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5 Types of Fire Surrounds For Electric Stoves

Electric fires create a cozy atmosphere without the fuss of wood burning and smoke. They are an excellent choice for renters who are concerned about the process of starting and maintaining a traditional fire.

They are also easily moved, so should you decide to redecorate or move your house, you are able to take the fire surround with you. This gives you more design options and materials.


Wooden fireplace surrounds are an old-fashioned look to any house. Fireplace surrounds can be customized to your taste and style. Wood is also a light material, making it easy to install. A wooden fireplace surround can be installed the same day that your electric stove is installed and requires little maintenance to maintain its beauty.

Wood fire surrounds are very affordable. Stone is a beautiful, durable material but it can be costly to purchase and set up. Wooden fire surrounds offer an excellent alternative for those who are on a tight budget. Wood is also a natural substance that gives your space an inviting and cozy feel. The timeless material will last for years, so your fireplace will look amazing.

Metal fireplace surrounds have an elegant, modern appearance. They are available in a range of finishes, from polished to brushed and are a great option for any design. They are resistant to heat and are highly customizable. You can match your surround with the rest of your interior.

Brick fireplace surrounds provide a timeless, cost-effective style. They are easy to clean, and can be painted to match any interior design. However, it is important to note that brick is porous, and you should seal your fireplace with a sealant regularly to prevent tsoot and dirt build-up.


As a durable and luxurious material stone has been used in building for long periods of time, and it's not surprising that it's one of the most sought-after materials for fireplace surrounds. Not only does it offer the flexibility of design and a timeless style but it also offers great durability with a high heat resistance. It is durable and can withstand the daily rigors of use.

A natural stone fireplace can be a beautiful and eye-catching feature for your home. You can choose from a variety of different stones such as limestone, granite and Travertine. Each has a distinct appearance and color, but all are extremely versatile. Stone is a great choice for traditional and modern designs. Stone complements cool and warm hues.

Natural stone is a high-end material, and generally costs more than cheaper materials like wood or brick. It's a great investment in the long run and will increase the value of your home because it will last longer than more affordable alternatives.

Concrete is a popular alternative, thanks to its minimalist design and the ability to customize it. Concrete can be tinted to many colors and textures that complement any decor. Concrete is durable and hard, so it can withstand many years of wear and tear, and is even fireproof.

If you're looking for a modern approach to the traditional stone fire place, try our Jura stone fireplace for a style that can be paired with any style of decor. Or, the Tasmin Micro Marble fireplace for timeless elegance. Or, if you want to add some serious sophistication, the Rydal black granite fireplace is sure to turn heads and lift your space.


Fireplace surrounds aren't just decorative, but they also protect the firebox and increase heating efficiency. They also allow homeowners to turn off the flames, and preserve the ambiance with just one touch to enjoy all year round.

Brick fireplace surrounds are available in a range of colors and sizes. They range from small red bricks that are inspired by mid-century modern to large rustic-looking bricks. Both craftsman and traditional homes can benefit from them. Consider the possibility of a brick fireplace surround painted if you don't have time to maintain your fireplace. It's easier to clean.

Many people choose wood for their fireplaces It is crucial to keep in mind that any combustible material used in the fireplace surround should be 16 to 18 inches away from the opening of the firebox. This will stop the spread and embers of fire that could harm your house. Brick is, however, is a non-combustible material that adheres to National Fire Code standards and will not burn once the flames are shut off.

The dark color of brick can make a room feel warm and cozy It's not surprising that this is the most preferred look for many homeowners. If stoves electric prefer a lighter and airy look but want to be more open, you can create a bright and spacious living area with an elegant white brick fireplace surround, like this one from Flipping Nuts.

A fireplace surround made of brick can be made even more stylish with the addition of a mantel and a decorative decor. The white mantel in this style accentuates the natural beauty of brick and ties the whole look together. Metal fireplace surrounds are a great option that can be a perfect match for contemporary or modern designs. They are strong and resistant to heat, and can be finished in a variety of ways to suit your style preferences.


A fireplace surround made of metal adds a modern touch to any room. They are available in a variety of finishes to suit any style. They are also resistant to heat and conduct heat efficiently making them a great option for homes that have electric stoves.

Stone fireplace surrounds can bring a touch of elegance to any house. Granite, marble and slate are all available in a vast variety of textures and colors to suit any design aesthetic. Marble is a beautiful veining material and is ideal for a classic or contemporary style, while limestone and slate are more understated choices that are a good fit with country or cottage styles. Stone is a popular choice among homeowners due to its beautiful and can withstand extreme temperatures, and has great water resistance.

Concrete is another popular option for a fireplace surround. Concrete is becoming more popular among homeowners because it gives a modern and clean look. Concrete can be tinted to any texture or color. It's very durable, however, it can be heavy and requires professional installation.

A freestanding electric stove is an excellent way to provide warmth without the extra visual clutter of wood burners or fireplaces. They are simple to install and can be moved around to accommodate various heating needs. Some have fireplaces included in the price while others require installation separately.

You might want to consider a gas log stove as an alternative to a log fire. You can add them to your existing fireplace to create a more wood-burning look, or you can buy them as a separate unit.


Concrete surrounds are the ideal accent to electric fireplaces that match your modern design, or if you prefer a more traditional style. Concrete is a well-known material for its minimalist look and versatility. It can be tinted with a variety of shades to mimic the appearance of stone or other materials. It's durable and a great option for modern homes, however, it can be a bit heavy to install, so be sure you hire a professional.

Concrete can be poured onto the wall as a layer or molded into intricate molds to make mantel and hearth. It can be clad in other materials such as wood to give it texture and visual warmth. Some manufacturers offer complete mantel and surround packages which allows you to create a custom appearance with less effort.

For a seamless look, non-combustible materials such as tile, concrete or brick can be utilized. These tiles are available in a wide range of patterns and colors and can be used as flooring throughout the entire space if desired. If you're using a brick or stone surround, ensure that it is fire-rated in accordance with the local building codes.

Although electric stoves don't require a hearth, a surround can make the fireplace more aesthetically pleasing and protect it from damage caused by heat. It can also help retain heat for longer, which can save on energy bills and increases the life of the appliance. Peak Fireplace offers a wide range of fireplace surrounds that fit your home's design and decor. Contact us to discuss your options today!

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