy samples. In parallel, findings suggested that sleep deprivation impairs executive functions. Methods We investigated whether partial sleep deprivation impairs executive functions in individuals reporting binge eating (BE, N = 14) and healthy controls (C, N = 13). Switch cost and backward inhibition were measured using the Task Switching Paradigm after a habitual night of sleep and after a night of partial sleep deprivation. Results Results showed a Night by Group interaction on the backward inhibition. The two groups differed in the habitual night, evidencing higher inhibitory control in BE compared to C. Additionally, after partial sleep deprivation, compared to the habitual night, backward inhibition decreased in BE group. This preliminary study was the first to explore the impact of sleep deprivation on executive functions in participants reporting binge eating and healthy controls, thus highlighting their potential role in influencing eating behavior.Cervical cancer (CC) remains a major disease burden on the female population worldwide. Chemotherapy with cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II); CDDP) and related drugs are the main treatment option for CC; however, their efficacy is limited by the development of drug resistance. Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been found to play critical roles in numerous physiological and pathological cellular processes, including drug resistance of cancer cells. In this review, we describe some of the ncRNAs, including miRNAs, lncRNAs and circRNAs, that are involved in the sensitivity/resistance of CC to CDDP-based chemotherapy and discuss their mechanisms of action. We also describe some ncRNAs that could be therapeutic targets to improve the sensitivity of CC to CDDP-based chemotherapy.The impact of exotic species on heterogeneous native tropical forest requires the understanding on which temporal and spatial scales these processes take place. Functional tracers such as carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopic composition in the soil-plant system might help track the alterations induced by the exotic species. Thus, we assess the effects from the removal of the exotic species eucalyptus (Corymbia cytriodora) in an Atlantic forest Reserve, and eucalyptus removal on the alteration of the nutrient dynamics (carbon and nitrogen). The hypotheses were (1) the eucalyptus permanence time altered δ13C and δ15N in leaves, soils and litter fractions (leaves, wood, flowers + fruits, and rest); and (2) eucalyptus removal furthered decomposition process of the soil organic matter. Hence, we determined the soil granulometry, the δ13C and δ15N in leaves, in the superficial soil layer, and litter in three sites a secondary forest in the Atlantic forest, and other two sites where eucalyptus had been removedmental compositions in the soil-plant system. Our results suggest there was organic matter decomposition in all litter fractions and in all sites. However, a greater organic matter decomposition process was observed in the M3 soil, possibly because of a more intense recent input of vegetal material, as well as the presence of grassy, easily-decomposing herbaceous species, only in this site. Therefore, the dual-isotope approach generated a more integrated picture of the impact on the ecosystem after removing eucalyptus in this secondary Atlantic forest, and could be regarded as an option for future eucalyptus removal studies.Persistent negligence in the field of environmental protection in Poland as well as strong dependance of the energy sector on the fossil fuels have led to serious pollution of the air with particulate matter, which at high concentrations is capable of penetrating into the buildings. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of particulate airborne pollution on the concentration of particulate matter inside the antelope house in the Silesian Zoological Garden located within the Upper Silesia in Poland. The research was conducted from February to May in 2018. The records taken in the research period show that the concentration of PM10 exceeded the level of 50 µg/m3 outside the building during 26 days and 11 days when it comes to the concentration of particulate matter inside the antelope house. The quantity of particulate matter in the antelope house is strongly correlated with the concentration of the particles in the air. Despite fitting existing ventilation system with a filter that reduces the dust level by 60% during the highest level of smog, particulate matter concentration in the antelope house exceeded acceptable limit for PM10 more than twofold.

Autoři článku: Monradhinrichsen6081 (Chandler Rojas)