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Furthermore, patients with high 25OHD levels (≥40 ng/mL) exhibited significantly less RBL. In summary, RBL was found to be associated with known patient-specific markers, particularly with age and high LDL-C levels.Obesity surgery is a highly efficacious treatment for obesity and its comorbidities. The underlying mechanisms of weight loss after obesity surgery are not yet fully understood. Changes to taste function could be a contributing factor. However, the pattern of change in different taste domains and among obesity surgery operations is not consistent in the literature. A systematic search was performed to identify all articles investigating gustation in human studies following bariatric procedures. A total of 3323 articles were identified after database searches, searching references and deduplication, and 17 articles were included. These articles provided evidence of changes in the sensory and reward domains of taste following obesity procedures. No study investigated the effect of obesity surgery on the physiological domain of taste. Taste detection sensitivity for sweetness increases shortly after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Additionally, patients have a reduced appetitive reward value to sweet stimuli. For the subgroup of patients who experience changes in their food preferences after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or vertical sleeve gastrectomy, changes in taste function may be underlying mechanisms for changing food preferences which may lead to weight loss and its maintenance. However, data are heterogeneous; the potential effect dilutes over time and varies significantly between different procedures.Polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) are flavonoids exclusively found in certain citrus fruits and have been reported to be beneficial to human health. Most studies have been conducted with PMFs isolated from citrus peels, while there is no study on PMFs isolated from leaves. In this study, we prepared a PMF-rich fraction (PRF) from the leaves of Citrus sunki Hort ex. Tanaka (Jinkyool) and investigated whether the PRF could improve metabolic decline in obese mice induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) for 5 weeks. The HFD-induced obese mice were assigned into HFD, OR (HFD + orlistat at 15.6 mg/kg of body weight/day), and PRF (HFD + 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg of body weight/day) groups. Orlistat and PRF were orally administered for 5 weeks. At the end of the experiment, the serum biochemical parameters, histology, and gene expression profiles in the tissues of each group were analyzed. The body weight gain of the obese mice was significantly reduced after orlistat and PRF administration for 5 weeks. PRF effectively improved HFD-induced insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. Histological analysis in the liver demonstrated that PRF decreased adipocyte size and potentially improved the liver function, as it inhibited the incidence of fatty liver. PRF activated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) in HFD-induced obese mice. Moreover, liver transcriptome analysis revealed that PRF administration enriched genes mainly related to fatty-acid metabolism and immune responses. Overall, these results suggest that the PRF exerted an anti-obesity effect via the modulation of lipid metabolism.Preoperative undernutrition is a prognostic indicator for postoperative mortality and morbidity. Evidence suggests that treating undernutrition can improve surgical outcomes. This study explored the provision of nutritional screening, assessment and support on surgical cancer wards in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This was a qualitative study and participants took part in one focus group or one individual interview. Data were analysed thematically. There were 34 participants from Ghana, India, the Philippines and Zambia 24 healthcare professionals (HCPs) and 10 patients. Results showed that knowledge levels and enthusiasm were high in HCPs. Barriers to adequate nutritional support were a lack of provision of ward and kitchen equipment, food and sustainable nutritional supplements. There was variation across countries towards nutritional screening and assessment which seemed to be driven by resources. Many hospitals where resources were scarce focused on the care of individual patients in favour of an integrated systems approach to identify and manage undernutrition. In conclusion, there is scope to improve the efficiency of nutritional management of surgical cancer patients in LMICs through the integration of nutrition assessment and support into routine hospital policies and procedures, moving from case management undertaken by interested personnel to a system-based approach including the whole multidisciplinary team.Phyllanthus emblica L. (PE) is commonly known as a medicine and food homologous plant, which is abundant in natural products polyphenols. In the present study, polyphenols were extracted from PE fruit by response surface method, and the anti-aging ability was determined. PE fruit polyphenols exhibited strong antioxidant capacities in scavenging free radicals, and anti-cholinesterase ability by inhibition of AChE (IC50 0.2186 ± 0.0416 mg/mL) and BuChE (IC50 0.0542 ± 0.0054 mg/mL) in vitro. Moreover, PE fruit polyphenols showed strong protective effect against the aging process in Caenorhabditis elegans model, including increased thermal resistance, extended lifespan by 18.53% (p 0.05), while decrease in MDA level by 36.25% (p less then 0.05). These properties might be interrelated with the presence of abundant flavonols and phenolic acids identified by UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS, such as quercetin, myricetin, ellagic, gallic, and chlorogenic acids, together with their glycosides. The remarkable antioxidant and anti-aging potential of PE fruit polyphenols could be implemented in the food and pharmaceutical industry.The introduction of the needle muscle biopsy technique in the 1960s allowed muscle tissue to be sampled from exercising humans for the first time. The finding that muscle glycogen content reached low levels at exhaustion suggested that the metabolic cause of fatigue during prolonged exercise had been discovered. A special pre-exercise diet that maximized pre-exercise muscle glycogen storage also increased time to fatigue during prolonged exercise. The logical conclusion was that the athlete's pre-exercise muscle glycogen content is the single most important acutely modifiable determinant of endurance capacity. Muscle biochemists proposed that skeletal muscle has an obligatory dependence on high rates of muscle glycogen/carbohydrate oxidation, especially during high intensity or prolonged exercise. Without this obligatory carbohydrate oxidation from muscle glycogen, optimum muscle metabolism cannot be sustained; fatigue develops and exercise performance is impaired. As plausible as this explanation may appear, it has never been proven. Here, I propose an alternate explanation. All the original studies overlooked one crucial finding, specifically that not only were muscle glycogen concentrations low at exhaustion in all trials, but hypoglycemia was also always present. Here, I provide the historical and modern evidence showing that the blood glucose concentration-reflecting the liver glycogen rather than the muscle glycogen content-is the homeostatically-regulated (protected) variable that drives the metabolic response to prolonged exercise. If this is so, nutritional interventions that enhance exercise performance, especially during prolonged exercise, will be those that assist the body in its efforts to maintain the blood glucose concentration within the normal range.Fish consumption has been thought to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but the reported data are conflicting. We aimed to assess the association between fish consumption (overall, lean fish, and oily fish) and the risk of RA. The E3N Study is a French prospective cohort study including 98,995 women since 1990. Dietary data were collected via a validated food frequency questionnaire in 1993. Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate HRs and 95% CIs for incident RA. Models were adjusted for age and for the main potential confounders including cigarette smoking. Among 62,629 women, 480 incident cases of RA were identified. In the overall population, we did not find a linear association between overall fish consumption and RA risk (p for trend 0.65), but a moderate consumption of fish was associated with a decreased risk of RA (HR 0.74; 95% CI 0.59-0.94 for tertile 2 compared with tertile 1), especially among current or former smokers (HR 0.61; 95% CI 0.44-0.85). Although not statistically significant, a trend towards an inverse association was only found with oily fish consumption (HR 0.81; 95% CI 0.65-1.02), but not with lean fish. Our results suggest that moderate fish consumption could reduce the risk or RA and potentially counterbalance the increased risk of RA induced by smoking. This inverse association might be explained by the omega-3 fatty acid content of oily fish.Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a human genetic condition that affects up to 1 in 10,000 live births. Affected infants present with hypotonia and developmental delay. Hyperphagia and increasing body weight follow unless drastic calorie restriction is initiated. Recently, our laboratory showed that one of the genes in the deleted locus causative for PWS, Snord116, maintains increased expression of hypothalamic Nhlh2, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor. We have previously also shown that obese mice with a deletion of Nhlh2 respond to a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) diet with weight and fat loss. In this study, we investigated whether mice with a paternal deletion of Snord116 (Snord116m+/p-) would respond similarly. We found that while Snord116m+/p- mice and mice with a deletion of both Snord116 alleles were not significantly obese on a high-fat diet, they did lose body weight and fat on a high-fat/CLA diet, suggesting that the genotype did not interfere with CLA actions. There were no changes in food intake or metabolic rate, and only moderate differences in exercise performance. RNA-seq and microbiome analyses identified hypothalamic mRNAs, and differentially populated gut bacteria, that support future mechanistic analyses. CLA may be useful as a food additive to reduce obesity in humans with PWS.Benign prostatic hyperplasia, urolithiasis, recurrent urinary tract infections, and chronic prostatitis are diseases that are commonly diagnosed worldwide. Carotenoids, including lycopene, are widely available in fruits and vegetables, and it is postulated that they can be used in the prevention and treatment of benign urological conditions. The aim of this review is to familiarize doctors and their patients with the current knowledge on carotenoids and their conversion products in selected urological diseases. Most of the experimental and clinical trials show a moderate effect of lycopene and vitamin A on studied parameters. SCH772984 Lycopene was shown to improve the IPSS score in BPH patients, and alleviate symptoms in those with chronic prostatitis. Intake of Vitamin A was associated with decrease of urinary tract reinfection rates. In studied rat models retinol also decreased urolithiasis formation. Although the results of the cited studies are generally promising, it is evident that more detailed and extensive research must be done in this field of medicine.

Autoři článku: Mohamedvance3707 (Cooney Albrektsen)