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Global fatalities related to COVID-19 are expected to be high in 2020-2021. Developing and delivering a vaccine may be the most likely way to end the pandemic. If it were possible to shorten this development time by weeks or months, this may have a significant effect on reducing deaths. Phase II and phase III trials could take less long to conduct if they used human challenge methods-that is, deliberately infecting participants with COVID-19 following inoculation. This article analyses arguments for and against such methods and provides suggested broad guidelines for regulators, researchers and ethics committees when considering these matters. It concludes that it may be possible to maintain current ethical standards yet still permit human challenge trials in a context where delay is critical. this website The implications are that regulators and researchers need to work together now to design robust but short trials and streamline ethics approval processes so that they are in place when applications for trials are made.Conflicts of interests (COI) are typically divided into those that are financial and those that are not. While there is general agreement that financial COIs have a significant impact on decisions and need to be declared and managed, the status of non-financial COIs continues to be disputed. In a recent BMJ feature article it was proposed that religious beliefs should be routinely declared as an interest. The article generated over 41 responses from the medical community and health researchers, which put forward diverse and opposing views. In this paper, we analyse the discourse to shed further light on the reasons put forward for and against declaring religious beliefs. We argue for a middle path in which only material beliefs should be declared, and then only when there are no extenuating circumstances. To this end, we present a framework to help evaluate the materiality of interests that can be used for both financial and non-financial interests.The rapid development in healthcare technologies in recent years has resulted in the need for health services, whether publicly funded or insurance based, to identify means to maximise the benefits and provide equitable distribution of limited resources. This has resulted in the need for rationing decisions, and there has been considerable debate regarding the substantive and procedural ethical principles that promote distributive justice when making such decisions. In this paper, I argue that while the scientifically rigorous approaches of evidence-based healthcare are claimed as aspects of procedural justice that legitimise such guidance, there are biases and distortions in all aspects of the process that may lead to epistemic injustices. Regardless of adherence to principles of distributive justice in the decision-making process, evidential failings may undermine the fairness and legitimacy of such decisions. In particular, I identify epistemic exclusion that denies certain patient and professional groups the opportunity to contribute to the epistemic endeavour. This occurs at all stages of the process, from the generation, analysis and reporting of the underlying evidence, through the interpretation of such evidence, to the decision-making that determines access to healthcare resources. I further argue that this is compounded by processes which confer unwarranted epistemic privilege on experts in relation to explicit or implicit value judgements, which are not within their remit. I suggest a number of areas in which changes to the processes for developing, regulating, reporting and evaluating evidence may improve the legitimacy of such processes.Despite the fact that psychedelics were proscribed from medical research half a century ago, recent, early-phase trials on psychedelics have suggested that they bring novel benefits to patients in the treatment of several mental and substance use disorders. When beneficial, the psychedelic experience is characterized by features unlike those of other psychiatric and medical treatments. These include senses of losing self-importance, ineffable knowledge, feelings of unity and connection with others and encountering 'deep' reality or God. In addition to symptom relief, psychedelic experiences often lead to significant changes in a patient's personality and worldview. Focusing on the case of psilocybin, we argue that the peculiar features of psychedelics pose certain novel risks, which warrant an enhanced informed consent process-one that is more comprehensive than what may be typical for other psychiatric medications. We highlight key issues that should be focused on during the consent process and suggest discussion prompts for enhanced consent in psychedelic psychiatry. Finally, we respond to potential objections before concluding with a discussion of ethical considerations that will arise as psychedelics proceed from highly controlled research environments into mainstream clinical psychiatry.A frameshift mutation in Yippee-like (YPEL) 3 was recently found from a rare human disorder with peripheral neurological conditions including hypotonia and areflexia. The YPEL gene family is highly conserved from yeast to human, but its members' functions are poorly defined. Moreover, the pathogenicity of the human YPEL3 variant is completely unknown. We generated a Drosophila model of human YPEL3 variant and a genetic null allele of Drosophila homolog of YPEL3 (referred to as dYPEL3). Gene-trap analysis suggests that dYPEL3 is predominantly expressed in subsets of neurons, including larval nociceptors. Analysis of chemical nociception induced by allyl-isothiocyanate (AITC), a natural chemical stimulant, revealed reduced nociceptive responses in both dYPEL3 frameshift and null mutants. Subsequent circuit analysis showed reduced activation of second-order neurons (SONs) in the pathway without affecting nociceptor activation upon AITC treatment. Although the gross axonal and dendritic development of nociceptors was unaffected, the synaptic contact between nociceptors and SONs was decreased by the dYPEL3 mutations. Furthermore, expressing dYPEL3 in larval nociceptors rescued the behavioral deficit in dYPEL3 frameshift mutants, suggesting a presynaptic origin of the deficit. Together, these findings suggest that the frameshift mutation results in YPEL3 loss of function and may cause neurological conditions by weakening synaptic connections through presynaptic mechanisms.NK cells represent a cellular component of innate immunity but possess features of adaptive immunity, including clonal expansion and establishment of long-lived memory following infection. During mouse CMV (MCMV) infection, we observed Rsad2 (which encodes Viperin) to be among the most highly induced IFN stimulatory genes in activated NK cells, correlating with increased chromatin accessibility at the Rsad2 gene locus. Furthermore, in NK cells stimulated with IFN-α, the promoter region of Rsad2 was enriched for STAT1 binding and the permissive histone mark H3K4me3. IFN-αR- and STAT1-deficient NK cells showed an impairment of Rsad2 induction and chromatin accessibility during MCMV infection. Finally, Rsad2-deficient NK cells were defective in clonal expansion and memory formation following exposure to MCMV, in part because of greater apoptosis. Thus, our study reveals a critical mechanism of STAT1-mediated epigenetic control of Rsad2 to promote the adaptive behavior of NK cells during viral infection.Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are arguably the most potent APCs that induce the activation of naive T cells in response to pathogens. In addition, at steady-state, cDCs help maintain immune tolerance. Two subsets of cDCs have been extensively characterized, namely cDC1 and cDC2, each contributing differently to immune responses. Recently, another dendritic cell (DC) subset, termed merocytic DCs (mcDCs), was defined. In contrast to both cDC1 and cDC2, mcDCs reverse T cell anergy, properties that could be exploited to potentiate cancer treatments. Yet, whether mcDCs represent an unconventional DC or a cDC subset remains to be defined. In this article, we further characterize mcDCs and find that they bear true characteristics of cDC subsets. link2 Indeed, as for cDCs, mcDCs express the cDC-restricted transcription factor Zbtb46 and display very potent APC activity. In addition, mcDC population dynamics parallels that of cDC1 and cDC2 in both reconstitution kinetic studies and parabiotic mice. link3 We next investigated their relatedness to cDC1 and cDC2 and demonstrate that mcDCs are not dependent on cDC1-related Irf8 and Batf3 transcription factors, are dependent on Irf4, a cDC2-specific transcription factor, and express a unique transcriptomic signature. Finally, we find that cDC1, cDC2, and mcDCs all present with different metabolic phenotypes, in which mcDCs exhibit the lowest glucose uptake activity and mcDC survival is the least affected by glycolysis inhibition. Defining the properties of mcDCs in mice may help identify a functionally equivalent subset in humans leading to the development of innovative cancer immunotherapies.It has been reported that a GM-CSF→CCL17 pathway, originally identified in vitro in macrophage lineage populations, is implicated in the control of inflammatory pain, as well as arthritic pain and disease. We explore, in this study and in various inflammation models, the cellular CCL17 expression and its GM-CSF dependence as well as the function of CCL17 in inflammation and pain. This study used models allowing the convenient cell isolation from Ccl17E/+ reporter mice; it also exploited both CCL17-dependent and unique CCL17-driven inflammatory pain and arthritis models, the latter permitting a radiation chimera approach to help identify the CCL17 responding cell type(s) and the mediators downstream of CCL17 in the control of inflammation and pain. We present evidence that 1) in the particular inflammation models studied, CCL17 expression is predominantly in macrophage lineage populations and is GM-CSF dependent, 2) for its action in arthritic pain and disease development, CCL17 acts on CCR4+ non-bone marrow-derived cells, and 3) for inflammatory pain development in which a GM-CSF→CCL17 pathway appears critical, nerve growth factor, CGRP, and substance P all appear to be required.Aldosterone is produced by the mammalian adrenal cortex to modulate blood pressure and fluid balance, however excessive, prolonged aldosterone promotes fibrosis and kidney failure. How aldosterone triggers disease may involve actions independent of its canonical mineralocorticoid receptor. Here we present a Drosophila model of renal pathology caused by excess extra-cellular matrix formation, stimulated by exogenous aldosterone and by insect ecdysone. Chronic administration of aldosterone or ecdysone induces expression and accumulation of collagen-like Pericardin at adult nephrocytes - podocyte-like cells that filter circulating hemolymph. Excess Pericardin deposition disrupts nephrocyte (glomerular) filtration and causes proteinuria in Drosophila, hallmarks of mammalian kidney failure. Steroid-induced Pericardin production arises from cardiomyocytes associated with nephrocytes, potentially reflecting an analogous role of mammalian myofibroblasts in fibrotic disease. Remarkably, the canonical ecdysteroid nuclear hormone receptor, Ecdysone Receptor EcR, is not required for aldosterone or ecdysone to stimulate Pericardin production or associated renal pathology.

Autoři článku: Milessnedker6341 (Crawford Reid)