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All three feature sets are concatenated, creating the time, frequency and spectral power domain feature vectors. These feature vectors are finally fed into the K- nearest neighbour, support vector machine and kernel linear discriminant analysis for the detection and classification of bearing faults. With the proposed method, the reduction percentage of more than 95% percent is achieved, which not only reduces the computational burden but also the classification time. Simulation results show that the signals are classified to achieve an average accuracy of 99.13% using KLDA and 96.64% using KNN classifiers. The results are also compared with the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) features and Fourier transform features without extracting any statistical information, which are two of the most widely used approaches in the literature. To gain a certain level of confidence in the classification results, a detailed statistical analysis is also provided.The analysis of human gait is an important tool in medicine and rehabilitation to evaluate the effects and the progression of neurological diseases resulting in neuromotor disorders. In these fields, the gold standard techniques adopted to perform gait analysis rely on motion capture systems and markers. However, these systems present drawbacks they are expensive, time consuming and they can affect the naturalness of the motion. For these reasons, in the last few years, considerable effort has been spent to study and implement markerless systems based on videography for gait analysis. Unfortunately, only few studies quantitatively compare the differences between markerless and marker-based systems in 3D settings. This work presented a new RGB video-based markerless system leveraging computer vision and deep learning to perform 3D gait analysis. These results were compared with those obtained by a marker-based motion capture system. To this end, we acquired simultaneously with the two systems a multimodal dataset of 16 people repeatedly walking in an indoor environment. With the two methods we obtained similar spatio-temporal parameters. The joint angles were comparable, except for a slight underestimation of the maximum flexion for ankle and knee angles. Taking together these results highlighted the possibility to adopt markerless technique for gait analysis.Detection of human lower body provides an implementation idea for the automatic tracking and accurate relocation of automatic vehicles. Based on traditional SSD and ResNet, this paper proposes an improved detection algorithm R-SSD for human lower body detection, which utilizes ResNet50 instead of VGG16 to improve the feature extraction level of the model. According to the application of acquisition equipment, the model input resolution is increased to 448 × 448 and the model detection range is expanded. Six feature maps of the updated resolution network are selected for detection and the lower body image dataset is clustered into five categories for aspect ratio, which are evenly distributed to each feature detection map. The experimental results show that the model R-SSD detection accuracy after training reaches 85.1% mAP. Compared with the original SSD, the detection accuracy is improved by 7% mAP. The detection confidence in practical application reaches more than 99%, which lays the foundation for subsequent tracking and relocation for automatic vehicles.Augmented-reality (AR) headsets, such as the Microsoft HoloLens 2 (HL2), have the potential to be the next generation of wearable technology as they provide interactive digital stimuli in the context of ecologically-valid daily activities while containing inertial measurement units (IMUs) to objectively quantify the movements of the user. A necessary precursor to the widespread utilization of the HL2 in the fields of movement science and rehabilitation is the rigorous validation of its capacity to generate biomechanical outcomes comparable to gold standard outcomes. This project sought to determine equivalency of kinematic outcomes characterizing lower-extremity function derived from the HL2 and three-dimensional (3D) motion capture systems (MoCap). Sixty-six healthy adults completed two lower-extremity tasks while kinematic data were collected from the HL2 and MoCap (1) continuous walking and (2) timed up-and-go (TUG). For all the continuous walking metrics (cumulative distance, time, number of steps, step and stride length, and velocity), equivalence testing indicated that the HL2 and MoCap were statistically equivalent (error ≤ 5%). The TUG metrics, including turn duration and turn velocity, were also statistically equivalent between the two systems. The accurate quantification of gait and turning using a wearable such as the HL2 provides initial evidence for its use as a platform for the development and delivery of gait and mobility assessments, including the in-person and remote delivery of highly salient digital movement assessments and rehabilitation protocols.

To identify and summarize biomechanical assessment approaches in interlimb coordination on poststroke gait.

Interlimb coordination involves complex neurophysiological mechanisms that can be expressed through the biomechanical output. The deepening of this concept would have a significant contribution in gait rehabilitation in patients with an asymmetric neurological impairment as poststroke adults.

Poststroke adults (>19 years old), with assessment of interlimb coordination during gait, in an open context, according to the Population, Concept, Context framework.

A literature search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science™, Scopus, and gray literature in Google Scholar™, according to the PRISMA-ScR recommendations. Studies written in Portuguese or English language and published between database inception and 14 November 2021 were included. Qualitative studies, conference proceedings, letters, and editorials were excluded. The main conceptual categories were "author/year", "study design", "particcould contribute to improve better knowledge of interlimb coordination assessment in poststroke patients.

Assessment of interlimb coordination during gait is important for consideration of natural auto-selected overground walking, using kinematic, kinetic, and EMG instruments. These allow for the collection of the main biomechanical outcomes that could contribute to improve better knowledge of interlimb coordination assessment in poststroke patients.Recently, deep models have been very popular because they achieve excellent performance with many classification problems. Deep networks have high computational complexities and require specific hardware. To overcome this problem (without decreasing classification ability), a hand-modeled feature selection method is proposed in this paper. A new shape-based local feature extractor is presented which uses the geometric shape of the frustum. By using a frustum pattern, textural features are generated. Moreover, statistical features have been extracted in this model. Textures and statistics features are fused, and a hybrid feature extraction phase is obtained; these features are low-level. To generate high level features, tunable Q factor wavelet transform (TQWT) is used. The presented hybrid feature generator creates 154 feature vectors; hence, it is named Frustum154. In the multilevel feature creation phase, this model can select the appropriate feature vectors automatically and create the final feature vector by merging the appropriate feature vectors. Iterative neighborhood component analysis (INCA) chooses the best feature vector, and shallow classifiers are then used. Frustum154 has been tested on three basic hand-movement sEMG datasets. Hand-movement sEMG datasets are commonly used in biomedical engineering, but there are some problems in this area. The presented models generally required one dataset to achieve high classification ability. In this work, three sEMG datasets have been used to test the performance of Frustum154. The presented model is self-organized and selects the most informative subbands and features automatically. It achieved 98.89%, 94.94%, and 95.30% classification accuracies using shallow classifiers, indicating that Frustum154 can improve classification accuracy.Our aim is to promote the widespread use of electronic insect traps that report captured pests to a human-controlled agency. This work reports on edge-computing as applied to camera-based insect traps. We present a low-cost device with high power autonomy and an adequate picture quality that reports an internal image of the trap to a server and counts the insects it contains based on quantized and embedded deep-learning models. The paper compares different aspects of performance of three different edge devices, namely ESP32, Raspberry Pi Model 4 (RPi), and Google Coral, running a deep learning framework (TensorFlow Lite). All edge devices were able to process images and report accuracy in counting exceeding 95%, but at different rates and power consumption. Our findings suggest that ESP32 appears to be the best choice in the context of this application according to our policy for low-cost devices.It is a considerable challenge to realize the accurate, continuous detection of handgrip strength due to its complexity and uncertainty. To address this issue, a novel grip strength estimation method oriented toward the multi-wrist angle based on the development of a flexible deformation sensor is proposed. The flexible deformation sensor consists of a foaming sponge, a Hall sensor, an LED, and photoresistors (PRs), which can measure the deformation of muscles with grip strength. When the external deformation squeezes the foaming sponge, its density and light intensity change, which is detected by a light-sensitive resistor. The light-sensitive resistor extended to the internal foaming sponge with illuminance complies with the extrusion of muscle deformation to enable relative muscle deformation measurement. Furthermore, to achieve the speed, accuracy, and continuous detection of grip strength with different wrist angles, a new grip strength-arm muscle model is adopted and a one-dimensional convolutional neural network based on the dynamic window is proposed to recognize wrist joints. Finally, all the experimental results demonstrate that our proposed flexible deformation sensor can accurately detect the muscle deformation of the arm, and the designed muscle model and convolutional neural network can continuously predict hand grip at different wrist angles in real-time.Providing a dynamic access control model that uses real-time features to make access decisions for IoT applications is one of the research gaps that many researchers are trying to tackle. This is because existing access control models are built using static and predefined policies that always give the same result in different situations and cannot adapt to changing and unpredicted situations. One of the dynamic models that utilize real-time and contextual features to make access decisions is the risk-based access control model. This model performs a risk analysis on each access request to permit or deny access dynamically based on the estimated risk value. However, the major issue associated with building this model is providing a dynamic, reliable, and accurate risk estimation technique, especially when there is no available dataset to describe risk likelihood and impact. Therefore, this paper proposes a Neuro-Fuzzy System (NFS) model to estimate the security risk value associated with each access request. The proposed NFS model was trained using three learning algorithms Levenberg-Marquardt (LM), Conjugate Gradient with Fletcher-Reeves (CGF), and Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG).

Autoři článku: Mohamedsantana7090 (McPherson Foley)